Mark S. Lawson,
Cent ro de Negocios Puert a de Banús, Edif.. A, Plant a 1, Of icina 5, Puert o Banús, 29660 Marbella, Málaga ( Spain) . T: 0034 952 90 69 90
Pr of essiona l Pr of ile Wit h over 20 years of growt h in propert y development , propert y sales and proj ect management experience gained in t he UK and Sout hern Europe, able t o ef fect ively ident ify and evaluat e new business opport unit ies, develop relat ed invest ment plans, obt ain approvals- whet her int ernally or ext ernally- and t hereaf t er cont rol implement at ion, from cont ract negot iat ion t hrough budget ary cont rol t o t eam leading. Areas of operat ion include Spain, t he Canary I sles, Balearic I sles, Port ugal, Morocco and France. Of f ering st rat egic added value and deep experience and know-how in t he propert y development f ield, enj oys high levels of responsibilit y where energy, dedicat ion and init iat ive are required. Comf ort able in t echnical and t arget -demanding sit uat ions. Focused and commit t ed t o bot t om line result s. Able t o build and lead mult i-disciplinary t eams and accust omed t o working in cross-cult ural environment s. Fluent Spanish speaker and writ er, wit h a working knowledge of German, I t alian, Port uguese, Dut ch and French. Regular lect urer at a Malaga Business School ( I PE) , as part of t heir facult y f or t heir Expert Proj ect Management and Mast ers programmes. Regular specialist lect urer/ speaker on Proj ect Management st rat egies, procedures and best pract ice at ot her professional associat ions ( AEDI P, I CPMA, CI OB, OTE, ARDA) at locat ions in UK and pan-Europe.
Pr of essiona l Ex per ie nce 1 9 9 9 t o da t e
M DCI Pr oj e ct M a na ger s
Founder & Managing Direct or I dent if ied a niche in t he market and f ounded an independent Proj ect Management and Propert y Development Consult ing Company t o service nat ional and f oreign invest ors and developers wishing t o assure t hemselves t hat t heir int erest s were prot ect ed and t hat t heir proj ect s developed according t o qualit y, budget and t ime const raint s. Saved a combined amount in excess of €35m represent ing 8.75%. MDCI Proj ect Managers has delivered over 2,300 unit s on 40 dif ferent proj ect s, t ot alling invest ment budget s of €400m- all delivered on t ime and on – or below – budget . Maj or cust omers include: Marriot t I nt ernat ional, I nc., Asahi Kanko ( Japan) , La Perla Living I nt ernat ional ( Holland) , FBD General I nsurance Company ( Eire) , HBOS ( UK) and Grupo Lar ( Spain) . I n 2006 MDCI had capt ured 1% of t he Spanish proj ect management market . MDCI is one of only 4 Proj ect Management companies in Spain t o have obt ained t he I SO 9001: 2000 cert if icat ions f or Proj ect Management and Const ruct ion Management .
M a r r iot t Va ca t ion Club I nt er na t iona l
Proj ect Direct or Resort Design and Const ruct ion, Europe Responsible f or est ablishment of t he company’s f irst t hree European proj ect s, comprising 550 unit s wit h a combined invest ment value of $180m. I nt erf aced wit h U.S. execut ives t o int egrat e Marriot t st andards and procedures int o a new market . Saved $4m. Recruit ed and led Design, Engineering, I nt erior Design, Const ruct ion Management and Procurement consult ant s t o produce proj ect s on t ime, under budget and according t o Marriot t qualit y st andards. I n conj unct ion wit h Senior Vice President -Europe, report ed f inancial and schedule st at us t o Board in USA and obt ained support from Vice President -Proj ect Delivery Group t o implement ef f ect ive development st rat egies. Proposed, negot iat ed and implement ed a value engineering review process result ing in f urt her savings of $2m. Managed t he MVCI t echnical st af f and ef f ect ively monit ored 3 parallel proj ect s 1,000 miles apart . Tendered and led negot iat ions of mult i-million$ const ruct ion, service and FF&E cont ract s. Produced development forecast s and int egrat ed updat ed sales pace int o development schedule, delivering phases fast er and cheaper, saving an addit ional $2m on t he CAPEX. Member of t he execut ive European Senior Team wit h added responsibilit y f or balancing key component s in Marriot t cult ure- high rat es of sat isfact ion wit h Cust omers, Employees and Prof it - all surpassed Recognised by t wo Silver Awards from t he American Resort Developers Associat ion ( ARDA) and is current ly considered t he indust ry’s European st andard.
Se lf - e m ploye d consult a nt , London ba se d
Client s included Marriot t Ownership Resort s I nc. ( USA) and First Nat ional Commercial Bank ( U.K.) , organisat ions wit h ext ensive invest ment s in Spanish and European propert y. The qualit y of my assignment s led t o permanent employment of fers from bot h organisat ions.
Globa l Gr oup of Com pa nie s
Development Direct or Global was a U.S.-owned propert y developer and maj or player in t he leisure propert y development business in Spain and t he USA. Execut ive member of t he group’s UK/ US management t eam, cont ribut ed t o st rat egic planning, set up and managed of t he Group’s own propert y development division. Responsible f or ident if ying and developing new business, overall cont rol of const ruct ion process on new development s, budget preparat ion and Proj ect Management st rat egy. Saved t he company £4m on previously proj ect ed budget s and all proj ect s were const ruct ed, equipped and occupied on t ime.
Sunley H oldings PLC
Proj ect Manager Appoint ed t o t he company’s Spanish operat ion and assumed managerial responsibilit y f or a failing proj ect of 80 luxury apart ment s which Sunley had acquired. Report ing t o t he Proj ect Direct or, negot iat ed wit h archit ect s, local aut horit ies and suppliers t o upgrade t he proj ect t o Sunley’s int ernat ionally expect ed st andards.
Developed a dynamic sales and market ing st rat egy aimed at raising t he company’s market profile. Negot iat ed an exclusive f inancial package f or our purchasers. £6m ( 1986 f igures) proj ect developed and sold out 6 mont hs ahead of schedule.
Pr of essiona l M em be r ships APM ( Associat ion f or Proj ect Management – UK) ; AEDI P ( Spanish Proj ect Management Associat ion) - Corporat e Member and Member of t he Board of Direct ors since 2004; BCC ( Brit ish Chamber of Commerce in Spain) Commit t ee and Corporat e Member; PROMOTUR ( Associat ion of Resident ial Developers of Andalusia) Board Member. RI CS- Fellow st at us. CI OB ( Chart ered I nst it ut e of Building)
Aca de m ic Mast ers Degree in Management of Propert y Development Companies achieved in 2002 at Malaga Business College I PE- course t aken in Spanish. Cert if icat ion in Advanced Management of Propert y Development Companies, 2007, I PE. Regularly at t ending prof essional courses/ conferences on Proj ect Management , Proj ect Development , Urbanist ic Rules and ot her t opics relat ed t o current business act ivit y. Frequent cont ribut or t o professional f orums and present at ions on t he ef f ect ive use of proj ect management best pract ices and st rat egies including Paris, Prague, Berne, Madrid, London, Seville, Malaga, Almería and Cannes.
Specia l Re cognit ion MDCI Proj ect Managers awarded “ Proj ect 2007” First Prize by Met ros² Publicat ion House f or out st anding cont ribut ion t o Resident ial Tourism in Proj ect Management in Spain.
February 2009