Poppy Yarn Takeover Chelmsford! From Mid October till 11th of November knitted and crotched poppies made by you, the community! Will be displayed throughout Chelmsford Centre on this special centenary year, 100 years since the end of WW1. Be part of it and create poppies! Below are two patterns, one for knit and one for crochet. Deliver your poppies to the Ideas Hub Chelmsford by the 11th October. Collect free wool, sponsored by John Lewis, from the Ideas Hub, Chelmsford Central Library.
Crochet Poppy Pattern: Round 1: Using a 4/4.5 mm hook and black DK wool, chain 4. Join with sls to form a circle. Chain 3. Work 11 double crochets into the centre of the circle and join with slst into the top of the first chain. Tie off and sew in tail. Round 2: Using red wool join with slst into any gap and chain 3 then 2 dc into same gap and chain 3 then 2 dc into the same gap. Repeat, working 3 dc into each gap until the end. Slst into the first chain. Round 3: 3 chain, then 1dc into the same gap. Work 2 dc into each gap until the end. Slst, tie off and saw tail in. Note: Please leave 2 x 4/6” tails for attaching to display. (Leave 1 at the start of clack and 1 at the start of red)
Knit Poppy Pattern: Materials: Red or White and Black DK yarn, needles UK size 9 (3.75 mm). 1. Using red or white yarn, cast on 60 stitches. 2.1 row (right side) knit. 2nd row knit. 3. Knit 3 together. Repeat to end of row (10 stitches). 4. Knit 2 rows. 5. Knit 2 together. Repeat to end of row (10 stitches). 6. Reap step 4 and 5 above (5 stitches). 7. Cut the yarn and thread the tail through a darning needle and through remaining stitches and pull tight. Seam the edge to complete your petals. Leave a tail of 4/6” (10/15 cm) 8. Using black yarn, cast on 12 stitches. 1st row (right side) knit. 2nd row knit 2 together to end of row (6 stitches). Cut the yarn and thread the tail through a darning needle and through remaining stitches and pull tight. Sew into the centre of poppy. Tie off ends invisibly. Leave Tail of 4/6” (10/15 cm) this is who we are going to join them to other objects.