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Consulting and Engineering of Metro and Tramway

Headquarters C/ Doctor Esquerdo, 97 28007 Madrid – Spain Tel. +34 91 409 60 75 Fax. +34 91 557 04 11 Skype: trningenieria @: trn@trningenieria.com Web: www.trningenieria.com

A Company specialised in Transport Engineering TRN Ingenierí Ingeniería y Planificació Planificación de Infraestructuras S.A. S.A is a Spanish company founded in 1996 by professionals of the transport and the architecture fields. Its main Objective is the client satisfaction, detecting his needs to offer the more innovative and favorable solutions within the accorded delays, trying to develop adapted methodologies for the treatment of each project. The activities performed by TRN Ingeniería are mainly developed in the Transport field, field such in the railway field as in the urban transport. The multidisciplinary team of TRN Ingeniería comprises the knowledge related to transport from the planning to the commissioning and consulting in the operation of different transport systems, including the project development and the construction supervision. Consulting and Planning Feasibility Studies Preliminary studies Detailed designs operation Construction Supervision Operation Consulting TRN Ingeniería has participated actively in international projects related to financed projects by multilateral entities, having references within the fourth continents : Europe (Spain, France and Romania), Latin America (Colombia, Mexico and Peru), Africa (Algeria and Cameroon) and Asia (China and India).

The company has offices in: - Madrid (Headquarters) - Barcelona (Transfer Enginyeria) - Colombia (TRN branch) - Peru (TRN branch)

- Romania (TRN Proiectare) - Mexico (commercial representation) - Cameroon (commercial representation) - Brazil (commercial representation)

Consulting and engineering in metro and tramways TRN Engineering and Infrastructure Planning SA, specialised in the field of transport, has a wide experience in planning, design and construction supervision of Metros, Tramways and associated equipments. The trajectory of his associated founders in the public administrations as Metro de Madrid and Renfe – Light rail train, train where they held responsibility posts related to the Planning, Design and Construction, offers them a global vision of the project so they can provide an integral service: “From the Planning to the Operation” Operation”. The works have been developed in different fields and have been marked by the high technology and the know how developed by the personnel of TRN Ingeniería as in civil engineering, road infrastructures, security installations, signaling and communications, operation and maintenance.

TRN Ingeniería offers technologic know how in the field of roads, from the planning to the operation, acquired during more than 15 years of trajectory.

The integral conception of the project allows us to anticipate and incorporate futur problems from the preliminary design, to the definition of viable technical and fonctional sollutions.

TRN Ingeniería has performed: Planning studies of the new lines of Metro and Tramways. Detailed Designs of the new lines of the carriages and workshops of

metro or tramways. Supervision of the work of the new tramway lines and carriages and workshops. Among its main clients we can find:

Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid, Metro of Madrid, Andalusian railways (Andalusia), Mintra (Comunidad de Madrid), Metro of Maracaibo, Private Clients.

MAIN WORKS RELATED TO METRO AND TRA Public Transport System for future urban developments Client: Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid Date: October 2000 Main tasks: Design and analyse of the different alternatives of public transport lines to match the needs of the new urban developments:

The following options are analysed in detail - BRT - Commuter Train - Metro - Modal interchange Analyse of the coverage, demand, mobile material, economic valorisation and profitability

Metrosur Carriages Client: MINTRA

Date: May 2000

Main tasks: Carriage detailed design for the Metrosur mobile material with: - Maintenance area - Parking area - Vehicle wash Tunnel - Fixed installations of the building - Connection branches - Holders

In this project we can include the civil work, the rail superstructure, the edification, the non railway installations and the environment urbanisation

Premiè Première Ligne de Tramway de SidiSidi-BelBel-Abbes (Algeria) Client: ASSIGNIA-ROVERALCISA-ELECNOR Main tasks:

Date: December 2012

Consulting services for the performance of the tender project concerning a tramway line of 12 km long and a maintenance centre and management and control of 18.000m2 - Analyse of the tender requirements - Analyse of the preliminary design - Performance of technical documentation - Measurements revision - Analyse of the technical variants - Work Plan - Interfaces integration study

AMWAYS PERFORMED BY TRN INGENIERÍA Méndez Álvaro Station Client: Metro de Madrid, S.A. Date: Mayo 2006 Main tasks: Execution project of the interchange vestibule and improvement of the access to the station of Méndez Álvaro

Study of the alternatives and development for the lifts implantation for the access to people with reduced mobility to the vestibules and light rail train platforms and line 6 of metro of Madrid

Technical Assistance to TRAVELSA (tramway of Vélezlez-Málaga) laga) Client: TRAVELSA Main tasks:

Date: 2006

Technical assistance and consulting to the concession company during the commissioning of different systems of the Vélez-Málaga – Torre del Mar tramway: - Rolling stock. - Signaling systems - Interaction with rail signaling. - Electrification systems. - Operator's Platform. - Equipment of the Stations.

Legalisation of the installation of the metro stations Client: Metro de Madrid, S.A.

Date: July 2008

Main tasks: Engineering Services for the legalisation of low voltage installations of 49 stations of the Madrid metro network (lot I), including:

- Receptors inventory of low voltage electricity - Project of installations of low voltage with adaptation to the current normative - Facultative supervision of the works - Processing of the visa - Processing supervision of the works certificate

The 20 main TRN Metro and Tramway references PLANNING AND EVALUATION STUDIES New railway service to Torrejón de Ardoz. Planning and evaluation study. Actualisation of the alignment and stations of the east area metro line 7 prolongation. Planning and evaluation study. Analyse of the access conditions of the new metro line 10 stations in the municipal term of Madrid. Planning and evaluation study. Study of the public transport conception system for the urban developments in the north area of Madrid. Planning and evaluation study Implantation of a system of public transport which will serve the future needs in the affected area by the urban operation “Prolongation of the Castellana”. Planning and evaluation study.

Widening of the metro line 11 to La Fortuna and the operation of Campamento from the Avenida de Los Poblados. Planning and evaluation study STATIONS PROJECTS Widening of the vestibule of interchange and improvement of the access to the Méndez Álvaro station. Detailed design. Partial remodelling of the Ascao station of line 7, Metro of Madrid. Detailed design. Detailed project of the 1st remodelling Phase of the Aluche interchange and Definition of the general solution. Detailed design

Detailed project of the connection works between the metro station of Guadaira and the future light rail train station of Pablo Olavide. Detailed design.

CARRIAGES PROJECTS Closure project and shunting yard in Aluche. Detailed design Assembly plant of UDT (Train unity) in Cuatro Vientos for the line 12 . Metro of Madrid. Detailed design . Carriages for the mobile material of Metrosur Móstoles-Fuenlabrada. Detailed design PROJECTS OF THE METRO AND TRAMWAY LINES Connection between the tramway of Vélez-Málaga with the Rincón de la Victoria. Study of Planning and Evaluation, and Detailed Design.

Tramway system between Los Palacios and Dos Hermanas. Study of Planning and Evaluation, and Detailed Design

Marché Portant Sur la réalisation des travaux de la Première Ligne de Tramway de Sidi-Bel-Abbes et D'Ouargla. Tender Project. ASSOCIATED INSTALLATIONS TO THE LINES OF METRO AND TRAMWAY Legalisation of the installations of low voltage with a total of 58 stations in the network of the Metro of Madrid. Engineering Services. Analyse of the vestibules adaptation to the metro network for the installation of toll barriers . Functional study. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCES FOR THE COMMISSIONNING AND THE OPERATION Line 1 Light Rail Train of Granada. Workshops and carriages. Technical Assistance. Technical assistance to TRAVELSA (tramway Vélez-Málaga), concerning the quality control of the Electrification, Signalling, Energy Telecommand, Rail Infrastructure and Station Equipment installation. Technical Assistance. Prolongation works of the line 2 of FMB, section Pep Ventura-Badalona centre, infrastructure, superstructure and electrification". Expert report of the rail assembly Performance of the strategy for the operation of the Macao and Chennai metro Consulting in the project of widening establishment of the Nice tramway network

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