MOB WECHAT EMAIL +86 13521227231 smilevicki vicki.xia@qq.com
[OPPO Headquarters] Program: Office/Commercial GFA: 191,797 sqm Height: 200m
[Wuhan Taikang Online Headquarters Tower] Program: Office/Apartment/Hotel/Commercial GFA: 219,500 sqm Height: 273.5m
[Guangzhou Infinitus Plaza] Program: Office/Commercial GFA: 113,200 sqm Height: 35m
[Beijing New International Exhibition Centre Phase II & III] Program: Exhibition/Conference/Hotel GFA: 582,300 sqm Height: 45m
[CCCC Shanghai Headquarters] Program: Office/Commercial/Public Services GFA: 185,837 sqm Height: 160m
[New China Insurance Shenzhen Tower] Program: Office/Commercial GFA: 90,467 sqm Height: 190m
[United Arab Emirates Embassy in Beijing] Program: Embassy/Consulate/Residence GFA: 14,550 sqm Height: 37m
[Zhengzhou International Cultural and Creative Industry Park Core Area Detailed Urban Design] Program: Residential/Cultural/Education/Commercial/ Public Services Plot area: 133 sqkm
[Ostéon] Multi-species & Parametric Urbanism Topology Optimized Coreless skyscrapers
[Encoded Matter] Multiple Agents Simulation Rule Based Real Time Milling / Pattern
[Jungle Span] Wax Sphere Geometrical Forms
[OPPO Headquarters] Program: Office/Commercial GFA: 191,797 sqm Height: 200m
Massing Generation / 体块生成 Program / 功能分区
Overall Renderings / 整体效果图 Overall Renderings / 整体效果图
Atrium Renderings / 中庭效果图
Sky Lounge Renderings / 空中酒廊效果图
Lobby Renderings / 大堂效果图 Section / 剖面图
Structure Concept / 结构概念
Floor Plan / 各层平面图 Flexible Office Layout / 灵活办公布置
Columns Belt Tuss Beams R.C. Core Walls
EWS Types / 外幕墙系统种类 Panelization / 幕墙分面板 Saddle Subdivision / 连桥细分分面板 Requirement要求 Window to Wall Ratio/ 窗墙比
Refuge Floor Facade Louvere Design / 避难层幕墙百叶设计 BMU / 擦窗机
[Taikang Online Headquarters]
Program: Office/Apartment/Hotel/Commercial
GFA: 219,500 sqm Height: 273.5m
Overall Renderings / 整体效果图
Interior Renderings / 室内效果图
Programs and Floor Plan / 各层功能分区及平面图
整体效果图 Lobby
大堂入口剖切 Lobby
Overall Renderings /
Section /
Renderings /
[Infinitus Plaza]
Program: Office/Commercial
GFA: 113,200 sqm Height: 35m
Overall Renderings / 整体效果图 Interior Renderings / 室内效果图 Interior Details / 室内细节大样 Facade System / 幕墙系统 Detailed Facade Components/ 幕墙细节构成 \\zaha-hadid.com\Data\Projects\Beijing Projects\2402 Infinitus HQ Guangzhou\2402_Production\06_Facade\FS Xref ..\_CAD Standards\SH_A0_ZHA.dwg FS12 - Fire Rate Facade L04-L07 防火幕墙四层 七层 FS05 Skylight 采光顶 FS08 Courtyard Glazing (Typical Floor) 内庭院玻璃幕墙标准层 FS09 Courtyard Glazing (L01-L02)内庭 院玻璃幕墙首二层 FS01 Typical Office Glazing 典型办公玻璃幕墙 FS06 Shop Front 店面 FS07 Main Entrance 主入口 FS02 Feature Cladding 特征板 FS04 Drop-off Area Canopy 上落客区雨篷 Structure Slab 结构楼板 Site Landscape 基地景观 FS11 Courtyard Glass Elevator 玻璃电梯 FS03 Balustrade Soffit & Spandrel 玻璃栏板,吊顶和层间 广州无限极广场 幕墙 广州无限极广场的外幕墙系统具有流线式的外形立面,是整体项目中较为重要的一环,除了满足基本的遮风挡雨功能以外,还透过拉扯的曲面造型,表达了项目 对于无限精神的诉求。因此,幕墙系统对于整体项目的概念诉求占据了很重要的地位。 幕墙系统是本项目的重点,它在材质和形状方面所做出的选择会对将来的建设成果又很大的影响,同时也会影响到无限极的企业形象。因此,幕墙系统需要透过 一套良好的发展过程,在建筑师,幕墙顾问,和业主甲方之间的交流,才能够达到最好的成果。 幕墙组成部分 整体外幕墙系统分成 个组成部分。每个部分代表幕墙整体中具有重要代表性的部位,而这份列表是幕墙图纸分类的基础。 分类列表将由建筑师,幕墙顾问,以及业主甲方之间共用,以便沟通,同时分类系统也将作为图纸分类的基础,沿用到后期的招标图阶段。 分类的方式见右: Building A 塔A Building B 塔B FS13 Car Park Entrance 地下车场入口 FS13 Car Park Entrance 地下车场入口 FS12 - Fire Rate Facade L04-L07 防火幕墙四层 七层 FS05 Skylight 采光顶 FS08 Courtyard Glazing (Typical Floor) 内庭院玻璃幕墙标准层 FS09 Courtyard Glazing (L01-L02) 内庭 院玻璃幕墙首二层 FS01 Typical Office Glazing 典型办公玻璃幕墙 FS06 Shop Front 店面 FS07 Main Entrance 主入口 FS02 Feature Cladding 特征板 FS04 Drop-off Area Canopy 上落客区雨篷 Structure Slab 结构楼板 Site Landscape 基地景观 FS11 Courtyard Glass Elevator 玻璃电梯 FS03 Balustrade Soffit & Spandrel 玻璃栏板,吊顶和层间 FS10 Bridge L03/ L06/L07 连桥三层 六层 七层 广州无限极广场 幕墙 广州无限极广场的外幕墙系统具有流线式的外形立面,是整体项目中较为重要的一环,除了满足基本的遮风挡雨功能以外,还透过拉扯的曲面造型,表达了项目 对于无限精神的诉求。因此,幕墙系统对于整体项目的概念诉求占据了很重要的地位。 幕墙系统是本项目的重点,它在材质和形状方面所做出的选择会对将来的建设成果又很大的影响,同时也会影响到无限极的企业形象。因此,幕墙系统需要透过 一套良好的发展过程,在建筑师,幕墙顾问,和业主甲方之间的交流,才能够达到最好的成果。 幕墙组成部分 整体外幕墙系统分成 个组成部分。每个部分代表幕墙整体中具有重要代表性的部位,而这份列表是幕墙图纸分类的基础。 分类列表将由建筑师,幕墙顾问,以及业主甲方之间共用,以便沟通,同时分类系统也将作为图纸分类的基础,沿用到后期的招标图阶段。 分类的方式见右: \\zaha-hadid.com\Data\Projects\Beijing Projects\2402 Infinitus Xref ..\_CAD Standards\SH_A0_ZHA.dwg FS12 - Fire Rate Facade L04-L07 防火幕墙四层 七层 FS05 Skylight 采光顶 FS08 Courtyard Glazing (Typical Floor) 内庭院玻璃幕墙标准层 FS09 Courtyard Glazing (L01-L02)内庭 院玻璃幕墙首二层 FS01 Typical Office Glazing 典型办公玻璃幕墙 FS06 Shop Front 店面 FS07 Main Entrance 主入口 FS02 Feature Cladding 特征板 FS04 Drop-off Area Canopy 上落客区雨篷 Structure Slab 结构楼板 Site Landscape 基地景观 FS11 Courtyard Glass Elevator 玻璃电梯 FS03 Balustrade , Soffit & Spandrel 玻璃栏板,吊顶和层间 广州无限极广场 幕墙 广州无限极广场的外幕墙系统具有流线式的外形立面,是整体项目中较为重要的一环,除了满足基本的遮风挡雨功能以外,还透过拉扯的曲面造型,表达了项目 对于无限精神的诉求。因此,幕墙系统对于整体项目的概念诉求占据了很重要的地位。 幕墙系统是本项目的重点,它在材质和形状方面所做出的选择会对将来的建设成果又很大的影响,同时也会影响到无限极的企业形象。因此,幕墙系统需要透过 一套良好的发展过程,在建筑师,幕墙顾问,和业主甲方之间的交流,才能够达到最好的成果。 幕墙组成部分 整体外幕墙系统分成 个组成部分。每个部分代表幕墙整体中具有重要代表性的部位,而这份列表是幕墙图纸分类的基础。 分类列表将由建筑师,幕墙顾问,以及业主甲方之间共用,以便沟通,同时分类系统也将作为图纸分类的基础,沿用到后期的招标图阶段。 分类的方式见右: Building A 塔A Building 塔B FS13 Car Park Entrance 地下车场入口 FS13 Car Park Entrance 地下车场入口 FS12 - Fire Rate Facade L04-L07 防火幕墙四层 七层 FS05 Skylight 采光顶 FS08 Courtyard Glazing (Typical Floor) 内庭院玻璃幕墙标准层 FS09 Courtyard Glazing (L01-L02) 内庭 院玻璃幕墙首二层 FS01 Typical Office Glazing 典型办公玻璃幕墙 FS06 Shop Front 店面 FS07 Main Entrance 主入口 FS02 Feature Cladding 特征板 FS04 Drop-off Area Canopy 上落客区雨篷 Structure Slab 结构楼板 Site Landscape 基地景观 FS11 Courtyard Glass Elevator 玻璃电梯 FS03 Balustrade , Soffit & Spandrel 玻璃栏板,吊顶和层间 FS10 Bridge L03/ L06/L07 连桥三层/六层/七层 幕墙系统爆炸分析图 Facade 广州无限极广场 幕墙 广州无限极广场的外幕墙系统具有流线式的外形立面,是整体项目中较为重要的一环,除了满足基本的遮风挡雨功能以外,还透过拉扯的曲面造型,表达了项目 对于无限精神的诉求。因此,幕墙系统对于整体项目的概念诉求占据了很重要的地位。 幕墙系统是本项目的重点,它在材质和形状方面所做出的选择会对将来的建设成果又很大的影响,同时也会影响到无限极的企业形象。因此,幕墙系统需要透过 一套良好的发展过程,在建筑师,幕墙顾问,和业主甲方之间的交流,才能够达到最好的成果。 幕墙组成部分 整体外幕墙系统分成 个组成部分。每个部分代表幕墙整体中具有重要代表性的部位,而这份列表是幕墙图纸分类的基础。 分类列表将由建筑师,幕墙顾问,以及业主甲方之间共用,以便沟通,同时分类系统也将作为图纸分类的基础,沿用到后期的招标图阶段。 分类的方式见右: Building FS1-FS3 Detailed Facade Components FS1至FS3幕墙细节构成 FS-01 Typical Office Glazing FS-01 典型办公玻璃幕墙 Transom & Mullion 横梁&竖框 面层 玻璃 次结构 加劲杆&连接件 金属板 Glass FS-03 Glass Balustrade, Soffit and Spandrel FS-03 玻璃栏板,层间系统 Soffit & Spandrel Cladding 层间系统 Sub Structure 次结构 Hanger 吊杆 Paving 铺地 Glass Balustrade 玻璃栏板 Handrail 扶手 FS-02 Feature Cladding FS-02 特色装饰板 Fasia Sub Structure Stiffener Brackets Panels
Interior Renderings / 室内效果图
Interior Facade Renderings and Detail / 室内饰板效果图及细节
GF Plan and Circulation / 首层平面及流线
Hall Renderings / 门厅效果图
Hall Plan / 门厅平面图
LED Screen Design / LED设计 Vertical Ads Signage Design / 竖向广告表示设计 Signage Logo Design / 标识Logo板设计 LED Screen Renderings / LED效果图
[New International Exhibition Centre]
Program: Exhibition/Conference/Hotel
GFA: 582,300 sqm Height: 45m
Overall Renderings / 整体效果图
Conceptual Renderings / 概念效果图
Overall Renderings / 整体效果图
Diagram / 建设分期 Program Distribution / 功能分布 Programmatic Section and Section Drawing/ 功能立面与剖面图
Program: Office/Commercial/Public Services
GFA: 185,837 sqm Height: 160m
[CCCC Headquarters]
Overall Renderings / 整体效果图
Overall Renderings / 整体效果图
Interior Renderings / 室内效果图
Site Analysis / 场地分析 Overall Program / 整体功能分区 3D Section / 3D剖面图 Temporary Exhibition Hall Underwater Playground Museum The Crane Gallery Viewing Step Viewing Step Museum Experiential Museum Water Feature Featured Landscape with Installations CCCC Lobby Commercial Underground Parking Sunken Landscape EW - Landscape Section NS - Landscape Section Landscape Section / 场地景观剖面
[New China Insurance Tower]
Program: Office/Commercial GFA: 90,467 sqm Height: 190m
Overall Renderings / 整体效果图
/ 室内效果图
/ 室内效果图 Programme / 功能布局 VT and Circulation / 竖向交通及流线 Podium Circulation / 裙房流线
Interior Renderings
Interior Renderings
Typical Plan / 标准平面图 Facade Design / 幕墙细部
Structure and Facade / 结构及幕墙 Section and Elevation / 剖面及立面
[United Arab Emirates Embassy]
Program: Embassy/Consulate/Residence
GFA: 14,550 sqm Height: 37m
Overall Renderings / 整体效果图
and Materials Selection / 室内效果图及材料选择
Interior Rendering
Programme and Floor Plan / 平面及功能
Facade System Design / 幕墙系统设计
VT / 竖向交通
Environmental Passive Design / 生态被动设计
[ ] Zhengzhou International Cultural and Creative Industry Park Core Area Detailed Urban Design Program: Residential/Cultural/Education/Commercial/ Public Services Plot area: 133 sqkm
整体效果图 Overall Renderings
整体效果图 Axis Analysis / 轴线分析 Elevation and Skyline / 立面及天际线 Central Zone Design / 核心区设计 Landscape Typology / 景观类型
Overall Renderings /
[Ostéon] Multi-species Urbanism Topology Optimized Coreless skyscrapers
Architectural Association School of Architecture
Transfering Force As the algorithm system limitation, we run the topology form finding by sector. Shared anchor points transfer the force from top to bottom. Gene Stack Select Refined 1st Type 2nd Type 3rd Type 4th Type 5th Type >200m The tallest and richest form Hybrid of skeleton, surface and solid form 150<<200m Purely Skeleton Skeleton travels from exterior to interior Various dense and radius of skeleton 100<<150m Part - fully covered space combined with skeleton 100<<200m Half - half Type2 & 3 Skeleton transform to surface or inverse. <150m Single simple Form Transformative repetition ‘Species’ Classification To avoid collage, we set the strategy to classify those forms into different 'species' by their own features. XResolution 25 Optimization Iteration 20 Smooth 0.13 Target Density 0.2 Loads Anchor Point ISO Contour Value 0.244 XResolution 25 Optimization Iteration Smooth 0.13 Target Density 0.2 Loads Anchor Point 1 ISO Contour Value 0.4 XResolution 25 Optimization Iteration 4 Smooth 0.13 Target Density 0.2 Loads Anchor Point ISO Contour Value 0.4 XResolution 25 Optimization Iteration Smooth 0.13 Target Density 0.2 Loads Anchor Point ISO Contour Value 0.427 XResolution 25 Optimization Iteration Smooth 0.13 Target Density 0.2 Loads Anchor Point ISO Contour Value 0.414 XResolution 25 Optimization Iteration 7 Smooth 0.13 Target Density 0.5 Loads 1 Anchor Point ISO Contour Value 0.676 XResolution 25 Optimization Iteration Smooth 0.13 Target Density 0.25 Loads Anchor Point ISO Contour Value 0.588 XResolution 25 Optimization Iteration 4 Smooth 0.13 Target Density 0.2 Loads Anchor Point ISO Contour Value 0.388
This is the setup of the generation of our column, based on a slab deflection analysis, to understand where we need column support. To connect both floors with stressline -generated beams we use the generated beam as folds along the columns, which then connect to the beams in the next slab.
Skeleton Study
To further understand our skeleton forms, we analyzed each and breaked them down into their structural component parts. Through this research we have gained an understanding of each skeleton which we can now use to assign program and to further develop our urban scheme. Here is Tower1 as an example.
Structure Cur vature Analysis Structure Den sity Gradient Maximum Con Cross Section
Structure Density Gradient Structure Curvature Analysis Curve Straight Maximum Continous Cross Section T1 Structure Density Gradient Structure Curvature Analysis Curve Straight Maximum Continous Cross Section T1 Structure Density Gradient Structure Curvature Analysis Curve Straight Maximum Continous Cross Section T1 Structure Density Gradient Structure Curvature Analysis Curve Maximum Continous Cross Section T1 205m 35m 35m 60m 35m 27m 35m 28m 60m 205m 35m 35m 60m 35m 205m 35m 35m 60m 35m 27m 35m 33m 35m
Triple High Triple High Double High Double High Double High (Whole) (Whole) (Whole) (Part) (Part) (Half) (Part) (Part) Public Private Private Semi Double High Penta High u=7 v=25 u=24 v=50 u=24 v=50 u=20 Central Atrium Double High To Tower3 To Tower2 Tower5 To Tower5 197 238 293 340 378 419 464 542 658 938 953 750 866 925 962 872 785 695 482 561 558 454 673 725 754 557 528 589 561 791 Floor Area (㎡) Relation between Tower1 & Tower5 Slant Structure/Form Condition Program: Audience Light Structure/Form Condition Program: Stage
CNC Milling - Image as Relief Black&White Image of a Simulation Digital(ArtCam) 3D Relief CNC Milling Milled Foam V Bit 30mm Ball Nose 30mm Mill White Mill Black Depth Based on Type & Avoiding Trace(Milled Agent) Digital Simulation of the Real Time CNC Milling on the Surface 75 cm 120degree Real Time CNC Milling Circuit with Sensor Topography Variations Our workflow starts on exploring local behaviour of agents simultaneously with single agent and multiagent In regard to CNC milling , real time feedback is achieved through kinect. Milling multiagent simulation as a surface and single agent behaviour on it changed the morphology of the surface with the feedback from kinect. Real Time CNC Milling on the Surface Test 01 _ Distinct Ridge Test 02 _ Textured Rise Real time milling with sensor feedback loop changed the original topography. There is a continuity of toolpath on the original surface. We use V Bit 32mm which is same with the image milling because this drill bit is big enough that can actually change the topography, then give the kinect different input constantly. Because of the difference origin between CNC and Processing, the output from CNC is mirrored. Drill bit blocked the visibility of the kinect. [Encoded
Multiple Agents Simulation Rule Based Real Time Milling / Pattern Architectural Association School of Architecture
3 Spheres system 4 Spheres system 5 Spheres system Tetrahedron pyramid Pentagonal Triangular ditetrahedron dipyramid BI-Pentagonal Tetrahedron stacking Rectangular stacking Pentagonal stacking 3 - 1 Shifting Sphere 2 - 2 Shifting Sphere 4 - 3 Shifting Sphere Advantage:1 sphere part can be axis to control direction. Disadvantage: 1 sphere part is too weak. Advantage: stable and easily control both up down and left right direction. Advantage: More stable Disadvantage: Too heavy. Liquid Wax Wax Sphere Silica gel mould Solid Wax Boiling Extract liquid wax to the mould Cool for 20 mins Extraction 22mm Cold Water Liquid Wax 1. Liquid Wax 2. Melt by Iron plate 3. Melt by Heat Gun Connection Strategies Wax Spheres Production Process ORDER AND DISORDER | 2015 Wax Sphere & Geometrical Forms Description of Span Structure Balls: 2138 2 - 2 system unit: 534 Framework Geometry Sphere system [Jungle Span] Wax Sphere Geometrical Forms Architectural Association School of Architecture
MOB WECHAT EMAIL +86 13521227231 smilevicki vicki.xia@qq.com