Harmonic Distortion Correction
Active Vs Super Tuned Filter
To achieve 3P; Power, Productivity & Profitability
Passive Harmonic Filter – Why Super Tune a Harmonic Filter? –> 1. It Eliminates equipment Failure and voltage fluctuation Tripping. –> 2. It Prevents Arc Flash and Electrical Blasting. Refer to the Case Study. –> 3. It Reduces the running temperature of equipment. We have achieved up to 10-deg.C. –> 4. It Reduces CAPEX and footprint by eliminating that need for that costly de-rating. –> 5. It Reduces OPEX first by reducing footprint and then by enhancing energy efficiency. –> 6. It Reduces end product quality rejection. We have achieved up to 50% on six-sigma scale.
Why – Active Harmonic Filter? –> 1. By injecting negative harmonics, eliminates it from going to the Grid –> 2. Needs a stable Voltage-Source and prone to failure on its fluctuation.
–> 3. Can’t reduce downstream harmonics and equipment tripping & failures –> 4. Have energy losses. Most OEM catalogues mention it at about 3%.
Encon Engineers, Harmonic Filter Manufacturer
Harmonic Distortion Correction
Harmonic Flow in Power System
To achieve 3P; Power, Productivity & Profitability
How Harmonics Flow? •
Grid Supply
Being a Current Source, it flows in the opposite direction from downstream load to all branches in the upstream power system. By Ohm’s Law, it flows across all paths in the power system based on each path’s relative impedance. Along its flow path, two-events happen.
Power flow Harmonic flow
Firstly, the downstream equipment and cables, designed for 50.60Hz absorbs these high-frequency harmonics causing excessive stress to themselves. It causes equipment failure, high running temp, tripping and malfunction. The super tuned filter by creating a short-circuit path diverts the harmonics and troubleshoots the problem. Secondly, the grid being relatively a lower impedance path absorbs the remaining harmonics leftover by the downstream plant and machinery. The Active Harmonic Filter prevents these harmonics from going over to the grid.
415V Bus
Grouped Non-Linear Load (NLL)
Linear & NLL
Encon Engineers, Harmonic Filter Manufacturer
Harmonic Distortion Correction
Harmonic Flow Vs Active Filter
To achieve 3P; Power, Productivity & Profitability
AHF is a Voltage Source Load that generates negative harmonics to cancel harmonics coming from the load. It allows only a small harmonics, within limit, to the grid.
Being a Load, it consumes Active Power. OEM catalogues claim min 3% power losses which are measured at the favorable Lab condition only.
AHF needs a stable Voltage Source and thus susceptible to voltage fluctuation. Many OEM void warranty on higher voltage variations. Installing AHF at downstream MCC does not remove further downstream harmonics from Load. It provides harmonics relieve only to the cable in-between MCC and PCC.
Power flow Harmonics
415V Bus
Grouped Non-Linear Load (NLL)
Linear & NLL
Active Filter
What Active Harmonic Filter Does
Grid Supply
Encon Engineers, Harmonic Filter Manufacturer
Harmonic Distortion Correction
Harmonic Flow Vs Super Tuned
To achieve 3P; Power, Productivity & Profitability Why Passive Harmonic Filter is Super Tuned? It alters the dynamics of the harmonic flow by creating a Short-Circuit path for the flow of harmonic frequencies like 250Hz for 5th harmonics etc.
The load harmonics now, instead of getting absorbed in the downstream loads, are diverted as soon as it’s produced through this short-circuit path into the filter, thus solving equipment failures, tripping, and malfunctions. It allows only a small harmonics within a limit over to the grid, meeting the IEEE 519 harmonic standard, for both voltage and current harmonics.
By relieving the downstream equipment from the burden of harmonic absorptions, it eliminates that need for costly derating saving CAPEX and equipment footprint cost.
It saves OPEX cost in the manifold. Firstly it eliminates harmonics naturally and allowing full load plant operation sustainably. Secondly, it troubleshoots failures and thirdly it enhances energy efficiency.
The harmonious operation from the optimum power quality results in lesser end-product quality rejections which we have tracked up to 50% savings on Six-Sigma Scale.
Grid Supply
Power flow Harmonic flow
415V Bus
Grouped Non-Linear Load (NLL)
Linear & NLL
Super Tuned
Xl – Xc =0 Short-Circuit
Encon Engineers, Harmonic Filter Manufacturer
Harmonic Distortion Correction
THD –Voltage & Current
To achieve 3P; Power, Productivity & Profitability
Filter -ON
|------------------Filter –OFF ----------------------| Filter -ON
Encon Engineers, Harmonic Filter Manufacturer
Harmonic Distortion Correction To achieve 3P; Power, Productivity & Profitability
Harmonics–Voltage & Current
Filter -OFF
Filter -ON
Encon Engineers, Harmonic Filter Manufacturer
Harmonic Distortion Correction To achieve 3P; Power, Productivity & Profitability
Waveform –Voltage & Current
Filter -OFF
Filter -ON
Encon Engineers, Harmonic Filter Manufacturer
Harmonic Distortion Correction To achieve 3P; Power, Productivity & Profitability
Thank You
Merci Beaucoup
Encon Engineers, Harmonic Filter Manufacturer