We warmly welcome you to the VCCC Alliance Research Conference 2023.
This is the third VCCC Alliance Research Conference, and an important event for the alliance members and the broader cancer research community as we come together for the first time since the pandemic.
Over the next few days, we will venture Beyond the Breakthroughs in a dynamic and challenging program exploring some of the curly questions in cancer, as well as some of the most promising directions for research and implementation. Our delegates include researchers from all disciplines from the bench to the bedside, and survivorshipas well as the vital voices of consumers.
The quality and diversity of the delegates, speakers and the program highlight integrated nature of a comprehensive cancer approach. In many ways, the event will be a demonstration of the VCCC Alliance values and principles in practice – founded in collaboration, leadership, consumer inclusion, equity and of course, cutting edge science.
Thank you for being part of this special event. We look forward to listening, learning and connecting with you over the next couple of days.
Conference Convenors
Professor Christobel Saunders, AO
James Stewart Chair of Surgery, Department of Surgery RMH, Melbourne Medical School, University of Melbourne, Royal Melbourne Hospital
Associate Professor Edwin Hawkins
NHMRC Leadership fellow, Inflammation Division, WEHI
Associate Professor Delphine Merino
Head, Tumour Progression and Heterogeneity Laboratory, Cancer Biology and Therapy Program, Olivia
Newton-John Cancer Research Institute, School of Cancer Medicine, La Trobe University
VCCC Alliance members
Information and Registration Desk
Opening hours
Tuesday 12 September 7:30am – 5:00pm
Wednesday 13 September 7:30am – 4:30pm
Speaker Preparation Room
Opening hours
Tuesday 12 September 7:30am – 5:00pm
Wednesday 13 September 7:30am – 4:30pm
Exhibition Times
Opening hours
Tuesday 12 September 7:30am – 5:00pm
Wednesday 13 September 7:30am – 5:30pm
Conference App
The conference mobile app gives you instant access to all the details you’ll need to make the most out of this conference. You can use the app to view the program, featured speakers, ePosters, exhibitors and more.
1. Download the Cvent Events app from your app store.
2. Search for VCCC Alliance Conference 2023, then click the icon to download the event.
3. Create your own schedule and profile by logging into the app. Click the Profile icon at the bottom of the screen, then click log in.
4. Enter your first name, last name, and email address that you used on your registration.
Wi-Fi Access Login Network
Password beyondthebreakthroughs
Official Hashtag
Join in the conversation!
Tag your Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook photos with #VCCCA23
Monday 11 September
Morning sessions
9:00am – 12:00pm
Workshop 1: The consumer edge: moving from awareness to action
Room: Clarendon Room A
Workshop 2: Clinical trial protocols 101 – an expert guide
Room: Clarendon Room B
Afternoon sessions
1:00pm – 4:00pm
Workshop 3: Practical genomics for oncology
Room: Clarendon Room A
Workshop 4: AI applications for cancer care, research and education
Room: Clarendon Room B
Conference Dinner
Date: Tuesday 12 September
Time: 6:30pm for 7:00pm start
Location: The Pavilion, Arts Centre
Melbourne 100 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne
Dress Code: lounge suit/business dinner
All guests are required to make their own way to dinner, approx. 20 min walk from MCEC.
The dinner plate icon on your name badge indicates you have selected to attend the dinner.
*This is a ticketed event and you must bring your name badge with you to gain entry.
All ePosters will be on display in the exhibition hall on Tuesday and Wednesday. See the Conference app for a full list of ePosters.
Photography Disclaimer
The VCCC Alliance will be taking photos and filming at this event. Images and video will be retained by VCCC Alliance and Think Business Events for marketing purposes. If you have any concerns with your image being used in future promotional material, please advise the photographer or speak to conference event staff.
Tuesday 12 Sept
Equitable Approaches to Cancer Incidence, Detection, and Therapy
Welcome and Official Opening
Welcome and housekeeping Julie McCrossin, host
Welcome to Country Djirri Djirri
Opening address Professor Christobel Saunders, University of Melbourne & Royal Melbourne Hospital
Associate Professor Edwin Hawkins, WEHI
Associate Professor Delphine Merino, Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute, La Trobe University
Platinum sponsor’s welcome Dr Dayna Swiatek , Victorian Cancer Agency
Plenary – Is Cancer A Socially Determined Disease?
Social determinants and ageing in preventing lung cancer
Cancer for Indigenous Australians – how can we do better
Rural determinants of cancer outcomes
Professor Charles Swanton, Francis Crick Institute
Professor Jacinta Elston, Cancer Australia
Professor Sabe Sabesan, Townsville University Hospital and Queensland Health
How the national cancer plan will address inequities
Professor Dorothy Keefe, Cancer Australia
8 7:30am
Clarendon Auditorium
11:20am Clarendon Auditorium
Breakout 1 –Prevention and screening – factors that can influence cancer incidence and outcome
Tracking cancer evolution and spread – does this mean we can’t prevent cancer?
Preventing and detecting early cancer starts in the community
Subsequent primary cancer risks for colorectal cancer survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Patient reported outcomes for breast magnetic resonance imaging in pre-operative assessment and staging of breast cancer
Pressure from tissue: resident memory T cells can drive lung cancer
Professor Charles Swanton, Francis Crick Institute
Professor Jon Emery, University of Melbourne & VCCC Alliance
Dr Ye Kyaw Aung , The University of Melbourne
Dr Julia Matheson, Royal Melbourne Hospital and the University of Melbourne
Professor Daniel Gray, WEHI
unites caring with discovery to create medicines that make life better for people around the world. Eli Lilly Australia Pty Ltd. Level 9, 60 Margaret St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia. ABN 39 000 233 992. Medical information: 1800 454 559. Date of preparation: August 2023. PP-ON-AU-0073. FR10719.
10:50am Morning Tea
Clarendon Room D & E
Breakout 2 – Controlling Cancer and Navigating Risk Factors
The microbiome and new molecular checkpoints for colorectal cancer immunotherapy
Acute myeloid leukaemia and subtypes in Victoria – an exploratory data-linkage study
improving the outcomes for patients with tongue cancer through clinical and laboratory research
How risks combine for inherited breast cancer
Tools to personalise genetic counselling
12:45pm Lunch
Clarendon Auditorium
Dr Lisa Mielke, Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute
Dr Kane Langdon, James Cook University
Professor David Wiesenfeld, VCCC Alliance & Royal Melbourne Hospital
Associate Professor Kara Britt , Peter McCallum Cancer Centre
Dr Laura Forrest , Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Plenary – Advancing Healthcare: Genomics and Personalised Medicine on the frontline
Radiomics-towards personalised radiation therapy
Personalising lung cancer screening
Professor Michelle Leech, Trinity College
Professor Dorothy Keefe, Cancer Australia
Clarendon Auditorium
Towards zero cancer deaths
Personalised Medicine: A Patient Perspective
3:15pm Afternoon Tea
Professor Michelle Haber, Children’s Cancer Institute
Julie McCrossin, cancer survivor and advocate
Breakout 3 – Cancer across the lifespan
Voluntary Assisted Dying: reclaiming control
Putting function back into paediatric cancer genomics – novel genomic features in childhood cancer
Advance care planning for Australian oncology health professionals
Boosting consumer awareness and reducing myths around clinical trials at Grampians health
Dr Harriet Beevor, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Associate Professor Paul Ekert , Murdoch Children’s Research Institute
Ms Helena Rodi, Austin Health
Ms Lisa Bell, Grampians Health
Clarendon Room D & E
Breakout 4 – Precision oncology: delivering the future of cancer care
Liquid biopsies and cancer
Professor Sarah-Jane Dawson, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Utility of 2-Deoxy-2-[F-18] fluoro-D-glucose positron emission tomography/ computer tomography in cancer of unknown primary
Implementation of whole genomic sequencing in cancer diagnosis: modelling and sensitivity analysis using system dynamics
Clinical implications of comprehensive molecular testing in patients with advanced solid tumours using the Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre (VCCC)
Precision study
Clarendon Auditorium
Dr Tharani Sivakumaran, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Dr Hadi Akbarzadeh
Khorshidi, The University of Melbourne
Dr Sathya Manoharan, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Plenary Panel: Immunotherapy replaces targeted therapy
Professor Grant McArthur, VCCC Alliance and Peter Mac
Professor Sherene Loi, Peter Mac and Parkville Cancer Clinical Trials Unit
Melissa Sheldon, consumer
Professor Christobel
Saunders, Royal Melbourne Hospital and University of Melbourne
Professor Farshad Foroudi, Olivia Newton-John Cancer & Wellness Centre, Austin Health
5:20pm Wrap up
Julie McCrossin, host
6:30pm Conference Dinner - The Pavilion, Arts Centre Melbourne
Wednesday 13 Sept
The Evolving Landscape of Cancer Research
7:30am Registration
Clarendon Auditorium
Welcome to Day 2
Welcome address
Associate Professor Shalin Naik , WEHI
The Hon Tim Richardson MP, host
Plenary – How new Technologies and Multi-Omics are moving the dial
New insights into p53mediated suppression of lung and pancreatic cancers
New treatment strategies using new methods
New care pathways are moving the dial
10:00am Morning Tea
Clarendon Auditorium
Professor Laura Attardi, Stanford University
Professor Alexander Swarbrick , Garvan Institute
Professor Shelley Dolan, Royal Melbourne Hospital
Breakout session 5 – Extracting clinically relevant information from large DNA and RNA datasets
The analysis of single cell genomics datasets
Identifying molecular drivers of cancer using transcriptomics
Comparative analysis of single-nucleus and single-cell RNA sequencing data: insights and trade-offs
Linking data for cancer research
Classifying homologous recombination deficiency in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma through gene expression
Dr Davis McCarthy, St Vincent’s institute
Professor Alicia Oshlack , Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Mr Reza Ghamsari, UNSW
Ms Sally Philip, University of Melbourne and VCCC Alliance
Miss Ashley Weir, WEHI
Exploiting cancer cell addiction to cyclindependent-kinase dependent transcription cycles for cancer therapy
Exploring regulatory networks in normal and cancerous tissues using computational techniques
Exploiting altered mRNA processing to overcome therapy-induced plasticity and resistance in melanoma
Monitoring circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) to determine clinical outcomes from [177Lu] LuPSMA-617 in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC)
10:30am Clarendon Room D & E
Dr Jennifer Devlin, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Professor Melissa Davis, WEHI
Dr Lorey Smith, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Dr Heidi Fettke, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Breakout 6: Translating technology to provide better cancer outcomes
Shifting the landscape: Harnessing perioperative trials to reshape brain cancer drug development
Evidence-informed stakeholder engagement: A critical foundation for building a stronger cancer service delivery system
PRIMCAT-MEL: A novel approach to informing Health Technology Assessment decision making for melanoma in Australia.
Regulation of exhausted CD8+ T cell differentiation by IKZF transcription factors
Exploiting GPX2 loss to sensitise colorectal cancers to radiotherapy
Dr Jim Whittle, WEHI
Ms Cheryl Martin, Loddon Mallee Integated Cancer Service
Dr Fanny Franchini, University of Melbourne
Ms Sinead Reading , Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Miss Natalia Vukelic , Olivia Newton John Cancer Research Institute
Clarendon Room D & E
Using advanced CRISPR techniques in vivo - the key to identifying tumour drivers and therapeutic vulnerabilities
Prehab to prevent suboptimal surgical outcomes – is exercise a revolutionary technology?
High-throughput analysis of PARP inhibitor combination therapy with patient-derived models of prostate cancer
The SPARC project: Supporting People with A Rare Cancer
12:15pm Lunch
Clarendon Auditorium
Clarendon Auditorium
Professor Marco Herold, Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute
Dr Shaza Abo, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Dr Mitchell Lawrence, Monash University & Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Dr Laura Hemming , La Trobe University
Plenary: Targeting the seed or the soil to disrupt the cancer ecosystem
Is mRNA technology the future for cancer vaccines?
Updates in immunotherapy in breast cancer
How mRNA technologies could revolutionise melanoma vaccines and therapies - a consumer perspective
The advocacy challenges of novel therapies
Afternoon Tea
Mr Chris Clarke, Moderna
Professor Sherene Loi, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Ms Karin Innes, Consumer
Ms Kirsten Pilatti, Breast Cancer Network Australia
Breakout 7: The challenges of novel therapies
LGBTIQA+ Inclusion in Victorian Cancer Care
A cross-sectional analysis of phase 1 oncology trials in Australia 2012-2022
Ms Ashley Macleod, Austin Health
Dr Sathya Manoharan, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Identification of the doublecortin Like kinase 1 (DCLK1) interactome reveals novel kinase dependent processes involved in cell cycle processes.
Co-targeting of fibrotic and immune microenvironments to improve overall antitumour response in pancreatic cancer.
Dr Annalisa Carli, Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute
Associate Professor Marina Pajic , Garvan Institute
Breakout 8 - Can we cure cancer? - Exploring cutting-edge approaches for targeting the tumour microenvironment
CAR-T cell therapy at Peter Mac and beyond
CREB-regulated immunosuppression in the GBM tumour microenvironment
Targeting the cancer associated fibroblasts in breast cancer
Conserved, targetable pathways of immune suppression in the tumour microenvironment
Associate Professor Jane Oliaro, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Mr Samuel Widodo, The University of Melbourne
Ms Sadia Quazi, Olivia Newton John Cancer Research Institute
Dr Anne Fletcher, Monash University
Clarendon Room D & E
Clarendon Auditorium
Closing Plenary Debate: AI will replace the cancer workforce within the next five years
Affirmative Negative
Melissa Le Mesurier, consumer, VCCC Alliance
Dr Saskia Freytag , Brain Cancer Centre, WEHI
Dr Cameron Snell, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Professor Karin Verspoor, RMIT University
Dr David Speakman, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Dr Helen Frazer, St Vincent’s Hospital and University of Melbourne
Professor Charles Swanton, Francis Crick Institute London
Clarendon Auditorium
Closing remarks and thanks
Associate Professor Shalin Naik , WEHI
Professor Grant McArthur, VCCC Alliance and Peter Mac
6:00pm Cancer Communities Forum
EZ2® Connect
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Wednesday 13 September
6:00pm – 7:30pm
The landscape of cancer care has changed rapidly over the past decade. This is a chance to ask the big questions of leading cancer experts and consumers in a ‘you can’t ask that!’ style forum looking at precision oncology and the growing trend towards tailored treatment for cancer.
Questions we’ll be answering:
• What is precision oncology and what does it mean for patients?
• How will these technologies change cancer treatments and outcomes now and in the future?
• How do patients feel about precision oncology? What are their concerns?
• How can patients contribute to the science and its translation into care?
• How can we ensure everyone benefits?
All welcome!
Ms Alison Coughlan
CEO, Health Issues Centre
Dr Damien Kee
Austin Health, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, WEHI
Ms Victoria Sharp
Consumer, VCCC Alliance and Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
You Can’t Ask That! panel members
Professor Christobel Saunders
Royal Melbourne Hospital and The University of Melbourne
Mr Paul Baden
Consumer, VCCC Alliance
Ms Kathy Minas
Consumer, VCCC Alliance
Ms Hayley Bee
Clincial Nurse Consultant, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
The Cancer Communities Forum is presented in partnership with the
EXHIBITORS Company Name Booth Astellas 6 Aurabox 5 Australian Clinical Trials Alliance 7 Bio-Rad Laboratories 19 BioScientific 11 Cancer Council Victoria 4 Eli Lilly 15 La Trobe University 10 Melbourne Health 20 Merck Healthcare 18 Millennium Science 9 MSD 3 Qiagen 16 Roche Oncology 8 Sanofi 17 The University of Melbourne 14 VCCC Alliance 1 Victorian Cancer Biobank 2 20
21 Access to ground floor Auditorium FOYER LEVEL 1 Lifts Posters 10 11 14 1 3 4 5 2 15 16 17 18 19 20 9 8 7 6
22 Empowering Research Collecting, managing and providing ethically sourced, high-quality biospecimens, data and services through a network of biobanks. 5 hospital integrated Biobanks One Application to access our network Approaching 40,000 donor participants Over 465,000 specimens available ▪ Retrospective collection (archival) ▪ Bespoke prospective collection ▪ Access to matching clinical data ▪ Specimen services for clinical trials ▪ Fully ethically compliant specimens and services WHAT WE OFFER Visit us at Booth #2 Supported by
Acknowledgement of Country
We acknowledge the traditional owners of the lands on which this conference is held, the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. We pay pay our respects to their Elders, past and present, and to the Aboriginal Elders of other communities who may be in attendance.