Practice Paper for SSC Exam

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Practice Set - SSC English Directions: In questions no. 1 to 3, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word. 1. APPOSITE: a. Inappropriate b. Intemperate

c. Inconsistent d. Irregular

2. ANTIPATHY: a. Obedience

b. Admiration

c. Agreement

d. Fondness

3. RELINQUISH: a. Withdraw

b. Attract

c. Assume

d. Comprehend

Directions: In questions no. 4 to 8, four alternatives are given for the underlined idiom/phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the given idiom/phrase. 4. To pin one's faith - a. To be sure of some body's favour b. To be unsure of favour c. To bother for friends d. To bother for one's relatives 5. To play fast and loose - a. To be undependable b. To cheat people c. To hurt some body's feelings d. To trust others 6. Alma Mater - a. Mother's milk b. Mother's concern for the child c. The learning that one receives from mother d. Institution where one receives education 7. At one's beck and call – a. To climb the back b. To call from behind c. To be always at one's service or command d. Not to care for anybody 8. At one's wit's end - a. Completely confused b. To be very witty c. To have no sense of humour d. To confuse others Directions: In questions no. 9 to 13, a part of the sentence is underlined. Below are given alternatives to the underlined part at (a), (b), and (c) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed your answer is (d). 9. US secretary of state made it clear that time running out for diplomacy over Iran’s nuclear programme and said that talks aimed at preventing Tehran from acquiring a nuclear weapon would resume in April. a. runs out b. was running out c. ran out d. No correction required 10. While the war of the generals rage on, somewhere in small town India, wonderful things are happening, quietly and minus fanfare. a. rage b. rages on c. raged on d. No improvement 11. According to WWF, the small island nation of Samoa was the first in switch off its lights for Earth Hour. a. first to switch of b. the first to switch off c. first in switch of d. No improvement 12. The campaign is significant because not just the youth are directly appealing to the world but because their efforts challenges the chimera of normalcy in the area. a. not just because b. just not because c. not just d. No improvement 13. The doctor’s association has threatened to go on an indefinite strike support of their teachers. a. on supporting to b. for support c. in support of d. No improvement Directions: In questions no. 14 to 18, a sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Indirect/Direct. 14. David said to Anna, “Mona will leave for her native place tomorrow.” a. David told Anna that Mona will leave for her native place tomorrow b. David told Anna that Mona left for her native place the next day c. David told to Anna that Mona would be leaving for her native place tomorrow d. David told Anna that Mona would leave for her native place the next day

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15. I said to him, “Why are you working so hard”? a. I asked him why he was working so hard b. I asked him why was he working so hard c. I asked him why he had been working so hard d. I asked him why had he been working so hard 16. He said to her, “What a cold day!” a. He told her that it was a cold day b. He exclaimed that it was a cold day c. He exclaimed sorrowfully that it was a cold day d. He exclaimed that it was a very cold day 17. The tailor said to him, “Will you have the suit ready by tomorrow evening?” a. The tailor asked him that he will have the suit ready by the next evening b. The tailor asked him that he would had the suit ready by the next evening c. The tailor asked him if he would have the suit ready by the next evening d. The tailor asked him if he will like to have the suit ready by the next evening 18. He said to the interviewer, “Could you please repeat the question?” a. He requested the interviewer if he could please repeat the question b. He requested the interviewer to please repeat the question c. He requested the interviewer to repeat the question d. He requested the interviewer if he could repeat the question Directions: In questions no. 19 to 25, out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words / sentence. 19. Story told to illustrate a moral or spiritual truth a. paragon b. paradigm c. didactic d. parable 20. That which cannot be done without a. indispensable b. impossible c. irrevocable 21. One who travels from place to place a. journeyman b. tramp c. itinerant

d. impracticable

d. mendicant

22. An office or post with no work but high pay a. gratis b. ex-officio c. honorary d. sinecure 23. Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool a. senility b. superannuation c. dotage d. imbecility 24. Food which agree with ones taste a. sensuous b. edible c. pungent

d. palatable

25. Indifference to pleasure or pain a. patience b. reticence c. docility

d. stoicism

Directions: In questions no. 26 to 27, there are four different words out of which one is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word. 26. a. Flegrant b. Flagrant c. Flagrent d. Flagrrant 27. a. Definetion b. Defenition c. Definition d. Defination

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Directions: In questions no. 28 to 37, you have a passage with 10 questions. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives. Edmunde Burke called the press the Fourth Estate of the realm. I think he did not use this title for the Press thoughtlessly as a social ruling group or class. The three Estates or Realms (in England) Lords Spiritual (i.e., the Bishops in the House of Lords), the Temporal (i.e. other Lords) and Commons, i.e., the common people). The Press has been rightly called the Fourth Estate as it also constitutes a ruling group or class like the Lords and Commons. It cannot be denied that in a free country the Press exercises a good deal of influence in shaping public opinion and pointing out the weaknesses or defects of society or of Government, and in general bringing to light all those good or bad things in society which would have otherwise remained unnoticed. The power is not limited or put under any check. The Press, instead of, being controlled by anyone controls life and thought of a nation. Hence, the Press constitutes an Estate by itself. Obviously, thus the power which the Press in any country wields depends upon the number of newspaper readers. The opinions and comments of newspapers can influence the life of a nation only when they are read, by People. Reading in turn, requires that the general mass of people should be educated. Thus, the spread of education determines the extent of the newspapers. Where readers are few; newspapers must necessarily be few. Their influence, in that case can extend only to a small minority of population. In a country like India, the percentage of literacy is very low and the standard of journalism is not very high. So, the Press has to play the role of a teacher here. 28. Edmunde Burke called the Press a. Instrument of Public Opinion b. Distributor of news c. The Fourth Estate 29. The term Fourth Estate stands for a. An area of land b. Landed Property

d. Lord Temporal

c. Social ruling group or class

d. Instrument of Power

30. Out of the following the one which is not included in the Three Estates is a. Lords Spiritual b. Justices of Peace c. Lord Temporal d. Commons 31. The Free press does not perform the function of a. Shaping public opinion b. Supporting at all times the official policy c. Criticising Government d. Exposing social abuses 32. How much power does a Free Press possess? a. Only that much power which is allowed by the Government of the country b. Unlimited power without any check c. Unlimited power subject to the maintenance of law and order and public morality d. No power at all 33. The secret of the Press is a. the money which the newspaper owners can wield c. the extent to which it supports official policy

b. The number of newspaper readers d. The patronage enjoyed by it of the Government

34. The number of newspaper readers is determined by a. The low price of newspapers b. The patronage extended to it by the moneyed people c. Education of the general mass of people d. The availability of newsprint 35. The Press exercises power by a. Enlisting the support of the people c. Controlling life and thought of a nation 36. The state of journalism in India a. is upto the mark b. is rather low

b. Keeping a watch over the acts of the Government d. Because it is a great moneyed concern

c. is in its infancy

37. The Press has the greatest chances of flourishing in a a. Monarchy b. Aristocracy c. Democracy

d. is not very high

d. Limited Dictatorship

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Directions: In questions no. 38 to 42, some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. If a sentence is free from error, mark “No error” as your answer. 38. If you will keep mum a. / I will tell you the secret b. / of John’s stupendous success. c. / No error d. 39. Many an artist a. / has painted b. / replicas of Monalisa. c. / No error d. 40. No porter being available a. / Tarana carried b. / all her luggages herself. c. / No error d. 41. Being a rainy day a. / I could not b. / go out with my friends c. / No error d. 42. Nitesh is one a. / of those boys b. / who is always ready to pick up a fight. c. / No error d. Directions: In questions no. 43 to 47, sentences are given with blanks to be filled with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four. 43. He is being considered ………….. senior managerial position. a. For b. Towards c. Of d. To 44. My friend has a strange habit of turning ………. at odd hours. a. Down b. Out c. Over d. Up 45. …………….. works of reference are so valuable as the encyclopedia Britannia. a. The few b. Fewer c. Few d. A few 46. If I take a state road ways bus, I’ll get late,……… a. Will I? b. Won’t I? c. Is it? d. Isn’t it? 47. Everyone wants to ………. for one’s achievements. a. Being admired b. Be admiring c. Be admired

d. Admire

Directions: In questions no. 48 to 50, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word. 48. PRISTINE a. traditional b. expensive c. original 49. PREDILECTION a. repulsion b. hastiness 50. PARAMOUR a. lover b. companion

d. meritorious

c. preference

c. friend

d. hesitation

d. rival

Answer Key 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


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Explanatory Answers 1. a. Inappropriate – Apposite means appropriate. So the opposite of Apposite will be Inappropriate 2. d. Fondness – Antipathy means dislike. So the opposite of Antipathy will be Fondness. 3. c. Assume – Relinquish means to give up. So the opposite of Relinquish will be Assume. 4. a. To pin one’s faith means “to be sure of some body's favour”. 5. a. To play fast and loose means “to be undependable”. 6. d. Alma mater means “the institution where one receives education”. 7. c. At one’s beck and call means “to be always at one's service or command”. 8. a. At one’s wit’s end means “completely confused”. 9. b. was running out. The verb “was” has to be used for the sentence to be correct. 10. b. rages on. War is a singular subject and the verb to be used for it should be singular. Therefore, “rages on” must be used. 11. b. the first to switch off. In this sentence “the first to switch off” is the correct expression. 12. a. not just because. The construction must be parallel “not just because” must be similar in construction to “but because”. 13. c. in support of. In this sentence “in support of” is the correct expression. 14. d. David told Anna that Mona would leave for her native place the next day. From direct to indirect speech, In this sentence “said to” is changed with “told”, to join both the parts of the sentence “that” will be used, and “will” is changed with “would”. 15. a. I asked him why he was working so hard - From direct to indirect speech, In this sentence “said to” is changed with “asked” due to sign of interrogation (?), “you” will be changed with “he” and question formed will be removed. So “why he was working so hard.” 16. b. He exclaimed that it was a cold day - From direct to indirect speech, In this sentence “said to” is changed with “exclaimed” due to the sign of exclamation and to join both the parts of the sentence “that” will be used. 17. c. The tailor asked him if he would have the suit ready by the next evening - In this sentence “said to” is changed with “asked” due to sign of interrogation, and to join both the parts of the sentence “If” will be used due to sign of interrogation, “you” will be changed with “he” and “will” is going to be replaced with “would”. 18. c. He requested the interviewer to repeat the question – As “could” was used in parenthesis in the direct speech, so due to could “Said to” will be changed with “requested” in the indirect speech. 19. d. parable is a story told to illustrate a moral or spiritual truth. 20. a. indispensable is something you cannot do away with it. In other words, that which cannot be done without is indispensable. 21. c. itinerant is one who travels from place to place Tilak Nagar – 9311566241/Karol Bagh – 8376934681/Pitampura - 8376934648/Munirka - 9650549487

22. d. sinecure means an office or post with no work or less work but high pay 23. a. senility means extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool 24. d. palatable means food which agrees with one’s taste 25. d. stoicism means indifference to pleasure or pain 26. b. Flagrant 27. c. Definition 28. c. The Fourth Estate – The first sentence stated “Edmunde Burke called the press the Fourth Estate of the realm.” 29. c. Social ruling group or class – The first sentence again stated clearly “I think he did not use this title for the Press thoughtlessly as a social ruling group or class.” 30. b. Justices of Peace – The third sentence of the passage mentioned “The three Estates or Realms (in England) Lords Spiritual (i.e., the Bishops in the House of Lords), the Temporal (i.e. other Lords) and Commons, i.e., the common people).” Justices of Peace is not the part of the three estates. 31. b. The Free press does not perform the function of supporting at all times the official policy 32. b. Unlimited power without any check – The seventh sentence of the passage “The power is not limited or put under any check.” 33. b. The number of newspaper readers – The second paragraph first sentence “Obviously, thus the power which the Press in any country wields depends upon the number of newspaper readers.” 34. c. Education of the general mass of people – The third sentence of the second paragraph “Thus, the spread of education determines the extent of the newspapers. Where readers are few; newspapers must necessarily be few.” 35. c. Controlling life and thought of a nation – The seventh sentence of the passage “The Press, instead of, being controlled by anyone controls life and thought of a nation.” 36. d. is not very high – The last line of the passage – “the standard of journalism is not very high.” 37. c. The Press has the greatest chances of flourishing in a Democracy 38. a. If you will keep mum – After If “will” is not used as conditions are not written in future. 39. d. No error 40. c. all her luggages herself – plural of luggage is luggage. 41. a. “Being a rainy day” does not have a subject so the right subject has to be assigned to that part. So correct sentence is “It being a rainy day, I could not go out with my friends.” 42. c. who is always ready to pick up a fight – verb after “who” is fixed after seeing the prior subject to who like those boys(plural) who are(plural) always ready to pick up a fight. 43. a. For 44. d. Up – turning up means arrival.

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45. c. Few means only some 46. b. Won’t I? – “I’ll get late” This positive statement will have negative tag with the helping verb of the statement i.e. Won’t I? 47. c. Be admired 48. c. original 49. c. preference 50. a. lover

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