Journey Your child’s companion for journey from Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Ammo Liao
Chunhao Weng
Erika Laiche
Vidhi Mehta
We started this project with the aim of enhancing patient doctor relationship
The time spent in a doctor’s appointment is often only a snapshot of your ailment
Hacking medical tools to create valuable data points to crewate communication links
Telehealth glove 1.0 is our first mockup to illustrate how distant communication with doctors can be enhanced through tools
Telehealth Glove 1.0 being used to examine Erika’s wound, it allows visual access to unreachable areas
Telehealth Glove 2.0 includes a microscopic camera that allows you to show specific conditions
We think this will be useful for skin conditions, ear-nose-throat specific applications
External factors such as light, movement affect measurement readings of oximeter
Cell phone apps and mobile health platforms have developed a lot of tools to facilitate patients & doctors
Experimenting with phone camera lenses to find new applications
Mapping internal and external body and surroundings to find our opportunity scope.
Visiting Imperial Healthcare Center for showing first series of conversation objects
MiniMe is a digital prototype of your body which allows communication over aspects of your body which are more awkward to point out
Justintime bandaids offers you the scope of recording a symptom when it occurs to then later show it during doctor’s appointment.
Babies are a challenging category in the domain of patient doctor communication
It involves listening for non verbal cues and creating objects that easily fit into their daily routines
Our prototypes focussed on understanding their body signs and mashing it with environmental / contextual data
Final product would need to be food safe material, non toxic, and choke proof
Through this object parents should be able to communicate with doctors, this object cannot replace medical system
The design and form language of the object is made such that it is can gain trust of both parents and doctors. It is warm and inviting yet not to be mistaken for toy.
Exploring form language in blue form
Different structures and placement holders for the final device
Feedback from Dr. Dush Gunesekar
Discussing different feedback mechanisms, interactions between device and parents
Casting product, exploring manufacturing possibilities
Taking the prototypes to Imperial NICU
In discussion with Katie Keen, nurse at GOSH, infant cardiac NICU division
At the Imprial NICU outpatient waiting room
In discussion with parents of a 6 month old girl
Testing prototype of contextual environment factors, light, humidity, air particles and sound at their place
Team members (left to right) Vidhi, Chunhao, Erika & Ammo
All images in this book belong to Vidhi Mehta Erika Laiche Ammo Liao Chunhao Weng