Vocabulary for SSC Exam Preparation
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GENRE: A category of artistic composition as in music or literature; Category; Class; Classification; Group
My favorite literary genre is science fiction, but my sister loves murder mysteries.
SWINDLE: To take money or property by fraud or deceit; Con; Fiddle Antonyms: Frankness; Honesty; Openness; Truth; Truthfulness
I was shattered, when I got swindled by my close friend whom I trusted blindly.
LOQUACIOUS: Talkative; Voluble; Communicative; Garrulous Antonyms: Closemouthed; Laconic; Reserved; Reticent; Taciturn
A loquacious lady kept on talking to me about her life without my even asking anything.
REVERIE: Daydream; Trance; Musing
I was lost in reverie and didn't realize my flight was boarding until it was almost too late.
RESPITE: Rest; Break; Interval Antonyms: Continuation; Advance; Beginning; Employment
I decided to take some respite from my rigorous schedule by going on a vacation.
SYCOPHANT: Yes-man; Bootlicker; Toady; Lickspittle; Flatterer
Jason felt the only way he could get a promotion was to become his supervisor’s sycophant.
SPURT: Shoot; Jet; Erupt; Gush; Pour; Stream; Pump Antonyms: Peace; Continuity
Neck breaking spurts of water often used to disperse mobs are really hazardous.
DISSEMBLE: Conceal or Disguise one's true feelings; Dissimulate; Pretend; Feign Antonyms: Disclose; Divulge; Unmask
Rather than answering the reporter’s questions directly, the politician chose to dissemble his responses.
SABOTAGE: Wreck; Vandalize; Destroy; Obstruct; Disrupt Antonyms: Fidelity; Assistance; Aiding; Loyalty
Angry workers were responsible for the sabotage of several cars.
DISCORD: Strife; Conflict; Friction; Hostility; Antonyms: Accord; Blend; Conform; Harmonize; Match
Anna’s midlife crisis comes with the usual accompaniment of familial discord.
HYPOCRITE: Pretender; Liar; Plaster saint
The hypocrites who criticize other people for not voting often don't always vote themselves.
VOLITION: An act of making a choice or decision; A choice or decision made; Autonomy; Choice; Self-determination; Free will Antonyms: Coercion; Compulsion; Constraint; Duress; Force; Pressure
Impatient for the class to end, Maggie walked out of the room on her own volition.
LURID: Very vivid in color; Bright; Glaring; Shocking; Fluorescent; Flaming; Dazzling Antonyms: Appealing; Pleasant; Nonviolent; Mild
The colour of the house was lurid yellow which made it look awkward and synthetic.
CONTRITE: Remorseful; Repentant; Penitent; Regretful; Sorry; Apologetic Antonyms: Impenitent; Remorseless; Unapologetic; Unrepentant
With a contrite heart he sought pardon for his terrible deeds.
PROLIFIC: Productive; Creative; Inventive; Fertile Antonyms: Barren; Infertile; Sterile; Unfertile; Unfruitful; Unproductive
During spring, the flowers in our yard become prolific producers of pollen grains.
ACCENTUATE: Make more noticeable or prominent; Underline; Underscore; Highlight; Spotlight; Foreground; Feature Antonyms: De-emphasize; Play down
Women often use eye liners to accentuate the beauty of their eyes.
ODIOUS: Vile; Foul; Abhorrent; Loathsome; Nauseating Antonyms: Innocuous; Inoffensive; Alluring; Appealing; Attractive
Although I normally notice unpleasant smells right away, yet I cannot detect the odious scent you noticed in my house yesterday.
ALACRITY: Brisk and cheerful readiness; Eagerness; Willingness; Readiness Antonyms: Leisureliness; Pokiness; Slowness; Sluggishness; Apathy
She accepted the invitation to attend the function with an alacrity that surprised me.
PRECOCIOUS: (Of a child) having developed certain abilities or inclinations at an earlier age than is usual or expected; Ahead; Gifted; Talented; Advanced Antonyms: Behindhand; Belated; Delinquent; Late; Retarded
I was a precocious child who at the age of 4 was already discussing the daily news with his parents.
DILIGENT: Industrious; Hard-working; Assiduous Antonyms: Idle; Inactive; Unbusy; Unemployed; Unoccupied
Ray has been unceasingly diligent in pursuit of a degree in chemistry.
REVELRY: Lively and noisy festivities; Jollification; Merrymaking Antonyms: Blackness; Darkness; Dolefulness; Dolor; Gloom
Holi is a festival characterized by revelry, drinking, and gluttonous feasts.
GROTESQUE: Malformed; Deformed; Misshapen; Distorted Antonyms: Aesthetic
His mask made him look like some kind of grotesque beast.
DIFFIDENT: Shy; Bashful; Modest; Self-effacing; Reserved Antonyms: Extrovert; Immodest; Outgoing
Rachel preferred remaining aloof as she was diffident about stating her opinion.
DERISION: Mockery; Ridicule Antonyms: Admiration; Approval; Flattery; Praise
One of the students laughed in derision at his clothing and hair style.
HOOLIGAN: Troublemaker; Hoodlum; Thug; Lout; Vandal; Ruffian; Rowdy
Shouldn't you hooligans focus on studying instead of threatening weak boys?
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CAPITULATE: Surrender; Yield; Submit Antonyms: Conquer; Fight; Defend
Those unwilling to capitulate to the new employer’s demands will be promptly fired.
PERSEVERANCE: Persistence; Tenacity; Determination; Resolve; Resolution Antonyms: Indifference; Irresolution; Idleness
His perseverance was rewarded after many rejections; he finally found a job.
MALODOROUS: Foul-smelling; Evil-smelling; Fetid; Smelly; Stinking Antonyms: Aromatic; Fragrant; Perfumed
Unwashed soft drink cans or food containers may become malodorous making them a health hazard.
REPLETE: Filled; Full; Well stocked; Crowded Antonyms: Empty; Lacking; Unfilled; Wanting
The glass was replete with water, but still he kept on pouring more.
ELUDE: Escape from or avoid (a danger, enemy, or pursuer); Evade; Avoid Antonyms: Accept; Court; Embrace; Pursue; Seek; Welcome
Because of its skillful ways Jerry is able to elude Tom all the time.
JARGON: Special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand; Slang; Cant; Terminology
Refrain from using business jargon that a layman cannot understand.
CLEMENCY: Mercy; Leniency; Mildness; Indulgence Antonyms: Cruelty; Meanness
He put in a strong plea for clemency, begging his senior to spare his life.
IMPASSE: Deadlock; Dead end; Stalemate; Checkmate
An arbitrator was called in to break the impasse.
PALPABLE: Tangible; Noticeable; Solid; Concrete; Material Antonyms: Impalpable; Imperceptible; Inappreciable; Undetectable
I felt a palpable sense of relief because of her touch.
VINTAGE: Period; Era; Epoch; Time Antonyms: Contemporary; Current; Modern; Modernist
My grandfather owned many expensive vintage cars, including a beautiful old Jaguar.
IMBIBE: Drink (alcohol); Consume; Sup; Sip; Quaff; Swallow
She imbibed vast quantities of whisky in the company of her friends.
APPRISE: Inform; Notify; Tell; Advise Antonyms: Misinform; Mislead
Hey listen! let me apprise you of the current situation.
AUSCULTATION: The act of listening to sounds arising within organs (as the lungs) as an aid to diagnosis and treatment
Steve submitted docilely to the pediatrician's experienced prodding and auscultation.
OBDURATE: Stubborn; Headstrong; Willful; Unyielding; Inflexible; Unbending Antonyms: Acquiescent, Agreeable; Amenable; Compliant; Complying; Flexible
The mule showed obdurate resistance; It did not wish to be led by its master.
BESIEGE: Surround; Mob; Encircle; Beset; Pester; Harass; Harry; Hound
The army besieged the enemy castle from all sides.
SURREPTITIOUS: Secret; Covert; Furtive Antonyms: Open; Overt; Public
At a surreptitious meeting, the two spies exchanged confidential information.
DISHEVELED: Make (a person's hair or clothes) untidy; Chaotic; Cluttered; Disarranged Antonyms: Bandbox; Crisp; Kempt; Neat
The young girls became dirty and disheveled because of playing in the mud.
REVERENCE: Revere; Respect; Admire Antonyms: Violate; Dishonor; Disrespect; Insult,
In ancient Hindu tradition, the daughter-in-law was supposed to reverence her mother-in-law.
ARCHAIC: Obsolete; Obsolescent; Out of date; Old-fashioned Antonyms: Current; Mod; Modern; New
Even today, certain tribes in Africa practice archaic ways of hunting.
PETRIFY: Horror-struck; Terror-stricken; Aghast; Frighten Antonyms: Brace; Energize; Enliven; Invigorate; Stimulate
The lady with golden hair got petrified by what I said at the party.
PROPINQUITY: Proximity; Closeness; Nearness; Adjacency Antonyms: Distance; Remoteness
Joy becomes calm whenever he is in close propinquity to his father.
NIGGARDLY: Miserly; Parsimonious; Close-fisted; Penny-pinching Antonyms: Bounteous; Bountiful; Charitable; Freehanded; Generous
Old people have faults of their own; they tend to become niggardly & suspicious.
ARTICULATE: Eloquent; Fluent; Communicative; Effective Antonyms: Inarticulate; Ineloquent; Unvocal
She is a highly intelligent and articulate speaker.
ABLUTION: Washing; Bath; Cleansing; Lavation; Purification
He moved towards the bathroom to begin his morning ablutions.
APPREHEND: To take into custody; Arrest and Seize
Within hours of the burglary, police had apprehended the thief.
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