Sample Teaching Aptitude Questions from SSC Coaching Centre

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TEACHING APTITUDE 1. Women are better teachers at primary level because (a) they behave more patiently with children (b) they are ready to work at a low salary (c) higher qualification is not needed in this profession (d) they have less chances in other profession Ans. (a) They behave more patiently with children. At primary level children require a lot of support and handholding. Women prove to be better teachers at this level as they have more patience with children. 2. The most important work of teacher is (a) to organize teaching work (b) to deliver lecture in class (c) to take care of children (d) to evaluate the students Ans. (a) To organize teaching work. The most important work of a teacher is to organize teaching work for her pupils. Organizing teaching work includes everything from conducting the classroom sessions to evaluating the students. 3. What is most important while writing on the blackboard? (a) Good writing (b) Clarity in writing (c) Writing in big letters (d) Writing in small letters Ans. (b) Clarity in writing. Whatever a teacher writes on the blackboard must be clearly visible to the students; hence clarity in writing is most important while writing on the blackboard. 4. A student comes late in your class. You will (a) inform the parents (b) punish him (c) try to know the reason (d) not pay attention Ans. (c) Try to know the reason. Knowing the reason for a student’s late coming is the first and the most vital step because only after becoming aware of the reason can the teacher take appropriate remedial action. 5. When a student fails, it can be understood that (a) the system has failed (b) the teacher has failed (c) the text-books have failed (d) the individual student has failed Ans. (a) The system has failed. Modern education stresses the importance of child-centred education. The student is at the heart of the education system. Hence, if a student fails it clearly shows that the entire education system has failed to perform its role. 6. The most important trait of a student is (a) a sense of responsibility (b) to speak truth (c) co-operation (d) obedience Ans. (a) A sense of responsibility. A responsible student plays an active role in the teaching-learning process. He understands that his learning will be effective only when he behaves responsibly. Therefore, Vidya Guru Tilak Nagar - 9311566241, Karol Bagh - 8376934679/81, Pitampura - 8376934648/73, Munirka - 9650549487

TEACHING APTITUDE 2 a sense of responsibility is the most important and the most desirable trait of a student. 7. You are teaching a topic in class and a student asks a question unrelated to the topic. What will you do? (a) you will allow him to ask unrelated questions (b) you will not allow him to ask unrelated questions (c) you will consider it indiscipline and punish him (d) you will answer the question after the class Ans. (d) You will answer the question after the class. The teacher must answer the question and satisfy the curiosity of the student even if the question isn’t related to the topic. However, such a question can’t be answered in the class as it is not related to the topic and may interrupt the flow of class room discussion and confuse other students. 8. A teacher can motivate the students by (a) giving suitable prizes (b) giving proper guidance (c) giving examples (d) delivering speech in class Ans. (b) Giving proper guidance. Students get motivated when their teachers provide them with proper guidance and act as their mentors. Giving proper guidance to students motivates them to perform better and achieve more. 9. At primary level, it is better to teach in mother language because (a) it develops self-confidence in children (b) it makes learning easy (c) it is helpful in intellectual development (d) it helps children in learning in natural atmosphere Ans. (d) It helps children in learning in natural atmosphere. At primary level, teaching in mother tongue facilitates learning as a similar atmosphere prevails both at home and school. Concept formation happens more effectively in the mother tongue as children are able to relate to the concepts being discussed. 10. Some students send a greeting card to you on teacher’s day. What will you do? You will (a) do nothing (b) say thanks to them (c) ask them to not to waste money (d) reciprocate the good wishes to them Ans. (d) Reciprocate the good wishes to them. The teacher must respond to such good wishes. She must wish them in return; that will be the ideal conduct on her part. 11. A child has been admitted to your school who belongs to a back ward family background. You will (a) Keep him in a class in which, there are many more students of backward background (b) Send a teacher to know more about the backward cultural background of the child (c) Keep him in a normal class but will make special arrangements for teaching him, keeping his special needs in view (d) Advise him to take up vocational education Ans. (c) Keep him in a normal class but will make special arrangements for teaching him, keeping his special needs in view. Progressive education stresses the importance of inclusive education. A teacher must strive to make her classroom an inclusive classroom. Children with special needs must study in the same classroom in which the normal students study. This will ensure holistic development of all children. Vidya Guru Tilak Nagar - 9311566241, Karol Bagh - 8376934679/81, Pitampura - 8376934648/73, Munirka - 9650549487

TEACHING APTITUDE 3 12. If a student does not pay respect to you, then you will (a) ignore him (b) award less marks in examination (c) talk to his/her parents (d) rebuke him Ans. (c) Talk to his/her parents. In such a case a teacher must speak with the parents of the student as the parents will be able to guide and counsel him about the importance of paying respect to both teachers and other elders. 13. A guardian never comes to see you in school. You will (a) ignore the child (b) write to the guardian (c) go to meet him yourself (d) start punishing the child Ans. (b) Write to the guardian. The teacher must write to the guardian so that some contact can be established with him or her. The teacher must also try to know the reason behind the continuing absence of the guardian. 14. To maintain interest among students in class, a teacher should (a) use blackboard (b) discuss (c) tell stories (d) keep conducting periodic tests Ans. (b) Discuss. The teacher will be able to elicit and maintain interest among the students by adopting the discussion method. Discussion promotes two-way communication and makes students interested in the class proceedings. 15. Why should students play games in school? (a) It makes them physically strong (b) It makes work easier for teachers (c) It helps in passing time (d) It develops co-operation and physical balance Ans. (d) It develops co-operation and physical balance. Games are an essential aspect of learning. They help in inculcating team skills and a spirit of cooperation among students apart from building their stamina and improving physical balance. 16. A teacher can develop social values among students by (a) telling them about great people (b) developing a sense of discipline (c) behaving ideally (d) telling them good stories Ans. (c) Behaving ideally. Students regard their teachers as role models and try to emulate them. A teacher can inculcate social values in students by setting examples of ideal behaviour. When students see their teacher following ideal behaviour herself they imitate the same and learn from it. 17. When the students try to solve the questions in some different way as taught by the teacher from prescribed books, then these students should be (a) discouraged to consult some other books on the subject (b) encouraged to consult some other books on the subject (c) suggested to talk with their teacher after the period (d) suggested to follow the class room notes in order to get good mark in the examination Ans. (b) Encouraged to consult some other books on the subject. A teacher should always encourage students to think on their own and further their learning. The students must be motivated to learn further by consulting different books apart from the ones prescribed in the syllabus. Vidya Guru Tilak Nagar - 9311566241, Karol Bagh - 8376934679/81, Pitampura - 8376934648/73, Munirka - 9650549487

TEACHING APTITUDE 4 18. The experienced teachers do not require the detailed lesson plan of a topic because (a) They can teach in a good manner without its help (b) The number of curious students is very poor in the class (c) When they commit some mistake, they do not face any challenge from their students (d) They can equip themselves with brief outline as they gain specialisation in it through experience Ans. (d) They can equip themselves with brief outline as they gain specialisation in it through experience. An experienced teacher knows not only the subject matter but also how to explain and discuss the concepts. Thus, she does not require a detailed lesson plan and can equip herself with a brief outline of the topic concerned. 19. The problem of dropout where students leave their schooling in early years can be tackled by (a) Reducing the weight of curriculum (b) Sympathy of teachers (c) Attractive environment of the school (d) Encouragement of the students Ans. (d) Encouragement of the students. If the students can be made to actively participate in the teaching-learning process then the problem of dropout from schools can be effectively tackled. Thus, students must be encouraged in order to ensure their active participation. 20. The most important indicator of quality of education in a school is (a) Infrastructural facilities of a school (b) Classroom system (c) Text-books and Teaching-learning material (d) Student Achievement level Ans. (d) Student Achievement level. If the achievement level of students is high, it confirms that the quality of education imparted to them is sound. 21. The best remedy of the student’s problems related with learning is (a) Suggestion for hard work (b) Supervised study in Library (c) Suggestion for private tuition (d) Diagnostic teaching Ans. (d) Diagnostic teaching. Diagnostic teaching focuses on finding out the learning gaps among students and taking appropriate measures to fill them. Stress is also laid on the fact that diagnosis of these gaps and taking necessary remedial actions happens throughout the learning process. Thus, it proves to be the best remedy for students’ learning problems. 22. Black-board can be included in which group/category of teaching-aids? (a) Audio-aids (b) Visual-aids (c) Audio-visual aids (d) None of the above Ans. (b) Visual-aids. Black-board is a visual aid. 23. A teacher’s behaviour ought to be (a) Administrative (b) Punitive (c) Idealistic (d) Directive Ans. (c) Idealistic. A teacher’s behaviour must be idealistic as student looks upto her and imitate whatever she does. Therefore, her behaviour must set an example which the students can learn from. 24. The quality of school education is almost exclusively dependent upon (a) Infrastructural facilities (b) Financial provisions (c) International support (d) The quality of teacher education Vidya Guru Tilak Nagar - 9311566241, Karol Bagh - 8376934679/81, Pitampura - 8376934648/73, Munirka - 9650549487

TEACHING APTITUDE 5 Ans. (d) The quality of teacher education. The quality of education imparted at the school level is directly related to the expertise of the teachers. Proper training of teachers enhances their level of expertise. Hence, it can be said that the quality of school education is almost exclusively dependent upon the quality of teacher education. 25. The priority to education of girls should be given because (a) The girls are more intelligent in comparison than the boys (b) The girls are lesser in number than boys (c) The girls were badly discriminated in favour of boys in the past (d) Only girls are capable of leading for social change Ans. (c) The girls were badly discriminated in favour of boys in the past. In order to empower the girl child, priority must be given to her education. In the past, girls were been badly discriminated against and giving importance to their education will go a long way in ensuring their emancipation. 26. The ideal teacher— (a) Teaches the whole curriculum (b) Helps his students in learning (c) Is a friend, philosopher and guide (d) Maintains good discipline Ans. (c) Is a friend, philosopher and guide. An ideal teacher not only teaches her students but is also available to them in the form of a friend, philosopher and guide. 27. Emotional Adjustment of students is effective in (a) Personality formation (b) Class-teaching (c) Discipline (d) All of the above Ans. (d) All of the above. Emotional adjustment plays an instrumental role in personality formation, class-teaching and inculcating a sense of discipline among students. 28. The reason of absence and escape from school is (a) Lack of interest in syllabus (b) Poor method of teaching (c) Ineffective teacher (d) All the above Ans. (d) All the above. 29. Of the following, the most unreliable predictor of educational achievement is: (a) Inherited biological potential for learning (b) Ethnic origin of parents (c) Family background and training (d) Classroom experiences Ans. (b) Ethnic origin of parents. Educational achievement of a student isn’t related with the ethnic origin of his or her parents. 30. In preparing a fifth grade class to take a standardized reading test the teacher is best advised to: (a) Tell the children the test is very important and they should do the best they can (b) Give the pupils practice in answering questions similar to the type that will appear on the test (c) Coach the below grade level readers, as the rest of the class will do well anyway (d) Ditto key questions from a previous test and allow the pupils to answer them Ans. (b) Give the pupils practice in answering questions similar to the type that will appear on the test. The pupils will be able to perform well on a reading test if they are acquainted with it and have some prior experience. Hence, they must be given some practice in answering questions similar to the Vidya Guru Tilak Nagar - 9311566241, Karol Bagh - 8376934679/81, Pitampura - 8376934648/73, Munirka - 9650549487

TEACHING APTITUDE 6 type that will appear on the test. 31. A normal child of twelve years of age is most likely to (a) Be eager for peer approval (b) Have feelings of anxiety and discontent (c) Confine his/her interests to here and now (d) Have difficulty with gross motor coordination Ans. (a) Be eager for peer approval. A normal twelve year old child seeks approval of his peer group. At this stage, he wants to be a part of a social group which consists of children of the same age group and wants recognition from them. 32. Of the following, the most promising step for a teacher to take in order to improve class discipline is to (a) Note specific infractions of class rules in the marking book (b) Evaluate his/her material, methods and approaches to children (c) Consult the class and agree upon a graduated series of punishments (d) Call a parent – teacher meeting to discuss the situation Ans. (b) Evaluate his/her material, methods and approaches to children. The responsibility of maintaining class discipline is on the shoulders of a teacher. The use of appropriate material, methods and approaches in teaching and training students ensures not only effective learning but also discipline in the class. 33. You find a student to be intelligent. You will (a) Remain pleased with him (b) Not give him additional homework (c) Motivate him so that he progresses more (d) Inform his parents about the fact that he is intelligent Ans. (c) Motivate him so that he progresses more. A teacher must motivate her students to excel in all fields. If she finds a student to be intelligent she should motivate him to work hard and learn further so that he becomes better and better. 34. If some students are not in a mood to study in the class, you will (a) Tell those students to leave the class (b) Force them to study (c) Warn them that they must study (d) Discuss interesting things related to the subject Ans. (d) Discuss interesting things related to the subject. Doing this will ensure that students learn and have fun at the same time. 35. How will you bring a hyperactive child (who is always keen to break articles) on the right path? (a) Make him sit in front of the class and keep a strict vigil on him (b) Allocate a seat for him in a corner of the class (c) Assign to him certain tasks and activities according to his tastes/ aptitude (d) None of above Ans. (c) Assign to him certain tasks and activities according to his tastes/ aptitude. The tasks and activities that are in line with his interest and aptitude will ensure that his energy is channelized in the right direction and his hyperactivity is lessened. 36. Knowledge of child psychology is a must for a primary teacher. That is because it (a) helps in making children disciplined (b) improves the examination result (c) becomes an easy mode for motivation (d) helps the teacher in understanding student behavior Vidya Guru Tilak Nagar - 9311566241, Karol Bagh - 8376934679/81, Pitampura - 8376934648/73, Munirka - 9650549487

TEACHING APTITUDE 7 Ans. (d) Helps the teacher in understanding student behavior. A teacher who understands child behavior is well equipped in dealing with their needs. Knowledge of child psychology helps a teacher in understanding student behavior, which is a must for all teachers especially at the primary level. 37. Special Education is related to (a) Adult education programmes (b) Educational programmes for the disabled (c) Education for talented students (d) Teachers training programmes Ans. (b) Educational programmes for the disabled. 38. You have been told to accommodate two mentally retarded children in your class. You will (a) Refuse to accept them as your students (b) Tell the Principal to accommodate them in another class that is exclusively meant for mentally retarded children (c) Learn techniques to teach such students and accept them as a part of your class (d) None of These Ans. (c) Learn techniques to teach such students and accept them as a part of your class. The mentally retarded children must be given a chance to learn along with normal children. The teacher must try to learn techniques to teach such students and should accept them as a part of her class. 39. Saurabh and Suresh have the same mental age. We can conclude that (a) They have the same potential for success in school. (b) They have the same IQ (c) Their interests are similar (d) Their ability to learn may be quite different Ans. (d) Their ability to learn may be quite different. Each student is different from the other in terms of his learning potential and interests. Even if the mental age of these two children is the same, their ability to learn may be quite different. 40. In order to develop the spirit of labour in students (a) The teacher himself should indulge in labour (b) The teacher should deliver lectures on the importance of labour (c) Students should be given opportunities to do labour from time to time (d) Students should be given examples of laboring people Ans. (c) Students should be given opportunities to do labour from time to time. A spirit of labour will be inculcated in them, only when they are given activities and tasks to perform from time to time

Vidya Guru Tilak Nagar - 9311566241, Karol Bagh - 8376934679/81, Pitampura - 8376934648/73, Munirka - 9650549487

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