Digital CV - Victoria Button

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Creative Design //////////////////////////////////////////

Victoria Button PORTFOLIO - 2017 - 2012

Victoria Button +447415 054 320

Experienced and energetic, I’m a creative who is passionate about great design. Highly driven to create professional standard work. A great communicator and goal achiever.

March 2016 - Present

Ideas Festival Chelmsford 2016 - Co-Director

October 2016 - Present

Marconi Mural Project Manager and Artist

short term project

Duties included: Fundaraising, the organistion of over 90 events, budget management, evaluation and Graphic Design. I was responsible for all graphic products: Brochure, banners, flyers and posters. I created the logo and was responsible for the website and promotional video.

The creation of a large scale Mural celebrating the influcance of Marconi’s wireless radios in our society. Site in Chlemsford centre tbc.

October 2016 - Present

Rain Activated Art - Project Manager and Artist

short term project

Using super hydrolic paint to create a trail of artowkr which celebrates the Rivers of Chelmsford, their environemntal importance, historical and wellbeing value.

June 2015 - November 2015

eXplore Project Manager

April 2014 - December 2015

Signals Media Arts Centre - Education Co-ordinator

April 2014 - November

Imagine In-Print - Project Co-ordinator

Professional Skill Set

June 2013 - June 2015

Festival Artist

IT Skills

September 2012 - December 2013

Dibujo London Co-founder

March 2013 - April 2013

Memrise Ltd. | Freelance Illustrator and Animator

Qualifications 2009 - 2012

Work Experience

Visual Communication | Loughborough University BA Hons Degree 2:1 Illustration as Reportage Study Trip: San Francisco Study Trip

2007 - 2008

Art and Design Foundation Diploma | Loughborough University Merit

2005 - 2007

A Levels | Chelmer Valley Sixth Form college Art and Design (A), Psychology (B), General Studies (C), French (D), English Literature (D).

Skills Pitching | Fund raising (bid writting) | excellence communication oral and written | project management | concept development |

Microsoft Office | Word | Excel | Power-point | Keynote/Prezzi | Photoshop (fluent) | Illustrator | Final Cut Pro | Dreamweaver | Motion 5 | After Effects (video editing) | Premier Pro | Dragon (stop motion) | Mac User | InDesign | Code: Python, HTML,

Hand Crafted Processes

Printing (Lino Mono and screen) | Stop Motion | Shadow Puppetry) | Stop Motion animation | Model making, set building |

Multi media digital installation project, funded by Essex County Council, Chelmsford City Council, this project uses inovative digital techology to connect the genral publci to outdoor spaces in Essex.

Education Co-ordinator - producing over 10 films and animations with groups of young people, or disadvantaged people. Co-ordinating CPD, workshops and larger projects. Dealing with press relations, co-ordinating large projects for clients such as: Heritage England, Essex Sufforlk and Water and BFI

Successfully gained funding from Chelmford Coty Coucil, Creative writting project, working with the local community to create an 3D installation, which was on display to over 400 000 members of teh public.

I’ve worked at a number of festivals, with interactive art installations. Including: Fling Festiva (2013,14 and 15), Heartbest festival, 3Foot festival (the U.K’s largest under 5’s festival).

‘Dibujo London’ [draw London], is a branch of ‘Dibujo Mundo’ [draw the world] an international voluntary moment of storytelling classes.

Making fun and exploratory language learning aids for the Arabic alphabet and German phrases.


01 Poster Design Selection of poster designs

05 Other Ideas Festival Media - T-Shirt Evaluation cards Flyer

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02 Logo Design Selection of logos designs

06 Illustrated Brochure 2013

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03 Typography

07 Illustration

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04 Brochure Ideas Festival 2016 - Graphics and Illusatration

08 Infographics

01 Poster design

















eXplore Logo - flyer front cover






Imagine-In-Print Poster


eXplore public art project


Hulla Hoop Poster Workshop - Pink colourway


02 Logo Design

SENECA LEADERSHIP Seneca Leadership Logo for Boxed Up Media eXplore logo - public art commision

Triple E Group Logo for Boxed Up Media

Plug-In - Logo for Signals Media Arts Centre’s, cultural digital project. Ideas Festival 2016 - logo

03 Typography Different examples of Illustrated type

Many Minds One Heart Illustrated Mural

Illustrated type continued, Loveabet.

Loveabet in use at Chelmsfords’ Fling Festival

04 Brochure Ideas Festival 2016

Front Cover.

Different inside pages showing category themes. Front Cover, open brochure.

Diary View, middle insert.

05 Other Ideas Festival Media

Flyer and Editorial Illustration Ideas Festival 2016

T-Shirt - Ideas Festival 2016

Evaluation Cards - Ideas Festival 2016

06 Illustrated Brochure 2013

Different inside pages showing illustrations on the themes

Essex Chronicle Double Page Spread

Diary Insert and Kids Page

07 Illustration

Crouching Tiger - Illustration for Children’s Book

Paloma Faith Album Cover

Pea Love - UN Year of the pulse illustration The Confessions of an Opium Eater Book Cover


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The Ideas Festival is built upon three aims:

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Infographic for the Evaluation of the Ideas Festival: showing the overall outcome.

08 Infographics

Below: For the Ideas Festival Evaluation, an infographic depicting the three core aims of the festival.

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Community, to bring the community together for an all inclusive Festival. Education, provide education for all, on a wide variety of subjects. Innovation, showcase the latest innovative ideas on a variety of subjects.

Below: For the Ideas Festival Evaluation: showing the new structure of the Festival:

Contact 07415 054 320

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