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A Summer Tradition— Loads of Fun and Games at the State Fair Meadowlands

Loads of Fun and Games at the State Fair Meadowlands
By Sue Baldani, photos by Phil Hoops (ig: @hoopsapproved)
The annual State Fair Meadowlands is back and better than ever. Get together with family and friends between June 23 and July 10 for a fun and memorable time.
“Pay one affordable price and everything’s included, except the food,” says Al Dorso, owner of the State Fair Group “And it’s so easy to buy a ticket—you can do it right through your phone and avoid the lines at the box office.” It’s also cheaper to buy tickets in advance, and parking is free too. Teens and adults will love the rides, like the Ski Lift, thrilling roller coasters, a 120-foot gondola wheel and more. For the little kids, there’s 35 rides in Kiddie Land just for them. There’s a big petting zoo as well, and tons of games to play.
Of course, there’s also amazing food. “In the past couple of years, we’ve made a big push to offer different kinds of foods,” he says. “There’s a great Mexican concession this year, fantastic Greek food, and Puerto Rican food from Taino’s Kitchen in Newark.”
With eight different shows every day, there’s something for everyone. “The hypnotist and the racing pigs are two staples—people love them,” says Dorso. “This year, we’ve added an illusionist and a magic show. We also have Jurassic Kingdom Lockdown, Cycle Circus, the BIG BEE Transforming Car and others.”

State Fair Meadowlands
1 MetLife Stadium Dr., East Rutherford, NJ 07073 https://njfair.com

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