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Creating a Permanent Smile
WHILE THE WORLD MAY HAVE SLOWED, we here at Crane’s Mill begin each day as we always have—by starting something amazing. We understand that it may be di cult to know what tomorrow holds. Let us help you see the future clearer—the start of better days for you or your loved ones; the start of something amazing—at Crane’s Mill.
One Amazing Community, Four Ways to Visit & Learn More:

The Safe Tour
Our sta provides a safe, in-person tour for prospective residents and their families.
The Virtual Tour
See various apartments and cottages from the comfort of your home.
The Tele-Tour
Video call or telephone meeting and tour.
The Home Visit
Sales sta makes personal house calls to your home with gloves and masks.
For full details and more info: Call: 973-240-8835 Visit: cranesmill.org/2020
459 Passaic Avenue | West Caldwell
By Janis Hashe, photo by Dan Epstein
Dr. RoseAnn Giannella, DDS, sees many patients who are deeply ashamed of their teeth. “They’ll put their hands in front of their mouths when they smile. It absolutely affects their selfesteem,” she said.
For an increasing number of middle-aged-tosenior patients who have “hopeless” teeth, Dr. Giannella recommends “implant-supported dentures,” also known as permanent dentures. This type of denture, instead of resting unsecured on the gums, is attached to implants in the jaw. It can be taken in and out for cleaning, and provides the look of a healthy, complete set of teeth.
Dr. Giannella

After the initial consultation and examination, “Patients come in and have an interim denture or dentures fitted, while their permanent dentures are being created,” Dr. Giannella said. Though in most cases all existing teeth are being replaced, partial replacements are also possible.
“Afterwards, people don’t worry about pain—and they can eat whatever they want,” she said. Also, since overall health is closely connected to dental health, they may well benefit in multiple other ways.
In-office aftercare includes a yearly return visit, during which the dentures will be removed and given a complete cleaning before being replaced in the mouth. The procedure has become so popular that “dentures in a day” clinics are widely advertised, but the security and comfort of Dr. Giannella’s office eases the fears many people may have about the procedure.
Dr. Giannella also provides all general dentistry services, as well as cosmetic services, including whitening, porcelain veneers, esthetic bonding, and Invisalign.
Roseann Giannella, DMD
General and Cosmetic Dentistry 204 Eagle Rock Ave., Roseland | 973-226-7407 www.rgdentist.com