Issue no. 12 July 2021 Cover Design Emmanuel David Editorial Vicki L. Otaruyina Editor-In-Chief Kimone Mcloud Editorial Assistant Becky Antkowiak Editor
Contributors Colette Schaffer, Kareem O J Lee, Denielle Placide, Shanique Blake, Danielle Porter, MPH., Donna Wayles, Theresa Boedeker, Carol Chisolm, Seistra Thornhill, Mary Grace van der Kroef, Melissa Vergiels, Becky Antkowiak, Peg Arnold, Ann McDaniels, Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, Kimisha King
Marketing Editorial & Collaborations Advertising Subscriptions Visit or Contact Vicki Otaruyina at Phone: 1 646 350 51301 (USA) 1 246 844 6396 (Barbados) For more information: Facebook: DivinePurposeMagazine Instagram: @divine_purpose_magazine_inc Published by Divine Purpose Publishing. All Rights Reserved No part of this content may be reproduced or stored in a retrievable system without prior written permission from the publisher.
The Editor's Note
Hey guys!!! It's summer already. Half the year is gone and I am so happy to share with you this new issue. Featured in this issue are some amazing women with stories which all lead you to pursue your God-given purpose. This time around, we are talking about being transformed by the renewing of the mind and what that looks like, because walking in the perfect will of God calls for us to have daily renewed minds with thought patterns which reflect His righteousness. I am elated to share with you three interview with Seistra Thornhill, Dr. Saundra DaltonSmith and Kimisha King. These ladies share their stories and hearts to the fullest. I pray that you are blessed as you read. Pease feel free to share with everyone you know because there is a blessing for everyone on each of these pages. God bless you!
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CONTRIBUTORS Colette Schaffer Colette Schaffer is a writer, speaker, and recovering perfectionist who lives 2 hours from the nearest Walmart on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation in South Dakota. This teacher at heart, and by profession, will encourage and equip you to dive deep into God's Word so you can apply it to every part of your life--spirit, soul, and body. Colette has been a pastor with her husband since 2006. She has written two books: Expecting Jesus: An Advent Devotional and Planted: A Guided Study to Produce a Peace-Filled Life in an Anxiety-Filled World. She is also a contributor to the book Whispers of Grace - a collection of stories, devotions, poems, and prayers.
Kareem O J Lee Kareem O J Lee is a woman of faith who is intent on pursuing God’s heart. She is deeply drawn to studying the Word of God, and desires to see the Word
come alive in her own life and in the lives of those she comes in contact with. She is keen on igniting a similar passion in the hearts of women across nations. Kareem is graced with a spirit of excellence and quiet strength, allowing her to connect with a wide cross-section of women. She ministers to women globally and believes her life’s purpose is to inspire and embolden broken women towards being restored to their divinely appointed place in God. She is a twice published author, podcast host, and also the founder of Hummingbird Journeys, a faith-based community which creates safe spaces where women heal emotionally, grow spiritually, and are equipped and emboldened to live victorious, impactful, Christ-centered lives. Website: / https://couchconversations.hummingbirdjour
Denielle Placide Denielle Placide is a minister of religion and considers herself a servant leader. She often referred to as #PricelessWoman thus being a voice for Women Empowerment. Denielle shares ministry with her lifelong best friend and husband of 21 years in the capacity of owner and counsellor at Safe Place Family Life Centre Ltd.
She is also the Founder of The Priceless Foundation for Women a non-profit organization helping girls and women break personal limitations of vulnerability, uncertainty, and failures to achieve increased capacity for resilience and embrace a life of Dignity, Responsibility, and Spirituality. Website: https://thepricelessfoundationforwomen.wo
Shanique Blake Shanique Blake is a Christian Style Coach who studied at the London College of Fashion and also holds a Bachelor's Degree in Management Studies from the University of the West Indies (UWI). She is constantly asked "where do you find the time to sew so much?" to which she replies "I want to have a large family so I'm practicing sewing for them, none of them will wear any foreign brands " Her company Venque Style Consultancy has a growing list of clients which includes Doctors, Investment Bankers and other professionals. Currently she is working on her own clothing collection which she hopes to launch soon. Website:
Danielle Porter, MPH A big mouth, Jesus loving, cupcake and kale eating, nutrition counselor, Danielle Porter, MPH shares her passion for helping other women come to see that their physical health journey is inseparable from their spiritual walk with Christ. As a world traveling Army wife and mother of 2, Danielle can often be found not trying to lose her everloving mind because she overcommitted herself in obedience to the Lord. She has helped hundreds of women reclaim their bodies in service to Christ. Website:
Donna Wayles Donna Wayles is a Christian wife, mom, teacher, and domestic abuse survivor. She now lives in Rhode Island with her four spoiled bunnies, Skittles the cat, her amazing husband, and daughter. When not writing bestselling novels, Donna likes to create scrapbooks full of happy memories. Website:
Theresa Boedeker Theresa Boedeker is a storyteller, humor hunter, and encourager of others. It is hard for her to cook if her kitchen is dirty. When clean, she likes to bake scones, make pies, and try new recipes. She unwraps life and faith at and reminds you what's important abo:ut life, yourself, and grace. Website:
CONTRIBUTORS Carol Chisolm Carol Chisolm is an author, singer and songwriter who has alopecia, an autoimmune disorder that results in hair loss. he coined the phrase “I have alopecia, but it doesn’t have me” as a
reminder that we are wonderfully designed by God, and that our identity is in Christ (not in a mirror’s reflection). She is passionate about encouraging people, through the ministry of the Word and the ministry of music, to find their identity in Christ, break free from the shadows of bondage, and walk in the light of His glory. Website:
Seistra Thornhill Seistra Thornhill is a firm believer in Jesus Christ, a wife to an extraordinary servant of God and a mother to incredible children. She is passionate about promoting excellence
in Education, Equitability and Economic Empowerment for Women Globally. She is the founder of SEISTRA and co-founder of Build-A-Life Foundation. Her life’s mission is to build schools and build lives globally. Facebook:
Mary Grace van der Kroef Mary Grace van der Kroef was born in Northwestern Ontario. Her love of writing started in her teen years and has never left.
Melissa Vergiels Melissa Vergiels lives in Toledo, Ohio where she wears many hats. Melissa’s primary duty of caring for her disabled mother initiated an early retirement from her
public servant career with the State Government in 2017. Through additional education, certifications, training and healing, Melissa became a lifestyle coach and creator of the Total Package Transformation™ coaching program. Melissa serves women who have had weight-loss surgery after declaring victory over her own decade of “winging it” through trial-and-error post VSG weight-loss surgery. As a child of God, CEO, certified John Maxwell Team speaker, trainer, coach and American Council on Exercise personal trainer and weight management specialist, Melissa specializes in increasing productivity personally, professionally, and spiritually. Website:
Peg Arnold Author and speaker, Peg Arnold, brings stories to life through her engaging drama ministry that encourages all to embrace their Godgiven value. She has a Masters in Counseling from Johns Hopkins and worked with students, parents, and staff for 25 years while balancing the roles of wife, mom and nana. She freely shares the joys and challenges of these life experiences in her writing and speaking. Wbsite:
Ann McDaniels I am a wife, mother and grandmother. I have had articles published in Aurora Magazine: "Hiding Behind the Wall” and “Push Back, but Not Down." I am spreading my wings to see how high I can fly with God as my captain.
Dr. Saundra DaltonSmith Dr. Saundra DaltonSmith is a BoardCertified internal medicine physician, speaker, and author. She is an international wellness expert featured in numerous Media outlets including ,
Prevention, MSNBC, Women’s Day, FOX, Fast Company, Psychology Today, INC, and as a guest on Dr. Oz show. She is the author of numerous books including her new book Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity, including ground-breaking insight on the seven types of rest needed to optimize your productivity, increase your overall happiness, overcome burnout, and live your best life. Over 100,000 people have discovered their personal rest deficits using her free assessment at Website: and
Kimisha King Kimisha King is an outstanding Barbadian who has dedicated her life to serving her country. She has spent the better part of her life in volunteerism for the better part of her life in volunteerism for the greater good of her community . She is an avid Entrepreneur and Investor, her recently created platforms are Queensmindset YouTube and Real Table Talk Podcast featured on Anchor and other platforms. Her philosophies are; God at the center he fills the room! There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge! ~Napoleon Hill
Website: o
She is a wife, mother, poet, artist, and follower Christ. She believes the gift of words is precious, and endeavors to use it to encourage others. Website:
Meet Becky EDITOR
DIVINE PURPOSE MAGAZINE A former corporate recruiter, Becky Antkowiak is a writer, speaker, editor, adoptive homeschooling mom and serial extrovert. She is a passionate advocate for Compassion International and the WAMI Foundation (an NGO in Uganda with a focus on reaching and educating underprivileged girls and women). She’s also enthusiastic about encouraging and educating writers with the 540 Club. You can find her at She'd love to connect with you! or @beckyantkowiak.
A Note From Becky Hi, Writer-friend! Do you:
struggle to stay in your seat? find yourself frequently falling down the research rabbit-hole? desire a defense against distractions?
Check out Q: What’s the 540 Club?
A: The 540 Club is an enthusiastic, free community for writers focused on encouragement, education, and community. Looking for an opportunity to interact with people who “get” the writing journey? Want to write better? Join us for: Weekly Zoom sessions Weekly write-ins Special speakers A thriving Facebook group
Q: What’s up with the name?
A: We call this writer-math: if we write 540 words per day, we’ll finish a 100,000-word first draft in under six months.
Q: Do I have to commit to writing 540 words per day?
A: Nope. Some of us write much less, and some write more. We’re all at different stages in the writing journey. Willingness to learn (even if you’re a published writer) is a plus.
Q: I dream of writing, but my biggest accomplishment is our family Christmas letter. I’m afraid I don’t qualify. A: We’d LOVE to have you. The 540 Club community embraces writers at all stages in the writing journey. If you’re open to learning and to encouraging others, come on! The 540 Club is a safe place for newbies.
Q: I’m an industry leader. Although I’d love to encourage and learn, I’m tired of being mobbed when I join a group.
A: 540 Club rules prohibit reaching out to other group members directly with requests. We don’t care if you’re Karen Kingsbury, Michael Hyatt, or Stephen King. In our community, you’re just another writer. The 540 Club is a safe place for not-so-newbies.
Q: I’m not a writer, but I have industry experience and I’d like to be part of the community. A: We welcome writer-adjacent members (publisher, agent, editor).
Did we mention it’s FREE? No strings.
Join us!
HOW TO BE RENEWED DAY BY DAY When we think about experiencing greater transformation in our lives, we often think about God changing our circumstances. But God is far more concerned about helping us change the way we think than He is about changing our circumstances. Why? Because we’ll never experience true transformation in our lives until our thoughts begin to change. The word renew means “to make like new, to restore to freshness, vigor or perfection.” I think most people would agree that a little personal renewal time is very much needed. Time spent renewing our energy, renewing our attitude, and even renewing our relationships is important. Romans 12:2 says, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (NKJV).
Notice that we are the ones responsible for renewing our minds, wills, and emotions to the will of God. He is not going to do it for us, although He will help us. Also, notice that the Scripture says, “renewING.” We must take ongoing action to renew our minds daily. Just like we need to use soap to wash the dirt and stink from our bodies, we need to cleanse our minds from the chaos of the world with the Word of God every day. Renewing our minds is a process much like developing a healthy and strong body. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could exercise once and keep the benefits for a lifetime? Unfortunately, we have to exercise every day to reap the benefits. The same is true for our minds. We have to keep the Word going in us every day to reap the benefits of a renewed mind every day. Here lies the problem. We all know that our bodies need exercise, but how many people actually exercise every day? We know that sugar is bad for us, but the willpower to stay away from sweets is weak.
We all know that reading the Bible and going to church is essential to develop our Christian lives. Still, I have heard every excuse under the sun as to why people don’t do it. If we want to experience a lasting transformation in our lives, we need to take action on what we already know. We can begin with the following 3 actions: 1. Make a quality decision. Decide what is a priority in your life. Pray and ask God to help you on your journey of renewal. He wants to guide you and help you, but He won’t force you to comply. 2. Create supporting habits. A supportive habit is an action that will set you up to succeed in the actual habit that will benefit you. For example, I put out my workout clothes every night. Then, first thing in the morning, I put on my workout clothes. This has helped me build the actual habit of exercising daily. Another supporting practice is getting up at 5:00 am so that I have time to exercise and read the Bible without feeling rushed.
3. Make the Word a priority. The only way you will gain the transformation you want in your life is by reading and applying the Word of God in your life. You may have all the good intentions in the world to read your Bible, but until you schedule it in your day and protect that time, it isn’t going to happen. If you are able, prioritize God-time in the morning. It will not only transform your day, but it will eventually transform your life.
"Renewing our minds is a process much like developing a healthy and strong body. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could exercise once and keep the benefits for a lifetime? "
As we get started, it's important for us to establish the foundation on which this discourse is set. That foundation is laid in an understanding that there are only two masters who set the standards by which the affairs of our lives can be guided. Although we continue to see an increase in blurred lines of doctrine and mixed ideologies being paraded as truth, the Word is clear when it notes "If the Lord is God, follow Him! But if Baal is God, then follow him" *1. There is no middle ground.
The choice remains ours and the prevailing question for each individual then becomes, do I align with the standards of God, as expressed through His Word and impressed upon my heart by His Holy Spirit as I purpose to walk in fellowship with Him? Or do I align with that which opposes God, as defined by the systems of the world and shaped by man's carnal desires? CONT'D ON PAGE 14
Romans 12:2 urges us, "Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." (NLT) Outside of God, our pursuits are led by the things which gratify the flesh; those things which satisfy our natural desires, those things which are dictated by our heart and driven by our emotions, our feelings, and our personal preferences. Galatians 5:17 notes that the flesh and the spirit are contrary. That is our natural state, until of course we make the conscious decision to surrender our will to the divine will of God. It is at this point that the battle moves to the mind. It is said that the greatest battles we fight in this life are the ones we fight in the mind. Here's why, it is in the mind that our thought patterns are rooted. The mind guides how we interpret things, how we process things, the direction of our reflex responses and subconscious leadings, and also determines how and when our feelings will feature. Hence, *3 Proverbs 23:7 tells us as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. It is no surprise then that Romans 12:2 challenges us to renew the very place that serves as the origin of the patterns which drive our actions and behaviors. How do we zero in on this and tap into the full intent of this scripture? Here are three necessary actions the scripture brings into focus.
1. Be intentional {and be not conformed}. As if to say, listen...make up your mind and intently ensure that you do not allow the ways or the standards of the world to shape your behavior or infiltrate your thoughts. Consciously choose to surrender your mind to God. 1. Be willing to unlearn {be ye transformed}. It is said that humans are creatures of habit, and whilst this has its upside and downside, there is danger in being so fixed in patterns that one lives in the bondage of those patterns or becomes enslaved. Transformation requires a willingness to unlearn and to be re-socialized according to Kingdom standards. 1. Embrace the process {"the renewing of your mind}. This phrase within the scripture highlights that the process is a present continuous one. One that is not immediate, but requires an ongoing surrender to the work of our Father to reshape, realign...renew. Footnote: *1- 1 Kings 18:21 - Then Elijah stood in front of them and said, “How much longer will you waver, hobbling between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him! But if Baal is God, then follow him!” But the people were completely silent. *2 - Galatians 5:17 - The sinful self wants what is against the Spirit, and the Spirit wants what is against the sinful self. They are always fighting against each other, so that you don’t do what you really want to do. *3 - Proverbs 23:7 - For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.
hen we think about experiencing greater transformation in our lives, we often think about God changing our circumstances. But God is far more concerned about helping us change the way we think than He is about changing our circumstances. Why? Because we’ll never experience true transformation in our lives until our thoughts begin to change. You might say, “It’s just a thought! How’s my life going to be defined by my thoughts?” Proverbs 4:23 states, “Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts” (GNT). All that we do--the good, the bad, and even the ugly--begins with thoughts.
For the most part, people put too much faith in their own intellect to define who they are and what they can do. They rely on their selfefforts to change their behavior. The process of transformation is outlined in Romans 12:2. “Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God—what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect” (GNT). The New Living Translation simplifies it as, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 17 DIVINE PURPOSE MAGAZINE |15
Someone said, “Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits and habits become character. Watch your character, they become destiny.” Proverbs 23:7 says, “What he thinks is what he really is” (GNT). In other words, he is reminding us that the mind is the place of our intellect, reasoning, and intentions. It has the power to perceive and detect. It also has a posture and a demeanor. Everything starts in the mind. But managing our minds isn’t always an easy task, is it? The Apostle Paul describes the mind as a battlefield in Romans 7:22-23. He says, “But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me” (NLT). We’ll never really live the life God has for us as long as our thinking is controlled by our sinful nature (Romans 8:6). How, then, can our mind be renewed? How can our mind be the place of peace and not war? 1.Feed your mind with the truth – In Psalm 119:11, David says, “I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you,” and in verse 105, he declares, “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path” (NLT). Even when the enemy comes in like a flood, feed your mind the word of God because a mind focused on God will be kept in perfect peace (See Isaiah 26:3).
2. Focus your mind on the right things – The Apostle Paul proclaims “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me —everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you” (Philippians 4:8-9, NLT). Wow. Two imperatives, two commands - a call to think (v8) and a call to practice (v9). Transformation comes from engaging in intellectual reflection and from giving regard to what is good so we can live it daily. 3. Free your mind from harmful thoughts – Negative thoughts lead to a distorted view on life. It is easy to get caught in a brutal cycle of rumination that ignites unregenerate mindsets. Satan’s mission is to kill, steal, and destroy. He will forever launch unrelentless attacks to keep us bound by various negative thoughts deposited into our minds. Thank God our condition is not our conclusion, because the Spirit who lives in us is greater than the spirit who lives in the world (see 1 John 4:4). Transformation is a change from the inside out made possible for us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He desires to give us a rich and satisfying life (see John 10:10).
make it a reality...
RESIZE YOUR COMFORT ZONE By Ann McDaniels “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch” (Luke 5:4b, NIV). Comfort Zones are not always physical, but they are known to keep your production level down. God has so much more for you if you launch out into the deep. My comfort zone was mental with a personal, dogmatic pattern of decision-making. When a problem arose, along with it came worrying, sleepless nights and chocolate binges until I formulated my plan. If Plan A did not work, I had Plan B ready--and if things got royally screwed up, I moved to Plan C. I kept trying until my way worked. While I was testing my plans, God was testing my faith. After a few months in college, my moral and ethical character attracted individuals with the same moral and ethical character, who for some strange reason asked me for spiritual and personal advice. I became an unlicensed psychotherapist, with emphasis on “psycho,” because I knew not what I was talking about.
How could I give godly advice when I did not read the Bible, regularly attend church or communicate with God? In my stubbornness, I re-molded the truth to keep my friends happy while I kept up my façade. One day, my popularity hit a brick wall and slithered out the window into the darkness. I was left alone with my inner thoughts. How could I fix this? How could I once again become the center of their attention? The cycle of worrying, sleepless nights and chocolate binges began again. My brain worked overtime as I attempted to think of a redeeming plan to get back into good graces with my friends. Over the next few weeks, I tried everything I could think of, but nothing worked. At first, I was mad at God for every mishap and misfortune in my plans. Praying to God was hard, and it was even harder to leave my problems with him. Whenever I walked away from the altar, I developed separation anxiety like there was a hole in the pit of my stomach, which could only be filled with the burdens weighing me down and stressing out my psyche.
I couldn’t understand why I trusted my own strength more than I trusted God, since I believed the words of God and the actions of God concerning people in the Bible. However, that is where faith stopped and that was not enough to change my comfort zone. I did two things to change my circumstances. First, I read Luke 5:4-7, and learned how Peter remodeled his comfort zone, which launched him into the abundance God had prepared for him. Second, I remembered and reminisced on past accomplishments and associated them with the hand of God.
As I meditated on Luke 5:4-7, I heard God say, “If you want something different, do something different. Launch out into the deep.” Thought Questions: When God asked you to step into uncharted waters, did you? If not, why haven’t you obeyed? What are you waiting for?
Prayer: Father, thank you for letting me live as I struggle to fulfill your purpose for my life. Order my steps so that I may be prepared to launch out into the deep and move out of my comfort zone. Remove my selfish pride so my plans will not interfere with your plans for my life.
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. ROMANS 12:2
A Note On God's Peace B Y
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." (John 14:27, KJV) As a child, I remember my Sunday School teacher putting a picture of the prophet Elijah onto the felt-covered whiteboard. She reviewed our previous lessons about how Elijah called down fire on the wet altar of God, which not only consumed the wet wood and sacrifice but also destroyed all the false prophets. Elijah won a tremendous victory that day. However, after his victory, Jezebel, the evil queen, sent Elijah a death threat. Upon receiving it, Elijah ran to the wilderness, hiding in a cave. He seemed to be depressed, thinking that he was the only one left in his country still serving God. Elijah’s faith may have been shaken, but God didn't give up on him. In the stillness of the cave, God spoke, "Why are you here, Elijah?" In response, Elijah told God all his worries. Then God asked Elijah to walk out of the cave and hike up the mountain. When Elijah got to the top of the mountain, God showed His almighty power. He sent an earth-shattering wind and then caused an earthquake. After that, God created a fire. But as miraculous as the wind, earthquake, and fire were, God was not in any of those things. God spoke to Elijah in a "still, small voice" (I Kings 19:12, KJV). This story is one of my favorites because it reminds me that even through a windstorm, earthquake, and fire, God spoke peace—quiet and calm. "Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid" (John 14:27, KJV). God spoke in a soothing voice to Elijah just as He speaks to us today. "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world" (John 16:33, NIV). In the middle of our windstorms, earthquakes, and fires, God calls you and me with His quiet voice. He calls us to claim His peace.
why our worth with God never fluctuates B Y
On a good day, where things are unfolding as
We pretend to be the most wonderful family. And
planned and I am staying on track, I feel
strive to be the best employee. And all the while,
confident. If people praise me, my worth soars.
we are judging ourselves.
On a bad day, where I make mistakes, come faceto-face with my sins, and am surrounded by
We desire to be judged worthy. Good enough.
disappointment and disapproval, my worth takes
Valuable. Loved.
a nosedive. One critical word, one sideways look, one biting My worth, or the way I view myself, fluctuates
comment, and we work harder to prove we are
because I am human. My natural inclination is to
enough. But it doesn't have to be this way. We
base my worth on the physical. The measurable.
don't have to earn our worth. We don't have to
My appearance, performance and
perform and accomplish to be valued. We can
accomplishments, feelings and emotions. The
stop letting others and ourselves dictate our
opinions and words of others. Past and present
actions, emotional and physical health, my opinions of myself, and circumstances. As
We can stop trying to earn our worth. Not
humans, we measure others and ourselves with
because of what we have done, but because of
these measuring sticks.
what God has done. Our worth isn’t determined by what we think about ourselves, nor by what
We try to control these same things within our
others think. God’s thoughts and views about us
lives so we feel better about ourselves. We want
determine our worth.
others to form favorable opinions about us. We assume people are judging us, so we try to portray the perfect life on social media. DIVINE PURPOSE MAGAZINE |23
Can we accept God at His word and freely receive the gift of worth He is trying to give us? God doesn't base His love for us on our behavior,
We don't have to earn our worth. It is freely given
our worth on our performance, or our identity on
to each and every one of us by our creator. We
our appearance. Neither does He base His
cannot earn it because it’s a free gift, something to
response to us on our circumstances.
As our Creator, He determines our worth and
God wants you to freely accept the gift of your
hands it to us as a free gift.
worth and then give back by freely loving Him in return. Not to earn anything, or because you feel
This is the opposite of how we function as
like you should, but freely love Him out of
humans. We perform, strive, and work hard to
gratitude and freedom. And then freely pass His
earn our worth, to bolster our self-esteem, and to
love onto those around you.
feel good about ourselves. Can we accept God at His word and freely receive But with God, our worth is not based on what we
the gift of worth He is trying to give us?
do or don't do, what we accomplish, or how we perform. He doesn't judge or evaluate our worth
Can we believe the truth that God loves us
and importance by what He sees, by our past
unconditionally and that our actions, our
mistakes, by our present circumstances, or by any
circumstances, our opinions and other's opinions,
of the other silly things we humans use to
our mistakes, our sins, and our attitudes have
evaluate and categorize each other.
nothing to do with our worth?
His worth for us is based on unconditional love
With God, our worth never fluctuates.
and acceptance. It has nothing to do with our performance. He tells us we are beloved, chosen, His daughters, delightful, redeemed, renewed, saved, and unconditionally loved. It’s not because of anything we have done (our performance), but because of what Jesus has done.
Let Him decide your worth!
act of obedidience B Y
Newly married and on an extended honeymoon in
I was already ashamed and humiliated. Why
Europe compliments of the United States Air
would I add insult to injury by showing my
Force, my husband and I welcomed our first child.
baldness? I talked with my husband and children.
Life was going great, until nine months after giving
They pledged their support and encouraged me to
birth, I began losing my hair due to alopecia.
let it go. Support from family and friends helps us
Alopecia attacks the hair follicles, resulting in hair
do what we lack the strength to do alone.. Just
loss and even baldness. This immune disorder can
when I mustered up the courage, I became fearful
strike at any age. My happiness soon turned to
and rejected the idea. Obedience can be difficult
depression, sending me Parry into a downward spiral. Written by Spencer
when it goes against reason.
I shared my condition with only a few family
The following year, the same thought returned
members and close friends, but never exposed my
during prayer. My daily prayer is for God to
baldness. Alopecia had me so bound that I would
receive glory in my life. As soon as I said that
not allow my husband or children to see me
prayer, He spoke to me and said, “How can I get
uncovered. Even in the privacy of my home, I wore
glory, if they never know your struggle?”
a wig or scarf 24 hours of the day. I never
Convicted, I immediately recognized the thought I
imagined that a simple act of obedience would
had the year before had actually been the voice of
bring renewed life.
the Lord. This time there was no delay, no consulting with my family. I just did it.
A couple of years ago, the thought came to me to just go free from the bondage I had carried for so many years. What?Reveal to the world that I am bald? This didn’t make sense.
I shaved what little hair I had left. I was finally
Had Abraham succeeded in sacrificing Isaac, the
willing to obey, regardless of my feelings or the
son of promise, he would have aborted the plan
ridicule I may face. The Bible says, “If you’ll willingly
God had for his life, to be the father of many
obey, you’ll feast like kings” (Isaiah 1:19, MSG).
nations. Abraham’s faith in God led him to obey.
I have done things I would have never imagined. I
And in return for Abraham’s willing heart, God
have received opportunities I never thought were
provided a substitute. Abraham’s act of obedience
possible. Accepting my reality and walking in
affected the lives of many.
obedience and purpose brought such blessing. God knows exactly what He is doing. He knew He I imagine Abraham’s prayer was similar to mine. In
was going to provide a ram for Abraham to
Genesis 22, he heard a voice, but unlike me,
sacrifice. He just wanted to see if Abraham would
Abraham recognized God’s voice. His instructions
obey Him, no matter the cost. Maybe God is
from God countered human reasoning. Sacrifice
asking a hard thing of you. One of the most
your son, Isaac.
difficult things for me to do was to expose myself and show everyone that I am bald, but I trusted
Without hesitation, Abraham obeyed. He did not
God. I trusted His word.
consult with Sarah. He did not consider the sorrow
I encourage you to trust that God has a plan and
he would experience if he killed his son. He just
purpose for your life. Your one act of obedience
obeyed. Oh, the agony and despair he
can make the difference in someone’s life.
ONE undoubtedly felt when God showed him the place where he was to sacrifice Isaac.
act of obedidience
BUSY TRANSFORMING The lives of people in Guyana & the rest of the world
We recently had a chat with Seistra Thornhill. She promote the importance of being authentically you in every area of her life. Seistra Thornhill is a firm believer in Jesus Christ, a wife to an extraordinary servant of God and a mother to incredible children. She is passionate about promoting excellence in Education, Equitability and Economic Empowerment for Women Globally. She is the founder of SEISTRA and co-founder of Build-A-Life Foundation. Her life’s mission is to build schools and build lives globally. In this interview we hear from Seistra on the mindset that is required in order to be an authentic woman Please feel free to contact Seistra at any of the options below: Email: Social Media link Facebook: @seistrathornhill Instagram: @seistrathornhill Twitter: @seistrathornhill Telegram: @sesethornhill Youtube: @seistra
Seistra: I am a firm believer in Jesus Christ, a wife to an extraordinary servant of God and a mother to incredible children. I am passionate about promoting excellence in education, equitability, and economic empowerment for women globally. I am the founder of SEISTRA, a fashion house, and co-founder of Build-A-Life Foundation. My life's mission is to build schools and build lives globally.l.
Seistra: The authentic woman is real, unique, and audacious. She understands the importance of discovering her true self and having clarity on her purpose. She knows she is not defined by titles and what she possesses but rather who she is created to be. She depends on God and she acknowledges His perfect will in her life. She accepts her strengths and weaknesses and is not afraid to express her inner beauty. Her words align with her thoughts, feelings, and actions. She breaks the barriers of who people think she should be and wholesomely embraces her true self. DPM: WHAT IS THE STORY BEHIND SEISTRA?
Seistra: I was born in a Christian home and lived with my mom and grandparents in Georgetown, Guyana. I was baptized at the tender age of 8. I was so passionate and excited about the things of God, I became involved in every church activity: Sunday School, dancing, singing, and even helping with cleaning. My life changed when my mom migrated to another country without me. I felt abandoned and rejected because both of my Seistra at her Expressing Inner Beauty Summit, "Becoming Authentic launched in 2019
parents were not there for me, and this affected me at school and in every aspect of my life.
SEISTRA You possess the knowledge of who you are. It’s not what people say you are, but who God has created you to be."
Seistra: cont'd - Due to this experience, I was a below-average reader and suffered with low selfesteem. By the time I reunited with my mom, she was now married. The time and affection I longed for were still absent. My feelings of pain and rejection grew and I became distracted. One day at school, my teacher sat me down and said, “your reading is way below average and I’m afraid you may not pass this exam.” I just stared at her, but I knew she was speaking the truth. Nevertheless, I passed that national examination and went on to high school. Despite all of the emotional turmoil throughout my years at high school, I became a Prefect, then Deputy Head Girl of the school, and graduated as valedictorian. I completed my college degree in Theatre Arts and I am currently studying Business Management. Today, I am the founder of SEISTRA and co-founder of Build-A-Life Foundation. Our organization's mission is to build a school in every country in the world and promote lifelong education for everyone in their field of study. We have also partnered with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to raise global awareness of the need.
Seistra: cont'd - This summit is exclusively for First Ladies, Female Executives and Beauty Queens. These ladies work closely to advocate for causes that are dear to their hearts Seistra: Authenticity has played a big using the United Nations SDGs as a guide. The first summit will be held in role in effectively executing my roles September in Guyana. as a wife and mother. In order to be I am also launching my skincare line authentic, I needed to possess a and my book, “The Authentic You.” transformed mind to overcome my My foundation is also starting the past pain and the emotional rollerconstruction of our first school in my coasters I encountered in the early home country, Guyana. stage of my life. Thanks to my amazing husband, who was my major At this time I am in Guyana, going from community to community and support system, I was able to overcome and define my roles clearly. taking part in the “Keep Clean Guyana Beautification and Enhancement We have done Bible studies and discussions, read self-help books, and Initiative.” I admire our gracious and stunning First Lady Arya Ali and what visited multiple conferences, which she’s doing to beautify our country. have helped me to become the woman I am today. Becoming my true self--by adopting the mindset that I DPM: WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU want to become better--has allowed GIVE TO THE WOMAN OF PURPOSE me to become a better mother and a SEEKING TO BE AUTHENTIC IN LIFE? better wife each day. Seistra: Honesty – you have to be true to yourself DPM: PLEASE TELL US MORE ABOUT Love – love yourself and your YOUR CONFERENCE AND WHAT WE neighbours CAN EXPECT IN 2021 AND BEYOND? Forgiveness – forgive yourself and Seistra: The Expressing Inner Beauty others for past mistakes Summit, "Becoming Authentic," Desire – desire to be better and launched in 2019, and over 30 not settle for less women's lives were transformed. We Hope – have hope for yourself helped young girls and women who and for others were struggling to discover their You possess the knowledge of who purpose and understand their true you are. It’s not what people say you selves to become authentic, are, but who God has created you to audacious women by transforming be. It’s about being honest with their Minds, Money, and yourself and also to have the core Relationships. In 2021, I am mindset, “I am unique, I am a launching the Women Leaders Unite masterpiece, and I am fearfully and Summit, "Uniting for Causes, Change, wonderfully made by God and there and Economic Empowerment for is no one else like me on the planet.” Women Globally." DPM: AS A MOTHER AND A WIFE, HOW HAS AUTHENTICITY HELPED YOU OVER THE YEARS TO EFFECTIVELY EXECUTE YOUR ROLES?
Shanique Styling advice boss Blake coaches can B Y
show up
let's add some animal prints to your wardrobe!
Hey Coaches, animal prints (leopard, zebra, snake, giraffe, cow and cheetah prints) are normally worn to give a pop to outfits and are usually assigned to women with a "Glamorous" style. But the truth is, no matter what your style is you can incorporate animal prints into you wardrobe. If your are not ready to go all in, try incorporating it in the form of accessories (belts, jewelry and handbags) as well as shoes.
outfits BOSS LADY
maximize Have you ever sighed at the thought of not having anything to wear when getting dressed for work, church, an event or a casual outing? if yes, me too...many years ago lol.
the pieces you already own
One of the reasons for this is that you are not maximizing the use of the clothing pieces you already have. Here are a couple of ways to fix this: 1. Match different color solid tops with patterned bottoms that have multiple color and vice-versa 2. Pair work tops with jeans to create casual outfits 3. Re-purpose work dresses for church and vice-versa 4. Pair office pants (a palazzo pants for example that's made of a light weight fabric) with casual top to create a casual outfit An example of creating multiple looks from 1 top shown below!
get dressed up to
show up
style How Coaches can SHOW UP powerfully for online client consultations, workshops etc.
As a Coach it is super important to show up powerfully style wise when interacting with clients online because first impressions are normally the most lasting and people generally form an opinion about us even before we speak. As a result, I've put together ways of dressing from top to waist when showing up online.
why work with me?
9 AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT: Katherine Weiss
Imagine being able to: ✅ Overcome low self confidence & show up powerfully in videos, live streams and on camera when taking pictures. ✅ Confidently & strategically curate eye catching and scroll stopping outfits with different pattern and color combinations based on your skin's undertone. ✅ Dress strategically according to your specific body shape. ✅ Confidently & strategically accessorize difference outfits. ✅ Dress strategically for brand shoots, client meetings (both in person and or face to face), social media videos and posts. ✅ Be your own Personal Stylist!
Designed For Christian Coaches 1:1 COACHING If have been showing up online but haven't been getting the desired level of engagement due to low visibility and or a lack of confidence, this is for you. If you would love to achieve all of the results outlined above in an intimate 1 on 1 contact me today!
GROUP COACHING For you who would love to receive all the benefits outlined in the 1:1 coaching package, but prefer
It's time to invest in YOU! join my email community (via the website (, created for Coaches like you. You will receive FREE initial styling resources that will help you to improve your confidence and visibility when showing up online.
invest in your success
“Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things” (Philippians 4:8, NKJV). I grew up a cynic. It was like a cozy sweater that I slipped on and snuggled up in. As soon as any opportunity presented itself, I could come up with ten reasons it wouldn’t work. It’s a trait I have to actively combat in my life. A tattered, worn, comfortable sweater I don’t want my children to gain as a hand-me-down.
Funny enough, God spoke through a game my kids and I created called “banana car.” Fed up with the fussing and fighting on road trips, we created a game of searching for yellow cars. When we find one, we shout “banana car.” When we first started this game, we picked yellow because it seemed like an uncommon car color. But when we started searching for them, bright yellow cars appeared everywhere. The Holy Spirit spoke to me one day and showed me it’s like that with everything. What we focus on becomes what we see. Paul tells us in Philippians to dwell on things that are honest, just, pure, and lovely.
So, like the yellow cars, if you start searching out the positive, the beautiful, the lovely, the pure, the God moments--guess what you see everywhere? You see the good, the beautiful, the lovely, the pure. You see God everywhere. In the same vein, when we focus on all of our downfalls, sins, and the ways we and those around us don’t measure up, we see only the negative. We need to stop focusing on the weight we need to lose, the ten ways our dream won't happen, how annoying our spouse is being, or the messes our children continue to make. Instead, when we choose to intentionally focus on God’s positives, we can see that God is already going before us, to bless us with the abundant life He created us to live. For me, this changed everything--not just inside myself, but in how I viewed others, too. Like the banana car game, a habit started in a difficult time in my life changed everything. In 2014, my marriage was on the brink of “fine.” You know what I’m talking about. We weren’t on the verge of the big D, but we were standing on the edge of “okay,” tolerating one another and just kind of co-existing. When friends asked how we were doing, we’d answer in unison, “fine.” But that abundant love, the kind God describes having for us, was fading fast.
One Tuesday, an email titled “From Fine to Fire: A Marriage Transformed” landed in my inbox. That got my attention. The author described a small habit she created that shifted her mindset and how she viewed her husband. She kept a small notebook beside her kitchen sink. Every day, she would write 3 positive things about him--traits that she loved, or things he’d done that were helpful or kind that she might quickly forget if she didn’t write them down. So I figured, why not, it couldn't hurt. I’d start with one trait, because at this point in our marriage, I could probably only come up with one thing a day anyway. One turned into two, two turned into three and three turned into a tsunami of gratitude for this man I abundantly loved. I had been praying for God to change him. Instead, God changed me, and my renewed mindset changed our marriage. Now, beside my Bible and the other mindnourishing book I’m reading, I keep a small blue notebook, where I record at least 3 things in which I can see God’s hand. I call it the book of proof. Proof that God abundantly loves me. Proof of His promise: “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10, NKJV).
7 dimensions of total transformation
By Melissa Vergiels
ill Hettler, co-founder of National Wellness Institute defines wellness as: “an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence.” In 1976, the wellness wheel model introduced the interconnectedness and wholistic approach to living a balanced life. Think of this wheel as a wheel on a bicycle. The spokes of this wheel symbolize each part of your wellness that, in totality, makes the complete wheel. Do you know what happens when a spoke gets bent on a bicycle wheel? It makes for a bumpy, imbalanced ride. Just like if something punctures a portion of the wheel, you will soon have a flat that could demobilize you completely. Allowing scriptures to lead us into a balanced mindset gives space for God to show us where we need to focus on our healing, growth, and/or purpose. Let’s take a look at each spoke of your wheel. What does it mean to you? How do you perceive the condition? Read the scriptures listed, and/or add others you know that reflect this section in your life. Finally, ask God how He wants you to approach it. Doing the work brings transformation. Are you ready? The emotional spoke reflects how you manage stress and time. Unhealed trauma or poor sleep patterns could also affect this spoke. Read Deuteronomy 31:8; Psalm 94:19; Matthew 11:28-30, Ephesians 5:15-16, and Romans 8:6. Being spiritually balanced reflects our beliefs, values and ethics. We know today’s worldly ways are often filled with manipulation and thievery, so stay close to the Lord and read His Word. Micah 6:8; Galatians 6:9; Colossians 3:23-25; 1 Timothy 4:12; and 2 Peter 1:4. Intellectualism is not just about being smart, but staying curious, doing creative activities, participating in clubs or small groups, maintaining social awareness and striving towards your goals and aspirations. The buzz words are more commonly known as personal and professional development. Proverbs 20:15; Matthew 5:16; 1 Corinthians 15:58; Galatians 5:19-26 and 2 Timothy 3:16. Even though we have been encouraged to keep socially distanced, it is very important to maintain healthy relationships and a strong social network. There are so many scriptures that continuously reflect that we are made for community, but these are a great place to start. Proverbs 23:20 & 27:17; Matthew 7:12; Colossians 3:13; 1 Thessalonians 5:14 and James 5:16.
The physical spoke reflects our movement, nutrition and preventative care that are sometimes referred to wellness visits. Genesis 1:29; Isaiah 40:31; Proverbs 3:8; Romans 12:1 and 1 Corinthians 6:19. There’s a micro and macro aspect to the environment. I’m sure you think of global warming and paper straws, and yes recycling matters. God also wants you to have an orderly home. Think about the first night’s sleep when you have fresh, clean sheets on your bed. Global, local and immediate surroundings affect you. Isn’t it interesting that most of these verses are from the “wisdom” collection in the Bible? Numbers 35:33; Proverbs 24:3 & 31:27; Ecclesiastes 3:1-3; Luke 11:25 and 1 Timothy 3:5. Being a good steward and consumer is difficult. In effort to be financially balanced there should be a budget, plans for the future and a daily effort made to live within your means. God is our inheritance, so follow His Word. Proverbs 22:7 & all of 23; Acts 20:35; Philippians 4:19 and 1 Timothy 6:10. You made it through the wheel, not what are your next steps? Praise God with Psalm 100! Surely your goal is to have a smooth rolling wheel. You have everything you need to create a plan of action. You may identify that you need additional resources to straighten out a spoke or fully inflate your wheel. That’s normal since we don’t know what we don’t know. You are encouraged to seek out a therapist, personal trainer, take a class, or read some books. Remember, you are fully supported because God created us for community. Whatever is on your heart to work on, seek support and community. You don’t have to stay bent or flat.
A thousand questions filled my mind billowing up like storm clouds threatening my sleep, choices, and security. I felt like I was jumping off a cliff into the unknown. Who would catch me? Were we really going to do this? My husband and I had just made the monumental decision to move across the country after raising our kids in Maryland. Both of them had transferred there with their families to Colorado and I was grieving the separation. As we researched the options, it felt foreign and frightening.
As I contemplated the gravity of what we were doing, God seemed to be slowly paving the way for this massive, crosscountry move. First, He led me to Joshua 1:9: "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go”. I knew I needed to be brave, but doubted my strength and knew I needed to depend on Him. Then when I continued to question God, I clearly heard Him saying, “What makes you think I have not prepared a place for you in Colorado?”
Wow! Where was my trust? For years I had told others and myself to Trust in God with all your heart… Proverbs 3:5 or God has plans for you, plans to prosper you, not to harm you… Jeremiah 29:11. Where was my trust in His faithfulness? Where was my faith in His plans for me now? As I spent more time focusing on that trust, I began to discover some of the gifts of the new season ahead while allowing myself time to grieve what I was leaving behind.
I took time to cherish the moments in Maryland, like delighting in the springtime beauty of the blossoming trees, time with dear friends, and my last weeks with my students. There were many benefits in the downsizing process. Sorting through our belongings was a huge task, but not impossible. I had to laugh when I brought out a box with not only my adult children’s preschool artwork and report cards, but some with my name on them. I had fun sharing pictures of old programs, letters, and newspaper articles with friends and family. Many could not believe I had saved them and encouraged me to discard them! With discipline and a bit of ruthlessness, I was able to dispose of more than 50% of our collected belongings. The goal was to keep the essentials and the treasures that provided a sense of heritage and home. Leaving friends was the biggest hurdle to grieve. We had known some of them for 40 years! They were more like family. Memories of raising kids and supporting each other through the challenges and joys of life filled the legacy scrapbooks we shared. The loss I felt was overwhelming, until God revealed this beautiful image.
The entire area was filled with mature oaks and tulip trees with deep roots that held fast during storms and verdant canopies that provided shade on bright sunny days. Beneath these beautiful trees He provided a cobblestone path meandering alongside hydrangeas, fragrant peonies, stargazer lilies and colorful wildflowers. As I asked God what this meant, He spoke in a loving voice saying, “Some friends are brought into your life for a season and others for a lifetime. The oak trees and tulip trees represent those friends of 20-40 years or more. The roots of your friendship are deep and have withstood the trials of storms but also produced fruitful celebrations of life. These friends will be here for you through every season, never impacted by distance or time. The lilies and wildflowers represent assorted friends throughout the years, including those you will meet in your new home. They bring new growth to your life.” Have you ever gone through a time when you felt like you were jumping off a cliff or ripped out by your roots? It might be a change in your family or job, a heartbreaking loss or relocation. The process can be grueling with many potholes and challenges along the way, but trusting in God’s faithfulness is looking for His blessings in the midst of the mess.
rooted deep Mary Grace van der Kroef
I stretch my hands to the stars, feel my toes dig in. Fingers splayed, I grasp at light but from my feet, small roots begin. “Do not hold me down,” I plead, “I wish to fly so high.” The more I strain, the more I sink, my dreams begin to die. Whispered from within the earth, promises I fear.
A wind picks up through limbs to tear.
Fingers speed towards the growing light.
I feel my roots deeper; still, my arms begin to ache with care.
“You are my child. I hold you tight within my earth, so fast.
Storms threaten, shake my core. strength has nearly fled.
Roots feed strength so you can reach dreams wide and vast.”
Roots spread deeper on and on until they reach your river bed.
Branches sprout, then they bloom as farther up I reach.
From roots to limbs fresh water flows. Fills the soul to bursting.
“Keep reaching high, dear one of mine. “Rejoice, truth is near.”
I realize now roots don’t bind but help quench my thirsting.
“Rejoice when strife invades my world?”
With strength renewed upward, stretch, dreams again insight.
While I grow your voice below, gently begins to teach. “Through blowing storms You can not be pulled loose.” “My waters feed your upward growth, keeping you green, my mighty spruce.” Now I rejoice in life, its blessings and its woes. Rooted deep in love so sweet. Reaching highs, accepting lows.
I’m thrilled to introduce you to Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, one of the most amazing—and humble— women I know. When we met, she and I chatted for over an hour. She never mentioned her work as a board-certified internal medicine physician or her incredible success as a speaker, coach, and marketing professional. She didn’t tell me she’d authored best-selling books like Sacred Rest. I had no idea this warm, friendly individual shares her insight about embracing change, empowerment, effective communication, burnout prevention, work-life harmony, and overcoming emotional/mindset challenges on stages and broadcasts worldwide. She’s fabulous, and you don’t have to take my word for it. On a recent Coffee with Chrystal, Chrystal EvansHurst raved about Dr. Saundra and recommended Sacred Rest. I’d love for you to know Dr. Saundra better.
Dr Saundra: From childhood, being a doctor was my dream, and I never wavered. I had the operation kit, the stethoscope and the little black doctor’s bag. My goals for the future revolved around medicine from childhood to medical school. DPM: ARE YOU STILL PRACTISING?
Dr Saundra: I hung up my white coat December 12, 2019, with no intention of continuing. In 2020, I started again because of the need, and I still love it, but I don’t practice full-time. DPM: WHY DID YOU TRANSITION AWAY FROM MEDICAL PRACTICE?
Dr Saundra: I started writing in 2008. My first two books were published in 2011 and 2015, and Sacred Rest came out in 2017. Between the second and third books, I felt God starting to pull me away from medicine. I was reluctant to let it go, but had to give in to what I felt like God was calling me to do. I think the biggest step, for me, was trusting. I felt a part of “the next thing” included speaking and doing some of the things I do now, but it all seemed impossible. I had two kids in high school and neither one drove at that time. Traditional speaking has you away from home. How could I speak and travel and be a wife and mother and still have a restful lifestyle? Then 2020 hit. Almost all speaking engagements are now virtual. God had this planned beforehand. Virtual communication opened up room to do a lot of other things that I love doing now, like working with authors. It’s amazing to see how God worked out everything in ways I couldn’t have imagined.
Dr Saundra: About 10 years into practicing medicine, I started to burn out. I had two toddlers and worked 60-hour weeks. I was tired all the time, had nondescript body aches and pains for which there was no solid medical reason, and never felt I was fully present in any given time. I thought, “Okay, this can't be normal. This can't be the best God has for me.” I felt like all the work I’d done was not really taking me to a place I wanted to go. I started to evaluate my life, try to figure out what brought me to this place. I decided there must some kind of flip side of that would take me somewhere else and began to figure out what that looked like. My work load continued to require 60-hour weeks, but I learned how to rest in the middle of them. DPM: SO YOU TOOK LONG VACATIONS?
Dr Saundra: When we think of true rest, we assume, “oh, I need to just quit my job and go on vacations and sabbaticals.” But in reality, we can’t do that. I’m busy, but I feel rested because I've learned how to have a work/rest ratio. When I'm pouring out, I'm also very mindful of making sure I pour back into myself. I don't feel I'm pouring out any less. I just make an effort to be poured into, more than I was back when I got burned out DPM: YOUR MISSION IS TO HELP HIGH ACHIEVERS RESHAPE THEIR VIEW ON CHANGE, COMMUNICATION AND SELF-CARE TO OPTIMIZE THEIR EFFECTIVENESS. WHAT DOES THE PROCESS LOOK LIKE?
Dr Saundra: We need to understand the relationship between rest, resilience, and change. Change creates stress. I help people consider how to become more resilient. We can’t control the changes that enter our lives, so we have to learn to grow and build our inner strength. Stress happens whenever there's change. We can't manage change, because we don't have any control over it. But we can manage our response to change. And part of that response is how well we rest, how well we restore ourselves after we've taken a hit.
True rest is when you start getting back the joy of the work that you're producing. You allow yourself room to appreciate what you produce." DR. SAUNDRA DALTON-SMITH
SHE SPEAKS Dr Saundra: (cont'd) We need to determine where we have some control over change and which changes we can’t control. Death, tragedy, traumas—those things happen to everyone, at some point in life. We have to create a strategy to have already in place so we're not trying to figure out what to do in the aftermath.
Dr Saundra: Every day, I look at the seven types of rest. Physical. I focus on how my body’s feeling. On a day with a lot of different activities, recordings, and interviews, I often notice my shoulders are getting tight. I take a few minutes during the day to do shoulder shrugs and rolls. If I notice my leg muscles are stiff, I might take a ten-minute walk to stretch. Mental. When I have a hard time concentrating or focusing my thoughts, I take a quick mental break from letting my headspace act like a computer screen with 15 tabs open. I focus my thoughts and concentrate on one thing in that moment—often, a scripture or a characteristic of God. If I'm stressed or anxious, “peace” is the word I tend to focus on, because it helps me remember who God is and what He’s able to do in my life. Spiritual. I try to make a point every day of having some time where I'm coming to God without a request or an agenda or a specific prayer. I’m not trying to get answers, like, “what's my next book title, my next this or that.” I'm just coming to Him just because I want to be with Him. I try to make sure I'm building up that intimacy, that relationship with God, without any agenda attached to it. Sensory. I think about how much sensory input I've had during the day and try to counteract it. For example, in the evening, I lower the lights in our home and have other screens and electronics set to dim after a certain time, which decreases some of the visual input. I'm also mindful of reducing background noise. If my kids leave a room with the television still playing, I turn it off.
Spiritual. I try to make a point every day of having some time where I'm coming to God without a request or an agenda or a specific prayer. I’m not trying to get answers, like, “what's my next book title, my next this or that.” I'm just coming to Him just because I want to be with Him. I try to make sure I'm building up that intimacy, that relationship with God, without any agenda attached to it. Sensory. I think about how much sensory input I've had during the day and try to counteract it. For example, in the evening, I lower the lights in our home and have other screens and electronics set to dim after a certain time, which decreases some of the visual input. I'm also mindful of reducing background noise. If my kids leave a room with the television still playing, I turn it off. Emotional. I pay attention to my emotional engagement and emotional labor. I consider how far I’ve extended myself. If today’s emotional labor is dealing with a difficult client, I may have to take on their anger about whatever it is and keep my professionalism. It’s emotionally taxing not to raise your voice at someone who’s yelling. If that's what I really feel like doing, I’m restraining emotions in the moment and need to find some kind of release. I make myself aware of where I’ve expended emotional labor and look for ways to pour back into that side of myself. I can’t yell at that person, but maybe I can write in my journal all the things I really wanted to say. Sometimes we do emotional labor with God. We say, “God, I'm not mad at you. I trust you in all things,” but really, we’re mad. It’s freeing just to be able to say it. We don't think about how holding those emotions in creates more stress. We need to be able to release our feelings. Emotional rest is unleashing those emotions you try so hard to keep in. You might talk with a therapist, a counselor, a friend or a pastor. You might write in your journal—or stand outside yelling at God. We all need to be able to release. We have to be aware of where we're doing emotional labor. Where are you taking on heavy emotional weight you're not releasing? Social. The nature of most of our relationships involves people needing things. I consider the people in my life who tend to come to me not needing anything. They check in, ask how I’m doing, and pour back into me. I make a point of having some time with those people.
Creative. Creative rest is enjoying beauty and allowing beauty to really revive you—for instance, through nature or whatever ways you like to experience art or music. I listen to praise and worship music, and I like to be outside, really looking at nature. I enjoy prayer walking at a leisurely pace, with a mindset of, “God, show me the beauty You've created, and help it to awaken something inside me to show me who I am as a creator of beauty within Your creation. Show me what's possible.” I’m always amazed at the beauty I find in cloud patterns, birds’ feathers, grasses, and even weeds. DPM: WHAT WOULD YOU TELL THE PERSON WHO SAYS, “I DON'T HAVE TIME TO REST”?
Dr. Saundra: You don't have time not to rest. People feel they're going to give up something, they're going to be less productive, they’re not going be able to accomplish as much, they're not going to be able to get as far in their life or in their career if they rest. Really, it's the opposite. If you’re producing out of exhaustion and burnout, you’re not happy and you’re not enjoying it. Producing from a place of obligation and striving doesn’t bring peace or joy. True rest is when you start getting back the joy of the work that you're producing. You allow yourself room to appreciate what you produce. During the writing of Sacred Rest, my son was doing a project about bees. Bees are seen as the ideal worker. But you know, when you think about bees, most of their time just in production mode. You never hear about bees enjoying the honey they produce. Our lives tend to be busy producing goodness by blessing other people, or by making a bunch of money, or by producing goodness in some other way, but we never actually have time to enjoy it. We’re just producing it for other people to enjoy. We keep grinding it out, you know, like this little worker bee. Nobody really wants that life. We want to produce but also need to find ways to have some grace and space to enjoy what we've produced, so we're not just creators of goodness, but also consumers. DPM: ANY FINAL THOUGHTS?
Dr Saundra: Rest is an ongoing battle. Because “busy” is easy, it's not difficult to slide back into being busy. Rest is an intentional, ongoing choice we have to make as stress and change keep getting added to our lives. For me, it’s important to mentally walk through the seven types of rest and find ways to obtain the rest I need, whenever I feel burned out in those areas. It’s also important to remember that rest is a gift from God. He didn’t make us for rest. He made rest for us.
THE FATHER'S KINGDOM WORLD REPRESENTATIVES is a global body of believers that represents the unity of believers in all regions on earth as the nation and governance of Christ in the world not as adherents of a religion. TFK World Reps is committed to unveiling the unity of all believers in the world as the nation and governance of Christ on earth for the benefit of all humanity irrespective of their religious or ethnic affiliations. The strategic intent of this body is to unveil all believers in the world as REPRESENTATIVES OF THE FATHER'S KINGDOM who will take authority and responsibility over all regions and territories in the world to: Ensure the unity, growth and welfare of all believers in the world as the nation and kingdom of Christ over all regions and territories of the world. Ensure the message of man's eternal union with God through the death and resurrection of Jesus saturates all regions and territories of the world to unite those who believe with the nation and family of God on earth. Ensure all regions, countries, territories and societies on earth operate under the authority and will of God in the Man Christ Jesus who is the eternal monarch of the universe in this age and ages to come, for the benefit of all humanity irrespective of their religious or ethnic affiliations. TFK World Reps operates majorly in two ways: 1. Representing the world before the Father through prayer and intercession to realise the above objectives and strategic intent. 2. Representing the Father's Kingdom in the world through various programmes, projects, initiatives, trainings and collaborations with believers ministries, private and public institutions in all regions of the world to realise the above objectives FOR ENQUIRIES: Website: Facebook: The Father's Kingdom World Representatives Email:
Inspiring Women of Colour
Kimisha: A God-fearing, ambitious entrepreneur and goal-oriented individual, Kimisha King aims to always ensure her sphere of influence creates positive impact through her strengths, knowledge and ability to always remain a student.
Kimisha: Queens’ Mindset is a brand which was created in 2017. I was inspired to educate, empower and encourage women from all backgrounds. Over time, I heard the stories of women who gave up on themselves because of the pressures of life, but I never felt qualified to motivate or inspire. Cont'd overleaf
Kimisha: Then God reminded me that my feeling of disqualification was the reason I needed to get it done, because many women are waiting for that one voice to speak up so that they too will speak up. It is my mandate to stimulate the minds of women and challenge them to think differently so they can achieve more. With this mission, I believe Queens’ Mindset will have a lasting effect on women of colour. DPM: WHAT EXACTLY IS QUEENS' MINDSET ALL ABOUT?
Kimisha: Queens’ Mindset was created to inspire women of color, to provide insight, and to discuss all issues related to women. These conversations cover relationships, business, personal development, emotional stability, and-most importantly--the mindset of a Queen. In the Bible, God reminds us that we are a part of His royal heritage, an heir of His kingdom. Therefore, if we are of this heritage, then our actions should reflect this. The focus of Queens’ Mindset is to challenge women to think differently by impacting and empowering them to reach their fullest potential. DPM: WHY IS IT RELEVANT FOR LADIES TO ADOPT THIS MINDSET IN 2021?
Kimisha: Adopting a Queens’ Mindset is not only for 2021. It’s a lifestyle. The way we carry ourselves as women is important. It begins with the way we see ourselves. If we do not see ourselves as precious, royal, or even special, then we allow others to treat us the way we view ourselves. It is important that women view themselves as a treasure (someone who is valued) because women are the backbone of the family and the bedrock of a nation. We have so much power, but until we recognize this, we will continue to live life with limits.
Our minds are powerful and they act on what we believe. So having a Queens’ Mindset changes how you live your life. Queens’ Mindset is a growth mindset. This means that you do not remain stagnant in a place of complaining and comparison. With this kind of mindset you are always looking to improve yourself, take action and escape the status quo. You live life on your own terms, believing that all things are possible and seeing you matter, your voice matters, your ideas matter, and you have the power to make a difference! See our series on Queensmindset YouTube Channel “Battered Bruised not Broken!” DIVINE PURPOSE MAGAZINE |63