Engineering to the Service of the Logistic
Headquarters C/ Doctor Esquerdo, 97 28007 Madrid – Spain Tel. +34 91 409 60 75 Fax. +34 91 557 04 11 Skype: trningenieria @: Web:
A Company specialised in Transport Engineering TRN Ingenierí Ingeniería y Planificació Planificación de Infraestructuras S.A. S.A is a Spanish company founded in 1996 by professionals of the transport and the architecture fields. Its main Objective is the client satisfaction, detecting his needs to offer the more innovative and favorable solutions within the accorded delays, trying to develop adapted methodologies for the treatment of each project. The activities performed by TRN Ingeniería are mainly developed in the Transport field, field such in the railway field as in the urban transport. The multidisciplinary team of TRN Ingeniería comprises the knowledge related to transport from the planning to the commissioning and consulting in the operation of different transport systems, including the project development and the construction supervision. Consulting and Planning Feasibility Studies Preliminary studies Detailed designs Construction Supervision Operation Consulting TRN Ingeniería has participated actively in international projects related to financed projects by multilateral entities, having references within the fourth continents : Europe (Spain, France and Romania), Latin America (Colombia, Mexico and Peru), Africa (Algeria and Cameroon) and Asia (China and India).
The company has offices in: - Madrid (Headquarters) - Barcelona (Transfer Enginyeria) - Colombia (TRN branch) - Peru (TRN branch)
- Romania (TRN Proiectare) - Mexico (commercial representation) - Cameroon (commercial representation) - Brazil (commercial representation)
Engineering to the Service of Logistic Logistic is the key in the chain of the commercial activities, specially in a market each time more globalized It constitutes the union between the product and the client, separated more than ever by an enormous distance, and with shorter delays expectations. The companies concurrence depends on the adaptation to the continuous changes of the market, which demands the development of a flexible and sustainable logistic.
TRN IngenierĂa offers technologic know how in the field of roads, from the planning to the operation, acquired during more than 15 years of trajectory.
The integral conception of the project allows us to anticipate and incorporate futur problems from the preliminary design, defining viable technical and fonctional sollutions
LAST WORKS RELATED TO THE LOGIS Intermodal Platform in N’gaoundé gaoundéré (Cameroon) Client: Ministry of Public Works
Date: 2010
Main tasks: Analysis of the current situation Performance of the requirements program Prognosis of the future growth Definition of future requirements Study of the redesign alternatives Analysis of the management model Study of the financial model
Railway Freight Complex of Vicá Vicálvaro Client: ADIF
Date: February 2011
Main tasks: Analyse of the current situation in: - Station of Vicálvaro - C.L. Madrid – Abroñigal Study of requirements Proposal of design alternatives Detailed Functional Study Multi criterion analysis Proposal of the best solution
Observer of the Intermodal Ground and Sea Transport Client: Ministry of Public Works Date: June 2011 Main tasks: Data base analyse Study of the modal repartition Analyse of the external costs Interviews to agents Diagnosis to the current situation Studies of the unimodal/multimodal transport chain costs Proposition and selection of monitoring indicators Proposition of technical and managements actions
STIC PERFORMED BY TRN INGENIERÍA Remodelling of the Logistic Centre of Majarabique Client: ADIF
Date: August 2011
Main tasks: Detailed Functional Study Multi criterion analysis Proposal of the best solution
Analyse of the current situation Study of requirements Proposal of design alternatives
Logistic Centre of Les Coves Client: Sió Logística
Date: June 2008
Main tasks: Study of the logistic platform implantation Urban processing of the acting Urbanisation Project
Logistic Strategy of the Generalitat Valenciana Client: Generalitat Valenciana
Date January 2009 Nodos Nodoslogísticos logísticosde delalaComunitat Comunitat Valenciana Valenciana
Main tasks: Justification and description of the Railway Freight Transport Plan of the Valencia Community
Castelló - la Plana
- New planned lines Utiel
- New Freight terminals
València Silla
- Railway accesses to ports
Cullera Xátiva
- Particular Derivations
La Costera La Encina Alcoi
Study of the freight stations design Preliminary design for the implantation of logistic Nodes
MURCIA Murcia Nodo logístico Cartagena
The 25 main TRN Logistic references STRATEGIC STUDIES Ground and Sea Transport Intermodal Observer Railway Installations Plan for the Intermodal transport in the Valencia community. Strategic study. Implantation of freight stations in the logistic network of the Valencia community. Preliminary design.
PLANNING AND FUNCTIONALITY STUDIES Remodelling of the logistic centre of Aranjuez (Madrid). Functional project Remodelling of the logistic centre of Majarabique (Seville). Functional project Railway freight Complex of Vicálvaro. Functional study. Logistic Centre of Aranjuez. Market studies and functionality for the tender PPP. Remodelling of the railway complex of Zaragoza. Functional study. Logis Montblanc. Implantation study. Freight Stations design for the logistic network of the Generalitat Valenciana. Functional study.
Railway access to Logis Ebre. Feasibility study. PRELIMINARY DESIGNS Intermodal Platform in N’gaoundéré (Cameroon). Feasibility study and preliminary design
Railway access to the Pot of Almería. Preliminary design. New rail accesses to the Port of Tarragona. Preliminary design . Logistic Centre of Valencia Fuente de San Luis. Preliminary design . DETAILED DESIGNS AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCES Railway complex of Valladolid. Detailed design and Technical assistance. New logistic centre in Albacete. Detailed design and Technical assistance. Logistic Centre of Valencia Fuente de San Luis. Detailed design . Remodelling of the freight Santander station Detailed design. Logistic Centre of Les Coves. Partial Plan and urbanisation project. ZAL (Logistic activities area) of the Port of Motril. Implantation study and urbanisation project.
Railway accesses from Santurtzi to the freight Terminal of the port of Bilbao. Alternatives study and detailed design.
Railway accesses by means of the tunnel of Serantes to the freight Terminal of the Port of Bilbao. Preliminary study and detailed design. Adaptation of the line Papiol – Mollet for the UIC gauge access to the port of Barcelona. Detailed design. Remodelling of the railway complex of Los Prados, due to the new access to Málaga in high speed Detailed design. Access in UIC gauge to the Containers Terminal Deck Príncipe de España, Port of Barcelona. Tendering project.