2 minute read
Passaic Valley Regional High School Modernizes Their Beautiful Campus
By. Rae Allex The exciting new 2021-2022 school year began with welcoming students back into the building for a full-time, in-person learning experience without any disruption to their educational programs, clubs, student activities or athletic programs. The recent improvements to school facilities provide the entire school community with a high-quality and well-rounded educational experience. Some of the many facility upgrades include; fresh paint, new gymnasium floor, installation of window/wall decals, new “PV” trash receptacles, new landscaping and planted trees, new courtside chairs, and a new turf field with lights! Superintendent Healy believes that it is important for students to be a part of the positive culture being built at PV. On three separate nights, the staff, students, and community members volunteered to help brighten the hallways with a fresh coat of paint. The purpose of the three day event was to encourage greater interaction with others who are committed to the school and reinforce a reason to be academically motivated. There was a huge outpour of support with over 150 volunteers for the project. The Griswold Gymnasium floor renovation project was introduced in September 2021, this new, state-ofthe-art home court, is designed to promote Hornet pride and tradition. “We use the “Gris” for so many events throughout our school year, such as sporting events, pep rallies, honor ceremonies, Girls’ Show and state level competitions. It is great to see work being done to bring the gym back to life” said Director of Athletics and Student Activities, Mr. Joseph Benvenuti. On February 11, 2022, Administration, the Board of Education, and the Mayors of Little Falls, Totowa and Woodland Park officially broke ground on the new turf field and track project. In the past, the field would be unusable for days after rain. “The field is rendered useless and unavailable for weeks on end because of the mud that results from it,” Mr. Healy said. However, with a turf field, sports activities can be continued even after inclement weather.
This year, more than ever before, Passaic Valley is dedicated to modernizing their beautiful campus! Attention to academic programming, student activities and facilities will continue to be a major focus as Passaic Valley moves into a new era. It’s an exciting time to be a Hornet!