CCWA Journal Feb. 2011

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1 Executive Board of Directors Officers President Sylvia Cordero Sylvia Cordero has held the position of Association Treasurer for the ten years. She was elected Association President in 2009. She is an experienced leader. Her qualifications include: a Degree in Business Management, seventeen years of correctional experience and ten years experience as the Association’s financial officer. In 1993, Sylvia started her career with the California Department of Corrections. She was employed as a Correctional Officer for seven years. In 1999 she promoted to Correctional Counselor I and in 2005 she promoted to Correctional Counselor II. Sylvia is currently serving as the Assistant Classification Parole Representative at North Kern State Prison.

CCWA BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2010 Front Left to Right Top: Jacinto Chavez, Andy Nuñez, Silvia Nuñez, Charles Soto, German Jimenez, First Row Left to Right: Esther Lara, Sylvia Cordero, Armida Oros, and Lilian Soto, Missing: Mary Duran, Frank Velez, Dennis Alvarado, and Florence McCarthy

As a wife and mother, Sylvia has balances her astonishing career, with 30 years of marriage, and a family life with two sons and three grandchildren. In addition, Sylvia played a principal role in the Association’s favorable financial state. She has implemented a budget, and a sold strategy to allow the Association to meet its obligations. Sylvia has built a solid reputation for being a prudent and responsible leader. The membership proved that they were confident in her ability and elected her to the office of Association President.

Treasurer Mary Duran

Sylvia has been busy along with the help of CCWA Board of Directors laying the foundation for the Association future.

Association Secretary Armida Oros

Admin Assistant Florence McCarthy

Northern Region Vice President Falcon Renteria

Central Region Vice President Esther Garcia-Lara

Southern Region Vice President Dennis Alvarado

Newsletter Editor Andy Nuñez

Newsletter Editor Silvia Nuñez

Sergeant At Arms Frank Velez

Parliamentarian German Jimenez

Membership Coordinator Charles Soto

Membership Coordinator Lilian Soto



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Correctional Peace Officers Foundation

What is CPOF Correctional Peace Officers Foundation? Members of the Chicano Correctional Worker’s Association visited the Office of CPOF located in Sacramento California administrated by Mrs. Charleene Corby, CEO.

CCWA meets with Secretary Matthew Cate

CONTENT 04. President’s Letter 05. A Word from our Regional Vice-Presidents 10. In Memory of One of the Founding Fathers 12. CCWA Awards

CCWA JOURNAL 2011 VOL 3 NUMBER 1 Editor / Publisher Chicano Correctional Workers Association P. O. Box 3680 Visalia CA 93278-3680 Office: 559.730.3630 Office Fax: 559.730.3632 Editor & Director of Advertising Andy Nunez Art Direction/Design/Production Dominic Moschetti VIDA Marketing Communications For more current news and events visit

14-15. 2012 Chapter Election Procedures and Nomination Acceptance Forms


President’s Letter

Dear Members,

I would like to begin this address by expressing my gratitude to all of the members of our Executive Board. They have all worked extremely hard this year: attending meetings, writing articles, taking minutes, publishing the Journal, dedicating endless hours and sacrificing their leisure and family time for the benefit of the Association and its members. Thank you!!! The CCWA Journal is one of the items the Newsletter Editors, Andy and Silvia Nunez, Collaborated jointly with members of the Executive Board. I know you will enjoy the articles, photos and information we have provided. Please let us know what you would like to see in future editions.

Sylvia Cordero, CCWA President and Gordon J. Hinkle Press Secretary

The Association Training Conference, scheduled on November 11, 2011, at the Tachi Palace Hotel & Casino in Lemoore, California is another one of those collaborative efforts. Esther Lara, Training Committee Chair, and her team are working on what will be a first class event. Contact your local chapter representative for sponsorship opportunities. Sponsorship is limited. Another future event to look forward to is the Chapter Elections. The Notice of Intent to Run for Chapter Office is included in the Journal. Members will be selecting their chapter representatives, president, vice president, secretary and treasurer, for the years 2012 through 2014. Candidate prerequisites include being: a member of CCWA for three months prior to the election. a member of the chapter in which the office is sought. a member in good standing. a member that has attended at least three consecutive chapter meetings prior to the election nomination meeting. The CCWA Chapter representatives have done on outstanding job this year. Many held their annual crab feeds, golf tournaments, Cinco de Mayo and Christmas dinners. Proceeds from these events have benefited students. I encourage all the CCWA Chapter representatives to continue to work with your local communities and administrative staff at your institution. Finally, I would like to encourage all the membership to register to vote. Your involvement in local, state and national elect process is important. Your vote really counts. Log on to our website and register to vote. I wish you all future success, Sylvia Cordero, President Chicano Correctional Workers Association

“We are Family ” “Somos Familia”

Current Training Classes

Training Conference November 11, 2011 Esther Lara, Training Committee Chair, for the November 11, 2011 Training Conference, is diligently establishing the training program for this event. If you have a course idea you would like to see provided, please share your ideas with Esther. Vendor’s booths are limited. Price for vending booths is $250.00 plus a $50.00 gift. You may contact Esther at:

Visit for complete details.

Room rates: $85 plus tax (standard room rates apply after deadline Nov. 3, 2011 -$149 + Tax) Direct Line: 1-800-615-8030 Location: Tachi Palace Hotel & Casino 17225 Jersey Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245-9760 | Promotion Code: SRGCCWA

Mark Your Calendar for the CCWA Training Conference Nov. 11, 2011 4

A word from our Regional Vice President’s Jacinto Chavez Northern Region Vice-President

At the third quarter Board of Directors’ meeting in Ontario, Jacinto Chavez, Northern Region Vice President, presented a certificate of appreciation and accomplishments to each Northern Chapter Presidents. They are recognized for their efforts in fundraising, creating chapter events for their membership and participation. Chapter Presidents include (left-right) Gilbert Diaz Tracy Chapter, Falcon Renteria Ione Chapter, and Rudy Cuellar representing Sac/Folsom Chapter. The Northern Region raised over $6000 in fund-raising and gave over $5000 in scholarships and donations to the community.

Esther Garcia Lara Central Region Vice-President

At the third quarter meeting in Ontario Esther Garcia Lara Central Region Vice President presented a certificate of appreciation and accomplishments to each of her Chapter Presidents for their efforts in fundraising, creating chapter events for their membership and participation. Chapter Presidents include (Left –right) Sylvia Gonzalez Corcoran I Chapter, Maria Holdren Avenal Chapter, Florence Cote Corcoran II Chapter, Robert Hernandez Delano Chapter, Lydia DelaCorte Wasco Chapter and Juan Torres San Luis Obispo Chapter. The Central Region has rised over $5000 in scholarships for their communities. San Luis Obispo Chapter has sponsored Big Brothers & Big Sisters for the last eight years, and hosts its annual membership Christmas party. The recipients of Corcoran II annual scholarships are: Christian Cruz, Brandee Gunderman, Natalie Rodriguez, and Jonathan Wan each one received $250.00. We wish them the best of luck as they pursue their academic excellence! Mary Duran

Southern Region Vice-President

At the third quarter meeting in Ontario, Mary Duran Southern Region Vice President presented a certificate of appreciation and accomplishments to each of her Chapter Presidents for their efforts in fundraising, creating chapter events for their membership and their participation. Chapter Presidents include (left-right) Dennis Alvarado Region IV Chapter, Frank Velez Blyhte II Chapter, Yolanda Mason Norco Chapter, Mary Duran Southern Region VP, Evelyn Garcia Blyhte I Chapter, German Jimenez Parliamentarian, Alex Maldanado San Diego Chapter, Jessie Olivares Calipatria Chapter, Regina Martinez Secretary of Chino Chapter. Southern Region membership is approximately 1130 strong members. Southern Region Chapters participated in various community efforts such as raising funds for Cancer Awareness, Toys for Tots, Thanksgiving food give a-ways. The Southern Region has given over $5,000 in scholarship money for their communities. Alex Maldonado is using the radio to promote his chapter events. Mary Duran and Dennis Alvarado participated in a group effort fundraiser. Southern chapters support their communities in honoring American Heroes. Dennis Alvarado is now the current Southern Region VP.


Correctional Peace Officers Foundation What is Correctional Peace Officers Foundation (CPOF)? Members of the Chicano Correctional Worker’s Association visited the Office of CPOF located in Sacramento, California. Mrs. Charleene Corby, Chief Executive Officer greeted Sylvia Cordero, President, Esther Lara, Central Region Vice President, Frank Velez, Sgt. @ Arms, and Andy & Silvia Nunez Newsletter Editors. Mrs. Corby was asked to explain how long she’s been involved with CPOF; what her motive for establishing CPOF was, and who benefit from the organization. Mrs. Corby established the Organization over 30 years ago because of the need to provide for the surviving Peace Officer’s family. Mrs. Corby would like to encourgage everyone to join the foundation. Membership is $5.00 per month. This is a small price to pay for peace of mind. In the past 30 years she has witness peace officers and their families endure great tragedies. During their time of necessity, many of them have little or no funds to overcome their needs. The CPOF is a national, non-profit, charitable organization created in 1984. Its primary funtion is to preserve and Mrs. Charleene Corby support the surviving families of Correctional Officers who have lost their lives in the pursuit of their chosen profession. Now CPOF provides assistance to its members and their families when they have an unexpected catastrophe.


CPOF supporting membership has continued to increase. CPOF provides assistance for CPOF members and their families. Many times CPOF has provided assistance to correctional employees that have been referred by members. CPOF monitory contributions helped the recipients pay for hospice, funeral expenses and catastrophic illnesses. CPOF is ready to assist correctional staff and their families during any emergency, personal crisis, and /or other critical need. The mission of the CPOF, Inc. is to operate and maintain a general fund for the perpetuation of the memory of those Correctional Peace Officers killed in the line of duty; to provide for their spouses, children or other beneficiaries; and to promote and project a positive image of the Corrections profession, both internally and to the general public. Please visit their website www.

The wall of the fallen Officer’s

Installation of New Board Members CCWA Officer’s Installation Lunch for the 2010 – 2013 terms. Scott Kernan, Chief Deputy Secretary Adult Operations swearing in New Officers for CCWA. Elected Officials From left to right: Jacinto Chavez Northern Region Vice President, Frank Velez Sgt. At Arms, Armida Oros Association Secretary, Mary Duran Association Treasure, Sylvia Cordero Association President, Esther Garcia-Lara Central Region Vice President, Not Present: Dennis Alvarado Southern Region Vice President, German Jimenez Parliamentarian

Sylvia Cordero, Association President, and Esther Garcia-Lara Central Region Vice President. Esther was recognized for her hard work and dedication. Esther was re-elected Central Region Vice President. Esther is the 2011 Training Committee Chair.

Sylvia Cordero, Association President, and Silvia & Andy Nunez, Newsletter Editors. Andy and Silvia were recognized for their hard work and dedication. They are a dynamic team. Andy always has his camera ready to record all historical events at CCWA.

Sylvia Cordero, Association President, and Florence McCarthy, Administrator Assistant. Florence was recognized for her hard work. Florence coordinates all meetings and insurance a member have their lodging secured for all events.

Sylvia Cordero, Association President, and Armida Oros, Association Secretary. Armida was recognized for her hard work and dedication. Armida was re-elected as the Association Secretary.

Sylvia Cordero, Association President, and German Jimenez, Parliamentarian. German received a certificate and a gift of appreciation for his hard work. German is the current Parliamentarian. German served as the Election Committee chair.

Sylvia Cordero, Association President and Frank Velez Sgt. At Arms. Frank was recognized for his hard work and dedication. Frank was elected for a new term in office. Frank will continue to keep order in all CCWA Board Meetings.

Sylvia Cordero, Association President, and Jacinto Chavez Northern Region Vice President. Jacinto received a certificate and a gift of appreciation. Jacinto served as Interim Association President and Northern Region Vice President.

Sylvia Cordero, Association President, and Mary Duran, Association Treasure. Mary was recognized for her hard work. Mary served as the Southern Region Vice President and Training Committee Chair.


CCWA Meets with Secretary Matthew Cate On May 6, 2010, members of the Chicano Correctional Workers Association’s (CCWA) Executive Board met with Matthew Cate, Agency Secretary for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), to discuss the impact of Senate Bill (SB) X3-18, Penal Code (PC) 2933.05 and PC 3000. The discussion was started with the following question. What brought about the dramatic change to the Division of Adult Institutions and Parole Operations, and how will SB X3-18, PC 2933.5, and PC 3000 affect CDCR, the community and the inmate/parole population? Mr. Cate provided details regarding the events led to the changes. In 2003 Governor Schwarzenegger appointed former California Governor Deukmejian to a commission comprised of experts on Prison and Parole reforms. The commission concluded:

Lilan Soto, Silvia Nuñez, Esther Lara, Raymond Din, Charles Soto and Gordon J. Hinkle Press Secretary

• California was the only state to require that all released inmates remain on supervised parole regardless of their risk factor. • Other states required approximately 40-60 percent of their parolees remain on active parole supervision. • Low-risk offenders were given little or no supervision. • High risk offenders with a history of violence or sex offenses required intense focus and parole supervision. • Spreading parole supervision and resources evenly across every parolee, regardless of their risk factor, was a seemingly waste of resources. • The parole supervision system failed to address recidivism. The California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation brought together a panel of experts in criminology, which included Dr. J. Petersilia, Professor of Law at Stanford University, and Dr. S. Turner, University of California, Irvine. The panel developed and tested a risk assessment tool and conducted an evaluation of a parole violation decision-making instrument which was designed to provide an orderly process for response to parole violations. The risk assessment tool helps evaluate every inmate’s criminogenic needs: drug and alcohol abuse, mental illness, anger management, and places the right offender in the right program.

Matthew Cate, Secretary of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation and Sylvia Cordero, CCWA President

The panel also determined inmates did not benefit from sitting in a classroom for long hours just for the sake of attending a class. They need to be provided with incentives, not just for participating in the program but for completing the course. They need to feel a sense of accomplishment, move from illiteracy to literacy, attain their General Equivalency Diploma, or Associate of Arts Degree or earning their vocational certificate. They need to attain something they can be proud of, something that can make a difference in their lives, they need to be allowed to get a job. Not everyone agreed with the Idea. However, the department was out of options. We could not continue doing things the old way. We had to make changes.


The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation population increased and our prisons became over crowded. The department was ordered to reduce overcrowding by a federal judge. This meant either build more prisons or release inmates. In addition, the state was experiencing a fiscal crisis. The ideas had been fermenting were revisited. You can save money and still protect the public. Crime could be prevented by focusing and intensifying parolee supervision on 80% of the inmates who are the high risk offenders. The risk assessment tool, known as the California Static Risk Assessment (CSRA) is now used to make a determination if the inmate/parolee meets the criteria for Non-Revocable Parole. Inmates/parolees with the following case factors are ineligible to participate in NonRevocable: At the end of our visit with Mathew Cate:

• Registered sex offenders Sylvia Cordero presented a gift of appreciation for his support of Chicano Correctional Workers • Conviction of serious or violent felony. Association (CCWA) in 2010 • Conviction of sexually violent offense. • Guilty finding for a serious disciplinary offense, classified as Division A, B, or C, during his/her current term of imprisonment. • Validated members or associates of a prison gang. • Refusal to sign his/her conditions of parole. • Offenders with a CSRA score of between 3-5. Parolees on Non-Revocable Parole status are still subject to search and seizure. The Board of Parole Hearings can no longer return parolees on Non-Revocable Parole status to prison for parole violations. Parolees on Non-Revocable Parole status must be convicted of a new crime in order to return to prison. In the past most parolees who returned to prison for parole violations spend an average of four months in prison. This was merely enough time for the reception center personnel to complete a full medical, dental and mental health evaluation, render treatment, address any disability concerns and complete academic testing just in time for their release. Inmates/parolees spent an average of four months on parole, four months in county jail and four months in prison. The Department did not have enough time to address their drug and alcohol problems, no time to provide basic education to enable them to earn a General Equivalency Diploma (GED). They were just cycled through the system. The inmates didn’t get any better, and the public was not any safer. It is estimated that the implementation of the program will save the CDCR approximate twenty million dollars annually. The department and the Legislature agreed to put ten million dollars of the savings back into the state’s general fund to help reduce the budget. The other half would be reinvested in reducing parole agent’s case load. The agent’s case load ratio will be reduced from seventy to forty eight. Additional parole agents will be hired and new technology and global positioning systems will be introduced to aid the parole agent in the tracking of thousands of validated prison gang members, parolees convicted of violent crimes, sex offenders and parolees classified as high risk by the CSRA. The savings will result in stricter supervision of the most serious offenders.

Matthew Cate was appointed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on May 16, 2008, as Secretary of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

The second phase of the department’s plan to combat recidivism is the Credit Earning Program. The program allows inmates to earn up to six weeks off their sentence annually. Inmates are encouraged to take academic courses which lead to obtaining a GED or Vocational Certificate and eventually employment. This program had been talked about for a long time, but it finnaly was accepted with the realization that the state had run out of funds, and out of room. We are over-crowded and over-budget. This program will reduce the inmate population by 1600 over the course of the first year, and those inmates who have successfully completed their course of studies for employment are far less likely to commit a crime BECAUSE THEY WILL BE BRINGING HOME A PAYCHECK FOR A JOB THAT MEANS SOMETHING TO THEM!

At the end of our visit with Mathew Cate: Sylvia Cordero presented a gift of appreciation for his support of Chicano Correctional Workers Association (CCWA) in 2010 9

In Memory of Albert M. Varela An Interview with ALBERT M. VARELA 5/22/1937 ~ 6/21/2010 Albert had a distinguished career with the Department of Corrections, until his retirement in 1992. He was born and raised in Corona, California. His father Joseph was from El Paso, Texas. His Mother Vicentia was born in Guanajuato, Mexico, and is still living at the age of 100 years old. She has lived to see a century of history. He came from a large family with many aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends. He began his education in Corona, California, a small citrus town known for its orange groves. The women worked in the packing houses and most of the men worked in the groves picking oranges. In his early high school days he was a 1⁄2 mile track runner for Corona High School. Albert and his friends were enrolled in a college prep fast track to Chaffey College in Ontario and later to Cal Poly Pomona College, Cal State Fullerton College, Riverside Community College and Otis Art School in Los Angeles. He continued his running career along with his course of studies and for a reason unknown to him his career goal was to be a Probation Officer. In those days there were no degrees in Correctional Science so he studied for his AA Degree. Shortly after he was drafted, married and off to the Army. Upon his discharge from the army he was unemployed and sought work at the California Rehabilitation Center (CRC) in Norco. At CRC there was a gatekeeper standing at the entrance. The guard gave Albert an application to fill out. The gatekeeper told him to come back in a few days for the exam. He went back, took the written exam, passed it on the spot and interviewed that same day. A week later he went for his physical at CIW, and two weeks later Albert was to report for duty in a khaki uniform to CRC as a Correctional Officer. His salary increased from $120 per month, Army wages, to $500. per month. This was a big wage increase. During his four year assignment at CRC, Albert learned about the drug treatment program and very little about custody and security inside the institution. Albert recalls the outside patrol assignment: eight straight hours, walking the fence line and eating your lunch. Officers did not carry a gun or radio--just a whistle. Communication was accomplished by utilizing the old Army crank-up phones. Later the institution received inmates, and upper management. The first inmates came from Tehachapi. Lieutenants, sergeants, and supervisors were from another 10

institution trained in custody matters. They trained us how to become better custody officers. Albert took the position of Correctional Program Supervisor (CPS) I, which was a new program trying to combine correctional officer and counselor into one job. He transferred back to Chino, as a CPS I, and enrolled in a college course to obtain his Bachelor’s Degree. He wanted to achieve his goal and become a Correctional Counselor or Parole Officer. His new boss, Deputy Tom Stone, mandated all employees return to school as a condition of employment. Because of this many of Albert’s friends went on to be Superintendents, Program Administrators, and Parole Supervisors. Many transferred to the division of paroles after receiving their Degrees. After obtaining his degree Albert to transferred to the division of parole. His first supervisor was Tony Casas. Albert was assigned to the following parole units: Santa Ana, Inglewood and Los Angeles. In 1985 he promoted to Parole Agent II. He worked a total of nine years for the parole division. During his tenure in the Los Angeles Parole Unit, Albert and employees from the California Institution for Men, established the first CCWA Chapter. CCWA was establish because several Mexican Americans were experiencing difficulties with the administrators. The department had no minorities, Chicanos or Chicanas, in the middle level management positions. The first CCWA Chapter representatives meet with the Regional Supervisor and address the lack of promotional opportunities for Chicanos in upper and middle management parole positions. As a result of the meeting Director Gomez appointed Virgina Bermutis, to the position of Parole Agent III in the San Fernando Valley. Governor Ronold Reagan signed Affirmative Action into law. All state agencies were required to hire minorities. Danny Vazques,

Correctional Officer, and Albert proposed the establishment of a recruitment unit in Chino. Both Albert and Danny were assigned to the unit. Their job was to recruit minorities to the position of correctional officers. Some of the founding fathers included: Alex Lujan, Greg Grijalba, and Tony Casas. Alex Lujan was leter appointed by Director Prescony, as a discrimination investigator. To hear more of Albert’s actual video interview go to He retired in 1992. In retirement, Albert was an artistic photographer, and painter. He showed his collection of pictures and paintings at art shows throughout the country. In interviewing Albert Varela I was quite impressed with his insight, attitude and knowledge of job skills, job training, job promotion, organization, training and foundation building of CCWA and CDCR. After a 3 1⁄2 hour interview, I came away with an education and history of CDCR and CCWA. Albert and the other Founding Fathers of CCWA worked at what they believed in, opening the door of opportunity for Chicanos and minorities for promotion and upper mobility and that CCWA is here to support your effort. For the curious! Check out CCWA’s mission statement at

Interviewed by: Andy & Silvia Nunez, Newsletter Editors.

You might say that Albert completed a full circle of life, and may God grant his soul eternal rest, and let the perpetual light shine upon him. Amen


CCWA Awards Oscar Bejarano wore many hats during his association with CCWA. He was Sac/Folsom chapter president, Northern Region Vice President, Membership Coordinator, Parliamentarian and Training Conference Coordinator. Oscar was a man of principles who would stand up in defense of our bi-law. He would also amend or rewrite them in accordance with our mission. Verlaine coordinated our Board of Directors meetings from 2003 to 2006. She took care of room reservations, transportation arrangements, and planned events for the Board of Directors, an important function that helped CCWA keep their commitment to their membership. CCWA recognizes husband and wife team for a job well done. Terri Navarro

Julian Navarro served as the Wasco Chapter President, Central Region V.P., Training Conference Committee Chair, and Sergeant @ Arms. he was always willing to help those who asked. He started his career as a Correctional Officer in 1986 at California Correctional Institution. He transferred to Wasco State Prison (WSP), activation team, in 1991. In 1992 he promoted to Correctional Sergeant at WSP. In 1995 he promoted to Correctional Counselor (CC) I. In 2000, he transferred to the Mesa Verde, Community Correctional Facility (CCF), In 2002, he promoted to CC II Supervisor at Delano CCF. He jointed CCWA in 1987 while employed at CCI.


Oscar and Verlaine Bejarano

While employed at WSP he and his coworker’s activated the CCWA Wasco Chapter. Julian was the first Wasco Chapter President. He was later elected as the Associations Sgt. @ Arms. He was elected Central Region Vice President for two terms.

Terri Navarro served the association since 1987. She assisted Julian with the Association Training Conference and helped at all the Board of Director (BOD) meetings. Despite the fact she has never served in office, she was at every meeting in support you of her husband’s commitments. She was Wasco Chapter President in 1997. She was the Association’s “gofer” at all BOD meetings. She made herself available to anyone that need her help. CCWA recognized husband and wife team for a job well done. Kelly Santoro has been a CCWA member since 2001. She has served as chapter president, chapter treasurer, vice president and Association Finance Committee Member. Most recently she has served as Membership Recruitment Coordinator that help Chapter Presidents organize events for recruiting new members. Her effort has resulted in adding over two hundred new members to CCWA membership.

Julian Navarro

Kelly Santoro

Past Training Conferences Over the years CCWA has offered hundreds of training courses to our members. CCWA provides its members with information and tools to assist with upward mobility in their careers. Some of the courses that have been offered are: prison gangs, management structure, how to interview, stress management, emergency response training, retirement investments, criminal proďŹ ling, public integrity, and internal affairs investigations. These are just some of the many training courses offered to our membership at the training conferences and also at local chapter training.

Career Development Training in upper mobility By: Richard Alvarado, Chief Deputy Warden, CIM

Stress Management Training and Achieving Resilience by: Colin McKechnie

Emergency Response Training & Retirement Investment Training

Participation CertiďŹ cates for the many members who attended the CCWA Training Conferences. Classes earned participants CDCR recognized.


2012 Chapter Election Procedures (1)

As you’re all aware 2011 is an election year for all of our Chapters. The Association Sergeant-at-Arms is responsible for instructing the chapters of the CCWA election procedures. Below is the procedures and timeline for the chapter elections. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Frank Velez, Association Sgt. @ Arms, 760-899-7447 or email him at (2) 1). All chapters will open nominations at their May 2011 meeting. 2). Election ballots must be sent out to Chapter Members by August 15, 2011. Each chapter will be responsible for the distribution of the ballots. 3). All “Acceptance Declaration Letters” must be posted marked by July 15, 2011 and mailed to the Association Sgt. @ Arms: P. O. Box 1224 Blythe, Ca. 92226. 4). All ballots must be returned to Chapter P.O Box and postmarked by September 15, 2011. 5). Election results must be mailed to the Regional Vice President and Association Sgt. @ Arms no later than Oct 15, 2011. 6). Each chapter will establish their own election committee. 7). No candidate may serve on the Election Committee.

Frank Velez Sergeant-at-Arms

These are part of CCWA By Laws they will be helpful in proceeding with the 2011 Chapter Elections (3). Chapter Officer Duties — Chapter Five Article III pg. 18 Article III. Part B. Chapter Officers’ authority and duties are limited to the administrative functions for the Chapter. Part C. Chapter President’s duties are to preside over Chapter assemblies with parliamentary rule and to perform duties as the principal administrator of the Chapter only insofar as the bylaws provide authority. Section 1. The Chapter President shall be the representative of the Chapter on the BOD. Sub:a) The Chapter President is the Association’s point of contact with their respective institution/agency. Section 2. The Chapter Vice President’s principle duties are to assist the Chapter President in the operations of the Chapter. Section 3. The Chapter Secretary’s principle duties are to be the Chapter’s recording officer and custodian of its written records. Section 4. The Chapter Treasurer’s principle duties are to be the Chapter’s accountant and custodian of its financial transactions. Part D. If desired, other chapter officers are authorized consistent with the Association’s model. Part E. Funding for Chapter Presidents to attend quarterly Association business meetings is a budget line item. Section 1. Expenses for Chapter delegates attending the Annual Association business meeting are the Chapter’s responsibility. (4). Chapter Officers — Chapter Five Article VII pg. 24 Part A. Chapter-elected officers will reflect the Association’s elected officer model. Section 1. At a minimum, Chapter officers will be: Sub:a) A President, Sub:b) A Treasurer, and Sub:c) A Secretary. (5). CHAPTER NOMINATION AND ELECTION — Chapter Six Article V, pg. 30&31 Part A. The Association Elections Committee is the authority for conducting Chapter elections. Section 1. The Association Sergeant-At-Arms is responsible for instructing Chapters of CCWA election procedures. Section 2. The Association Sergeant-At-Arms and the respective Regional Vice President must be notified of all Chapter election activities in writing. Sub:a) The Chapter shall notify the Association Sergeant-At-Arm and the respective Regional Vice President of an election not less than 60 days prior to the date of the election. Sub:b) The Chapter shall report the results of an election to the Association Sergeant-At-Arms and the respective Regional Vice President not later than 30 days after the election date. Part B. The Chapter shall comply with CCWA Bylaws for conducting elections. Section 1. The Chapter shall be responsible for: Sub:a) Preparing a slate of Chapter offices, and Sub:b) Distributing, collecting, and tabulating Chapter ballots, and Sub:c) Reporting in writing election results to the BOD. (6). Chapter Candidate Prerequisites — Chapter Six Article V Part C. pg. 31 Part C. Chapter Candidate Prerequisites. Section 1. Members may seek a Chapter office providing the member is: Sub:a) A member of CCWA for three months prior to the election, and Sub:b) A member of the Chapter in which the office is sought, and Sub:c) A member in good standing, and Sub:d) The member has attended not less than three consecutive Chapter meetings prior to the election nomination meeting. Section 2. To hold the office of Chapter President shall require exclusive requisites. Sub:a) To run for and hold offices of Chapter President exclusively, the incumbent shall be employed by the State for the entire tenure. SELECTION OF ASSOCIATION REPRESENTITIVES — Article III Part B Section 2 Page 27 Part B Elections occur every three years. Section 2. Chapter elections shall occur every three years. Sub:a) All Chapters shall hold elections in 2005 and every three years thereafter. Sub:b) Elected Chapter Officers shall assume office January 1, 2006. (7). Chapter Nomination Election and Tabulation Process — Chapter Six Article V Part D pg. 31 Part D. Chapter Nomination, Election and Tabulation Process Section 1. Chapter candidate Nominations can be declared open upon need by a majority of the members present at a regularly scheduled chapter meeting. Sub:a) Chapter members may nominate themselves, or another Chapter member. Sub:b) If there is only one nominee for an office, the candidate shall be declared elected by one vote. Sub:c) The Chapter minutes shall record all nominations. Section 2. Voting for Chapter candidates shall be by a single ballot per Chapter member. Sub:a) The Chapter is responsible to prepare and mail ballots to Chapter members. (1) The ballot shall list the candidates in order of office, alphabetically, by surname; (a) With a box beside the surname for the voter can mark their choice. (2) The ballot voting instructions shall include the return to address. (3) Ballots will not be mailed to work sites. Section 3. The Chapter shall oversee tabulation of the ballots. Sub:a) A simple majority of the votes cast shall determine the elected officer. Section 4. An installation ceremony may be held for Chapter officers. Sub:a) An oath of office will be read and signed by each newly installed elected Chapter officer and forwarded to the Sergeant-At-Arms and the respective Regional Vice President.


Membership Forms Please Print Legibly — New Membership Only and For Updating Current Member Info. Complete and return to your Chapter President or mail to the address below. Include payment if applying as an Associate Member.Type of Membership: (please check) Regular Member: Associate Member:

(State employee only ) Dues: $ 10:00 monthly, deducted form pay voucher. (Re-affiliation dues due by Jan 31st of each year.) (Non State employees) Dues: $ 120.00 Annually.

Chapter Name (leave blank if unknown) Full Name Address City



Full Social Security # Home Ph. #

Cell #

Email Address Occupation Agency Number #

Birth Month Title

Job Site


I authorize a monthly payroll deduction for the Chicano Correctional Workers Association. Beneficiary Name: The last 4 digits of their Social Security Number Sign:


Important Notice: For Members Only: To keep you PLEA insurance of $2,000 Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefits Active. “You” must keep your CURRENT ADDRESS UP TO DATE: Mail to: CCWA-MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR, P.O. BOX 313, OCEANO, CA. 93475

Nomination Acceptance Form

I____________________________________, accept the nomination for Association____________________________________ and if elected will serve. I declare that I have read the by laws, job description and am competent perform all tasks of the office. Signature_________________________________________________________/_________/______________________________

Print Name____________________________________________________________________________/_________/__________ Full Social Security Number Chapter Name:_______________________________Work Location___________________________________________________ Membership Status: Regular


Please attach a short resume not exceed 125 words, which my include a passport size photograph to be included as

voter infromation with the ballot package. Mail to: CCWA-Nomination, P.O. BOX 313, OCEANO, CA. 93475 15

If you enroll in the new AD&D Family Plan Annual Rates! 50% OF MEMBER LIMIT

Member Limit 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000

Spouse 25,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 125,000 150,000


Member Limit 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000

15% (up to 35,000) Child 7,500 15,000 22,500 30,000 35,000 35,000

Child 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 25,000

IF NO CHILDREN Member 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000

60% Spouse 30,000 60,000 90,000 120,000 150,000 180,000

YES, please enroll me in the Professional Law Enforcement Association Accident Program. I want to protect Myself

My Family

WAIVER OF ADDITIONAL INSURANCE. I DO NOT want Additional Coverage for myself or my family under this Group Plan. I am providing the neccessary information for the “NO-COST” coverage only.

Limit 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000

Member Premium (Per Year) 25.00 49.00 73.00 97.00 121.00 145.00

Family Premium (Per Year) 31.00 61.00 91.00 121.00 151.00 181.00

I am enclosing my check for the annual amount of:_______________ Please put my premium payment on my Visa or Mastcard. For Visa/Mastcard All field must be filled out completely.


Card Number:__________________________________


Expiration Date:___________/_____________________ CVV2# (Last 3 digits on back of card:________________

Address___________________________________________ Social Security # (Last Four)___________DOB____________ Phone #___________________________________________ Email Address:_____________________________________ Signature:_________________________________________

Your increased coverage will take effect on the first of the month following receipt of your premium and signed application. BENEFICIARY INFORMATION

Name:_____________________________________Relationship:________________________________ Signature___________________________________Date:_________________________ Mail your check and this application to Republic Underwriters, Inc., P.O. Box 1197, Troy, MI 48099-1197. This Accident Protection has many new and improved features! For a detailed description of benefits please contact Lesie McMahon at 1.800.367.4321. $25.00 fee for return checks. * By signing above, I agree to the following terms: I agree for Republic Underwriters, Inc. to charge my MasterCard or Visa to make the payment I have agreed to on this application. Note: You can charge up to the amount shown on the enrollment form. The amount will be charged on a regular basis on or about the due date. It is not necessary for the Company to notify me when this is done. Any requirement for giving notice due shall be waived as long as this payment plan is in effect. No payment or portion thereof shall be deemed to have been paid unless and until the Company received actual payment at its home office. This payment shall in no way alter or amend the provisions of the policy and no one other than the policyholder and his assignees will have any interest in the policy. This payment plan shall continue in effect until terminated by the Company or by me. In addition the Company may terminate this payment plan immediately if any charge is dishonored upon presentation.

Chicano Correctional Workers Association | 16 | Office: 559.730.3630 | Office Fax: 559.730.3632 P. O. Box 3680, Visalia CA 93278-3680

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