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-- H E R E A N D N O W --

4 我把所有故事按着时间的顺序, 慢慢的记录下来, 在眼前或者在手边,只要你看得到。 在这个世界上有两类人, 一类是看着文字想象着画面的; 另一类是看着照片想象着故事的。 你是属于哪一种呢? I’d like to write down all those stories in chronological order, in front of your eyes or at hand. There are two types of people in the world, one will image the scenes while reading these words, the other will wonder about what happened behind these photos. Which side do you belong to?

About writer and photographer 我从来不会给自己一个明确的定位, 我期待自己创造出属于自己的不同的作品。 我是个摄影师,或者一个设计师, 也许是个未来的插画家和植物学家。 但是可以肯定的是, 我是一个生活的热爱者, 喜欢探索新事物, 并享受着自己经历的一切, 我希望和大家分享我独特的见解 和不同寻常的想法。 我希望我所做的可以多多少少让人们觉得 生活可以变得更加的美好。

Cover story 封面的女孩是我在故乡的一个好友。 我和她认识长达8年, 我三年前最开始拿起相机时, 她是我拍人像的起步模特。 也是她的支持和鼓励, 让我现在可以拍更多美好的照片。 It is Cherry Peng, who has been my friend for nearly 8 years. In the very beginning when I took my first picture, she was my model.Since then I’ve been addicted to portrait photography. Thanks to her for giving me so much encouragement and support, which help me to continue to do what I like, having the opportunity to know more girls and take more beautiful photos.


I never know how to give myself a suitable position. I have always been dreaming of creating my own featured artworks. At some degree, people call me a photographer and designer. Maybe, in the future, I will find myself becoming a part-time illustrator or a botanist. However, there is no doubt that I am a lifeholic, being fond of exploring something new and enjoying what I’ve been through. Also, I’ve been expecting to share my distinctive opinions and ideas. I will be very glad to see people more or less living a better life through my works.


+靛 On the top of the city - Begum

+米 Enjoy the sunny afternoon - Begum

+绯 Daydream in the white house - Guan

+苔 Little Garden’s story in summer - Guan

+铜 Walk my own way to the peace - Xiangying


+赭 You and your city - Xiangying

+藏 Little white dress and the starry sky - Renty

+翠 Forest princess in purple - Renty

+黯 Get lost somewhere - Guan

+青 Bird and fish - Guan


+弥 Girl photographer with tattoos - Wing

+绚 My Own Secret Corner - Wing


Sina Weibo: Douban: Flickr: Tumblr: Facebook: Instagram: ID: vicxia

All photos are original. Copyright by Vic Xia. All rights reserved. (Violators will be prosecuted) Special thanks to Soloany for translating and proofreading.


写在前面的话: In the beginning


在这样的一个午后说着这样的一个故事。 故事的主角不想用太多的文字去形容自己,她有着自己的方式。 她经历的一切本身就是很好的故事, 她也懂不要过多的重复电影里面的情节, 结束的就是应该结束的,结局也是唯一可能的结局, 她也明白,她得到的,就是最好的。 “过去的不是我的,是我的不会过去。” 相机还在手,路还要走。

We talk about a simple story in this lazy afternoon. The protagonist of this story doesn’t want to say much about herself. We have to believe that she has her own lifestyle. Actually, what she faced and suffered is a unique story. She knows that over - repeating the plots in the films makes no sense. What has come to an end is doomed to end. And the ending is the only outcome it can be. She knows that what she possesses is the best. “The past is not mine, and what belongs to myself will never go away.“ With the camera in her hands, she is still on the road.







On The Top of The City + 靛 - Begum

她是一个土耳其的姑娘, 是我在英国读书班上的一个同学。 开学第一天的对话是这样开始的, 虽然是和我们的作业相关: 你觉得什么影响着你的生活? 记忆吧,一些很虚的过去。 然后她就开始微笑,笑的很好看。 我并没有怀疑过自己是否听错。 我第一次知道原来记忆也可以作为一个宝贝而 潜移默化着一个人。 也许她就是这样的一个姑娘, 不喜欢喧嚣, 像是一个迷一样的存在着。 她画着一手好画, 她读过很多书, 她觉得文化和教养对于一个人的影响是很大 的。 她很有自信,也很乐观。 像温彻斯特这样的城市, 不够热闹,比较小资和悠闲, 让很多人都觉得过份的宁静。 至少我很多的朋友都想尽快的搬到大都市去 体验一个忙碌中的英国。 但是对于她,似乎刚刚好。 她跟我说,她很喜欢这里, 她觉得这里的生活才是英国应该有的生活, 她很享受,也过的非常的自在, 我想, 在这样的城市能够生活下来的人, 才是将内心的平静和外界完美的融合了吧。


Model: Begum; Place: Winchester View Point


Model: Begum; Place: Winchester View Point

She is a Turkish girl, who is my classmate in UK when I study my master degree. We started to talk all by chance. And the first conversation was quite special. It related to our first brief. What do you think influence you a lot? She said “Memory. “And then she smiled. It was so warm that I have never doubted if I got the wrong word. But it’s my first time to hear like this: memories can be some treasure and it can let you go and


Model: Begum; Place: Winchester View Point



influence you in the following days. She is a girl, who doesn’t like noisy environment, exists just like a mystery. She is talented at painting and has read varies of books. According to her, culture and education has great impact on one’s life. On the other hand,She is full of confidence and very optimistic. Not like any other famous cities in UK, Winchester is small and immersed in freestyle, located in the south of UK. Some of my friends think it so boring and that they move out into big cities. But, for her, this is what she needs. She tells me she loves Winchester and she loves to live and study here. She enjoys everything happened everyday. For me, People who live here must have the ability to combine inner peace with the outside world perfectly.

Model: Begum; Place: Winchester View Point



Model: Begum; Place: Winchester View Point



Model: Begum; Place: Winchester View Point


Enjoy The Sunny Afternoon + 米 - Begum

她喜欢在有阳光照进的屋子里面 默默读自己喜欢的书。 就在读书的那一瞬间, 她就可以完全沉浸下来, 就好像整个世界都和她没有任何的关系。 有时候也会精心煮一杯咖啡, 然后悠闲的打扫着屋子。 阳光走到每个角落,带来了所有的好心情。 每一天都会是快乐的。 She’d like to read a book in her room with sunshine coming through the window, warm and bright. And at that moment, she finds herself very calm and coming into a new world. She hears nothing from the outside but from the inner peace. Sometimes, she will make a cup of coffee and clean the room leisurely. The sun gives all the stuff colours and brings hope to everywhere. And then the whole day will be a wonderful day.


Model: Begum; Place: Begum’s home


Model: Begum; Place: Begum’s home


Model: Begum; Place: Begum’s home



Model: Guan; Place: Guan’s home

Daydream In The White House + 绯 - Guan

如果你有一个朋友, 依赖着你,喜欢着你,支持着你, 那你还怕什么? 来到英国后,认识了一个女孩, 和我截然不同的性格:不善言谈,不喜热闹, 甚至在我说话的时候都能走神。 我问她:刚才你去哪里了。 她会很正经地说,绕着地球转了一圈吧。 或者是在几个人的饭桌上,一语不发, 看着我手舞足蹈,就只是微笑。 我有时候想,她是真的在认真的听呢, 还是已经开始编绘自己的故事了。 但最多的时候是在看到互相都喜欢的动画时, 一起笑的没心没肺。 也能在太阳下面的草地上聊着天忘记了时间, 直到双方都不情愿离去说出再见。 但是说到最后,她真的是一个好姑娘, 好姑娘就是,她不表达什么,默默的陪着我, 在我开心,难过,失落的时候。 我会从心理面觉得安心,觉得认识她真好, 觉得她不可取代。

Thinking of you have a friend who loves you, depends on you, supports you no matter what happens. What are you afraid of? After I’ve been in this country several days, I met a peculiar girl, who wasn’t good at starting a conversation, differed from me a lot. What’s more, she also can go far away when I am talking to her or just stay speechless during the whole dinner with some other friends. Sometimes I wonder if she is really listening to me or she is thinking of something else. Most time we just laugh when watching an animation we both like. Also, we like to sit on the grassland in the sunny days, chatting, forget about the time which flies rapidly. In a word, she is such a good girl who always accompanies with you silently whenever you are happy, sad or upset. You deeply feel that it’s so lucky to have her by your side that no one else can replace her.



Model: Guan; Place: Guan’s home


Model: Guan; Place: Guan’s home


Model: Guan; Place: Guan’s home


Model: Guan; Place: Guan’s home


Model: Guan; Place: Guan’s home


Little Garden’s Story In Summer + 苔 - Guan “我遇见一些人,我去过一些地方, 我过着自己的生活,我还有梦可以做。 当脑袋乱成一团,我还能清晰的找出一条线, 带我回到最初的自己。 我习惯了不该习惯的习惯, 却执着着不该执着的执着。”

“I’ve met some people, I’ve been to somewhere, I live my own life, and I still have dreams. Every time when my mind is in a mess, I can find a way to bring me back to the first time. I’ve got used to those habits which shouldn’t have been formed and still looking for the things I want them to be found.


Model: Guan; Place: Guan’s home, Little Garden


Model: Guan; Place: Winchester Little Garden


Model: Guan; Place: Guan’s home, Little Garden



Model: Guan; Place: Guan’s home, Little Garden


Walk My Own Way To The Peace + 铜 - Xiangying

这种感觉就很微妙。 我可以通过对话对一个人进行简单的定位。 有些人怕你,不敢说出自己内心的真实感受, 久而久之,变成了一种恭维。 有些人却和你不是一个调调,说话中流露的语 气语调令气氛也尴尬。 所以说每个人也都是一个独立的个体。 就像我,只有了解一个人,才能够拍照。

It’s kind of subtle. I will secretly give a brief description of the one who is chatting whith me. Sometimes they flatter you because they are afraid of you, and sometimes you are not birds of a feather so the conversation ends up in awkward. Thus, everyone in the world is individual. Just like me, only when I’m familiar with you can I take a photo of you.


Model: Xiangying; Place: Paris, Xiangying’s Apartment


Model: Xiangying; Place: Paris, Xiangying’s Apartment


Model: Xiangying; Place: Paris, Xiangying’s Apartment


You And Your City + 赭 - Xiangying

她与这座城市,已经不再是从属关系。 我看得出,她说它的时候,眼里闪动的光。 这样一个气候,让人无法再爱上巴黎。 可是她,还在享受着它的美好。 她说, 巴黎是一个把美与丑结合的非常完美的城市。 我听她说着她和它的故事, 穿插着她的故事或者她听到的它的故事。 尽管我们没有更加的了解, 我也感受了在一个人身上体现出来的一种城市 大爱。 城市中,车来车往,忙忙碌碌。 她有着自己的决绝和脚步。 任凭后面的人紧紧的追着, 她在前面走的毫无动摇。 我说不出,但是我可以感受。 巴黎的夏天已经来临,现在的她还会在爱桥 上,迎着久违的阳光而读诵吗?


Model: Xiangying; Place: Paris, Triumphal Arch



Model: Xiangying; Place: Paris, Triumphal Arch


She’s not belonging to the city any more. It’s more like friends. Something glittered in her eyes when mentioning it. Paris was not a lovable city under this kind of climate but anyhow she enjoyed the time with her. She said, Paris is a wonderful city that perfectly combines beauty with ugliness. I listened to the stories between her and her, as well as hers or Paris’ that she heard from others.


Though we didn’t get better understanding, I still felt such kind of love about a city from an individual. Big cities are always filled with hustle and bustle. As long as she get her own way, no matter how hard the followers are chasing, she will never hesitate. I may not express it by language, but I can feel it. Summer has come, is she still reading on the lovebridge in the sunshine?

Model: Xiangying; Place: Paris City Centre



Model: Xiangying; Place: Paris City Centre


Model: Xiangying; Place: Paris City Centre.


Model: Xiangying; Place: Paris City Centre



Model: Xiangying; Place: Paris City Centre


Model: Renty; Place: Southampton, City Garden 54

Little White Dress And The Starry Sky + 藏 - Renty

树林中的阴霾是怎样被一个微笑所打破, 我看到她穿着白色的裙子,欢快的跑着。 这样的场景是我在平时遇见她的时候想象不出 来的。 我看到她就轻轻的抬起了头, 那周围,在她裙摆下, 就出现了美丽的星空。 我走了神,因为我是如此的喜欢星空。 曾经是在学校,多次的擦肩而过, 眉宇间的气场和空气中的香水, 让我感觉到了那与众不同的气质。 但其实,她的内心就是一个孩子, 玩游戏时有认真的表情, 说话时有俏皮的声音 也会有不安,也会装着很多事情, 也会不知所措。 但是人总是变得更加从容, 因为我们都在成长。

How a big smile from her scatters the haze in the grove. I see her running, in a white dress, delightfully.

I shall never image such scene when I meet her as usual. She raise her head slightly, then a marvelous starry night jumps in front of my eyes. My eyesight is restrained because I love that sky so much. We’ve brushed against each other over and over again in school. Smelling of the scent of hers, I know she is anything but ordinary. The fact is that she is a simple child in the depth of her mind. It’s all because of her earnest face when she is playing games as well as her naughty voice when she are talking. Sometimes she is upset when facing the knotty things she can’t handle. However, people are becoming more quiet, because all of aus are growing day by day.


Model: Renty; Place: Southampton, City Garden


Model: Renty; Place: Southampton, City Garden


Model: Renty; Place: Southampton, City Garden 58

Model: Renty; Place: Southampton, City Garden 59

Model: Renty; Place: Southampton, City Garden


Model: Renty; Place: Southampton, City Garden


Forest Princess In Purple + 翠 - Renty

仲夏夜的梦从太阳还没有下山就已经开始了。 她穿着小短裙,一头扎进了丛林, 深不见底,但是却毫不畏惧。 误打误撞,却有特殊的美好。 我们每个人都应该记住美好的事情, 至于那些让你悲伤的事情,你不原谅,怎么可 能忘记呢。 有人在呼唤着,那就赶紧动身。

Mid-summer night’s dream begins


before sunset. Wearing a short dress, she walk into the mysterious forest without any fear. she does it aimlessly, which ends up in goodness. All of us ought to remember those moments when we feel warm. As for the sadness, how can you forget it if you are not forgive? There’s someone calling, that it’s time to start a new journey.

Model: Renty; Place: Southampton, City Garden


Model: Renty; Place: Southampton, City Garden


Model: Renty; Place: Southampton, City Garden 65


Model: Renty; Place: Southampton, City Garden


Model: Renty; Place: Southampton, City Garden


Model: Renty; Place: Southampton, City Garden


Get Lost Somewhere + 黯 - Guan

有一种女孩,被称作森林里面走出来的女孩, 她们打扮很朴素,过的生活很轻松。 不食人间烟火的感觉,脸上不会带有过多的复 杂的情绪。 其实我也认为,人和自然是应该相互融合的。 所以在森林里面,静静的,就会觉得自己已经 变成了大自然的一部分。和那阴影,和那光 斑,和那气息,通通融合在一起。 我其实很喜欢拍这样的“森女”,因为她们根 本不需要做多余的表情,就会是很好的表情。 你不用多说,就用眼神,就能很好的交流。

There are some girls who live a free and modest life, detaching from vulgarity. In my opinion, human being and nature should coexist in harmony. Lying in the forest, it’s with great pleasure to realize that you’re with nature and have become a part of it. Frankly speaking, I like these girls because they look so good without making pose deliberately when I’m taking photos. You don’t have to say much, communication is all through your eye contacts.


Model: Guan; Place: Southampton, City Garden



Model: Guan; Place: Southampton, City Garden


Model: Guan; Place: Southampton, City Garden


Model: Guan; Place: Southampton, City Garden


Bird and fish + 青 - Guan

飞鸟与鱼,象征着一种非常悲情的爱情。 因为飞鸟属于天空,鱼儿属于海洋。 但是她却说, “就是因为不能相见, 所以爱会更深沉。 对于喜欢的另一半, 放在心底就可以, 就可以默默的祝福。” 很多时候,我们总是喜欢把感情表达出来, 说的过于直白, 但是这样往往会打破这种细腻的感情。

Romance between bird and fish is kind of sad. Bird flies in the boundless sky while fish lives in the deep sea. “Burying love in the depth of mind because you can’t see each other. If two people are not meant to be together, the only thing to do is hide it in their heart, sending up the sincere blessing.“ We usually tend to express our emotion in a direct way. Have you ever thought of keeping it exquisite and not to speak out your mind?


Model: Guan; Place: Southampton, City Garden



Model: Guan; Place: Southampton, City Garden


Model: Guan; Place: Southampton, City Garden


Model: Guan; Place: Southampton, City Garden



Model: Wing; Place: Winchester, Wing’s Apartment

Girl Photographer With Tattoos + 弥 - Wing

女摄影师在某种程度上, 比男摄影师都是要细腻的, 我身边的很多女性朋友都是很会拍照的, 不光拍的好看, 还都带着一种女生特有的画面感。 因为她们知道如何拍照, 所以她们也明白怎么出现在镜头前面。 之前读到一个著名的摄影师说: 自恋的摄影师拍的东西有一种说不出的美感。 我想, 自恋的摄影师被拍也有一种特殊的味道吧。 和她的相识, 是在学校的摄影工作室的暗房外, 当时,我刚冲洗好胶卷离开, 和正要进门的她擦肩。 那时,她留着黑色到绿色渐变的中长发, 回眸的一瞬间,色彩闯进了我的视线, 怎能不注意呢。

To some extent, female photographers are more sensitive comparing to the male ones. I have

dozens of girlfriends who are good at taking photos. Not only the colors are good, but the frames are awesome. Because they understand how to photograph, they have an aptitude for being photographed. A well-known photographer said that a narcissistic photographer’s films are filled with unique beauty. I’d like to say that there exists distinctive aesthetic feeling when a narcissistic photographer is being photographed. I met her outside the darkroom of school’s photo studio. I was about to leave when I brushed against her. The girl was entering the room with black and green medium hairstyle. Bright colors popped up into my sight when I glanced back. How can such a gorgeous girl fail to attract anyone’s attention?


Model: Renty; Place: Southampton, City Garden 84

Model: Wing; Place: Winchester, Wing’s Apartment


Model: Wing; Place: Winchester, Wing’s Apartment


Model: Wing; Place: Winchester, Wing’s Apartment


My Own Secret Corner + 绚 - Wing

在接下来的一个学期中, 她的绿色头发也曾变成粉色, 然后回归到纯黑色, 身上的纹身也慢慢多了起来, 然后我越来越觉得她是一个很酷的女生。

毕竟是同一个国家, 毕竟有着相同的爱好(摄影)和星座 (有些时候还是很喜欢讨论星座这个事情的) 于是很快就成为了朋友。 她率真的个性和独特的风格, 在学校都是一个特殊的风景线, 不得不说,我觉得能和她成为朋友, 是一件很酷的事情。


In the following semester, her hair had been tint from green to pink, finally black. The more tattoos she has, the more cool I think she is. After all, since both of us study in the same country with identical interest (photograph) and constellation (we like discussing it), we soon become bottom friends. She decorates our university by her forthright and sincere as well as her unique personal style. I cannot deny that it’s so cool to have a friend like her.

Model: Wing; Place: Winchester, Wing’s Apartment


Model: Wing; Place: Winchester, Wing’s Apartment


Model: Wing; Place: Winchester, Wing’s Apartment



Model: Wing; Place: Winchester, Wing’s Apartment


那些女孩 Those Girls: 你们走进我的镜头,你们在我的电影里面演绎着自己。我为你们拍照,同时也为 自己拍照。很有幸已经拍过了31个女孩,她们都有不同的故事。同时,她们都很 好,都很美。

They come into my lenses and they play parts in my films. I take photos for them and also for myself. I have been taking photos of 31 different girls who have their own stories. All of them are nice and gorgeous.

1 - Qiu 2 - Qian’s sister 3 - Lucky Xie 4 - Cookie Fu 5 - Miaomiao 6 - Fiffy Qi 7 - Yanglu Li 8 - Ad Teng 9 - Jingjing Bai 10 - Yue Hu


11 - Guoguo 12 - Sinly Chan 13 - Cherry Peng 14 - Lolita Wu 15 - Curry Chou 16 - Circle Zhu 17 - Jiasi Li 18 - Iselin Ren 19 - Keyi Chan 20 - Chongchong Chan


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