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Awoman who pays her own bills, buys her own things, does not allow a man to affect her stability or self-confidence. An independent woman is a strong woman who doesn’t need to try to fit into a certain mold that society has created. #She is confident and believes in her abilities. #She doesn’t rely on other people for her happiness and has the freedom to make her own decisions. #She knows her worth and exercises her ability to use her voice to make a change. Usually tough jobs are easy on her because she believes in her self.

How do you know if you are among the millions of independent women in the world today?


“Let’s discuss some mindsets and actions independent women don’t do so you can gauge your strength and independence.

Below are things an independent woman never does

1. She isn’t scared to make her own decisions.

She isn’t concerned about putting her needs and judgement first when making decisions. She doesn’t feel need to feminist her decision- making power to appease someone else. When she has a problem,she confidently chooses a course of action to fix it. She doesn’t sit around , waiting for someone to make her decision for her, She is aware of what needs to be done and she does it.

2. She doesn’t wait for things to find her.

If she wants money, she gets a job. If she wants family,she makes one. If she a partner she finds one. She doesn’t wait around for someone to rescue her or tell her what to do. She knows what to do and does it. She is proactive , not reactive.

3. She isn’t afraid to do things alone.

If she wants to see a movie but doesn’t have anyone to go with her, she is comfortable enough to go alone.

She doesn’t need to wait for someone to come along and hold her hand while doing the things she wants to do. She enjoys the company of others but doesn’t depend on them to define her actions.

She has enough respect for herself that she knows she is deserving and worthy. She doesn’t wallow in self- recriminations or self pity.

As a strong woman she reminds herself of the positive attributes she possesses and can share with the world. During challenging times, she turns her focus to gratitude and optimism. She recognizes her weaknesses but views them as opportunity for growth. She talks to herself like she would talk to her friend- with compassion and kindness.

5. She doesn’t wait for permission.

If she wants to do something she doesn’t wait for someone to tell her that she is allowed to do it. She makes well-considered choices that support her independence and inner strength. *But she is smart enough to know when to communicate and compromise with important people in her life about decisions that might affect them.*

6. She doesn’t complain.

She knows that sitting around and complaining is a waste of time. Instead of doing this, she is proactive and takes the necessary steps to fix the issue at hand. She knows the problem won’t fix itself. She gets it accomplished and moves on with her


7. She doesn’t hold things in.

If she believes someone’s behavior is out of line, she will call them out on it. She has learned how to do this in a way that is firm but respectful and can stand her ground without resorting to passive aggressive comments or hurtful words. She isn’t scared to tell people that they are in wrong even if she risks their displeasure. She can cut to the chase and does let people get off the hook when they cross her boundaries or act inappropriately.

She makes her own decisions with confidence She definitely doesn’t take the time to beat and does not need to consult a partner or a around the bush because she has other things parent to know what is in her best interest. www.viciouscollections.co.zw to do. 7 VICIOUS COLLECTIONS MAGAZINE | Issue 03

If she hears somebody making a sexist, rac

ist, or disrespectful remark, she can calmly tell the person that the remark is offensive and not appreciated.

8. She doesn’t need constant validation.

She doesn’t post on social media to count the number of likes she gets, and she doesn’t fish for compliments when she is out with friends.

She is too busy doing things that matter and has too much respect for herself to need people to boost up her ego.

She doesn’t go around seeking attention to boost her self-esteem. She already knows she is awesome.

9. She doesn’t look around for the leader.

She is the leader. She takes charge of situations through her leadership skills and has the passion and charisma that is needed for people to pay attention and follow her instructions.

She can lead through queit and reserved strength or by being charismatic and gregarious but her inner strength and leadership qualities shine through regardless.

10. She isn’t scared of taking risks

She is smart enough to make sure that her risks are calculated, and doesn’t rush into any compromising situations.

She knows how to weigh her options and consider the possible rewards and pitfalls before making decisions. But once she is ready to push the button, she isn’t scared to go for it.

11.She doesn’t play the victim.

She knows that things happen. Everyone struggles at some point.

But, she also knows things don’t just happen just to her or because she is deficient in some way.

The adversity that happens in her life doesn’t define who she is or her core values.

She doesn’t create a pattern or negative thinking or have a “poor me” attitude. She never blames other people for her situation.

If she doesn’t like her current circumstances, she finds a way out of them.

12. She doesn’t blame other people for her feelings.

She knows that she is the only person in control of her feelings. When she is sad, she doesn’t think that someone else “ made her sad” that way. She doesn’t rely on other people to be happy either. She takes responsibility for her feelings and recognizes that she is the only person who can do anything to change them.

Ways to gain independency

1. Spend sometime reflecting upon yourself.

2. Learn to enjoy your alone time.

3. Understand your finances.

4. Change your vocabulary.

5. Understand your own wants, needs and

desires. 6. Know your strengths and weaknesses and play to them.

7. Get to know your personality.

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