Technische Universität München
Semester 8 - Bachelor Thesis
Chair for Design, Renovation, and Heritage Conservation
Partnering with Lucia Tomasetti
As part of the urban revitalization and conversion efforts, the building and premises of the former Electronics Store Conrad, situated in the heart of Munich‘s historic centre, are being redesigned for communal residential use.
The plot spans between two streets, featuring the main building from the 70‘s fronting the bustling Tal, and a protected 19th-century structure facing the quieter Marienstraße.
The project‘s aim is to establish an architectural cohesion within the ensemble while treating the existing structure conscientiously.
Extending both wings of the meander and converting the pitched roof of the head building into two additional full stories creates substantially more space with minimum intervention. Alongside a thorough reconfiguration of the floor plans, this fully unlocks the site‘s potential. Importantly, these changes can be made while seamlessly integrating into the urban context and preserving the majority of the existing structural framework.
The apartment layouts follow a simple principle: private rooms are only accessible through a central common space, fostering social interaction and mutual consideration in daily life. On the ground floor, retail shops and shared workspaces, as well as a new passage that leads to a communal outdoor area, invite the public onto the premises, enhancing a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere within the property.
Section North-South Standard FloorAs the restructured floorplans emphasize a sense of community, the new protruding facade was designed to make the most of each unit individually.
The low bay windows clad in elaborated ceramic profiles optimize natural light and add characterto the rooms. Shaped in CNC-milled molds by hydraulic presses, the profiles showcase modern technologies whereas their glazed texture combines aesthetic appeal with exceptional durability.
On a corner plot in a residential neighbourhood in Munich, a new school is planned following the "Lernhaus" (learning house) concept. To blend into the adjacent perimeter block development, two independent volumes are arranged in a U-shape towards the busy main street. The school building encloses a courtyard, while the sports hall faces the public, inviting the reisdents to share the facilities. The step-back acts as a kiss and ride zone for students and a meeting point for the neighbourhood.
Section East-West
The “Lernhaus“ concept revolves around the idea of creating flexible and adaptable learning environments that meet the individual needs of every student. Instead of confining education to static classrooms, it asks for multifunctional spaces that facilitate collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity.
The building features greened balconies, serving as outdoor learning spaces and hubs for communication. Additionally, a rooftop greenhouse supplying the in-house cafteria offers hands-on learning opportunities beyond traditional textbook teachings, allowing students to engage with biodiversity and sustainable practices directly.
grünen Außenschicht in den Innenraum entsteht.
mit grünem Klassenzimmer, das durch das Hineinziehen der
organisiert. Mittig befindet sich das durchgesteckte Forum
Lernhaus: In Clustern von 3 Räumen und einem Gruppenraum
Nutzung des Dachsportplatzes
das angrenzende Gebäude
Volumina unterteilt. Der Schul -
Schülerinnen und Treffpunkt für Lernhaus Zoom-In
With walls transforming into furniture, corridors become vibrant meeting places, staircases turn into vertical learning zones, and escape balconies serve as spaces for social interaction across different age groups.
Nestled within the ancient embrace of Rome, the historic city gate of Porta Portese found itself in a state of abandonment, its rich heritage left untended. Our masterplan proposes a revitalization of the whole area by harmoniously blending the past with the present.
A reconnection of the area to the urban fabric is achieved by linking new paths to the existing bike lane systems and planting native trees, giving it the characteristic ambiance of typical Roman parks found throughout the city.
Sport facilities and community amenities breathe new life into the newly born park and piazza, replacing the former traffic jam. This transformation demonstrates the power of design to revitalize and reawaken the past, and to propel it into a vibrant future for generations to cherish and enjoy.
ARECACEAE EVERGREEN WISTERIA BLOSSOMING LATE APRILMAY PINUS PINEA SLOW GROWING, EVERGREEN FICUS CARICA HARVEST AUGUSTSEPTEMBER CERCIS SILIQUASTRUM BLOSSOMING APRIL-MAY PLATANUS OCCIDENTALIS FAST GROWINGAt its core, our plan introduces an art school including a public sunken pavilion as communal shelter in the roman heat. It not only nurtures creativity but also acts as a dynamic cultural hub, rekindling the historical essence of the area.
The project focuses on the small town of Poing, situated in the suburban area of Munich. Over time, the town‘s charming rural character has faded away as it expanded and became integrated into the train network, which resulted in seperation instead of connection. To mend this disconnect and restore a sense of community, urban interventions are proposed to revitalize the town center.
The transformation plan includes a new community centre completing the series of public buildings on site, a small market hall, several communal facilities like playgrounds and planters, and more bike- and pedestrian-friendly zones, inviting locals to interact more freely. In addition, the existing shopping centre is being expanded upwards to create multi-generational apartments, breathing new life into the neighbourhood
Ground Floor 1st Floor Top FloorAt the project‘s core lies a porticostyle structure, gracefully spanning the entrance to the new central zone. This structure not only overlooks both the historic and expanded sections of the town but also serves as a hub for artistic expression, cultural gatherings, and social engagements.
The project aims not only to reshape physical spaces but also to cultivate a renewed sense of belonging and shared identity. The revitalized town center now stands as a testament to the potential of urban renewal, fostering a sense of pride among residents and offering them a dynamic space to connect, interact, and thrive.
Semester 3
Chair for Architectural Informatics
Individual Work
Introducing a curved aluminum structure designed with parametric modeling software, making it fluidly adaptable in both height and scale of its pattern. It not only demonstrates the limitless possibilities of modern design, but its dynamic shape also enables it to integrate into various settings, adding an exciting touch to any space.
Where Comfort
Meets Community
Our project introduces an innovative living concept that merges contemporary comfort with communitycentric amenities. Featuring three unique apartment types tailored to varied lifestyles, this building is a celebration of diversity and personalized living.
Beyond the apartments, the house includes a basement cinema, a ground-floor café, and a mezzanine study area. This synergy of living spaces and communal facilities forms a dynamic urban microcosm where residents can relax, connect, and thrive.
Der Entwurf basiert auf einer vierteiligen Rasterung, welche sich sowohl in den Ansichten wie in der Tragstruktur, als auch in den Grundrissen ndet.wiederfi Vorgehängte hinterlüftete Glasfaserbetonplatten bilden die Fassade aus. Das Lamellensystem sorgt für einen ausreichenden Sonnenschutz und erzeugt ein lebendiges Fassadenspiel. Das Gebäude spricht mit drei verschiedenen Wohnungstypen unterschiedliche Zielgruppen an. Die unteren Geschosse sind der entlichkeitÖff gewidmet und von allen Bewohnern des Quartiers gemeinschaftlich nutzbar. Das 4x4 ist punkt,Treff Open Workspace, Juicebar, Kinosaal und Eventlocation zugleich.
sich sowohl in den Ansichten wie in der Tragstruktur, als Basement
Der Entwurf basiert auf einer vierteiligen Rasterung, welche 106
In response to the square-shaped plot, our design embraces a four-part grid system that resonates throughout the elevations, structural framework, and floor plans. The façade, adorned with rainscreen cladding, showcases precast fiberglass-reinforced concrete panels. Oriented towards the south-east, the upper windows feature a louver system, providing effective sun protection while infusing the façade with an engaging interplay of light and shadow.