REactor Conference. Intercambia Association representative. Human Rights and Social Media. Pros and cons, two sides of the same coin.
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REactor Conference. Intercambia Association representative. Human Rights and Social Media. Pros and cons, two sides of the same coin. Index. Abstract. Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Human Rights and Interpretation of them. Happiness lies in security. International Law. Fundamentals of Contemporary International Law. The basic structure of international society. The unequal distribution of political power. Approach to the concept of international law. International organizations. The international subjectivity of international organizations. Types of international organizations. The capacity to conclude treaties. International organizations and international responsibility. The concept of humanity. General principles of international law. Conventional Legal Norms. Concept and importance of the treaties. Reception of international standards. The Treaty System Organization of the United Nations Treaties introduction of fundamental of Human Rights and environment bodies to the Treaties. The international movement of human rights. Institutional and legal aspects of human rights. The problem of meaning: Social Responsibility and personnel for the site by Human Rights. What is Internet? What is Social Media? Web and Social Networks.
A new article in the Declaration of Human Rights? Right of access to the Internet. The digital divide: the problem of access to the Internet. World data. Promoting Human Rights through the Web: lights and shadows, two sides of the same coin. The positive side of the Web as a tool promoting Human Rights (concrete examples). The downside of the Web as destructive tool of Human Rights (concrete examples) Conclusions.
Abstract. With this conference we are going to study several objectives specific to lead to a conclusion which, in turn, has a double reading. The intended objectives are, firstly, the presentation of Human Rights, not as a catalog of rights binding on the States, although a road map that will take these for the good of humanity as a whole. On the other hand, to present the formulas by which the countries can include the various articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in order to understand these concepts studied Public International Law on States and International Organizations , meaning the United Nations Organization as the umbrella body law which created the Declaration. Thirdly, study the basics of Social Media based on Internet technology, the web, as the most important tool of the Internet and Digital Environments Network and as the web pages may have more affinity for both positive promotion denial of human rights. Fourth, a problem repair lexicon, human rights are not rights themselves, but must be understood as models of social and personal behavior - regardless of those items that are understood as customary international law - After analyzing all these aspects we go into the concept of the digital divide and the problem of Internet access, pondering whether or not it can be understood as a new law, within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and analyzing data updated April 2012 on Internet access in the world.Finally, we arrive at the most important part of this conference which is the study of the promotion of human rights across the Web. We will see the lights and shadows, two sides of the same coin. The positive side of the Web as a tool promoting Human Rights (concrete examples) and the negative side of the Web as destructive tool of Human Rights, also with concrete examples. The conclusions reached in this conference can distinguish between two types: legal and from the world of Social Media. Legally reach the conclusion that the items that make up the Declaration of Human Rights are not rights in themselves, if they are incorporated into an international treaty and it has been ratified by a particular state, regardless of the international monitoring bodies and therefore, we can understand that there is a problem that results in a lexical problem of interpretation of the letter. From the point of view of Social Media, the first conclusion we draw is that most of the population has no access to the Internet and are precisely that percentage of the population that is more distinct violations of
human rights therefore it will be impossible to promote them. Furthermore, since the percentage of the world that does have Internet access, we make two comments: first, Social Media and all the opportunities it offers the web for promotion involve a significant social responsibility and staff to be promoted each and every one of the Rights of the Declaration by those with no voice and Internet. On the other hand, the use of Social Media can be a mixed blessing for the whole population, just as it can serve as an indispensable tool for the promotion of rights, can become a nightmare and in the simplest way to egregious conduct.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Human Rights and Interpretation of the same. Introduction to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Declaration of Human Rights defines itself as “the first World Declaration on dignity and equality inherent in all humans�. Historically, the picture was not, in any case, good. If we look back to the time of his statement, the world had spent periods of horrible wars and popular revolutions in reaction against the treated with humanity and degrading over almost the total population. The Declaration of Human Rights is not the first time in history that has tried to make a list of what should be the appropriate behavior for a peaceful coexistence in the world, but this is the first - it seems - being carried out with greater rigor. In 539 a.C. Cyrus, the Great of the Achaemenid Empire of Persia, published what he called the Cyrus Cylinder. In the year 590 DC, among the Arab tribes, the drafting of the Covenant of Virtuoso. Nearly a thousand years later, in 1689, was declared to the English people, the English Bill of Rights. After the French Revolution was drafted the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. It was after The Second World War, when the community community though that they would never repeat such atrocities, on that occasion the United Nations Organization, on December 10, 1948 was presented the Declaration of Human Rights. The Drafting Committee of the Declaration was composed of 18 members from different political thoughts, cultural and religious. One of these members, Hernan Santa Cruz, said that this statement was about the supreme value of human beings. Value that did not originate in the decision of a worldly power, but the very fact exist. Freedom, justice and peace are the basis of this statement, that it is necessary to give a) recognition of the dignity, b) equal rights for all and c) the assumption that they are treated with inalienable rights and that all this can be successfully developed to the human and having nuclear binding of the family, as the backbone.
In the context in which the Declaration was redacted, was intended to be the mirror of how it should be designed the New World. A world in disregard of Human Rights would be an atrocity, a barbaric. So humans, in or under law, can not misery, fear, should have freedom of speech, freedom of beliefs, better standards of life in the broader concept of freedom, equality between men and women, promotion social progress, dignity and worth of the human person ... With all these ideals, the General Assembly of the Organization of the United Nations proclaimed the Declaration of Human Rights, urging all nations to strive and transmit these values through education, ensuring implementation measures both in the Member States those who are under the jurisdiction of Member States. Fundamentals of International Human Rights standards. The principal basis for these standards are to serve as a point for reflection and resolution of conflicts. The articles of the Declaration are inspiring international human rights treaties are legally binding on states. The content of the Declaration has been developed through treaties, customary rules of international law, general principles, regional agreements or national laws. These legal instruments provide protection for the social groups most in need, such as: a) those who suffer racial discrimination, b) from torture, c) sentences suffer decapitation, d) persons with disabilities, e) children, f ) women, g) migrants, h) minorities, i) indigenous peoples, and so on. Although this will be discussed below, explain that the Declaration of Human Rights lays down obligations which must be met by States. To do this, the articles of the Declaration must become part of domestic law of each State, through the accession of each State to develop an international treaty law. The State assumes: a) duties b) obligations under International Law and is committed to protecting human rights. The states are: a) the obligation to respect and not to restrict human rights and b) have an obligation to protect citizens against possible violations of human rights. Whenever the state must meet the requirement of "ratification" of the international treaty. The state governments agree to implement the measures and legislation compatible with the duties and obligations arising from treaties and guaranteed by International Law.
Human Rights and Interpretation of the same. Article 1. Human born: a) free, b) in equal dignity and rights, c) must have a brotherly behavior. Although, within the category of living beings, animals, have similar features with our group, mammals, humans have traits that make them different from the rest. It is human nature that we humans, implies that we have the ability to a) think b) expressing feelings, c) we are aware and know how to distinguish between good and evil. That all of us in the group of mammals humans, means that we are equal, we are not identical (just have to see our fingerprints). Each one of us we are different, each one of us (and we found along our life) our "legitimate rarities" but we can not forget that we have attributes that make us all equal, we have to treat them all with the same respect and dignity. Everyone should be free, so everyone has the right to liberty does not mean: a) to do whatever we want, b) restrict our behavior, the rights of others. Article 2. All people have all the rights and freedoms that the Declaration contains without distinction as to: a) religion, b) property, c) race, d) birth, e) color, f) sex, g) language, h) political opinion. No matter the sovereignty or political status of the country. When we talk about discrimination means exclusion, restriction preference based on race, color, sex, language, religion, nationality, ethnic origin or ancestry. This impairs or prevents equal: a) recognition, b) enjoy, c) the exercise of human rights or civil liberties in the field: a) political, b) social, c) cultural d) economic, e) other of the public life of the person. This article leads us to the INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE ELIMINATION OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION METHODS. Article 3. Everyone has: a) the right to life, b) the right to freedom and c) the right to personal security.
We are bound to influence our governments for everyone to enjoy this right. Freedom means the power that enables us to act freely in the public sphere, is the state of one who is not subject to captivity, oppression or a despotic regime. Article 4. No one shall be subjected to: a) slavery b) easement. These two behaviors are prohibited in all their forms. In general, it is the weakest and poorest members of society who are often subject to exploitation, that is, to a condition of bondage, exploiting other human beings. This leads us to articles CONVENTION ON ABOLITION OF SLAVERY FURTHER, THE SLAVE TRADE AND INSTITUTIONS AND PRACTICES SIMILAR TO SLAVERY. Article 5. Submission is forbidden to: a) cruel, b) and c inhuman) degrading treatment. When we talk about torture, we are referring not only to physical pain suffered by a person. We also refer to a destruction of the dignity of the person. We can not allow torture, which involves: a) cruel, b) inhuman, c) degrading treatment. This article leads us to: a) Convention against Torture, said that torture is any act that intentionally violates a person severe pain or suffering, mental or physical, when these sufferings are caused by government officials or by persons acting in of its functions; b) DECLARATION AND PROGRAMME OF ACTION COMES 1993, c) CONVENTION AGAINST TORTURE AND OTHER CRUEL, inhuman or degrading OF 1994 (, Committe Against Torture, Concluding Observations, Comments: Spain and Hungary) Article 6. Everyone has the right to legal personality in all parts of the world.
The legal system of any country must recognize the legal personality of individuals. The legal protection involves shielding the legal system and must assume the responsibilities of the system. Article 7. All are equal before the law and to the protection of law. We all have the same protection against someone who may or violation of the Declaration. This article has a double meaning: a) minorities have equal rights, discrimination is prohibited, and encourage others to practice it and b), judges, government officials and police are subject to the same as the population. This article leads to the INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE ELIMINATION OF ALL FORMS OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION. Article 8. Everyone has the right to a remedy before a national courts when they violate constitutional rights or legal rights. When there is a violation of any of the rights must have the means to bring an action or an appeal to a "competent tribunal" (competent means that you understand a particular field of law) Article 9. No one shall be arbitrarily detained or arrested. This article is for groups who hold intolerant government and imprison arbitrarily (mean arbitrary detention or exile without a) commits an offense, b) without judicial process to determine guilt or innocence of the person) to the population as through repression of dissent. They perform an addition mistreatment and torture the prisoners. Article 10. Everyone has the right to be heard by an independent and impartial tribunal to discuss: a) their rights, b) debt c) if a criminal charge. Everyone should have the opportunity to present their case: a) criminal b) civil proceedings (demand), before an independent and impartial, to decide based on evidence and law without favoring either party .
Article 11. Everyone has the right to presumption of innocence, that is they are innocent "until proven otherwise," plus there will be no retroactive punishment and not use the most severe penalty that was applicable at the time of crime. This article argues: a) the presumption of innocence, b) the right to be heard and c) the non-retroactivity of the law. Article 12. There should be no arbitrary interference on a) privacy, b) family, c) the address, d) correspondence and e) the attacks on the honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to protection. No one has the right to: a) interfere in the life of another person, b) to read the personal correspondence of another. We should do a review of this article and wonder in the world of Information Technology and Communication, what is understood from a social point of view, for intimacy? Article 13. Everyone has the right to: a) freedom of movement and b) choose the state you want to reside. Everyone has the right to: a) leave the country including his own and b) return to their country. Sovereign states decide they have to impose limits on immigration. Sometimes temporary restrictions are allowed, but not restrictions on political grounds. This article leads us to COVENANT ON CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS, which defines the concept of "emergency situation" means that which endangers the life of the nation and the existence of which is officially proclaimed. (organ inspector: HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES UNITED NATIONS) Article 14. Everyone has the right to seek asylum in any country from persecution. The concept of "asylum" refers to the shelter designed for a person in danger and whose purpose is to free you from that danger. (It happens in cases where the person comes from a country at war with a government or intolerant)
The concept of "refugee" means any person, outside their country of nationality owing to well founded fear of persecution based on race, religion, nationality, membership of a social group or political opinion. This article leads us to the CONVENTION ON THE STATUS OF REFUGEES, 1951. (organ inspector HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR THE UNITED NATIONS REFUGEE) (note Article 15. Everyone has the right to: a) having a nationality and b) that there is no arbitrary deprivation of a) nationality and b) the right to nationality. National means a citizen of the country that deal with obligations and benefits: a) be under the umbrella of its legal system, b) participate in elections, c) enjoy the social order. Article 16. A) All men and women of marriageable age have the right to marry and raise families without distinction of race, nationality and religion, b) are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at separation after marriage, c) the marriage freely contracted, d) family is a natural and fundamental and must be protected by the state and society. Everyone has the right to choose our spouse and the country is obliged to protect this right and the new family. We must consider the UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON THE CONSENT TO THE MARRIAGE, THE MINIMUM AGE FOR MARRIAGE AND REGISTRATION OF MARRIAGES, 1962. Article 17. Everyone has the right to own property individually or collectively. You can not arbitrarily ban the property. WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION (WIPO)
Article 18. Everyone has the right to: a) freedom of thought, b) awareness c) religion, both the practice of religion in public or private, religious education and the change of religion. Sometimes a country has: a) a national political party, b) is a confessional state. Although a person's thoughts are different from the majority must be more important, always, the right to religion and their own opinion and can express it and practice it in public and in private. This article discusses the meaning of "tolerance" means the acceptance of others with respect and mutual understanding. We must keep in mind: a) STATEMENT ON TOLERANCE (tolerance means recognition of human rights and responsibilities involved in human rights: a) pluralism, b) rule of law, c) freedom of education) b) STATEMENT ELIMINATION OF ALL FORMS OF INTOLERANCE AND DISCRIMINATION BASED ON RELIGION AND BELIEF, c) Report of the Special Rapporteur on Religious Intolerance APPOINTED BY THE COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS, 1986. Article 19. Everyone has the right to freedom of: a) opinion and expression. This means that no one can be a) annoyed, b) receive and impart information and / or opinions, c) dissemination by any means without limitations or boundaries. Internet, newspaper, radio, television, books, et cetera. They should not be censored: access to information, b) the opinion of people. Article 20. Everyone has the right to: a) freedom of assembly, b) association, c) has not to be compelled to belong to any association. There is a right to meet to a situation or self. SOLIDARITY is a union of: a) interest, b) purposes, which are related to a group of people. (National Organization of Labor)
Article 21. Everyone has: a) freedom of participation in government (a) directly or b) by vote, this is an indirect way), b) equal right of access to public access. The will of the people is the basis of the authority of government, for real elections, whether universal suffrage (or other similar) All persons, during the election, are able to: a) vote, b) be voted on. Rules are for everyone, everyone has something to say so that together we can offer the best solution. Article 22. Everyone has the right to social security that includes: a) economic, b) social, c) cultural rights. This implies the dignity and free development of personality. Corporate assets by society must help society. A minimum should be required to lead a decent life. WORLD CONGRESS ON SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 1995. Article 23. Everyone is able to: a) to work, b) protection against unemployment, c) free choice of employment, d) and favorable conditions at work, e) same money for the same work, f) remuneration for work, for human dignity and family, g) everyone has the right to organize. The workplace of people should be: a) safe and b) with fair employment conditions. The union is an association of workers organized to protect and promote their interests. - INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS. - INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION. - INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON PROTECTION OF RIGHTS OF ALL MIGRANT WORKERS AND THEIR FAMILIES, 1990.
Article 24. Everyone is able to: a) rest, b) enjoy the free time, c) periodic holidays with pay, d) relative length of the workday. This is Human Rights: a) persons entitled to be as far as possible, b) each State shall have laws that determine the maximum duration of working time, wages and minimum working age. Article 25. Everyone is entitled to an adequate standard of living and family, this includes: a) health, b) food, c) housing, d) necessary social services, e) clothing, f) medical, g) pension system d) other services. Also, everyone is entitled to maternity and childhood; with a special care for these groups. In addition, children in and out of marriage have the same rights. Everybody has the right to basic needs: a) food, b) housing, c) clothing, d) essential household items, e) community: water, sanitation, health, education. Those most in need should take, always the first to be helped. The problem is that the reality is different to those in need are marginalized, becoming poorer. The objective to reach is: a) eliminate poverty, b) to promote full employment, c) to promote productive employment, d) has been an active participation of all in society. Article 26. All parents have the right to choose the kind of education they wish for their children. All are entitled to free education at the elementary fundamental. The higher education is free for all, based on merit system. The purpose of education is the full development of human personality and training on human rights and freedoms, promoting the understanding of friendship and tolerance among all social groups. This will help the Organization of the United Nations to maintain peace. The right to education is one of the most important rights, with education we can: a) realize our potential, b) meet other people, c) practice tolerance. An interesting point of view must be the right to instruct on Human Rights. UN FOR SCIENCE AND CULTURE.
Article 27. Everyone is able to: a) forming part of the cultural life of the community, b) enjoy the arts, c) scientific and resulting benefits. Everyone is entitled to the protection of the moral and material: a) scientific b) art, c) Literary, which is the author. Explains the need for participation in: a) own cultural heritage and b) cultural heritage of others. Article 28. Everyone is entitled to a social and international order, namely that the rights of the declaration to take effect. To enjoy the Human Rights requires a system that allows: a) rules and b) systems. This implies the right to peace and development law. Article 29. This Declaration is also a catalog of duties to the community because only there people can freely develop their personality. Everyone is entitled to: a) the exercise of their rights, b) enjoy your freedom. This is no limitations: a) public order, b) the moral order, c) the rights and freedoms of others. This is summarized in a democratic social welfare. No article of the Declaration may be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations Organization. Article 30. The Declaration of Human Rights can not be performed by: a) individuals, b) groups, c) states to do things against her. No human right can be used for: a) individuals, b) groups, c) governments to violate the Declaration of Human Rights or any of its articles.
Happiness lies in security. Eduardo Punset says that the soul and happiness reside in the brain. Love is also in the brain. This is not a simple act of giving and generosity toward another person. It is a tool for survival. An adult has to do with their childhood experiences and family ties, so since childhood the person should feel happy, feel loved. There are other external factors that help us escape the stress and a condition for happiness is security. Humans and animals react to pain on the same way that theli human but have one thing that animals do not have: the imagination. We just imagine the threat to be nervious. In addition, the feelings that are contrary to happiness are much easier to arouse, frighten is available to anyone. Through various experiments with people we know there is a model of a security form of happiness. This implies that a state of unhappiness, is a situation of insecurity. All this has a chemical explanation, the body directs a decrease in the distribution of glucose and therefore reduces the release of dopamine, this causes a blockage in neuronal processes. This leads to depression and with a depressional state can not create new neurons. Even when it is a very intense stress situation occurs the death of some of them. Louise MacBain gives us this fascinating statement, happiness is a consistent state in which the subject has nothing to fear. Therefore we must ensure that all great human beings feel safe, and that beyond the subjective concept of happiness, it is a matter of objective health status. Only through good gear operation of the application of Articles of the Declaration of Human Rights, everyone, absolutely everyone we can feel safe and happy, objectively.
International Law. Fundamentals of Contemporary International Law. The basic structure of international society. The unequal distribution of political power. It means that the objective principle of sovereign equality of all States, as the RESOLUTION 2625 (XXV) THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE UNITED NATIONS. But this is not only a legal fiction, in two respects: - The Public International Law, has not developed in equal allocation of political rights and duties between states. - With a mere analysis of social reality we see that it is not. It seeks a general democratization of international society, but clearly we can see that it is not. The statement did not set out to create an enforcement mechanism for collective action that could be used to control the great powers. In the XXI century, we can say that there are three groups of states: - Those who have the capacity to influence international relations as a whole, benefit from their privileged position. - The group of states that accept the provisions of the first group, since it is the only possible form of action in the international area, although there are some reservations about the conduct of the first group. - Those states that are characterized by extreme fundamentalism as: a) nationalist, b) political, religious. We understand with hooligans behavior, vandalism and even some catalaogan as the axis of evil. His goal, the outright rejection of the generally established behavior patterns. The problem is that states that we discussed in the paragraph 1) and 3) are who take the leading role in the international society. Unequal distribution of economic power. The main problem lies in the consequences of major and unacceptable differences between the immense resources available to the residents of some states address the shortage by most states.
Thus, 1/5 part of the world's population of 4/5 parts of the world's resources. This means that 4/5 of world population has been divided 1/5 part of the goods produced worldwide. It seems that there is a relationship between: a) the ability of wealth to create more wealth and b) the ability to generate more poverty poverty. The combination of unequal political and economic power can be expressed increasing frustration at what some perceive as impossible to change due to the massive violation of the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Approach to the concept of international law. According to Rรถling, there are several types of international law: A) International law determines state competitions. B) International Law to develop principles and methods of cooperation. C) International law sanctions. D) International law and peaceful change and regulating conflicts to be resolved. According, Rodriguez Carrion, A, International Law is the set of legal rules governing international society and the relations of its members in achieving their social, collective and individual. From this, we can deduce: A) Public International Law is an ordering of variable geometry, that is, against a uniform set of minimum requirements for all states, this allows more strongly linked with all or States who are interested. B) Public International Law is an unfinished order, this implies that they are provisional and gradual development. C) Public International Law is an ordinance, essentially device, the essential nature of its rules are hardly compelling. D) Public international law is not essentially a coercive order. It is understood as the result of the will of the subjects or model, states. States should be the expression of the will of human beings and peoples that make up, which in most cases not.
International organizations. The international subjectivity of international organizations. Types of international organizations. The capacity to conclude treaties. International organizations and international responsibility. Today would be very difficult to find areas of human relations in which no impact or influence (or even decide) an international organization. An international organization is, from a legal perspective, a community of States established by a treaty between States which are in the constitution of the organization, having common institutions and skills attributed to the achievement of the goals and objectives that have given. The question is: What is the legal personality of international organizations within the international community?: The treaties establishing international organizations are the ones to grant legal status, but only between the States party to the treaty, without ever linking to third States. It is very important to understand that the legal personality of international organization in connection with the legal system of each State party is NOT equal to the legal personality of international organizations in the private international law. Types of International Organizations. 1) According to the territorial scope (depending on their possible participation of States in it): 1) Universal organizations. All States may become part of the International Organization agree to the rules. 2) Restricted organizations. States can only become part of international organizations with requirements. 2) According to its target level: 1) General organizations. The treaty aims at establishing any aspect of international life. In this category is the United Nations Organization. 2) Special organizations. The treaty aims at establishing only some aspects of international life. 3) According to their jurisdiction. 1) Ability to generate actions for Member States: a) Coordination: orientation, b) integration: possible binding of their actions.
2) Capacity for action: a) cooperation, b) Operational: International Organizations perform the objectives of the constitutional treaty. The capacity to conclude treaties. Is planned and usually attributed to international organizations in establishing their status, including the capacity or international legal personality. In the treaties establishing international organizations is very common to include explicit references to their skills either: a) with the states, b) with other international organizations. International Organizations and International Responsibility. We study the differences from: 1) Law: a) domestic and international 2) Subject: Passive and active in a wrongful act.
The concept of humanity. General principles of international law. Conventional Legal Norms: Concept and importance of the treaties. The concept of humanity. They are different authors who have expressed an opinion on this concept in relation to the right: a) The legal concept of humanity, has always had more of an ideal than reality, says LEGAZY LACAMBRA, b) is the interest of all mankind that Antarctica shall continue forever to be used exclusively for peaceful purposes and shall not become a scene or object of international fights, says the Antarctic Treaty (Washington, December 1, 1959) c) According PIQUEMAL taking into consciousness of a solidarity the human species would involve the introduction of humanity as a new subject of international law. General principles of international law. A) Function to help solve the problems that exist between states, bearing in mind the rules of customary law. B) Are considered as general principles of public international law: A) The principles recognized by the law of the State. B) The principles recognized by international society. C) The underlying principles of international law. C) In all conflicts, which is expressed in the Charter of the United Nations, notably the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, has precedence over any other general principle of law or customary law at the time of interpretation. Conventional legal standards: concept and relevance of international treaties. A) Article 2.1.a VIENNA CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE TREATY, May 23, 1969. B) Article 2.1.a VIENNA CONVENTION ON THE TREATY MADE BETWEEN STATES AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS OR BETWEEN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS, 1989.
We must understand that an international agreement that concluded in writing between States, between States and international organizations or between international organizations and governed by international law, and consists of one or more instruments and whatever its particular designation.
Receipt of international standards. Much of the legal acts of international organizations only have value and are recommended for States that are directed to consider the obligation of good faith, the possibility of meeting the normative act. We need to know that good faith is presumed, be contrary symbolic demonstration. States must adapt, therefore, to international standards as best they can. The International Movement for Human Rights wound to his most important point on 10 December 1948, takes effect when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, enacted by the General Assembly of the United Nations. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights represents the ideal for which all people and all nations have to effort. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is a union of civil, economic, social, political and cultural rights that all states should have. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, over the years is accepted as fundamental human rights standards that all must respect and protect. The international movement of human rights is born the International Bill of Human Rights, a document that includes: A) UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS. B) INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON CIVIL AND POLITICAL. C) OPTIONAL PROTOCOLS. two. D) INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON ECONOMIC - SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS. From the International Declaration of Human Rights, States have included the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights both from the standpoint of national and international: A) internally: by a) promotion of human rights by the state that best suit their internal needs, b) by setting up laws to its legal integration of the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. B) Externally: a) mainly through international treaties and customary law b) statements on guidelines by the principles of public international law.
The International Law of Human Rights, by becoming part of the Treaty of Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights imply an obligation, within the State, to respect the treaty implies, therefore, the obligation to respect the human right on which the treaty concerned (this method is meant to be produced by affirmative action) Through ratification of international treaties on Human Rights, Governments undertake to adopt measures consistent with domestic laws and treaties. If not, there are roads in the regional and international complaints and reported in case of violation of any article of International Law of Human Rights. To summarize we can say that: A) Receiving conventional standards: to determine how a state receives an international treaty must either go to the Constitution (although most of the existing constitutions of the treaties do not speak, but speak about the legislative development of the treaty and its implementation administrative practice) or the case law of the State: A) Automatic reception: Once the treaty enters into force internationally, also comes into force in the State's legal system. B) Special reception: Entry into force the treaty through a procedure set out in state law. As for Spain, Article 96 CE and Article 1.5 of the Civil Code, require publication in the Spanish State Official Boletin. B) Customary law: legal silence on most occasions. Also indicate how customary law can be part of state law. If there is nothing they can study the case the competent courts of the State (in Spain the Constitutional Court) C) Acts of international organizations: legal Silence most of the time. (In Spain be published in the Spanish State Official Boletin)
The Treaty System Organization of the United Nations Treaties introduction of fundamental human rights and environment bodies to the Treaties. On Human Rights, we must consider: a) treaties that entered into the State Human Rights standards and b) the Committees or bodies established under the treaties or the supervision thereof or compliance with the provisions of Charter of Human Rights. There are seven treaties to which States can join. They are mainly of Human Rights and set international standards for the promotion and protection of human rights. All persons shall enjoy the rights set out, therefore, the Charter of Human Rights. When we speak of a body established under the treaty, we speak of body which is responsible for: a) watch b) to recommend measures to fulfill what the treaty says. For this to be effective, the State must: a) have been universally ratified (all items) and systematic (meaning implement it effectively) the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; b) accept the organs created, ad hoc, for monitoring compliance. The Charter of Human Rights was created with the intention of promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Is the common law rules? There are some rules that are accepted as customary international law. For example the prohibition of torture or racial discrimination. In practice this means that, although not written, the rules, nowhere are considered binding on the practice of each State. The Universal Declaration of Universal Rights, a treaty is not legally binding international law, but have a great moral force. Represents the internationally agreed definition of representatives of various State of the rights to be enjoyed by everyone equally. The treaties that arise following the Universal Declaration of Universal Rights are: 1) INTERNATIONAL BILL OF HUMAN RIGHTS. 2) INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS, YEAR 1966.
3) INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL YEAR 1966. 4) CONVENTION ON ELIMINATION OF ALL FORMS OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN. 5) CONVENTION AGAINST TORTURE AND OTHER AGREEMENTS OR cruel, inhuman or degrading, YEAR 1984. 6) CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD, YEAR 1989. 7) INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE PROTECTION OF RIGHTS OF ALL MIGRANT WORKERS AND FAMILY YEAR 1990. (Other treaties are for example the Convention on the Status of Refugees) In any case these agreements are intended to: a) non-discrimination, b) equality, c) effective protection which treaties Mechanisms. Bodies engaged in the enforcement and other purposes related to the International Bill of Human Rights. In any case these these organ intended: a) non-discrimination, b) equality, c) effective protection against the violation of what he says International Bill of Rights and the treaties, d) protection for special vulnerable groups, e) interpretation of human beings and understood as an active participant in public life of the State in which he resides and in decisions that affect them and not a passive object of the decisions of the authorities. Enforcement bodies of the Charter of Human Rights: A) International Criminal Court. Is a permanent tibunal (is not the International Court of Justice) to prosecute for genocide individuos, crimes against humanity, War Crimes and Crimes of Aggresion. Rome Statute of International Criminal Court, July 2002. In 2012, 121 states parties Were April to the Statute of the Court. B) European Court of Human Right. In Strasbourg, is a supra-national court by the European stableshed Convention on Human Rights Hears complaints and to contracting That stat has Violated the Human Rights That Are in the conventions an protocols tis. Complaints can be Brought by Individuals or other contracting
states, and Coourt Also can issue advisory opinions. It has 47 membres. Depend by Council of Europe (is not the European Court of Justice) C) Inter - American Court of Human Right. Autonomous judiciary is an institution. (With the Inter - American Comission on Human Rights) Human Rights It Makes up protection system of the organization of American states to uphold and Which Serves Rights and Freedoms Promote basic in the Americans. D) African Comission on Human Rights and People. It is a quasi - judical body tasked with human rights Promoting and Protecting and collective (people) the African continent THROUGHOUT rights as well as interpreting the African Charter on Human and People's Rights and considering an individual complains of violation of the charter. E) African Court of Human Rights. Is a regional court created to make That Was Judgments on African Union States' Compliance With The African Charter on Human and pleople's Rights. Responsible for inspection of compliance with the Treaties: A) Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. B) Committee on Economic, social and cultural rights. C) Human Rights Committee. D) Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women. E) Committee Against Torture. F) Children's Rights Committee. G) Committee to Protect Migrant Workers and Their Families.
The international movement of human rights. Institutional and legal aspects of human rights. The various articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are part of the Constitutions and the Legal System of the several States by international treaties. However, some human rights accepted by the international community, are understood as customary law (ius cogens) and Article 38 affirms the STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE: this refers to international custom or international customary law the practice of the international subjects is generally accepted by them as law. For all we have said to this point, we must understand that different human rights belong to the realm of philosophy of law, however, are built in, usually by the State Constitution to its legal system.
The problem of meaning: Social Responsibility and personnel to the site by Human Rights. Social Responsibility, is the charge or commitment or obligation of a corporation, either as individuals or as members of a group. Responsibility to each other and with society as a whole. The concept introduces a more or less acts. This social responsibility can be considered ethical or legal. It differs because political responsibility is not limited to the assessment of the exercise of power by a state authority or state above. Social Responsibility, is personified in the Personal Responsibility. The principle of the Personal Responsibility must be accomplished so that the effects of your action are compatible with the permanence of genuine human life on Earth, in the words of Hans Jones, directed by the Kantian imperative. This implies that the value is in the consciousness of the person, allowing you to think, manage, guide and assess the consequences of their actions (morally). When discussing the level of ethics, an improvement of society, culture, equality, freedom, and so on. We therefore clarify that: a) the principles are rules of conduct chosen independently by the individual, b) the moral is the system of value judgments that are part of the culture of a society or human community, by that community which qualifies as good or evil acts of people who belong to it, c) ethics is the philosophical reflection, objective, rational morality is about proposing universally valid values . Therefore, an ethical life community may create new forms of life in harmonious coexistence among all people. Social responsibility - person seen by some authors: A) Being able to respond to human needs. GIACOMAN and OPAZO, 2002. B) The ability and obligation to respond to society as a whole, by acts or omissions. Exercised when applicable, from any of us to all others. Sテ・Z O., 2002 C) Personal behavior is the welfare of others and the planet. BERMAN, 1997.
Therefore, we are increasingly aware of everything we do or fail to make impact in relation to the world, violence or peace, inclusion or exclusion, and so on. Each one of us is an acting subject whose decisions and actions affect others. What we personally but, equally, we are when we look at as a whole or collective which we belong. The improvement of our society goes through enhanced awareness of "self responsibility" and to assume that part of responsibility and solidarity action with respect to all social problems.
Once that we have explained this, we can say that exists a lexicon problem, as to the name that was given to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, since it does not contain a list of rights. For content of the various articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights can become a truly international public law standards and State standards, in short, if the right rights contained in the article is developed by an instrument of international law, such a treaty and the treaty is in turn integrated into the law of a State or States (or that it is a rule of customary law itself is a right already recognized by the international community). Therefore, it is proposed for better interpretation of the content of the Declaration to be understood not as a Declaration of Rights but a Social Responsibility - Staff for humanity.
What is Internet? What is Social Media? Web and Social Networks. One of the big problems we have to face, before continuing with our discussion, is again the concepts. As seen in previous lines there is a serious misunderstanding between what is real and what rights are seen as issues of social responsibility personal. This issue of the concepts also moved to the part that we have to analyze below. While the concept of "social media" is a more or less easy to define, the other three concepts (Internet, Web and social networks) are quite complex because, in general are often used as synonyms, being very different terms. In addition, another major problem is that very few official dictionaries, such as the Royal Spanish Language Academy, there are definitions of them, or whether definitions are pending review. Therefore, to explain very clearly and with examples how the content of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights can be promoted in a positive or negative, let's define a clear and concise terms each shade with the help of the only dictionary, official, and final version, supports those terms, the Oxford Dictionary and with some contribution from the 23 edition of the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Language Academy, still to be published in its final version. When we talk about "Internet", we mean a global computer network, or global, decentralized, consisting of the direct connection between computers or computers with a special communication protocol that offers a variety of information services and Communication network comprising interconnected using standardized communication protocols. “Social media" are all web pages and applications used for communication and dialogue, interactive. When we talk about web, web site or web page, we are referring to the most popular tool based on Internet technology. It is a computer network Consisting of a collection of Internet sites offer That text, graphics, and animations spunds resources-through the hypertext transfer protocol. The Web is constantly evolving,
we have tried adjectives by numbering (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, ...) I understand that the Web is active and you do not need adjetivarlo, just understand that is constantly evolving and changing. Finally, a social network service is one of the information society that provide users with a platform for communication over the Internet, so that they create a profile with personal information, facilitating networking based on common criteria and enabling connection to other users and their interaction. This will create a viral phenomenon whose key is the connection between users.
The digital divide: the problem of access to the Internet. World data. FRANK LA RUE, Special Editor Organization of the United Nations thought about the problem of access to the Internet and its inclusion as one of the rights of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Internet access should be a universal right, accessible to any individual because it allows people to not only exercise their right of opinion and expression, but also part of human rights and promotes the advancement of society as a whole. It should be a right for easy access for anyone, recommending that governments easier access. Internet allows individuals to exercise our right of opinion and helps the progress of society as a whole. Governments should strive to offer access widely available to all, accessible and that everyone could afford. Internet access should be a priority for all States. Access to different web pages through Internet must be maintained and is especially valuable in key political movements, such as elections, times of social unrest or political or historical anniversaries. Internet is the vehicle to exercise the right to freedom of expression. States have the obligation to assume its commitment to develop effective policies to achieve universal access. FRANK LA RUE discusses the notion of the "digital divide" as applied to the main tool of the services of Information Technology and Communication: Internet. Although he has started talking about this concept many years ago. The "digital divide" or "technology gap" refers to the social and economic difference between communities that have Internet access at no. Although inequalities can also refer to all Information Technology and Communication as the personal computer, mobile phones and other devices. "The digital divide" are exactly the differences prior to access to technologies. This term also refers to the differences between groups according to their ability to use Information Technology and Communication effectively, due to different levels of literacy and technological capability. It is also sometimes used to indicate differences between groups that have access to quality digital content and those without. The opposite term is most often used is "digital inclusion" and "digital inclusion genuine"
Speaking about the "digital divide" applied to the Internet, we can observe several situations: A) Applied to Internet digital divide between countries in the world with Internet access (limited or not) and countries, almost no one has access to the Internet. B) Applied to Internet digital divide between countries in the world with Internet access without restrictions and the countries of world with Internet access restrictions. In this case, we refer to countries China, Iran or other countries. China has blocked access to social networks like Facebook or LinkedIn and other sites like Twitter. Iran, often block access to social networks and other websites if it benefits politically as with the revolts against Honi MUBARAK. Both China, Iran and other countries in addition to blocking social networks, websites, put filters on the search engines. C) Applied to Internet digital divide applied to people from countries that have Internet access but different groups or sectors of the population for various reasons do not have access to the tool of information technology and communication. In this case we speak of a country in which it is assumed that all people should have access to the Internet, but actually not. There are groups excluded either because of economic conditions or other issues, such as difficulties in accessibility for the elderly or others with certain health problems. In the world we are seven million people. Of which we have very limited Internet access. Internet, if used correctly, has become an indispensable tool for implementing the content of the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. So access to the Internet should be a major issue for individual states. On the other hand the inclusion of it in the catalog of human social and personal responsibilities of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is not necessary because in the Declaration are implicitly promoting the various rights that are obtained with the Internet and Information Technology and Communication.
Promoting Human Rights through the Web: lights and shadows, two sides of the same coin. The positive side of the Web as a tool promoting Human Rights (concrete examples). The downside of the Web as destructive tool of Human Rights (concrete examples) Internet, its most important tool, the web, and a "special kind of web pages" Social Networks (Tumbrl, Vimeo, Youtube, Pinterest, Facebook, Google Plus, Orkut, Vkontakte, Myspace, LinkedIn, Xing, etc.) or Generating Networks Social Networks like Twitter, they are an important tool that gives us the ability to communicate instantly and reach places that were previously impossible to arrive our message or our business. There are many lights, which can become blind us to say that the Internet is the best means of promoting the content of the Declaration of Human Rights, but it is a double-edged sword, improper use of the Internet can lead to damage you can not be arranged to individual, group or society. In many cases these behaviors are considered criminal acts and have fines or imprisonment. Before proceeding we must return to the basic problem is that, as we said, those who suffer a breach of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are those that have more poverty and marginalization. So are these people who should be able through Social Media and mainly the Internet, let the world know your situation to be resolved. But without Internet access can not do that, so we must be people who do have access to Social Media, Internet, we take care, based on what we talked about Personal and Social Responsibility for promoting the content of Universal Declaration of Human Rights in order to meet the goal of a world where all people can be free, to live with dignity, with equal and inalienable rights, a world where there is peace and justice for all by equal. If each of those who have Internet access, we decided to promote one cause, one of the many message containing the Declaration of Human Rights, we would be able to reach this ideal that the proposed Declaration. But while there are many people who do, the reality is that among people who are able to access the Internet there are major conflicts and injuries to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Let's start with the formulas to help promote the content of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Imagine an individual or group of individuals who wish to conduct a campaign to eliminate poverty in a sector of the city (we have to take into account, as we have said before is not always necessary to go all the way around the world, if do not have the means or enough to make a promotional campaign or be a legal entity to protect us) just have to make known what is happening and involve other citizens how? Very simple. It is not necessary to create a website, making a contract for a fixed period with a hosting company, simply create a blog, for example in Blogger. The Blog explains to all who you are and what they intend to do. Use the most popular social networks in your country to provide information on the situation, insert links to other websites that want to achieve a similar goal to yours, using videos and photos. Need not simply be a professional mobile phone can do interesting stories to convey the message to others. Create a group in a social network like LinkedIn and invited to be part of it so people who fight for similar causes as important people in your city, country or even the world you want them to know what you're doing because they can help. Tell your followers what's happening on Twitter every minute. Create campaigns with the help of Foursquare ... You see there are plenty of possibilities to take responsibility without financial outlay and without the backing of large organizations. An example of this type of promotion of the Declaration of Human Rights is JENNA ANNE, who through his Youtube channel and Tumbrl profiles, Facebook and Twitter support to non-discrimination of women by their sex orientation, as well as help other causes. ( or lesbiananswers) Then, there is the promotion of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights through Social Media, which has significant support and is intended to convey the message to many people as possible, for example: a. Support of U.S. President Barak Obama to marriage between same sex. We understand that promotes the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human R i g h t s . h t t p : / / w w w. h u f fi n g t o n p o s t . c o m / 2 0 1 2 / 0 5 / 0 9 / o b a m a - g a y marriage_n_1503245.html
b. Message from the European Union which aims to show that we are all equal ( (Social Europe: Equal Treatment Between women and menFurther information: http:/ / / social / main.jsp? catId = 418 & langId = en) (Uploaded by "eutube") c. Educational message about What Are Human Rights? (Http:// watch?v=JpY9s1Agbsw) (An introduction to the concept of human rights, and the United Nations framework to Promote and Protect Human Rights) (Uploaded by UNOHCHR) d. Amnesty International video that tells us what the basic concepts contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ( v=RNwL2mjApRw&feature=related) (Artists around the world support human rights) ( Uploaded by artforamnesty) e. The artist Hana - Li' has uploaded this video to Youtube to Promote the Universal Declaration Human Rights With The Following v=TVaX_rVLyhs&feature=player_embedded text: This is the first in a series of songs that I'm doing with Are simply the Human Rights You have rights because you 're human. There are 30 of Them and They Are in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. They know people Too Few events exist. Get educated and spread the word! This song is a good introduction to the powerful Knowledge of Human Rights!. f. In this video, posted on CNN U.S., shows us how Social Media can be an essential formula to show the world what happens in particular during the Arab riots of spring and egregious violations of the contents of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights humans. v=Dn8gs9gTgu0 g. In Syria, began protests against the regime of President Bashar al - Assad in January 2005. Five years after the Ba'ath government PARTY most cities are in a state of siege by the forces of the Syrian Government arcades. It is estimated that between ten thousand and twelve thousand people have died during that time. The Social Media played a crucial role in showing what was going on SYRIA. From the first day were expelled all international media, which meant that every Syrian citizen became an activist and journalist at the same time. According to Ziadeh RADWAN Founder and Director of Studies Centre for Human Rights in Syria said that the problem here is also less than fifteen percent
of the population has access to the Internet, many websites are banned and blocked no reliable sources. (Http:// (uploaded by abuhamad77) h. The Chinese government uses its social media to monitor its users since 1994. From the Jasmine Revolution, was an anonymous call to the United States Government which warned that and Twitter pages were being blocked and people could not access them. Only some users with extensive experience in the use of information technology. (Http:// watch?v=TlXqCmBZTvo&feature=fvst) (Rebecca McKinnon of the New America Foundation comments on the present state of China Including the current Political climate, Government's Control over the Internet and the Impact of the Jasmine Revolution) (Uploaded by: CBSNewsOnline) Another example of how Social Media bring us the reality and the systematic violation of the Declaration of Human Rights is the video recorded with a smartphone in Beijing and Shanghai. In protest we can see how there arrests, beatings and arrests, not just people protesting in the street also told reporters. Days later crowd of policemen in plain clothes and pro-regime citizens did their best to not be able to record anything. But as we said before, as we find examples that promote the content of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We are totally opposed to situations. This is the case of using Social Media as a means of destructive and contrary to the content of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Many of these behaviors are understood as a crime by law in some states. Other times, the problem is when the state itself who commits such a violation. The main problem is in this type of violation is by an anonymous hand, we can not know in many cases who or who is guilty and secondly that it is often remote crime. This means for example that the criminal act is committed in one State but the result goes in another, creating a problem of jurisdiction of the courts very important. Here are some examples: A. Fraud offenses. Mainly it is fraud:
A. Data collection or access codes: key numbers also includes credit card or debit card to certain services and misuse of them: A. Spyware removal of passwords without the knowledge of the victim. B. Phishing: is the victim who unwittingly conveys the data to the person who disappoints for a transfer. B. Dialers: fraudulent telephone connections. C. Fraud e-mail operations. D. Fraudulent emails. B. Distribution of child pornography over the Internet: In this crime is taken into account: a) distribution, b) pre-offense behavior, c) preparation of the crime. C. Computer sabotage that can threaten the freedom and dignity: A. Dissemination of computer viruses. B. Deletion of data. C. Alteration of data. D. Blocking data. E. Data destruction. D. Crimes against privacy on the Internet: A. Seizure of documents in email attachments. B. Interception of communications network. C. Injury free computer espionage by individuals. D. Disclosure to other people discovered data. E. Industrial espionage: disclosure of business secrets obtained through the Internet. F. Phreaking: enter illegally in telecommunication systems in order to obtain benefits or harm to others. G. Cyber - stalking: Pursuit of the victim show a mastery of it through acts that indicate their accessibility and control by the pursuer at any time, anywhere, limited only by his will. H. Cyber - bulying: Any form of psychological abuse, physical or verbal abuse between children who go to school repeatedly and over a certain time. (Http:// (Uploaded: superxalvarox2) I. Happy slapping: This is a type of cyber bullying is a behavior that is the recording for later broadcast via mobile phones, content platforms and social networks images or videos of attacks and abuse. (Http://
watch?v=bB7iNFGZjyk&feature=related) (Uploaded by peytoncarolinemaries, With The Following description: I made this for my Ethics class imovie thought i would post it on youtube you cause awareness and the effects Cyber Bullying can do the. Please Comment & Tell Me What You Think) http:// (uploaded by: sorviball) Good video. J. Grooming: Behavior consistent in carrying out deliberate actions by an adult to make contact with minors for the purpose of obtaining sexual satisfaction by capturing images of erotic or pornographic content - voluntarily or otherwise obtained by the lower - or even in preparation for a sexual encounter. K. O t h e r s : h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ? v = 5 k i C - _ e u V F 8 - h t t p : / / http: / / - 2007/06/ana-y-mia-las-amigas-de-la-perfeccion.html
Conclusions. Once we have explained this, we can say that a problem exists as to the name lexicon that was given to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, since it does not contain a list of rights. For content of the various articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights can become a truly international public law standards and State standards, in short, if the right rights contained in the article is developed by an instrument of international law, such a treaty and the treaty is in turn integrated into the law of a State or States (or that it is a rule of customary law itself is a right already recognized by the international community). Therefore, it is proposed for better interpretation of the content of the Declaration to be understood not as a Declaration of Rights but a Social Responsibility - Staff for humanity. Internet, your most important tool the web and a "special kind of web pages" Social Networks (Tumbrl, Vimeo, Youtube, Pinterest, Facebook, Google Plus, Orkut, Vkontakte, Myspace, LinkedIn, Xing, etc.) or Generating Networks Social Networks like Twitter, they are an important tool that gives us the ability to communicate instantly and reach places that were previously impossible to arrive our message or our business. There are many lights, which can become blind us to say that the Internet is the best means of promoting the content of the Declaration of Human Rights, but it is a doubleedged sword, improper use of the Internet can lead to damage you can not be arranged to individual, group or society. In many cases these behaviors are considered criminal acts and have fines or imprisonment.
Other pages of interest on Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Social Media.
I have a dream That one day On earth There will be no more Communists. Then, our rural peasants Will enjoy the full fruit of their labor. They will not toil in rice paddies Under the burning hot sun, soaked in sweat, Nor in the rainy storm, Cold and lonely in an empty field Until the grain is ripe and full, Only To be forced to hand over more than half To the dictatorial regime. What is left? Then, my countryʼs scholars Will raise their voice to truth, Because the figure 8 handcuff And provision 88 of the legal statute Will have been expunged From our thoughts. With it go provisions 79, 87, and 258 … Abominable forever! They are the unique products of our country And of other “socialist brethren”, But “Comrades”? An evil axis to be more accurate! Conspiring together They usurp the peoplesʼ wealth To themselves Forever! Then my countryʼs poets and writers Will flood their thoughts fully, Without suppressing them, Hiding them, hanging them, Bagging them, Or simply forgetting them, Pretending that they donʼt have any honest thoughts at all! And then, the poems and songs Of my country Will flourish, Even if they have to start all over. But, a single step
On the honest path (if you dare to join), Is enough to overwhelm you! Really! Try it! When there is no longer a communist shadow In my country, Then the lawyer Will truly serve The heart of democracy! To deliver eloquent speeches, lecture, debate; To defend without being afraid Of being thrown into jail, Refusing to be dim-witted, Refusing to praise and glorify the communist gang, A decomposed corpse, a compost heap; To be great In the fight for truth On earth. Then There will no be extreme hardship For laborers, Gaunt, Perspiring through thin worn clothes, With a dirt cheap salary That could not be less. And there will no longer be calamity That spiritual leaders must endure Because of their resoluteness And their character, To be foolish enough To demand freedom of religions and religious beliefs, And furthermore To demand the return Of confiscated properties, unfairly seized; All in order to worship God, the Almighty, the Lord, Our Creator, And the Creator of the communists, too! Because He is the One who gave life To all of humankind. Therefore, communists, If you still have breath, Then definitely that notion Must mean something to you! (It does to me!). So, For those who still have a conscience
And some bravery left, And some respect for themselves, Some long-lost honor That they unexpectedly find, “Strongly condemn” And “fiercely oppose” The communist dictator regime, Ruthless and uncivilized, Wicked and barbaric, Ignorant at best, Lavishing the most, Delirious in the extreme, Deceitful as idols!Then, Everyone will find that The significance of their lives Is to live for each other! And to sacrifice for the human family, For our brothers and sisters Made by our Creator With Everlasting Love! I have a dream. It may not come true In my life time, but I venture to speak, To cry out tragically Strongly and openly To everyone … I am not mute, I have ears and am not deaf, I have eyes and am not blind, I have a heart (sadly) that still beats, A conscience that is not toothless; It still has teeth. (It bites me every day As God is my witness!) I have a head that thinks, A heart that dreams About things that are sublime; Simple things, really . . . Honest and courageous character, The moral foundation Of a person! But, who will recreate and be the guardian Of this foundation? “I,
The insignificant little krill, Le Thi Cong Nhan, volunteer to lend a hand.� Thus, The Rest Awaits for Someone. Le Thi Cong Nhan, 30 years old, is an uncompromising activist and Christian lawyer