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To Be Or Not To Be — There Is No Hesitation

Written by Ruichen Yan

From Being “Institutionalized” to Achieve Self-Actualization Needs


Before Andy’s arrival at the prison, Red and others are living their lives without a purpose because not only are they physically confined within the walls of the prison, but more importantly, their sense of individuality is also eroded by the mundane tasks that they have to complete on a daily basis at the institution. As time passes, Red and others eventually lose their identities that they have previously defined by themselves. Instead, they are now re-defined by the prison that they are living in, or in other words, “institutionalized”. This is evident based on Brook’s experience upon his release from the prison, as well as Red’s commentary on Brook’s suicide, “Believe what you want. These walls are funny. First you hate ‘em, then you get used to ‘em. After long enough, you get so you depend on ‘em. That’s “institutionalized.” In addition to losing their previously established identities, the repetitive daily tasks at the prison also erode Red and others’ ability to hope. Hope, which is the desire that something will happen in accordance to one’s expectation, has no place in prison because everyone’s future in the institution is pre-determined. There is simply no room of uncertainty. In fact, this incompatibility between hope and prison is explicitly described by Red, where he says “Hope is a dangerous thing. Drive a man insane.”

However, unlike Red and others, Andy’s true innocence of his crime confers him with the strongest determination to resist his identity from being institutionalized. To achieve this, he seizes every single opportunity that he finds in the prison to restore hope and positivity. From writing letters to the state legislature to request for funding, to playing an excerpt over the public address system, all these acts represent his resistance from being institutionalized and his pursuit for hope and liberation. Witnessing Andy’s progressive acts and his eventual liberation, as demonstrated by his escape from the prison, Red eventually changes his perception about hope. This is demonstrated by his arbitrary violation of his parole. Upon his parole violation, he feels the first time in his life that his future is unknown and remains to be determined. This is the first time in his life that he acquires the desire to become the most that he can be.

The Symbolism of Carving Stones

Among all the symbolisms in The Shawshank Redemption, the symbolism of carving stones is of particular interest. In general, stones such as alabaster and soapstone are the softest types, therefore they are often extensively carved for a variety of different purposes. In the case of The Shawshank Redemption, they were carved for the pieces of chess. Similar to the carving stones, Andy himself is also remarkably adaptable, which is a significant factor that leads to his success in escaping from the prison, in addition to his true innocence of his crime as previously described above. From becoming the accountant for the warden and prison guards, to becoming the librarian and the teacher of Tommy, Andy demonstrates his strong determination and competent flexibility in becoming just anyone, even Randall Stephens, who is simply a figment of his imagination. In addition to the symbolism of carving stones, the act of carving stones also represents Andy’s overarching journey throughout the movie. Like carving stones, which is a process that requires significant of time and commitment, Andy’s pursuit for freedom and liberation also demands his patience and dedication, specifically 19 years of effort. Although the process of carving is difficult and time consuming, the end transformation from an unnoticeable rock to a highly distinguished stone craft is a truly satisfying experience. Similarly, for Andy, his transformation from a falsely convicted murderer to a liberated wealthy individual is also a genuinely rewarding experience for him and the audience.

Like The Count of Monte Cristo or Hamlet, The Shawshank Redemption is an outstanding work that describes the mentality which has seeded in everyone’s mind—freedom and the eagerness to be themselves. It reminds us that we should never be settled by the confusions ahead, because behind those obstacles, the light from the destination is still shining.

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