Georgia K9 NTC the best Dog Obedience Training and Service Dog Training specialists. Canton Georgia and Edisto Island South Carolina Toll Free: 877-360-6959
Georgia K9 is professionally licensed by DEA and offer a 5-Day In Depth Training Programs in the K9 Arts of Canine Trailing, Tracking, Human Remains Detection, Narcotics Detection, and Explosives Detection Atlanta dog trainers, Atlanta dog obedience training, Georgia dog trainers, Georgia dog obedience training, k9 training, bloodhound training, canine training, Dog obedience training, police dog training, service dog training, k9 trainers, dog trainers, canine obedience, Police dog, Service dog, Edisto Island South Carolina dog training, Canton GA dog training
About Us Georgia K9 National Training Center, the South’s premier K9 training company. K9 is a partnership of professional K9 trainers from across the United States with a wide range of dog training experience. We are nationally certified and work with dogs and handlers throughout the United States. We are specialists in a wide variety of K9 disciplines from dog obedience training, dog tracking and trailing, to canine narcotics detection. Whatever your needs might be, Georgia K9 has a solution for you! At Georgia K9 we pride ourselves on our knowledge and experience with dogs. We offer information on every breed of dog and every behavior problem. We have a staff of Certified Professional Trainers that will help teach the dogs proper behavior as well as educate you, the owner, on how to fairly and effectively communicate with your dog. We offer a variety of services, each tailored to fit the individual personality of your dog. Whatever your needs may be, Georgia K9’s trainers will work with you to achieve the relationship you’ve always wanted with your dog. Our specialties are dog obedience training, police K9 training, and service dogs for people with disabilities.
Kelli Collins
Shayne Schettler
Kelli Collins is Co-Founder and General Manager of Georgia K9 NTC. Kelli has spent the last 18 years working with canines in the areas of Puppy Development, Breed Identification, Dog Behavior, Basic and Advanced Obedience, Retrieval Training, Utility Training, Trailing, Scent Discrimination, Police Service Dog Training, and Narcotics Detection. Kelli started the Georgia K9 Service dog program for children with disabilities with a special emphasis on providing dogs for kids with Autism. Kelli’s g ou d eaki g effo ts ha e set the K9 stage fo a entirely new approach to service dogs. She was an instructor for Auburn U i e sit ’s Ca i e Dete tio T ai i g Ce te a d a Poli e Offi e i the State of Georgia. Kelli is u e tl o ki g he Na oti s Dete tio /T aili g K9 Ha o a d a E plosi es Dete tio K9 Be . Shayne Schettler was born in Germany and raised in the California bay area. He grew up with dogs, and helped in the training of bloodhounds and police K9s as man-hunters throughout his teen-age years with his father, Jeff Schettler. “ha e o pleted his Ba helo ’s i Histo at West i ste College i Utah, a d his Maste ’s i Teaching History at the University of San Diego. After teaching in the public and private sector Shayne has returned to his roots of training dogs by joining his father at Georgia K9. Shayne will represent Georgia K9 in Virginia, specifically Arlington and the greater DC region as an obedience trainer. Keep an eye out for the opening of a Georgia K9 NTC: Virginia!
Obedience Training GAK9 is fully licensed and insured in the State of Georgia, South Carolina and Virginia for Dog Training and Boarding. Dog O edie e T ai i g pla s a huge ole i the ualit of a dog’s life, allowing him/her to live a longer, happier life with his/her family. Dog Obedience Training provides a dog with structure, leadership, socialization, communication, and attention. It provides a clear and consistent line of communication between you and your dog. Obedience training sets the foundation for a healthy relationship as well as helping to prevent behavioral problems from arising.
Puppy Preschool & Basic Manners •Correction and Reward •House Training •Crate Training •Handling Exercises •Socialization •Puppy Selection Services
Obedience & Socialization Georgia K9 Obedience Training •Basic Dog Obedience Training •Intermediate Dog Obedience Training •Advanced Dog Obedience Training •Dog Socialization •Environmental Desensitization •K9 Kamp in Canton!!
Behavioral Issues Dog Aggressive Behavior Puppy Housebreaking Problems Dog Fear Factors
Search & Rescue Canine Trailing and Tracking Work Canine Area Search Work Canine Human Remains Detection
Law Enforcement Dog Trailing and Tracking Work Dog Narcotics Detection Dog Scent Discrimination Dog Evidence Detection Apprehension work
Assistance Dogs Autism Service Dogs Physical Assistance Dogs Companion K9 Dogs
Police K9 Contact GAK9 NTC for Police Dog Training or K9 Availability We recommend that you check references and insurance when you decide upon a police K9 trainer. A police dog is no trivial tool that anyone can work with. Ensure that your trainer has not only professionally worked the police dogs they claim to be able to train, have the credentials to back it up, and are fully licensed, bonded, and insured for this business. Georgia K9 will gladly provide references upon request. We are professionally licensed: DEA License # RG0406062 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, & Explosives: 968-005-01-1C-01065 CA Beureau of Security and Investigations: 124481 GA Business Control #: 09023585 Cherokee County, GA: 30142 Georgia Board of Pharmacy: PHRS000595
We are members of the following K9 organizations: IACP NAPWDA NNDDA DWAA Our Canine Trailing, Tracking Program is California POST Certified Level IV Course Control Number: 5410-21150-08
Sport Tracking School Georgia K9 NTC Sport Tracking Trainer “po t T a ki g “ hool T ai e ’s Cou se- Job Opportunity Mission: Sport tracking is sweeping the world as the newest form of dog fun/work for everyday people with their family dogs. This is a sport and not to be confused with professional manhunting but still every bit as exciting! Learn the art, teach the art, hold group classes, and host annual competitions all under the Georgia K9 Banner. We are the World Leader in tracking/ trailing. 1. We will train you 2. Advertise for you 3. Provide your equipment 4. Student Uniforms 5. Trainer Uniforms 6. Award certificates of completion.
GAK9 Europe
Georgia K9 NTC is a worldwide K9 Trainer devoted to providing quality K9 Training programs everywhere. Our training programs are primarily field work and can be done in a central area anywhere in Europe or in your hometown. Please call or write today! We currently offer training the following areas: Trailing & Scent Discrimination Scent Specific Air Scent Human Remains Detection Narcotics Detection Advanced Off-Lead Obedience
Über Kelli Collins Kelli ist Police Officer im US-Bundesstaat Georgia. Sie absolvierte ihre Ausbildung als Certified Professional Trainer bei National K9. Derzeit ist sie Trainerin im Canine Detection Training Center an der Auburn University. Mit dem Georgia K9-Service-Dog-Programm startete Kelli ein bahnbrechendes Training von Hunden für Kinder mit Behinderungen mit einem besonderen Schwerpunkt auf die Bereitstellung von Hunden für autistische Kinder. Qualifikationen: Welpenentwicklung, Rassenidentifikation, Hundeverhalten, Obedience (Basis, Fortgeschrittene), Utility Training, ApportierTraining, Mantrailing, Geruchsunterscheidung, Drogenspürhunde-Ausbildung, PolizeihundeAusbildung
Red Dog Rising – Jeffs erstes Buch Red Dog Risi g ist Jeff “chettlers erstes Buch. Mit sei e Bloodhou d Ronin arbeitete Jeff zehn Jahre auf den Straßen Kaliforniens. Sie suchten Vermisste und jagten Straftäter. Jeff und Ronin haben viele Menschenleben gerettet und Täter zur Strecke gebracht. In seinem Buch nimmt Jeff den Leser mit auf eine spannende Reise in reale Fälle und beschreibt die Arbeit mit seinem Bloodhound – von der Zeit als ein zerknautschter Welpe von 11 Wochen zu ihm kam bis zu dem Punkt, an dem sie den Dienst quittieren mussten. Mit „Red Dog Risi g ge a er 2009 de Best “er ice A erica’s Dog Book Award der Dog Writers Association. Red Dog Rising kann man hier bestellen: Red Dog Rising Alle Erlöse des Buches kommen der Ausbildung von Service Dogs für Kinder mit Behinderungen zugute.
The Straightest Path – Jeffs zweites Buch
The “traightest Path ist Jeffs z eites Buch u d ei Trainingshandbuch für Mantrailer. Das Buch erschien im Oktober 2011. Anschaulich und verständlich gibt Jeff Schettler eine Anleitung für das Training von Mantrailing-Teams. Anja von den Mantrailern Rhein-Ruhr hat bereits auf Jeffs Website ein Statement abgegeben: Buchbesprechungen auf Linke zum Werbetrailer:
CONTACT US Canton, Georgia 130 Prominence Point PKWY Suite 130-277 Canton, GA 30114 Toll Free: 877-360-MyK9 (6959) Local: 7707216959
Edisto Island, South Carolina 2998 W. Montague Suite 118 N. Charleston, SC 29418 Toll Free: 877-360-MyK9 (6959) Local: 209-304-5048