In Ho Chi Minh City
Oneoftheessentialthingsoftravelisdiscoveringthatcountry'scuisine.Therefore,inVietnam vacation packages, there are always famous restaurants that the Vietnamese want to introduce to foreigners. This article will introduce 6 must-try BBQ restaurants in Ho Chi Minh City.Thisisnotonlyapopularplacefortouristsbutalsoforalotoflocals.

Must-Eat BBQ Restaurants In Ho
Saigon Grill
Chi Minh City
Saigon Grill is at the rooftop of Saigon Royal, 91 Pasteur Street, Ben Nghe, District 1, Ho Chi MinhCity.SaigonGrillhaseverydishyouwantatanaffordableprice.Therestaurantisonthe top floor, so it has a nice view and cool space. As a fairly old restaurant, the decoration at SaigonGrillistraditional,withbambooandbananatrees.
SaigonGrillrestaurant -Source:InternetIt is famous for grilled beef and pork, but the restaurant also serves seafood and traditional Vietnamesefood.Withitsdiversityofdishes,SaigonGrillissuitableforallages.Youcanorder combostotrymoredishesatadiscountedprice.Besidesthefood,therestaurant'sdrinksare alsooutstanding.Therearevariousdrinks,fromalcohol,cocktail,and juice.SaigonGrillhasa four-starratingonTripadvisor.Thisisaperfectplacetointroducetotourists.
TnTBBQisan AmericanBBQhouse located at3DangTranCon,BenThanhWard,District1.It opens from 11 am to 10 pm every day. The restaurant serves lunch, dinner, and late-night meals. TnT BBQ serves traditional American grilled dishes such as brisket, smoked chicken, pulledporksandwiches,andsucculent,tenderbeef.Thepricerangesfrom$1.78to$8.88.

With street food and a spacious and airy space, this is a very suitable place to gather with friends. Especially, the dishesofTnT gowell withbeer, sothe restaurant alsoservesdelicious kinds of fresh beer. The restaurant does not have a breathtaking view. However, with the yellow light and wooden furniture, this restaurant often appears in Vietnam vacation packages.Ithasa4-starratingonTripadvisor.
Quan Ut Ut
Quan Ut Ut is the restaurant with the most branches on the list, with 3 branches in District 1, District 2, and District 7. Unlike other BBQ restaurants, Quan Ut Ut stands out with its style.
QuanUtUtbuiltitsconceptwithapigasthemaincharacter.Theysetuprestaurantsfollowing thispigandevensellT-shirtswiththepig'simage.
The mealshere are alllarge in the American style, featuringgrilledporkribs.Side dishes such asfries,sausages,andsaladsarealsoveryattractive.Inparticular,herealsoservesdraftbeer.

Thepricerangesfrom$4.44to$13.32.SincetheservingofQuanUtUtislarge,pleaseconsider it before ordering. Avoid wasting any food. With a youthful style, Quan Ut Ut is suitable for friendgatherings.Openfrom11amto11pm.Therestaurantalsoserveslate-nightmeals.
Barbeque Garden
BarbequeGradenislocatedat135ANamKyKhoiNghia,District1.Withacapacityofmorethan 800 people and a space covered with trees, this is an ideal gathering place for family and friends. This restaurant has a lovely recipe, "Cook it your way". Fresh food will be brought to thetable,andyoucangrillityourself.BarbequeGardenisnotonlyfamousforgrilledbeefbut alsoforgrilledseafood.
In particular, the restaurant also serves vegetarian and traditional Vietnamese dishes. The restaurant will do special Southern rice sets if you come at noon. With a Vietnamese-style

setup, Barbeque Garden should be included in Vietnam vacation packages to introduce internationaltouriststoanoutstandingrestaurant.

5ku Station
5ku Station is located at 17 Thai Van Lung St., Ben Nghe Ward, Dist. 1. Unlike the above restaurants, 5ku Station specializes in serving Vietnamese grilled dishes. The dishes here are notoutstandinginappearance,buttheycapturetheheartsofpeoplewithrefinedpalates.All ingredientsarefreshanddeliciouswithdelicatemarinatingandprocessing.
In particular, 5ku regularly organizes football-watching activities. During the World Cup, this placeattractedalotoffootballloversfromallovertheworld.Theyatewhilecheeringfortheir favorite football teams. With a simple, Vietnamese-style space, this place is suitable for gatheringwithfriends.However,therestaurantiscrowdedandoftenfull,soremembertobook atablebeforecoming.
5kuStation-Source:InternetPlan K Korean BBQ
PlanKKoreanBBQ -Source:Internet
Unlike other restaurants, Plan K Korean BBQ is the only Korean-style barbecue restaurant on the list. It has 2 branches at 14A5 Thao Dien St., Thao Dien Ward, District 1, and 66S Ly Long Tuong,Tan PhongWard,District 7.The restaurant owner isaKorean couple,sothe food here isstandard.Banchanandwaterareservedforfreehere.Avarietyoffreshandvariedmeatsare

allrefrigerated.TheycanbemarinatedwithavarietyoftypicalKoreanseasonings,depending onyourpreference.Thepriceofeachitemrangesfrom$2.21to$13.27.
InPlanKKoreanBBQ,youcangrillmeatatthetable.Ifyoucan'tcookbyyourself,youcanask forhelpfromthestaff.Thisplaceisverysuitablefordates,friends,andfamilygatherings.Ithas afive-starratingonTripadvisorandisoneofthemostmust-tryKoreanBBQrestaurantsinHo ChiMinhCity.
Final Thought
Wehaveintroducedthetop6must-tryBBQrestaurantsinHoChiMinhCity.Theserestaurants regularly appear in Vietnam vacation packages. We hope you find out the most suitable restaurantforyourtaste.
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