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溫州街 75 號 2 樓 台北市 大安區 台灣 10660



MakersLabT A Nati onalT ai wanUni versi tyofSci enceandTechnology,T ai wan


ComputerLabT A Nati onalT ai wanUni versi tyofSci enceandTechnology,T ai wan


DepartmentStudentCounci l Nati onalT ai wanUI ni versi tyofSci enceandTechnology,T ai wan

2011-2013 Li i ghtDesi gnStudy FrameandSki n CaseStudyAddi ti on Accessi bleHousi ng StructureStudyModel Cul tureCentre Lumi nai reProject UrbanAnal ysi sDesi gn

Di ploma( I B) NewWestmi nsterSecondarySchool,NewWestmi nster,Canada



P3/ P5/ P6/ P7/ P9/ P10/ P12/ P14/

BachelorofArchi tecture Nati onalT ai wanUni versi tyofSci enceandTechnology,T ai wan

Ki tchenSt aff/Deli veri es MeNEd’ sPi zzaParlor,Burnaby,Canada Referee VolleyballBC,Vancouver,Canada

Artlanti s

Revi t


Rhi no


Offi ce

Lumi on Photoshop


The goal of this study is to learn the different properties of light; how light travels, diffuse, reflects and refracts.

This design was done to demonstrate as many of the properties as possible while still being visually pleasing.

The concept was heatsinks, specifically the fins. Like the heat in a heatsink, light is brought out

from the center through fins. Combining varying length and material properties, different properties of light can be demonstrated.

Inspired by the mechanics of a foldable chair, this model is made with the goal of studying form.

In this study, the goal was to learn how the the same structure can have dierent forms, and how

movements of a structure can change its apparence through the use of skins.

With a combination of frame, hinge and fabric, form can be changed and studied without changing the basic structure.

Through an in-depth case study of the Farnsworth House, designed by Mies van der Rohe, a house addittion was attempted.

The addition was made according to the design language of Mies.

My ďŹ rst full housing design.

This exercise puts emphysis on accessibility; through this exercise, layout and accessibile dimensions was studied.

The concept behind this design is to reect the

Japanese style houses within the neighbourhood without being too direct.

By Extending the geometry of existing object near

the site, a simple geometry, a triangle, was obtained The idea behind the triangle and site plan is to

improve the movement of people around the site to increase the crowd near the culture center.

A lamp designed to fit into the selected enviroment, sporting a somewhat similar look to the bookshelf.

The idea behind thet lamp is“assembly”, instead of it

being just another lamp, I wanted to deisgn one that’s

fun and interesting. To acomplish such task, the lamp is designed to be user assembled. With only joints and no glue, the user is able to self assemble this lamp.

Thr oughst at i st i cgat her i ng,wel ookedf orpr obl ems

Si te

i nDaandi st r i ct .Af t eri dent i f yi ngt hepr obl ems,we at t emptt oi mpr ovet hequal i t yoft hebl ock,by i mpr ovi ngt hest at i st i csorbyi nt r oduci nganew pr ogr am.



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