Jeunesse Kids

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Jeunesse Kids™:

Changing the Future

What Jeunesse® is About. Jeunesse® is more than just a business. Jeunesse® is family. People all over the world are coming together to be part of something powerful. Together, we’re doing amazing things. Let’s show you one of them.

Changing the Future. Jeunesse® is changing the course of the future. Not just the future of the Distributors that choose to represent Jeunesse®, but the future of children who have no one to speak for them. Jeunesse Kids™ is at the heart of our culture. A private Charity, it was founded in late 2012 and has been impacting lives since its inception. The day it launched at our EVOLUTION conference in Hong Kong, enough funds were raised to feed over 1 million meals. By feeding the hungry, delivering urgently needed medical supplies, and providing clothing as well as educational materials, Jeunesse Kids™ extends a helping hand to underprivileged children on a global level. Jeunesse Kids™ embraces a spirit that’s focused on providing a better standard of living for those in need. What’s more, Distributors all over the world are taking part in this revolutionary initiative to improve the lives of children everywhere. With Jeunesse Kids™, Distributors are making a phenomenal difference. Donations help develop a number of integral resources—like the high quality 2014 DSA ETHOS Awards | Vision for Tomorrow

nutrition found in VitaPro™ Protein Mix, which is a soy-based food that improves the health of underfed children by adding essential minerals to their diets. The acquisition of emergency medical supplies, medical services, clothes, and educational materials has also been made possible through donations. Recently, Jeunesse Kids™ and Distributors came together to feed Typhoon Haiyan victims in the Philippines—and what happened was breathtaking. 120 tons of rice were shipped to the affected areas and 2 million meals were served. In the past, Jeunesse Kids™ has come to the aid of Syrian refugees, displaced persons in the Alberta Floods, and homeless children in many different parts of the United States. Jeunesse Kids™ is giving these children the rights they should’ve had from birth: the right to health, the opportunity to learn, and the protection they need to grow.

A Culture that Gives Back. Our Distributors belong to a culture that believes in giving back—but giving back starts with receiving. We all remember a time we have been helped when we’ve needed it most. Jeunesse® Founder, Randy Ray remembers:





MY LITTLE BROTHER AND I USED TO EAT MUD PIES BECAUSE WE WERE SO HUNGRY; WE DIDN’T HAVE FOOD TO EAT . . . “One morning I was waiting for the bus; it was rainy, muddy, and freezing cold outside. I wasn’t wearing any shoes—my family couldn’t afford them. I remember this lady had me come into her house so that she could wash and dry my feet. Then, this amazing woman took her daughter’s Easter shoes, cut the straps off the top, and put those on me. That’s how I went to school. So personally, there’s no greater joy than seeing kids excited because they’ve got something. They’ve got a meal, water

to drink, a place to go to school. That brings me a tremendous amount of joy. Because as a child, I had nothing. If you’ve been blessed, you need to bless others. That’s why we’re here.”

Jeunesse® is proud to empower Distributors to help others; by repaying each other with kindness, we can create a better future for our children. We can create a better planet. And we’re doing it right now.

JEUNESSE KIDS™ HIGHLIGHTS: F EEDI N G HO ME LESS CHILDREN This initiative took Jeunesse Kids™ to the dining rooms of the Society of Vincent de Paul to feed underprivileged families. As one of the major food banks of Phoenix, Arizona, an immense city-wide effort was made to combat hunger. S H E LTERI N G SYRIAN REFU GEES Since March 2011, over 2.5 million Syrians have fled their homes after civil war rendered them homeless and in immediate danger. But outside of Syria, they face a situation that is just as alarming. Syrians are being herded to refugee camps where—more often than not—running water, electricity, and basic housing are rare or nonexistent. In an effort to equip families with more suitable living conditions, Jeunesse Kids™ has designated an entire hotel for the purpose of lodging Syrian refugees at no cost to them whatsoever. Thousands of people are being cared for and fed, but most importantly, entire families are being reunited after years of separation. TAK I N G AC TI O N DU RING TH E ALBE RTA FLOODS Categorized as the worst in Alberta’s history, these floods uprooted over 100,000 people from their homes. Jeunesse Kids™ administered supplies to the Calgary Food Bank and fed displaced citizens during the 2013 Alberta floods. TAC KL I N G THE AFTERMATH OF TYPHOON HA IYA N The mass destruction wreaked by Typhoon Haiyan was so great that Distributors around the world rallied together to offer immediate aid. Jeunesse Kids™ sent necessary materials to those in distress, while local rice and vegetables were purchased to make not just hot meals, but nourishing ones. Jeunesse® made a corporate promise to serve at least 1 million meals to the Philippines.

2014 DSA ETHOS Awards | Vision for Tomorrow

Jeunesse® Australia alone raised over $7,000 in funds during their annual Christmas appeal, and with the help of Distributors from other parts of the globe, Jeunesse Kids™, donated twice that. Filipino congresswoman, Lucy Torres Gomez, thanked Jeunesse Kids™ for donating over 2 million meals and 120 tons of rice to Typhoon Haiyan victims in the Philippines. This is ongoing endeavor. Food is being shipped and will continue to be shipped as long as there is need. DELIVERING CHRISTMAS IN JANUARY January is a rough month for impoverished families everywhere; it is exceptionally difficult to keep food stocked in pantries after the holiday season. At the start of this year, Jeunesse Kids™ fought hunger in Atlanta, Las Vegas, Phoenix, and Jamaica in a large-scale international effort to feed children—and to bring them a second Christmas in the New Year. WHAT’S IN THE WORKS FOR THE FUTURE To serve 5 million meals in alliance with the China Red Cross in March; to feed homeless families in New Mexico, Florida, and other parts of the United States this April; to open an orphanage in Bulgaria this summer; and to distribute 15 million meals within the year. Still, not everything can be planned: Jeunesse Kids™ goes where there is need. When disaster strikes—in any part of the world—we’ll be there. Since its foundation just over a year ago, Jeunesse Kids™ has given the equivalent of 5.6 million meals. Jeunesse Kids™ and its partnerships have been recognized by international greats like Muhammad Ali, Michael Jordan, Evander Holyfield, Celine Dion, and many more. Total donations as of today have amounted to $1.1 million and counting—every penny is spent feeding the hungry. Jeunesse Kids™ is helping Distributors make a global impact while improving their own circumstances. This is about big changes. It’s about a movement. Jeunesse Kids™ is saving lives. For more info, check us out on

2014 DSA ETHOS Awards | Vision for Tomorrow

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