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Urban Transport Consulting and Engineering

Headquarters: C/ Doctor Esquerdo, 97 28007 Madrid – Spain Tel. +34 91 409 60 75 Fax. +34 91 557 04 11 Skype: trningenieria @: trn@trningenieria.com Web: www.trningenieria.com

A Company specialised in Transport Engineering TRN Ingenierí Ingeniería y Planificació Planificación de Infraestructuras S.A. S.A is a Spanish company founded in 1996 by professionals of the transport and the architecture fields. Its main Objective is the client satisfaction, detecting his needs to offer the more innovative and favorable solutions within the accorded delays, trying to develop adapted methodologies for the treatment of each project. The activities performed by TRN Ingeniería are mainly developed in the Transport field, field such in the railway field as in the urban transport. The multidisciplinary team of TRN Ingeniería comprises the knowledge related to transport from the planning to the commissioning and consulting in the operation of different transport systems, including the project development and the construction supervision. Consulting and Planning Feasibility Studies Preliminary studies Detailed designs operation Construction Supervision Operation Consulting TRN Ingeniería has participated actively in international projects related to financed projects by multilateral entities, having references within the fourth continents : Europe (Spain, France and Romania), Latin America (Colombia, Mexico and Peru), Africa (Algeria and Cameroon) and Asia (China and India).

The company has offices in: - Madrid (Headquarters) - Barcelona (Transfer Enginyeria) - Colombia (TRN branch) - Peru (TRN branch)

Engineering to the Service of the Urban Transport TRN Ingenierí Ingeniería y Planificació Planificación de Infraestructuras S.A, S.A, specialised in the field of transport, has a wide experience in planning, design and construction supervision of equipments and associated interchangers, being a benchmark in this field. The experience of the professionals of TRN Ingeniería related to the Urban transport systems is very wide, including the pure studies of planning and urban mobility as well as the feasibility studies and definition of: Light Rail Train Metro Tramway Bus (platforms reserved BRT) Stations and Modal Interchange Rail and urban tunnels and associated equipment The works have been performed in different fields and have been marked by the high technology and the know how developed by the personnel of TRN Ingeniería in civil engineering, road infrastructures, security installations, signalling and communications, operation and maintenance. TRN Ingeniería offers technologic know how in the field of roads, from the planning to the operation, acquired during more than 15 years of trajectory

The integral conception of the project allows us to anticipate and incorporate future problems from the preliminary design, defining viable technical and functional solutions TRN Ingeniería was the leader of the different conception and designs stages of the most remarkable modal transport interchange built in the community of Madrid in the last 15 years (award to the best public work awarded by the Demarcation of civil engineers of the College of Madrid). We can highlight the TRN Ingeniería intervention in the definition and inspection technical assistances for the establishment and integration of the more than 45km road urban tunnels facilities of Madrid Calle 30, as well as the relatives to the associated Command Centre.

MAIN WORKS RELATED TO THE URBAN TRA Transport Interchange of Plaza Castilla (Madrid) Client: Consorcio de Transportes de Madrid

Date: September 2004

Main tasks: Detailed design of a subterranean interchange with:

- 5 levels (surface + 4 levels) - 40 interurban bus bays – Connection with the lines 1, 9 and 10 of metro of Madrid -Subterranean Public rotation Parking with 400 vacancies - Access tunnels (1,25km), included one of two floors (800m) - Workshop and parking for buses

Tramway Vélezlez-Málaga – Rincó Rincón de la Victoria (M (Málaga) laga) Client: Andalousian Railways

Date: September 2007

Main tasks: Drafting project and Detailed Design of 18km of line including: - Demand study - Functional definition - Operation analyse - Maintenance Analyse - Detailed Design - Public Information

The works contains the infrastructure and the installation , the architectonic definition of the stops and carriages as well as the urban and environmental integration

Installations of the Calle 30 Tunnels (Madrid) Client: Madrid Calle 30, S.A. Main tasks:

Date: April 2006

Inspection, supervision and quality guarantee of the command centre of the M-30 tunnels and definition of the installation specifications and integration works of them.

- 45km of urban tunnels - 30 installations subsystems : energy, ventilation, detection and fire fighting , lighting, evacuation, CCTV, acoustics, etc. - New command centre : 900 cameras, 3.500 speakers, 287 variable signalisation panels, 711 SOS pickets, mobile phone coverage and radio communications

ANSPORT PERFORMED BY TRN INGENIERÍA Workshops and Carriages of the Granada's Light Rail Train line 1 Client: Andalousian Railway Board

Date: December 2008

Main tasks: Construction Supervision of the workshops and carriages with:

Offices facilities - 3.063 m2 in three floors Workshop facilities - 5.334m2 with 6 rails Parking rails - 44 units of 33m Service Station - 407 m2 with 1 rail Wash Station Testing and Checking for noise and vibrations studies

Strategic Corridor Los Insurgentes. Insurgentes. BRT (Mé (México D.F.) Client: Government of the federal district

Date: October 2003

Main tasks: Conceptual Design and executive project of reserved platform for the BRT of the line 1 Metrobús Terminal Indios Verdes to Dr. Gálvez (Insurgents)

The work includes, among others tasks, the modification of the rails to incorporate the reserved platform, the stops and the terminals, a demand study of the new stops and terminals, a demand study of the new system and a proposal of the operation program. Also, traffic lights cycles and a proposal for the rearrangement of turnarounds to a better integration of the system.

Public Transport System in Prolongation of the Castellana Client: Consorcio de Transportes de Madrid

Date: February 2000

Main tasks: Design analyse of the alternatives of the different public transport lines to match the needs of the new urban developments:

We analyse in detail the following options - BRT - Light Rail Train -Metro -Commuter train - Modal interchanges, Coverage analyse, demand, mobile material, economic and profit valorisation

The 40 main TRN urban Transport references RAILWAY URBAN TRANSPORT (LIGHT RAIL TRAIN, METRO AND TRAMWAY) Second tramway line of the Nice network. Technical consulting Macao's light rail train project. Technical consulting for strategic approach and operation Commissioning of the different tramway systems Vélez-Málaga–Torre del Mar. Technical assistance to the tender's awarder

Establishment of a railway metropolitan service in Córdoba. Feasibility Study New railway service transport to Arroyomolinos. Planning and evaluation study New railway service transport to Torrejón de Ardoz. Planning and evaluation study Public transport system in the Prolongation of the Castellana Planning and evaluation study

Widening of the line 11 ,Metro of Madrid. Planning and evaluation study Widening of the line 7 , Metro of Madrid in the east area. Drafting and Stations Metro and Carriages Operation in the North area of Madrid. Definition study Public Transport system for the future urban developments in the districts of San Blas, Vicálvaro and Villa de Vallecas (Madrid). Conception study Public Transport System for the urban developments in the north area of Madrid. Conception study

Railway Corridor of the Costa del Sol. Section: Nerja-Málaga. Preliminary study Connection of the tramway Vélez-Málaga with el Rincón de la Victoria. Detailed Design

Widening of the line 3 de F.G.V. to Tavernes (Valencia). Detailed Design. Tramway system Los Palacios-Dos Hermanas. Alternative study and Detailed Design. Connection works between the metro station Guadaira and the future light rail station Pablo Olavide (Sevilla). Detailed Design Railway line Móstoles Central-Navalcarnero. Detailed design and operation. URBAN TRANSPORT IN RESERVED PLATFORMS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENTS Reserved platform for bus in the axe of Castelldefels to Cornellà de Llobregat. Preliminary study, Environmental impact study and detailed design

Reserved platform for bus in the avenues of Córdoba and Andalucía between the roundabout of Cádiz and its junction with the M-45 (Madrid). Preliminary design Strategic Corridor BRT Los Insurgentes (México DF) Operational and executive design Public Urban Transport of the metropolitan Lima. Project Vitrina. Preliminary design Network platforms reserved to the public transport with physical separation of the general traffic of Madrid. Definition study Establishment of a tramway system in reserved platforms for buses within the metropolitan area of Barcelona. Technical and analysis of the corridors Establishment of a bus management operative centre (Viladecans). Feasibility study Burying of the EMT bus carriages. Feasibility study URBAN TRANSPORT INTERCHANGE Interchange of Príncipe Pío, Plaza Elíptica and Conde de Casal. Profitability study Interchanges in Pl. Legazpi, Pl. Elíptica, Pl. Castilla, Moncloa, Conde de Casal, Príncipe Pío, Av. América, Aluche and Colonia Jardín. Preliminary and Feasibility studies Transport and public parking interchanges of Plaza de Castilla, Plaza Elíptica and Aluche. Detailed design Widening of the interchange vestibule and access in the station of Méndez Álvaro. Detailed design

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