Viewpoints 03-25-2010 Issue

Page 1

March 25, 2010

An Associated Collegiate Press two-time national Pacemaker award-winning newspaper, serving students since 1922.

Riverside, CA |

Vol. xxxVIII, No. 10

First Copy Free | Additional copies 25 cents

Swim team team making making waves waves Swim For a

SPORTS STORY see Page 18


moving forward: Kurt Williams of the Riverside City College men’s swim team performs a freestyle lap during practice on March 15. The team has won several conference meets in the last few weeks.


Serving students since 1922

2 | March 25, 2010


Monologuing for charity E v e E n s l e r ’s f a m o u s “ Va g i n a Monologues” has returned to Riverside City College. Performances will be held on March 26 and 27 and April 2 and 3 at 7 p.m. in the Digital Library Auditorium. General admission is $15 and students with ID is $10. All of the proceeds made will be donated to The Riverside Rape Crisis Center. For information about the performances contact Jami Brown at 951-222-8398.

lauren garcia / Photo editor

just hanging around: Student Keisha Phillip, combats the clock and lauren garcia / Photo editor

Lot 33 closes for semester

As of April 1 lot 33 will no longer be available for Riverside City College students and faculty to park in. The college only leased the lot for the first six weeks of the semester so parking there will not be an option.

Entrepreneurs wanted!

Business is business! Learn the fundamentals of running your own business and turning an idea into an opportunity. Find out how to be eligible for $1,000 in services to achieve your dream. There will multiple workshops such as the Deciding your Ownership Structure workshop on April 2. The Building your Marketing Plan is on April 23, Creating your Initial Financials is on May 7, Fast Pitch Presentation Preparation is on May 21 and Pitching to Judging Panel is on May 28. All workshops will located on the Riverside campus in the Quadrangle Room 110 from 1:30-3 p.m. Register by contacting Sean Snider at 951-571-6480 or at

Attention grads! In order to graduate, students must apply. The new deadline to apply for degrees and/or certificates is April 1. Students will be notified through their RCC e-mail to see if they meet the requirements to graduate. Information about the graduation requirements, deadlines, frequently asked questions, and commencement ceremony date and times for each campus are at http://www.rcc. edu/services/admissions/applications.cfm.

Experience Uganda

Experience Uganda without leaving the United States. Kristi Woods, associate professor of history will be sharing her experience in Uganda on April 1 from 1–2 p.m. in the Digital Library Auditorium The event is open to all students, faculty and staff. For more information call 951222-8057.

Enjoy a Moroccan summer See ancient architecture, famous Casablanca, the largest desert in the world the Sahara and the Atlas Mountains. Riverside City College is sponsoring a summer study tour to Morocco from June 18 to 29. For more details on the cost and the itinerary contact Jan Schall, coordinator international education at 951-222-8340 or

Skill building workshops Riverside City College invites all students to come to skill building workshops that aim to teach students the tools that can help them be successful in college. Time management on March 24 at 12:50–1:50 p.m. Study skills on April 6 from 5-6 p.m. and April 21 from 12:50–1:50 p.m. Gearing up for finals on May 4 from 5-6 p.m. and May 19 from 12:50–1:50 p.m. No need to sign up. Just show up at Quad Room 127.

makes every effort to hold on as she does the flexed arm hang while visiting the Marines booth on March 16 during Career Fest.

Students look for career choices Takahiro Kurosaki Staff Writer Students are always looking for an opportunity to explore their options when it comes to making a career choice. Many resources are available if you want to know about your career and education, including the career and transfer fair. It’s an effective way to know more about the job you are interested in pursuing, your education and visualize your future. A career fair and transfer fair was held at Riverside City College on March 16 and offered students ample opportunity to investigate options for their career and education. Professionals from various types of jobs as well as school representatives from all over California, gathered to provide information to students and recruit them. The fair played an important role to shorten the distance between students and representatives or professionals in both physical and mental sense. Some of the representatives and professionals came out of Riverside and enabled students to have another option for their career and education. Others made a trip from further away in hopes of recruiting. “Our school is a little bit farther than some of the local schools,” said Darnell Edwards, the Outreach Coordinator of California State University Northridge. “But we can offer a new alternative to students by coming here.” Although questions from students were about various topics representatives were able to provide the answers. They remembered what it was like to be a student in the same shoes as those who attended the fair. “What is the guard? This was the most frequently asked question,” said Rhiannon Carlucci, the Recruiting and Retention NCO of California Army National Guard. “But I know that because I didn’t know even the existence when I was a student seeking a job.”

Ta l k i n g t o p r o f e s s i o n a l s a n d representatives was not a only helpful for getting general information, but the conversations enabled students to benefit from the immediacy of response from the fair. “When I e-mail a question, I have to wait for a day until I get an answer,” said Manuel Valle, a RCC student majoring in a child development. “But I can get the answer for a question, and get additional information.” He attended the fair seeking a career related to his major. For students with English not being their primary language, having the representatives there in person broke down the language barrier. Representatives and professionals see the importance of speaking with students in person because they are able to not only provide information immediately, but also convey what other resources cannot deliver. Professionals and representatives used the opportunity of being able to create an atmosphere for the students to see and get a feel of what was being represented. “Because they can see the person behind a paper, face-to-face is very important,” said Hope Read, the Admissions Counselor of California Baptist University. “They can feel the emotion and information,” Edwards said. “They can get not only the answer but also intimate side of it. They can see our expression and passion about the message you give them.” The fair was put on to help students from all stages of career search. From those who know what they want to do as a vocation to those who are just beginning to explore their options. “This is my first time to visit a fair,” said Scott Davis who is majoring in administrative justice at RCC and wants to join the SWAT team in the future. “I expected to learn about universities, basically choosing one for later reference, and I would see which one offers me the best in the end. Now I know it.”


Serving students since 1922


March 25, 2010 | 3

Accreditation comes to Norco, Moreno Valley

dean mayorga Staff Writer

For students feeling pressure from rising enrollment fees or growing class sizes, hope was seen March 1 as the Moreno Valley and Norco campuses were officially recognized by the Board of Governors. The accreditation of both colleges is very important for the Riverside Community College District. It comes in a time where trying economic situations of the state have greatly influenced how learning institutions operate. The benefits of accreditation include, among other things, economic relief. “There are two areas that will receive additional funding,” said Moreno Valley President Monte Perez. “The first is base budget or base allocation.” An estimated $1.4 million will be available for the Moreno Valley campus. This funding can go into projects such as new facilities. Along with the base budget, direct funding will also be affected. Direct funding includes state programs, Extended Opportunity Programs and Services, as well as aide to disadvantaged students. It is projected that no revenue will come sooner than July 1. Accreditation will make other visible changes in student life. Diplomas will now bear the name of the specific campus the student attended. This does not, however, mean that a student cannot take classes freely between campuses. “One of the core principles (of RCCD) was to maintain a common curriculum. A student can take an English 1A class at any of the campuses,” said Jim Parsons, associate vice chancellor of RCCD Public Affairs and Institutional Advancement. A common curriculum includes the general education

RccD Public Affairs

A new future: The Norco Campus’s library is just one of many services that will establish itself as a separate entity with the college’s accreditation. courses required for transfer. Specialized courses, such as health or engineering, will remain available solely at the campus that offers them. “This accreditation status provides students…easier transfer of satisfactorily completed credits when those credits are appropriate to the receiving institutions, and the opportunity to access federal financial aid,” Norco President Brenda Davis said. The effort and time it took for both campuses to become the 111th and 112th Community Colleges in California proved to be a great task. Accreditation can be viewed as a three step process of eligibility, candidacy and initial accreditation. Moreno Valley, for example, became eligible in 2000, but didn’t

reach candidacy until 2007. The long wait added to the ultimate satisfaction of the achievement. “I was absolutely elated. It was the result of a lot of work from everybody including the students,” Perez said. With this new status comes the responsibility of maintaining that status. Both campuses must now adhere to the standards of the Accrediting Commission and the State Chancellor’s Office. The new standards lead to new goals after accreditation. “The next goal is just to organize the campus to fully serve students so that they become more successful,” Perez said. Both campuses can continue providing classes to their students and receive funding from the state.

Student fees may face increase candice phalen staff writer California Community colleges are widely known as a way to get an education without the high cost of a private school or university tuition looming in the background. That reputation may be in jeopardy due to a potential student fee increase. The wide variety of classes provided to students has been reduced immensely leaving students struggling to find classes to take. The waitlists for classes grow larger and many people are becoming more frustrated. “It’s just another product of our horrible economy,” said Jillian Curiel, a RCC student who has dealt with waitlisted classes. “I could only take one class last semester because I couldn’t get in to any of the other ones I needed.” While many suggestions for possible solutions have arisen, the Legislative Analyst’s Office has proposed an increase in student fees to help subsidize the problem.

The office suggested that the state increase community college fees from $26 a unit to $40, an almost 50 percent increase. The increase in fees would help enrollment growth and eliminate proposed budget cuts in other areas of the educational system. California is considering lowering funding in many areas such as teacher payroll and less advanced learning tools in order to aid a plethora of financial problems it currently has, so this may be the answer. But many students don’t think so. “I hate the budget problems we have, but I hate this idea even more,” Curiel said, “I don’t qualify for financial aid, but just barely.” The increase may make it even more difficult for students to complete their goals of continuing their education. “I work 40 hours a week to pay my tuition and rent. That supports my full-time student habit. If they increase tuition, I don’t know how I’m going to support myself,” Curiel said. The $14 increase is not set in stone yet. The increase could range

between the current cost and the maximum amount, so it is entirely possible that the cost might only go up a few dollars. Students currently receiving financial aid like the Pell Grant or the Board of Governors fee waiver will be largely unaffected for the next school year, provided they qualify again. “Financial aid will still be available, so it’s important for students to remember that,” said Jim Buysse, vice chancellor of Administration and Finance at RCC. It is not clear if and when these changes will occur. “In this economic climate, and with the state’s budget difficulty, the situation is quite uncertain,” Buysse said. “For now, however, it’s important to note that we’ll see a lot of things floated in the press and elsewhere regarding the matter. One shouldn’t get too excited about all of that,” he said, “It’s part of the annual budget process in Sacramento.” The decision will not be made until later this year.


Serving students since 1922

4 | March 25, 2010


Free rides may come to an end

stephanie holland editor in chief

The Riverside Transit Agency’s Go Pass program, which allows Riverside Community College District students to ride RTA buses for free with a valid student ID, has been successful. Unfortunately, the funds which came from grant money from the participating cities and Riverside county will run out, so students are being asked to help with a transportation fee. The fee would be $5.50 and would be paid by all full-time RCCD students for the fall, spring and summer semesters, with a maximum of $16.50 per academic year. This fee would also be mandatory which means it would be non-waivable. The idea of a mandatory fee for a service that all students don’t use has caused division on the campus. “I don’t think it’s right if we’re already paying $40 for a parking permit, there’s no reason for us to have to pay a fee on top of gas and everything just to get here,” said RCC student Kimmy McMullan. According to Bradley Weaver of RTA, ridership among RCCD students has risen from 2 percent to 10 percent since the program started. The program has had approximately 1.3 million trips

jasmeet singh / editor’s assistant

No go: Students at the bus stop in front of Riverside City College may soon have to find another way to get to campus. by RCCD students With this many students taking the bus to campus, there are those like Perris resident and RCC student Jasmine Webb for whom the transportation fee is crucial. “I wouldn’t be able to go to school if I didn’t take the bus,” she

said. “I take the bus all the time, I don’t have a car, I need it to go places.” Webb says she understands why some of her fellow students are against the fee, but still thinks they should be aware of what a no vote means.

“I understand if you don’t take the bus then why should you pay for it, but it’s the same as the health fee, if you don’t get sick it’s kind of a ripoff, but if you do get sick then you’re going to go in there and you’re going to benefit from it,” she said.

If the fee isn’t passed the program would end in August. Students will have the opportunity to vote on this issue on March 31 and April 1 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 4-6 p.m. in front of the Martin Luther King Learning and Resource Center.


opinions Serving students since 1922

5 | March 25, 2010

Viewpoints Staff


EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Stephanie Holland (951) 222-8495 MANAGING EDITOR Chanelle Williams (951) 222-8488 ADVERTISING MANAGER Vanessa Soto (951) 222-8488 FACULTY ADVISERS Allan Lovelace Dan Evans ONLINE EDITOR PHOTO EDITOR Khai Le Lauren Garcia NEWS EDITOR OPINIONS EDITOR Nita Gandhi Sade Hurst ASST. FEATURES EDITOR INSCAPE EDITOR Erin Rohac Christina Espinoza ASST. FEATURES EDITOR SPORTS EDITOR Shardai Perry Javier Cabrera


Tomorrow’s leaders?: Student Body President Israel Landa moderates a scarcely attended forum about the upcoming transportation fee vote in the cafeteria on March 18.

Who’s leading the leaders?

STAFF Erene Abdelmeseeh Yessica Acevedo Devondre Adams Juan Aguilar Chad Arias Nicolas Austin Edward Brito Nishe Butler Kristine Concepcion Corina Cuevas Mercedes Deleon Kyle Durham Sonja Eide Samantha Flores Shamier Ford Ruben Gallegos Cameron Graves Bobby Hester Ricky Holmes Miho Kaneko Takahiro Kurosaki Manuel Lopez Corinne Love Diana Ly Ryan Lynch

Andrew MacAbuhay Kimberly Martinez Dean Mayorga Erica McCauley Juan Mendoza Josh Messmer Brandon Morgan Samantha Morris Natalie Morton Jesus Munoz Jenna Owen Candice Phalen Griselda Ramirez Brittni Reyes Brandon Rivera Ashley Robinson Jared Saavedra Gary Sellers Amanda Serrano Jasmeet Singh Nyeisha Smith Cloie Swain Daniel Torres Justin Tovar Toni Wisner Tennille Wright

College students are notoriously self centered and have been known to have a narrow focus, so it’s up to student leaders to keep them apprised of what’s happening on campus. At Riverside City College it is the job of the Associated students of Riverside City College to let students know when things are happening that will directly affect their lives. Unfortunately, it would appear that ASRCC is more concerned with its own agenda than what’s best for students. This became clear when student government again neglected to appropriately inform students about an issue that they need to know about. A transportation fee of $5.50 is being proposed to keep the RTA Go Pass program running. This fee would be paid by all full-time students and would be mandatory and nonwaivable. Students must vote on whether to pass this fee on March 31 and April 1. ASRCC had a forum on March 18 in the cafeteria to allegedly inform students about the vote. But, like most of student government’s “forums” there was no advance notice, and the only students there were the ones who happened to be eating lunch at the time. This mismanagement of students’ needs is just the latest in ASRCC’s continuing mission to keep students as uninformed as possible. Whenever an issue comes up that students need to know about, student government holds one of its forums. Of course, they generally don’t tell anyone when they’re happening and have them at the most inopportune time


EDITOR Letters to the editor should be kept to 250 words or less. Deliver letters to the Viewpoints office in the room behind the Assessment Building. Viewpoints reserves the right to edit letters for space and to reject libelous or obscene letters. Letters to the editor and columns represent the opinions of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect those of the entire Viewpoints staff, Viewpoints faculty advisers, student government, faculty, administration nor the Board of Trustees.


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Associated Collegiate Press

Viewpoints’ editorials represent the majority opinion of and are written by the Viewpoints student editorial board.

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possible. With the seriousness of the time it seems ridiculous that a college the size of RCC has student representatives who don’t really care what the students think. It is time that student government take a look in the mirror and remove the leaders who have a lack of confidence in the students and start fresh. With a budget that allows them to do whatever it takes to inform students on issues such as the RTA Go Pass, Student Trustee elections and student government elections and an administration to back them, it is time for RCC’s student leaders to take their jobs more seriously. They do not have confidence in student concerns about what is going on campus, it’s safe to say with the previous rally on the education budget cuts that the students are concerned about what is happening on campus. Instead of spending time and money on loud music that disrupts classes, perhaps student government could use their resources to create more balanced communication between students and administrators or maybe they could give up some of their budget to establish more scholarships. The fact is that most students at RCC are dealing with more serious issues and crises than ever before and they deserve representatives who will take their concerns to more seriously do something about it. After all this isn’t high school anymore, so student government should be about more than planning dances and pizza giveaways. If the current crop of officers and senators can’t be trusted to put the students’ needs above their own, perhaps it’s time for some government restructuring.
















Vol. XXXVIII, No. 10



March 25, 2010

Reach us: PHONE: (951) 222-8488 E-mail: Editor in Chief PHONE: (951) 222-8495

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Viewpoints is a public forum, First Amendment newspaper. Student editors have authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval. © 2010 by the Viewpoints staff, Riverside City College, 4800 Magnolia Avenue, Riverside, CA. 92506-0528. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission of the Viewpoints Editor-in-Chief.


Serving students since 1922

6 | March 25, 2010

Blame the parents, punish the child Cloie Swain Staff Writer Gay or straight, African American or Caucasian, male or female, there is no such thing as selective equality. It is an all or nothing concept, and as long as we allow sort of equality to even have a bit of footing, we are failing what principals the United States was built on. Unfortunately for a pre-schooler and kindergartner in Boulder Colorado, equality was not shown to them when it was revealed to school officials that their parents are a lesbian couple. According to Archbishop Charles Chaput, the children are not allowed to continue their education at the Sacred Heart of Jesus parish school because their parents do not adhere to the Catholic teachings that forbid sexual encounters between anyone but married heterosexuals. Along with being blatantly bigoted, it is also quite stunning. After so many protests, marches, and iconic figures that the American civil rights movement has produced, small children

are now being kicked out of school because their parents have a different sexual orientation than what has been deemed acceptable by a religious institution. But therein lies exactly where the problem with the indignant argument arrives: it is a religious institution. It is not a state run school, nor is it a run of the mill private school. It is a Catholic school. The lines get blurred a bit here as this point of contention. As it is not government funded, nor does it have really any answering to do to outraged private school parents who fund the school, there is nobody but the media and maybe some civil rights groups to be held accountable by. That will most likely be pointed out in the coming weeks as the story continues to develop, but the important thing to consider when mulling over this is the fact that it is not the parents who are losing out here, the children are. Because their parents are living what some deem an alternative lifestyle, these kids have to face the prospect of going to a new school. They are being punished for what the church is apparently considering their parents’ crimes. Now as many writers and television talking heads will be bemoaning the decision (or praising it depending on how much they enjoy equality), the

bigger issue of fairness comes into light yet again on America’s news radar. With the passing of Proposition 8 in 2008, a shift of sorts was seen in the United States. From the controversial “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy in the military to the more prominent issue of marriage equality, gay rights have become what some are dubbing the new civil rights movement. The abhorrent legal treatment of same sex couples is not a new concept, but in the past the actions have always resulted in effects for adults, not kids. Now that innocent children are getting mixed up in all of this, there has to be a shift in the American public passiveness. It is not right to remove children from their school based on their parent’s personal sexual preferences. There can be no compromise on this. Children should not be punished for the lives of their parents. On the other hand, it is the right of each privately run church school to decide who to let enroll in their classes, and if they decide to forbid homosexuals from sending their children there, so be it. It is not right but it will not change. What can change is what America takes away from this civil rights abomination. While those two little girls will have to go to a new school and their parents will continue to be


Image courtesy of: blamed by the church as the reason couples are banned from legalizing for it, we need to open our eyes to their love, while drunken idiots can the fact that has been simmering literally get a drive-thru wedding ever since Prop. 8 was put on the in five minutes? ballot: equality does not select who Discrimination based on any it covers. reason is ridiculous and archaic. For many that is a legally But using the democratic system recognized and respected family, of government to further hateful b u t b e c a u s e 5 2 p e r c e n t o f “Marriage Protection” acts to California voters decided that their make homosexuals second class personal beliefs should have a say citizens is abhorrent. Something in someone else’s life, that dream has to give. now is unattainable for same sex So when the next year rolls couples here. around for those little girls, they To be blunt, it is despicable will be going to a new school and how gay Americans are being chances are they will be fine. treated in the name of protecting But if that new year begins and marriage. Why not go one step not everyone has the ability to do further and ban divorce? Why not what others can because of their make it mandatory that all shotgun sexual orientation, then we are Vegas weddings be banned? Why still not the country that we think is it that some loving devoted ourselves to be

21st century slavery in our own backyards Corina cuevas Staff Writer Believe it or not, slavery is prevalent in the 21st Century. Many people in the United States and around the world are being taken against their will being subject to violence and long hours of work without pay. According to the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center Web site, an estimated 1227 million people are caught in a form of slavery. These include prostitution, pornography, stripping, domestic servitude such as nannies and maids, agriculture, hard labor, child soldiers and many other poorly regulated industries. Between 600,000 and 800,000 are trafficked internationally, with as many as 17,500 people trafficked into the United States. Although many people are not aware of it, human trafficking exists. The center states that there is no difference in nationality, race, ethnicity, gender, age, class, education-level, and other demographics. In other words, it does not discriminate. The fact that people are taken against their will for labor or

Image courtesy of: services such as prostitution, continue making some people pornography and/or stripping subject to inhumane treatment and through the use of force or fraud is obvious violation of human rights? unbelievable and frightening. The answer is simple, power. Imagine walking down the The dictionary defines power as street and suddenly being taken by the ability or right to control others, a stranger who shows the least bit as authority and as influence. of respect for personal space. It also states that it is a person Now imagine waking up in a or thing of great influence, force dark room full of other strangers or authority. whose faces show confusion, fear Who executes this definition of and frustration. power? For the most, part men. At that moment the only thing Ta k i n g a l o o k i n t o t h e one could think and imagine are construction of men, a man’s body terrible things. is visibly stronger than a woman’s The brain turns its fear switch or a child’s body. on and many emotions race through As a result, most of those who the mind uncertain of what will are taken into captivity are women happen next. and children. Scary isn’t it? They make up most of the For most, the 21st century is a human trafficking industry time when society has transformed because they can’t easily defend its way of thinking and doing themselves becoming easy prey things. for their predators. The word slavery has been The Center argues that “nearly buried in the past and cultures three out of every four victims are have learned to embrace different women (and) half modern-day beliefs, haven’t they? slaves are children.” Why then, do differences Of these, many are illegal

immigrants. A good number of them come to the United States to fulfill the American Dream. Although in most cases the American Dream literally becomes an American nightmare. Instead of coming to fulfill dreams some illegal immigrants can only see those dreams as pipe dreams. The illusion is over and reality hits them with a slap on the face reminding them that they have nothing but the broken pieces of the dream they once had. On March 9 the Los Angeles Times gave its readers a glimpse of what human trafficking is all about. The story “Smuggled, kidnapped and worse” by Anna Gorman describes how “(a smuggler had) sneaked a girl across the Mexican border nearly a month earlier and now was holding her for ransom somewhere near Los Angeles.” After many hardships the woman in the story was lucky enough to find her daughter safe and sound. But one cannot say the same for other victims who end up dead or sometimes abandoned. This case is only one example of the hundreds of thousands that occur and are possibly occurring at this very moment. Human trafficking is a serious problem that evidently remains in the shadows of America’s streets and the world’s borders. It is kept a secret because it provides many profits to those in

the business. If people become aware and educated of what their human rights are, then it is easier for them to understand the importance and value of those rights. Overall, human trafficking is a serious issue that needs to be eliminated. The first and most important step to eliminate human trafficking is public awareness. Public awareness is critical because human trafficking will remain unnoticed unless or until the public becomes actively engaged in identifying this type of slavery. David Harold Fink once said “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do” but this issue calls for the need to take action. After reading this one may ask: Why does this matter? This matters because it is important to know that the human rights of many innocent people are violated through human trafficking. Their dignity and self-value is trampled on portraying them as disposable objects that can be replaced with the simple snap of fingers. It also matters because human trafficking is illegal and this information could help create or even strengthen laws that already exist to combat this type of trafficking. The problem can only be solved by taking action in fighting this form of silent slavery that penetrates the United States and the world as a whole.


March 25, 2010 | 7

Too big for the Hollywood life Serving students since 1922


Erica McCauley Staff Writer Get use to it Hollywood Acadamy Award winners comes in all different colors, and even sizes. Gabourey Sidibe has taken the entertainment world by storm after her remarkable performance as the titular character in the critically acclaimed film “Precious,” which earned her an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress. Sidibe’s rise to fame has played out like a fairytale. She goes to an open casting call one day, the next she’s sitting at the Oscars contending with Meryl Streep, an actress with a whopping sixteen award nominations. Surreal for someone whose acting resume previously contained just two small parts in college plays, and no formal training. Oprah is a huge promoter of Sidibe, and she’s proved herself to be quite charming in interviews. Still, moviegoers and industry insiders are wondering whether a career in Hollywood is realistic for the actress. The sad fact is, Sidibe has three major strikes against her in regards to landing roles in Hollywood; she’s black, she’s a woman, and she’s obese.

Few minorities have been able to carve out successful careers for themselves in film and television in comparison to their white counterparts. Minorities that have achieved A-list status did so by generally playing roles that aren’t race specific, and therefore don’t disturb the audience with any sort of racial consciousness. Despite her undeniable talent, there is justifiable concern that 26-year-old Sidibe won’t be able to accomplish much given the way she looks. Shock jock Howard Stern said on his show, “She is enormous. Everyone’s pretending she’s a part of show business and she’s never going to be in another movie.” His remarks may sound frank, but many believe he is under attack for being the only one bold enough to express what everyone else is thinking. Money is the bottom line for movie producers who follow the box office trends. Odds are against filmmakers creating specific roles with Sidibe in mind if they feel the film won’t do well. Sure it was easy for audiences to believe Sidibe as a dejected child of the ghetto. The thought of her starring in a romantic comedy as the love interest of Matthew McConaughey isn’t so palatable. Plus, it would never happen. Hollywood has a prototype for female actresses. While hair color, eye color, and sometimes skin tone are negotiable, a size zero dress size

is not. In an article in The Los Angeles Times, US Weekly editor in chief Janice Min said, “Look at the cast of TV shows, they’re not even a zero, they’re double zero.” In the same article Joseph Middleton, who has cast an array of youth-oriented films including “American Pie” said, “The girls that are considered the ingénues of the day are getting thinner and thinner. I can’t tell you how many times producers and directors have said, ‘she’s a little too heavy for the camera’.” Hollywood has shifted from the paradigm of motion picture arts and business into a center of fashion, beauty, and commercialism primarily. Talent and merit can still go a long way. Yet it is disappointing to see how far superficial factors can go just as well in an industry obsessed with image. By far the biggest problem with the size zero industry standard, is that actresses become the model for young women all over the world. If actresses are forced to be thin to get roles, a whole society will emulate them. The result is an epidemic of individuals with body image issues. Not surprisingly, the National Institute of Mental Health reports one in five women have an eating disorder. The message being sent to youth is that you can’t really be whatever you want to be. Zoe Saldana, the biracial star of “Avatar” says in originally in

Image courtesy of: Lionsgate Glamour, “In Hollywood, you hear decade of Hollywood looks like, things like ‘Oh they loved you but there’s a huge problem. they want to go more traditional’ Sidibe is not delusional about that’s the new n-word.” her situation, but stays out of Which begs the question, if the drama, instead enjoying her someone who looks like Saldana is newfound fame and focusing on experiencing discrimination where upcoming projects. does that leave Sidibe? She already snagged a role in Vanity Fair magazine provided an upcoming Sundance film, in a a partial answer to that question recurring role in a new half-hour recently when their “racist” March comedy called “The Big C.” 2010 cover issue sparked media If talent is worth anything frenzy. anymore, Sidibe should have a It was titled, “A new decade, promising career. She may have a harder time a new Hollywood,” and featured nine actresses who were all are getting roles, but her nomination super white, super skinny, and, will help open doors that would have otherwise been closed. indirectly, super offensive. At the very least, all this hoopla Saldana starred in the top grossing movie ever, and yet was over her career will hopefully force filmmakers to at least flirt with the not included on the cover. Sadibe, also excluded, was idea of creating films that more provided only a small feature accurately convey the colorful, perfectly imperfect, reality we inside the magazine. If this is truly what the next all live in and the characters who animate it.

What happened to the music in music videos, MTV?

Chanelle Williams Managing Editor Music videos just aren’t what they used to be. There used to be a time when you could turn on the television and be able to watch music videos all day if you wanted to. The best thing about music videos was being able to watch the visual equal to a favorite song, seeing the ridiculous costumes, revolutionary dancing and the artist’s visual interpretation of their song. Now music videos are hardly ever played unless you are intentional about looking for them. MTV and VH1 used to be the leaders in playing music videos nonstop but these days they are most known for reality shows like “Jersey Shore,” “The Real World” and Jessica Simpson’s new desperate attempt for attention “The Price of Beauty.” But what happened to music videos? Music videos were huge in the 1980s especially when MTV premiered its first music video in 1981, “Video killed the Radio

Star” by The Buggles. Music videos were used to help promote artists’ and their recent musical releases. During that time music videos from artists like Michael Jackson and Madonna had a story to tell and were reminiscent of a short film. They included dialogue, character development and a storyline. Michael Jackson had a 14 minute video made based on his record breaking single “Thriller.” Anyone can see that Jackson was always pushing the limits artistically with videos like “Smooth Criminal,” “Billie Jean” and “Bad” starring his revolutionary and progressive dance moves. The release of a music video was an event to look forward to in order to see if an artist had come up with anything innovative and unconventional that brought something new and exciting for their fans. However, music videos have continued over the decades and what were once pioneering visual accompaniments to an artist’s song slowly morphed into cookie cutter structured bore-fests. The music videos seemed to have lost their mojo, their jene-sais-quoi. They had lost their essence, creativity and original appeal that made them so popular in the first place. It became a

Image courtesy of: Interscope Records formulated art form. If the video did not include a hopping club setting, a buffet of half-naked booty-bopping promiscuous women and an obvious advertisement of high priced champagne, the video was destined for the graveyards left unappreciated and unaired. It wasn’t about the music anymore or even about bringing something new, exciting or thrilling for the fans. However, there seems to be a glimmer of hope for the fading novelty of music videos.

Artists like the eccentric Lady Gaga and the diva-licious Beyonce are bringing back flavor to a bland and bleak period of the music video timeline with their collaborations. Beyonce’s video for “Video Phone” featuring Lady Gaga included male dancers with CGI camera heads and a whole lot of sass and attitude. Lady Gaga released a 9 minute long epic for her latest single “Telephone” with which she pulled out all the stops for this video. She teamed up with director

Jonas Akerlund, who filmed her video for “Paparazzi,” to create a visually delicious video that seemed to pay tribute to Quentin Tarantino with a heavy “Kill Bill” influenced storyline even going as far as using the actual truck from the film. She created a dynamic duo in partnering up with her fierce equal Beyonce who plays the killer sweet “Honey B” donning a Bettie Paige inspired haircut and stirred up a buzz of excitement for the video before it was released by giving little clues via Twitter for her “little monsters.” Her video displayed an of array product endorsing tidbits by taking on the role of a commercial a d v e r t i s i n g m u l t i p l e l a rg e companies such as Virgin Mobile, Coca-cola and Wonder Bread. Creatively placed were these plugs for example, the Diet Coke cans in Lady Gaga’s mock hotroller hair-do and the Virgin Mobile phone during the girl-ongirl jail yard make out session. Besides a sweet opportunity for product promotion, music videos may have once again become an artistic platform for the musical artist. To say whether music videos are a dying trend or an evolving artistic tool is hard to say. With performers like Lady Gaga and Beyonce at the throttle it may be the latter.


Serving students since 1922

8 | March 25, 2010

This movie is not ‘out of your league’ Christina espinoza Inscape Editor The new spring collection of romantic comedies may take a leap forward in the box office this season, thanks to the delightfully raunchy film “She’s Out of My League.” The film, starring Jay Baruchel (“Tropic Thunder”) and Alice Eve (“Crossing Over”), released in theaters March 12 and earned the No. 3 spot its opening weekend. The film tells the age old story of love with some offensive comedic twists. When a poor scrawny Pittsburgh native, Kirk (Baruchel), unintentionally sweeps an attractive and successful woman off her feet, Molly (Eve), he feels convinced things won’t last because clearly she’s out if his league. The two twenty something lovers come from completely different backgrounds which is just one obstacle that threatens their future together. Kirk, who drives an old beatup car, dropped out of college to work airport security and while he has dreams of becoming a pilot, he’s held back from his goal by himself, his family and his trashy ex-girlfriend. Molly on the other hand went

Paramount Pictures

“SHE’S OUT OF MY LEAGUE” : On a date, Kirk tries bowling a ‘perfect ten’ with Molly. to law school, has an impressive list of references and besides being considered physically attractive is also smart and financially successful. As Kirk must deal with certain disgusting personal hairy struggles and disappointing realities about his family, Molly must decide if Kirk is really her knight in shining airport security armor.

Baruchel gave an okay performance as an average guy who doesn’t know what to do with the potential for love. Bonus points go to Baruchel as it’s almost always funny to see sudden awkward nudity mixed in with hilarious circumstances. Eve also gave a satisfactory performance, even if she did not participate in the same awkward

nudity. While Eve’s British accent surfaced through her fake American accent from time to time, this role showed she could certainly play the lead in a romantic comedy. It may be hard for audiences to believe a broke and lanky guy going through a quarter life crisis, could win the heart of a pristine woman, but the reality found inside the crude comedy may help

to convince audiences it’s not an entirely impossible love story. Still, the film’s hilarious gags might only have made audiences gag if it weren’t for the talent of the supporting cast as it was clear the sometimes weak plot became more stable due to the performance of the supporting cast. Director Jim Field Smith is no doubt content he did not land a total flop in his first feature debut. Writers Sean Andres and John Morris seemed to give the audience what they wanted with unpredictable stunts which were as disgusting as they were funny. Andres appears to have talent as a writer as his soon to be released adult comedy, “Hot Tub Time Machine” starring John Cusack, is already receiving applause. Those who enjoyed the 1998 Farrelly brothers hit “There’s Something About Mary,” will more than likely enjoy this film, however; the similar humor found in the two movies slightly take away from it’s originality. Still, who can deny the power and humor of deliberately offensive jokes? The outrageous stunts are guaranteed to make almost anyone laugh. All in all, this was a very funny movie.

Vi ew p o i n t s E n t e r t a i n m e n t C a l e n d a r Mar. 26

Mar. 27

Mar. 28

MOVIES EVENTS EVENTS “Hot Tub Time Machine” The Metropolitan Opera: Aquarium at Night “How to Train Your “Hamlet” at at Aquarium of the Pacific Dragon” AMC Tyler Galleria 16 in Long Beach “Chole” Jazz-n-Java Music Night Winchester Farms Car EVENTS at Jazz-n-Java in Riverside Show at Winchester Farms “Oklahoma!” at California ‘60s and ‘70s Rock, Soul in Riverside Baptist University and Funk at V26 Bar and Rain: A Tribute to the The Moon and Eclipses Lounge in Riverside Beatles at Orange County at RCC’s Dixon MOVIES MOVIES Performing Arts Center Planetarium “Fame” “Fame” in Costa Mesa “Surrogates” “Surrogates” “Pandorum” “Pandorum” “All Shook Up” at “All Shook Up” at EVENTS EVENTS MOVIES Landis PAC Landis PAC Hip Hop Mini Festival Myths on Masks Exhibit “Clash of the Titans” Alejandra Guzman at Alejandra Guzman at at Life Arts Building in at The WineryPechanga and Wine “The Last Song” Pechanga Downtown Riverside Bar at Canyon Crest in “Tyler Why Did I Norm McDonald at Norm McDonaldPerry’s at Circus Vargas in Improv Riverside Get Married Too?” Irvine Improv Irvine San Bernardino Bubblefest XIV EVENTS Conjunto Primavera at Discovery Science “The Vagina Monologues” at San Manuel Indian Center in Santa Ana at Riverside City College Bingo and Casino

Mar. 31

April 1

April 2

Mar. 29

Mar. 30

EVENTS The Black Eyed Peas in The E.N.D. World Tour at Staples Center in Los Angeles Free Bingo at San Bernardino Valley College World Series of Poker Tournament at Harrah’s Rincon in Valley Center

DVD “Sherlock Holmes” “I sell the dead” EVENTS “Jesus Christ Superstar” at Fox Performing Arts Center in Riverside Concert Band at University of Redlands

April 3

April 4

EVENTS Vicki Lawrence at California Performing Arts Theatre in San Bernardino Orange Blossom Ball Amateur Ballroom Dance Competition at University of California Riverside

Got something you want to get the word out about? Send it to

EVENTS FROGS: A Chorus of Colors at Muzeo in Anaheim “Dreamgirls” at Ahmanson Theare in Los Angeles


Serving students since 1922


March 25, 2010 | 9

Brandon Rivera / editor’s assistant

dynamic duo: Sunny Bo, left, and Skywalk, perform a

song together during a sound check at the Mission Tobacco Lounge on March 16.

Brandon Rivera / editor’s assistant

showcasing talent: Regional Organization of the Creative Kind leader Micah Justice and event coordinator Big Ced perform in front of audiences at the Mission Tobacco Lounge.

Riverside talent in the spotlight toni wisner Staff Writer There is a new crew on the block who wants you to rock. The Regional Organization of the Creative Kind is a promotional event and booking organization that encourage local artists and performers of all media and genres to express their talents. If you have a desire to showcase your talents, be it songs, art, poems, dance, or any other art form, and you don’t know where to start, you can start with this organization. Their service provides a solid foundation on getting your work seen and heard. The Regional Organization of the Creative Kind was established in March by Executive Director, Micah Justice, and is growing in popularity all over the Inland Empire. She has formed her production team by recruiting like-minded friends and co-workers who have a passion for the arts and a strong desire to support them. Justice, a Riverside native, has a Bachelor of Arts from UC Santa Barbara, and a Master of Arts degree from Cal State University San Bernardino. She is a special Ed teacher in Moreno Valley for 11th and 12th-grades, and resides in Riverside. Wi t h a b a c k g r o u n d i n performing arts, Justice is applying her knowledge and 15 years of personal experience to encourage young and old artists alike to reach

for their dreams. “My high school drama teacher Edward Avery and his family would to go to my performances and support me,” she said. “He made a huge impact on me as a student, and I try to do that for my students as well.” “I was taught that if you dream it, you can do it,” she said. “I have a lot of pipe dreams.” One of them is coming true for her, but not without a price. Much of the promotional and production costs for their events are paid out of pocket by the organization’s partners or by in-kind donations from local businesses. Unlike a talent agency, which makes a profit off of their talent’s earnings, the group acts as a nonprofit booking conduit that finds local businesses and venues who are willing to donate their facilities for the artist’s to showcase their talent. “Our main goal is to network and create exposure opportunities for the artist community,” Justice said. “I want local businesses that want to be supported, to also support the artist.” A few of the Riverside establishments who have jumped on board are the Mission Tobacco Lounge, Back to the Grind, Worthington’s Tavern, and the Division 9 Gallery. Performing in front of an enthusiastic audience of 60, on March 16 the indie label, Deucefive, showcased their hip

hop/rap artists, Skywalk, Two Velvet, Sonny-Bo, SK, and B Janelle at the Mission Tobacco Lounge. Darcy Ricker and the Roughnecks added to the evening’s rhythm-infused line-up with their infectious Rockabilly tunes. Big Ced, a partner and the event coordinator for the organization, is also an accomplished rap artist who performed that evening. “I want to have every artist be exposed, and be able to create and share their music,” he said. The stylish entertainer exemplified that sentiment by laying down some of his own rap rhythms which were jammed with encouraging lyrics and catchy hooks. Currently, the production team is gearing up for, “Noches de Evolucion Musical,” featuring Kanvaz, Ideal Divergentes, Puerto Aereo, and Lovestar, at the Mission Tobacco Lounge on March 30 from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. with a cover charge of $7. The organization has planned events that stretch into 2011, and they are working hard at forging the relationship between the artist and the local business. For artists ready to take it to the next level, the Regional Organization of the Creative Kind is here to help you get your act off the ground. For more information on supporting local art, and for upcoming events, visit their Web site at

10 | March 25, 2010


Serving students since 1922

March 25, 2010 | 11

‘Let’s do the time warp again’ stephanie Holland editor in chief Time Time travel travel movies movies have have been been aa Hollywood Hollywood favorite favorite since since the the moment moment Michael Michael J. J. Fox Fox buckled buckled up up inside inside the the DeLorean. DeLorean. In In the the new new comedy comedy “Hot “Hot Tub Tub Time Time Machine” Machine” the the time time travel travel premise premise is is taken taken to to new new raunchy raunchy and and hilarious hilarious heights. heights. In In the the film, film, four four friends friends played played by by John John Cusack, Cusack, Rob Rob Corddry, Corddry, Craig Craig Robinson Robinson and and Clark Clark Duke, Duke, fall fall victim victim to to aa hot hot tub tub malfunction malfunction that that sends sends them them back back to to 1986. 1986. They They are are sent sent back back to to aa party party weekend weekend at at aa ski ski resort resort and and once once there, there, they they must must relive relive the the events events that that happened happened to to them them 24 24 years years ago. ago. This This film film is is absolutely absolutely one one of of the the most most offensive offensive movies movies to to hit hit theaters theaters in in aa long long time. time. However, However, itit is is also also one one of of the the most most hilarious. hilarious. Most Most of of the the funniest funniest scenes scenes in in the the film film are are so so raunchy raunchy that that they they can’t can’t even even be be described, described, but, but, the the audience audience loved loved every every minute minute of of the the movie movie and and were were laughing laughing non-stop non-stop for for 90 90 minutes. minutes. Cusack Cusack gained gained early early fame fame in in classic classic ‘80s ‘80s teen teen hits hits “Say “Say Anything” Anything” and and “Better “Better Off Off Dead,” Dead,” so so this this was was like like aa reunion reunion with with an an old old friend friend for for him. him. As As Adam Adam he he must must relive relive the the moment moment that that he he dumps dumps his his girlfriend, girlfriend, however however he he feels feels like like this this could could be be the the moment moment where where everything everything went went wrong wrong so so he he resists resists the the break-up. break-up. It asApril, April,aafree freespirit spiritwho whochallenges challengesAdam Adamtotoenjoy enjoylife lifeaalittle littlemore. more. It is is this this change change of of events events that that leads leads him him to to Lizzy Lizzy Caplan Caplan’s At spoke about about how how much much fun fun they they had had working working together together and andwhat whatitgoes At the film’s press weekend in Lake Tahoe, cast members spoke was into like making making aa film film this this crazy. crazy. Caplan Caplan like like many many girls girls of of her her generation generation developed developed aa crush crush on on Cusack Cusack in in “Say “Say Anything” Anything” and and expressed expressed her her excitement excitement at at playing playing his his love love interest. interest. “About “About three three days days in in II realized realized ‘oh ‘oh my my god god I’m I’m kissing kissing Lloyd Lloyd Dobler,’” Dobler,”’ she said. The The rest rest of of the the cast cast also also expressed expressed their their delight delight at at working working with with Cusack. Cusack. Robinson Robinson and and Duke Duke said said that that Cusack Cusack made made their their improvisation improvisation easier easier because because he he plays plays every every take take aa little little differently. differently. Robinson Robinson has has one one of of the the most most outrageous outrageous scenes scenes in in the the movie movie when when he he performs performs the the ‘80s ‘80s classic classic “Jessie’s “Jessie’s Girl” Girl” and and The The Black Black Eyed Eyed Peas Peas hit hit “Let’s “Let’s Get Get It It Started.” Started.” In In the the film film the the four four main main characters characters are are depicted depicted as as life life long long friends friends and and apparently apparently that that bond bond was was easily easily achieved achieved for for the the actors. actors. “When “When you you spend spend 18 18 hours hours aa day day with with someone someone it’s it’s kind kind of of hard hard not not to to become become close,” close,” Duke Duke said. said. Robinson, Robinson, Corddry Corddry and and Duke Duke said said that that most most of of their their bonding bonding happened happened over over long long nights nights at at the the local local karaoke karaoke bar. bar. Those Those long long nights nights paid paid off off because because the the chemistry chemistry of of the the cast cast is is what what sells sells the the audience audience on on such such an an out out there there premise. premise. Many Many of of the the most most hilarious hilarious moments moments involve involve the the cast cast members members playing playing off off of of each each other. other. While While Cusack Cusack is is the the star, star, Corddry Corddry gets gets aa lot lot of of the the loudest loudest laughs. laughs. His His character character Lou Lou is is definitely definitely the the most most unlikable unlikable person person in in the the film, film, but but Corddry Corddry uses uses some some outrageous outrageous comedy comedy skills skills to to make make the the audience audience root root for for Lou. Lou. The The lone lone voice voice of of reason reason in in this this motley motley crew crew is is Duke’s Duke’s character character Jacob Jacob who who fights fights to to keep keep the the group group from from getting getting distracted. distracted. He He must must also also ensure ensure that that he he is is conceived conceived when when he he runs runs into into his his mother mother and and discovers discovers her her sordid sordid past. past. Perhaps Perhaps the the best best gag gag of of the the film film features features Crispin Crispin Glover Glover as as aa bell bell man man who who will will lose lose an an arm arm during during the the course course of of the the weekend. weekend. Glover Glover performs performs various various ridiculous ridiculous physical physical comedy comedy bits, bits, each each one one more more outrageous outrageous than than the the previous, previous, as as the the audience audience wonders wonders how how he he will will eventually eventually lose lose his his arm. arm. Glover Glover first first came came to to fame fame in in the the ‘80s ‘80s and and said said he he loved loved returning returning to to the the time time period. period. “It’s “It’s been been 25 25 years years since since ‘Back ‘Back to to the the Future’ Future’ and and this this film film takes takes place place at at that that same same time,” time,” he he said. said. Pop Pop culture culture usually usually has has aa 20 20 year year cycle, cycle, so so everything everything old old becomes becomes popular popular again again 20 20 years years later. later. “Hot “Hot Tub Tub Time Time Machine” Machine” takes takes advantage advantage of of this this premise premise with with aa hilarious hilarious story story that that salutes salutes everything everything worth worth loving loving and and hating hating about about ‘80s. ‘80s. This This is is aa film film that that would would make make Marty Marty McFly McFly proud. proud.

Image courtesy of: MGM Pictures


Serving students since 1922

12 | March 25, 2010


‘Final Fantasy’ lives up to legacy

Kyle durham editor’s assistant

One word sums up “Final Fantasy XIII:” Beautiful. Talk to any hard core gamer and it is almost a sure fire bet they have a strong opinion about the “Final Fantasy” series. Love it or hate it, “Final Fantasy” changed the gaming world and more specifically the role playing game scene, permanently and with great force. The “Final Fantasy” universe was invented by Hironobu Sakaguchi, and is developed and owned by Square Enix, formerly Squaresoft. It all started in 1987 and was originally created as a last ditch effort to save the company from failure. What happened next was nothing short of revolutionary as “Final Fantasy” became a phenomenon and spread world wide along with its sequels. The “Final Fantasy” games went from a cheesy Nintendo Entertainment System classic game to a fast paced, modern and stunning Playstation 3 game. “Final Fantasy XII” is a console role-playing game that continues the tradition of the old while still maintaining a solid reputation of being one of the leading nextgeneration games on the market. The thirteenth installment in the “Final Fantasy” series takes the gamer through a very playable and fast paced story mode along with cutscenes that will leave even the harshest critic speechless. The plot of “Final Fantasy XIII” is as complicated as it is gripping. The story revolves around the legendary story of a god-like creature named Cocoon fal’Cie Orphan and the floating city Orphan resides over. The city, Cocoon, is a fabricated paradise world that floats high above the ground floor. Cocoon started out succeeding as a perfect society but later fell under a totalitarian military rule. You start out as a prisoner below a ship on its way to banish your character and other

games press

intense gaze: From left, Cocoon city prisoners Lightning, Snow Villiers and Oerbo Dio Vanille stare off intensely. prisoners to the ground floor planet. Your character befriends others imprisoned in the ship and eventually a revolution begins to intervene with the corruption above. The game play is similar to the games proceeding, in that it has the same command based battle scene. This means that even though your adversaries are integrated into the world around you, you’ll be sent to a different dimension all together to fight. The fighting is a more complicated and fast paced version than the classic one-at-a-time attack mode. The lack of side quests and mini games, which many people loved about the old games, has disappointed some fans. Also, the weapon upgrades seemed like an attempt to be as complex as the character development but actually felt over simplified. This game fulfills many of the Japanese role playing game

stereotypes such as archetypical characters, dreamy eye staring, constant name repetition, and the over use of cutscenes, however; these things were expected. While there is some debate on this game and it has both pros and cons, it is inarguably a solid game as the pros more than outweigh the cons. The characters were unexpectedly deeper in both action and back story and the game plot was solid and entertaining. For example, Hope, one of the protagonists in the game, has real character development opposed to the usual and predictable characters used in role playing games. Sports games are meant for competition, fighting games for bragging rights, action games for the thrill, and role playing games for the compelling story. To say that “Final Fantasy XIII” emotionally involves the player would be an understatement. This game is absolutely beautiful in both story and appearances.

Image courtesy of: Games Press


Natal may be gaming’s future Serving students since 1922


juan aguilar asst. inscape editor

Imagine fighting a villain in a game by using your own bare hands. Code name, Project Natal, from Microsoft is a revolutionary gaming experience that will set new standards for all gaming platforms alike. If you have seen the movie “Gamer,” you know the player controlled the movements of his avatar, Kable, with his own body movements. Project Natal will allow users to do just this, minus using real humans. It will be a new way to play games by creating an interaction unlike anything you have ever seen. Fortunately for Xbox 360 owners, Project Natal is 100 percent compatible with the platform, making it an add-on feature rather than an entirely new gaming system. What’s new about this project is the concept it will introduce: a virtual interaction between player and game in real time and full body movement. In other words, if the bad guy is about to punch you in the face, you block and then punch him back in the same way you would act towards a real person. Still, there is much more to Project Natal than you can even begin to imagine. The device itself is a horizontal bar that measures at 23 centimeters wide. This bar could be placed near the Xbox 360 and a high definition television in any room of any size. The device then scans everything within its vicinity, using a depth sensor which overlooks the room, including you, in 3D as opposed to the usual 2D video game image. An amazing and never before seen interaction begins once the first scan is complete. The scan is how the device gets to know you, and after the scan it’s capable of body, facial, and voice recognition. The system also has a multiarray microphone which helps for voice recognition and extracts unwanted ambient noises, enabling Project Natal to be used without a headset. This system is first on the list for discussion as it will no doubt bring about a revolution that will change gaming for many years to come. Kick your foot forward, dodge an approaching ball, or grip an invisible wheel as you race downhill with a fast car, it’s all possible with the technology put into Project Natal. Any motion you make with your body will be immediately reflected onto your television screen; it’s every one of your movements applied to any action in a game. Villains will even have artificial intelligence, making it possible to create a monologue with no script, just live improvisation and wits for character. Another game featuring

artificial intelligence is Lionhead Studio’s virtual kid, Milo. Milo is a kid who will answer any of your questions, converse with you, respond to your tone and even gives emotions like that of a real person. In comparison, the games have similarities but along with gaming, Project Natal will revolutionize online game play and interaction. As you step into the realm of the sensor, it immediately logs into Xbox LIVE. This will allow users to connect with friends online and chat in real time. It truly is the perfect apparatus for family use as well. Games will be featured that require family members of any age to participate, such as answering trivia questions and changing the wheels of a race car while stationed at a pit stop. It is just that cool. Do not expect to lie back on your bed and play the games because this requires full on physical activity to the best of

your ability in order to perform any action. This could be a new and attractive way to help society become more active by introducing the next generation of interactive game play. This is only the beginning as Project Natal is another step closer to the future we imagined, but this is definitely a big step. The device will be sold separately from the Xbox 360, and in a bundle pack. Although there is no official price yet for Project Natal, the device itself is expected to cost about $80. Microsoft will release Project Natal for consumers somewhere around the holiday season of 2010. Project Natal has made this futuristic gaming experience a reality and it will soon be available to any individual who is willing to gain insight on the technology of the future.

March 25, 2010 | 13

games press

A new generation: The horizontal bar that is Project Natal will start a new gaming generation with an active interaction.

14 | March 25, 2010


Serving students since 1922

Serves tamales and community

making blankets for the homeless and passing them out at the park a few years ago. Her life started the day she “At first I was just giving her crossed the border, with two kids the money to make the blankets but and a suitcase. then she asked me to help her pass “How many families do you them out so I did,” she said. know that raise a child, send them “But I also made hot chocolate to college, they decide to open a and soup or bread to give them business, and fail,” Tamale factory too,” she said. owner Josie Hornback said. “I One of Hornback’s mottos in did it on my own and with no life is “give and forget”, she says schooling and still succeeded.” she does things for people, not Hornback has co-owned the for herself and she nevers expects Tamale Factory with her daughter anything in return. Naomi for about 7 years. “If they had it in the first place They first started in a small they wouldn’t need to ask me to building that is now known as borrow it, so why would I expect University of California, Riverside them to pay me back,” she said. future art museum. Hornback They believes in eventually living for the moved into moment, not a bigger needing to building hold back. in a more “If you friendly have it, give area in it,” she said. downtown “Yo u can ’t Riverside just get, get, off of Main get all your Street. life. You get “The and then you community give back, it’s here was a cycle. just so Hornback f r i e n d l y, is 70 years and they old. welcomed S h e us with started her open arms. business We’re like around the a big family age of fifty and we’re seven as all here for Nyeisha Smith / staff Photographer something to each other,” do after her she said, “That’s why when I heard grandchildren started going to about what happened to Simple school. Simon’s, there was no question I “I have nothing left to lose. had to do something to help.” My kids are grown and taking care After a devastating fire at the of their children. I have a great nearby bistro Simple Simon’s, that husband and everything I need in left 25 people unemployed along life,” she said. with thousands of dollars worth With the success of her of damages, Hornback decided to restaurant, Hornback has had raise money by throwing a benefit many offers from businesses held in her restaurant. wanting to help her expand. “My main concern was the “If I wanted to franchise and employees. I knew that if Susie make more money I could, but I (Simple Simon owner) lost her have no need to,” she said. employees, she would have to However, Hornback said that re-train all new employees, and I the only reason she would expand know first hand that is very hard was “if my daughter decided she to do,” she said. wanted to take over, but she’s “I have the best employees, starting her own career.” and that’s why I try and keep them Hornback considers herself to forever, they are trustworthy and be like any other person but how hardworking,” Hornback said. she became the person she is now Hornback not only reaches out was not easy. to her neighbors but to strangers “I’m a survivor and I’m proud who are also in need within the of being a survivor. I’m blessed, community wise and even successful,” she “I’m the type of person where said. “I’m a survivor because of if you ask, I’ll do it, not because where I came from not where I’m I know you’ll pay me back, but headed. My father left at an early because I can,” she said, “When age and my mother struggled to your blessed to get a lot of stuff take care of me and my younger in life, its almost your job to bless siblings.” others.” Hornback says she came here A friend of Hornback started to make a better life for herself shardai perry asst. features editor

erin rohac/ asst. features editor

neighbors reaching out: Tamale Factory owner Josie Hornback and Simple Simon’s owner Susie Thiel pose at the Simple Simon’s benefit, hosted by the Tamale Factory. Both owners’ businesses are located in Downtown Riverside. and to give her children a better future. “It’s not that I’m better than any other person, I just do things better then the average person,” she said, “I’m not the smartest,

but I’m not illiterate either.” Hornback and her husband of thirteen years have traveled all over the world from Rome to Columbia, enjoying life and all of its blessings.

Hornback takes life as it comes to her with no regrets. “It is what it is, and I am who I am,” she said, “This was my destiny.”


Serving students since 1922


March 25, 2010 | 15

Students have love-hate for RTA shardai perry asst. features editor The Riverside Transit Agency has been transporting students for many years, and according to most students has been a great asset but times are changing and so are student views about the buses. Kimberly Furlong, a student and frequent passenger of RTA, shared an unpleasant experience she had while riding the bus. “The bus driver was pulling out and not paying attention, he didn’t see the car pulling forward and he had to slam on his breaks to avoid hitting the car. I happened to be standing up and I flew forward falling on the ground,” she said. “My pants got all dirty and I hurt my leg. The driver didn’t even look back to see if everyone was OK, I was even yelling at him and making comments” said Furlong. Furlong has been riding the Riverside buses for about eight years, and on the contrary she said the experience is not always that bad. “Most of the drivers are fairly nice and caring, there are just those few that are always having a bad day,” Furlong said. The RTA has been operating bus services since March of 1977. “With 34 years behind them, they’re bound to make a few mistakes,” Furlong said. RTA is only one of the many

Transportation Service Agency in Riverside. The company Provides driver training, assistance with grant applications and development of short-range transit plans for their drivers. “Passengers don’t realize mistakes happen. That’s why we have so many safety objects on the bus. For example hand rails, seat bars, hand loops are there to help ensure your safety,” driver Mona Zaia who has been driving RTA buses for a little over a year said. According to most passengers, one of the biggest pet peeves of the RTA is their arrival and dispersal times. “I hate that the buses are too early or too late. It throws off my schedule. I have to catch another bus right after the first one that only comes every hour, so if it’s late or too early it can jeopardize my chances of missing the other bus,” mathematics major Raymond Long said. Mona argues that the passengers don’t take the time to see the driver’s side of the story, nor take into consideration that the drivers are doing the best they can. “Our schedules really depend on the time of day. There can be traffic, plus wheel chairs really set us back, having to load and unload them more often than people realize,” Zaia said. Another thing that sets drivers

back according to driver Jason Long, a RTA driver for almost three years, is when the buses are over-crowded “It sets us back time-wise as far as loading and unloading passengers, but on the bright side I like it when it’s crowded. It reminds me of when I used to drive the Los Angeles buses,” Long said. Student Tomasita Rodriguez has only been riding the bus for a few years, but she says she’s never really had a problem with the RTA buses. “I don’t really mind when the buses are crowded, as long as I’m getting where I need to go, I’m okay, ” Rodriguez said. An all day pass to ride the Riverside bus costs $4 and for a one time entrance it costs $1.50. “I probably wouldn’t ride the bus if I didn’t get on free with my student identification”, Rodriguez said. “I would just ride my bike to school.” One positive aspect about the Riverside buses that most students can agree on is the fact that RCC students can ride free with their student IDs . Many use RTA as an alternative means for transportation because it is cheaper than having to pay for gas for their own cars, not to mention not paying for parking. “I actually do drive, but with the parking issues and gas,

jasmeet singh / Editor’s Assistant

RTA Bus stop: RCC students depart from campus using

the Riverside transportation system. the buses help save me a lot of when the buses are late its just like time and money,” student Sonia being stuck in traffic. Ndukwe said. She defends them saying, Ndukwe also mentions that “They can’t help it.”

16 | March 25, 2010


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March 25, 2010 | 17

Serving students since 1922

RCC reaches midseason stride javier cabrera Sports editor The Riverside City College fastpitch team hit the field on March 19 to improve its conference record against a straggling Orange Coast softball team. The Orange Coast fastpitch team stumbled into Evans Sports Complex with a conference record of 1-10 and was not looking forward to Riverside handing them its eleventh straight conference loss. Prior to the game on March 19, RCC was coming off back-to-back wins against Fullerton College and Golden West College, and winning 11 of its last 13 games after a abysmal start. Riverside’s own Reylene Cornado started the game by giving up three runs on four hits and lasted only 0.1 innings before coach Michelle Daddona turned the ball over to Tracy Hampton with one out in the first inning. “We are at a point where we can’t give away any games, so we had to just make a change and give the umpire a different look at someone and see what was going to happen,” Daddona said. The game took a pause in the bottom of the first inning after a miscommunication substitution on behalf of Orange Coast that resulted in an hour standoff between the two coaches and umpires. Daddona explained after the game that Orange Coast had a pinch runner who was placed in the infield but was not confirmed with the umpires of the change. Therefore, since the illegal substitute was involved in the final out of the first inning, RCC was able to reverse the out to replay the play. Through the dispute and replaying the play, Riverside managed to take full advantage and tie up the game at three before recording the official final out of the first inning. Hampton took full control on the mound after the first inning and held Orange Coast to no runs on seven hits as her teammates batted in six more runs to win the game 9-3. “I thought she threw well,” Daddona said about Hampton’s pitching performance, who had been bothered by a bad hip prior to the game. “I thought she did a good job with making adjustments with her game,” she said. After the Orange Coast victory, the team traveled up to Bakersfield City College for a weekend tournament to play Pasadena City College, Santa Barbara City College, Mission College and Bakersfield College. “The non-conference games are really important because it all has to do with your strength of

brandon rivera / editor’s assistant

SLIDE SHOW: Riverside City College’s Jackie Serna (left) slides into third base and beats Orange Coast’s Kursten Evanski (right) to the punch and is called safe in a 9-3 victory on March 19. schedule and your overall record, because it all factors into the playoffs,” Daddona said. “We have to go out this year as every game is our last game because we don’t know what’s going to happen.” In day one of the tournament, Riverside defeated Bakersfield College 8-0, and Mission College 10-1. In day two of the tournament, Riverside defeated Santa Barbara City College 8-2 and Pasadena City College 11-2. “In the tournaments we have more games so you try to get everyone in and try to keep people happy,” Daddona said about playing in season tournaments. Thus far, the fastpitch team has had a pleasing season, going 17-9 overall and 7-3 in conference with 13 games left in its season. The team started off on the wrong leg, going 2-7 in its first nine games but won seven straight to make up the early losses. Daddona said the rough start was the result of what had happen to the team during the offseason. Former RCC fastpitch pitcher Afton Williamson passed away last November along with two new teammates from Dickinson State University after their car drove into a pond, drowning all three. “We knew going in (the season) it was going to be hard for us; going through everything we went through in the offseason with the loss of (Williamson), so we knew

it wasn’t going to be a easy year,” Daddona said. With the loss of Williamson, the team did not have a full preseason. “We started off a little slow but I also think we didn’t have a true offseason like we normally do,” Daddona said. “It really hit us hard, she was a sister to them and she was a daughter for me, and it was really hard to come out here. When the season started officially, it was still hard to come

out here.” Daddona concluded that no matter what happens, every season has its ups and downs. This year’s team has half of the team returning from last year’s team, which made it to the state finals, and the other half being freshmen. “They have done a good job of being leaders and the freshmen have done a good job of being leaders,” Daddona said. “It takes everyone to be successful.”

Last year the team made the championship finals as one of four teams from the south, this year, only two teams from the southern region advance. “The girls who were here last year got the taste of the championships and want to get back to that,” Daddona said. “I think that message is clear to the new comers that ... that’s our goal, our mission and we are going to do whatever it takes to accomplish that.”

brandon rivera / editor’s assistant

SWING FOR THE FENCES: RCC Tigers’ Shelly Vanderwall swings hard to get a base hit and advance teammates on bases on March 19.

18 | March 25, 2010


Serving students since 1922


Swimming through the competition

Jasmeet SINGH / Editor’s assistant

Top: Kurt Williams performs the breaststroke during practice on March 15. The men’s team recently won several conference meets. middle: Scott Yocum catches some air before hitting the water during practice. bottom: Mason Arnold remains poised as he comes off the starting block.

Upcoming Schedule: Mar. 26 Vs Cypress Apr. 2 Vs Saddleback Apr. 16 Dive Championship Apr. 22 Conference Championship Apr.23 Conference Championship Chaffey Invitational Highlights: - RCC won the invitational with an overall score of 909 points. - The men’s team won the 200 meter freestyle relay with a time of 1:28:61. - Patrick Griffitts and Kevin Garcia finished second and third in the 500 meter freestyle. - Brett Willard won the one meter and the three meter diving events.

March 25, 2010 | 19

Shook up by the lower seeds


josh messmer Staff Writer


Baseball Season Record Overall: 9-10 Conference: 6-4 Next Game: 3/30 vs. West Los Angeles

Season Record Overall: 17-9 Conference: 7-3 Next Game: 3/30 vs. Cypress

Baseball Feb. 11 RCC 2 Cuesta 9 Feb. 12 RCC 20 Cuesta 4 Feb. 16 RCC 2 Cuesta 8 Feb. 17 RCC 1 Western Nevada 10 Feb. 19 RCC 5 Western Nevada 4 Feb. 20 RCC 4 Western Nevada 9 Feb. 23 RCC 1 Mt. San Antonio 5 Feb. 25 RCC 6 Sacramento City 6 Mar. 2

RCC 6 Orange Coast 5

Mar. 4

RCC 11 Saddleback 3.

Mar. 6

RCC 5 Golden West 4

Mar. 9

RCC 5 Cypress 12

Men’s Tennis Season Record Overall: 11-7 Conference: 4-3 Next Game: 3/30 vs. Irvine Valley

Mar. 16 RCC 10 Fullerton 9 Mar. 18 RCC 6 Orange Coast 15 Mar. 20 RCC 11 Orange Coast 8 Mar. 23 RCC 3 Saddleback 4 Mar. 25 At Saddleback 2 p.m. Mar. 30 Vs. West Los Angeles 2 p.m. Mar. 31 Vs. El Camino 2 p.m. Apr. 1

Vs. East Los Angeles 2 p.m.

Apr. 8

At Golden West 2 p.m.

Apr. 10 Vs. Golden West 12 p.m. Apr. 13 Vs. Cypress 2 p.m. Apr. 15 At Cypress 2 p.m. Apr. 20 At Irvine Valley 2 p.m. Apr. 22 Vs. Irvine Valley 2 p.m. Apr. 24 Vs. Santa Ana 12 p.m. Apr. 27 At Santa Ana 2 p.m. Apr. 29 At Fullerton 2 p.m.

RCC 5 Redwoods 0

Mar. 6

RCC 9 Victor Valley 1

Mar. 6

RCC 3 Fresno 9

Mar. 10

RCC 0 Cypress 7

Mar. 12

RCC 5 Fullerton 4

Mar. 17

RCC 11 Golden West 3

Mar. 19

RCC 9 Orange Coast 3.

Mar. 20

RCC 8 Bakersfield 0

Mar. 24

At Santa Ana 3 p.m.

Mar. 25

At Long Beach City 3 p.m.

Mar. 26

Vs. Santiago Canyon 6 p.m.

Mar. 30

Vs. Cypress 6 p.m.

Men’s Tennis Feb. 2

RCC 9 El Camino 0

Feb. 4

RCC 9 Victor Valley 0

Feb. 11

RCC 6 Grossmont 3

Feb. 16 RCC 0 East Los Angeles 3 Feb. 17 RCC 1 Fullerton 3 Feb. 19 RCC 11 Golden West 3 Feb. 22 RCC 5 Antelope Valley 6 Feb. 24 RCC 11 Orange Coast 0 Feb. 26 RCC 9 Santa Ana 1 Mar. 1 RCC 6 Saddleback 2 Mar. 3 RCC 1 Santiago Canyon 0 Mar. 6 RCC 6 DeAnza 3 Mar. 6 RCC 15 Reedley 0

Track and Field

Next Game: 3/26 vs. Cypress

Next Game: 3/26 RCC Open

Mar. 23 At Grossmont 2 p.m. Mar. 25 At Fullerton 2 p.m. Mar. 30 At Irvine Valley 2 p.m. Apr. 1

Vs. Saddleback 2 p.m.

Apr. 6

At Mt. San Jacinto 2 p.m.

Men’s Swimming Jan. 29

OEC/Flip Darr Relays 10 a.m.

Feb. 5

Waterman Festival 9 a.m.

Feb. 26

Golden West Invitational

Mar. 5

RCC 161 Golden West 51

Mar. 12

RCC 909 Chaffey 23.5

Mar. 19

At Orange Coast 2 p.m.

Mar. 26

Vs. Cypress 2 p.m.

Apr. 2

At Saddleback 2 p.m.

Apr. 16

Conference Dive Championship 2 p.m.

Apr. 22

OEC Championship TBA

Feb. 18

RCC 2 Orange Coast 6

Feb. 23

RCC 1 Desert 8

Feb. 25

RCC 7 Fullerton 2

Mar. 2

RCC 8 Irvine Valley 1

Mar. 4

RCC 4 Cypress 5

Mar. 9

RCC 8 Saddleback 1

Feb. 18 Cerritos Invitational 8 a.m.

Mar. 11

RCC 4 Cypress 5

Feb. 24 Vs. CSULB 2 p.m.

Mar. 16

RCC 8 Amherst College 1

Feb. 26 Vs. Saddleback 2 p.m.

Mar. 18

RCC 6 Orange Coast 3

Mar. 5

Mar. 19

RCC 7 Palomar 2

Mar. 12 Vs. Golden West 2 p.m.

Mar. 23

RCC 9 San Diego City 0

Mar. 12 At Occidental 6 p.m.

Mar. 25

Vs. Fullerton 2 p.m.

Mar. 18 Orange Empire Championship

Mar. 30

Vs. Irvine Valley 2 p.m.

Apr. 1

At Saddleback 2 p.m.

Track and Field Feb. 12 Vs. Santa Ana and Santiago Canyon 2 p.m.

Ben Brown Invitational 8 a.m.

Costa Mesa, CA 8 a.m. Mar. 26 RCC Open 2 p.m. Apr. 2

Apr. 30 Vs. Fullerton 2 p.m.



Season Record Overall: 5-6 Conference: 0-5 Next Game: 3/30 at Irvine Valley

Mar. 6

Mar. 11 RCC 12 Irvine Valley 6 Mar. 12 RCC 5 Santa Ana 13

Women’s Tennis

Vs. Orange Coast and Fullerton 2 p.m.

Women’s Tennis Jan. 28

RCC 6 Imperial Valley 3

Feb. 2

RCC 6 El Camino 0

Feb. 4

RCC 9 Victor Valley 0

Feb. 11

RCC 9 Antelope Valley 0

Feb. 18

RCC 2 Orange Coast 7

Feb. 25

RCC 3 Fullerton 6

Mar. 2

RCC 3 Irvine Valley 6

Mar. 9

RCC 0 Saddleback 9

Mar. 13

RCC 5 Wesleyan University 4

Mar. 18

RCC 0 Orange Coast 9

Mar. 19

RCC 3 Palomar 6

Apr. 10 Mt. San Antonio Relays 8 a.m. Apr. 12 Southern California Multi-Event Championship, Norwalk, CA 8 a.m. Apr. 23 Orange Empire Conference Prelims Costa Mesa. CA 2 p.m. Apr. 30 Orange Empire Conferene Finals Costa Mesa, CA 2 p.m. May 8

Southern California Prelims Mission Viejo, CA 2 p.m.

May 15 Southern California Finals 2 p.m. Mission Viejo, CA 2 p.m. May 21 State Championships Lancaster, CA 10 a.m.

The NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship Tournament is well under way and with the first two rounds over, the name, March Madness, is a huge understatement. Experts and sports fans all around the country are left scratching their heads after some of the greatest and baffling outcomes at the end of the last week’s games. All projections said this year is going to be one of the most wide open tournaments in recent years with there being so much talent in the lower ranks. No one could have predicted the first two rounds; many of the elite teams were sent home by lower seeds. The first round of the tournament began March 18. It jumped off to an exciting pace, setting the tone for the many upsets to come, and started with Old Dominion University beating University of Notre Dame 51-50. Another game that left spectators on the edge of their seat was the Murray State University and Vanderbilt University game, because it was close throughout. With 4.2 seconds left in the game, Murray State ran a play that the team has never attempted before, and it paid off with a textbook buzzer beater. Other notable games include Wake Forest University overcoming a six-point deficit in overtime to beat the University of Texas, and Villanova University holding off an upset minded Robert Morris University; beating them in overtime as well. On March 19, we saw the conclusion of the first round come to an end, and also a little more order restored to the tournament. Closing out the first round, the top seeded teams showcased their dominance against its opponents, as Duke University and Syracuse University, both ranked No. 1 in their regions, crushed its opponents. Other favorites to make it further in the tournament include Michigan State University, Gonzaga University, and Purdue University. These teams all won but should be very concerned about their play moving forward The second round of the tournament started on March 20 and was a chance to see who has the talent to make a real run at the national championship and who was just lucky. The one team that no one even gave chance at being good or lucky is Northern Iowa University, as they were slated to go against basketball powerhouse, Kansas University, in the second round. No one informed Northern Iowa that they were supposed to lose, they provided the tournament with one of the biggest upsets in the past few years, as Northern Iowa knocked Kansas out of this year’s tournament and secured their spot in the Sweet Sixteen. The other teams that saw their tickets punched to the Sweet Sixteen include the University of Tennessee, Butler University, Kansas State University, the University of Kentucky, University of Washington, Baylor University, and Saint Mary’s University. On March 21, the Big Ten Conference had four teams playing, and three out of the four made it to the next round. The only Big Ten school not to move on was the University of Wisconsin. Wisconsin lost to this year’s Cinderella story, Cornell University, which out of the final 16 teams is a the lowest seed remaining and the first Ivy League school to make it to the Sweet Sixteen since 1979. The remaining teams that are joining Cornell in the Sweet Sixteen, are Michigan State, Ohio State University, Syracuse, Xavier University, West Virginia University, Duke University, and Purdue. The Sweet Sixteen will be played March 25 and March 26 on CBS. The first two rounds provided fans with some of the best college basketball in recent memory, with the most important games still left to play. Bring on the rest of the madness!


Serving students since 1922

20 | March 25, 2010


Do not RSVP to this wedding

Sade Hurst Opinions Editor

If you want to sit back, relax and watch a movie with a couple of laughs and few sweet aww moments, then you will enjoy this semi-glossy film. Do not expect much from “Our Family Wedding,” because while the film does not put you to sleep, it does not keep you alert. It’s definitely not a first pick movie; it’s a second pick movie if the first pick is sold out. The movie is about a young couple getting married who must deal with their hard headed fathers played by the usually funny Carlos Mencia and always charming Forest Whitaker. It was unexpected to see Whitaker, play a character who does not believe in love and is a womanizer. Whitaker’s performance no doubt kept up with Mencia’s comedy and the chemistry between the two appeared to work well. In fact, both men did a good job as a comedic duo. Almost every actor did a great job of not outshining each other and keeping comedy as the main focus, with exception to America Ferrera. Ferrera, who plays the bride, attempted to be funny but the humor was totally missed by the audience. Making up for Ferrera’s absence of comedy was co-star Anjelah Johnson. Johnson, a former cheerleader for the Oakland Raiders, turned her talents to stand up comedy and acting in 2007. Johnson’s witty comedy in the movie saved Ferrera’s absences of comedy. Her role of the tomboy sister who refuses to fall in love did the movie some justice. The film displayed the stages of love which can be described as puppy love, eternal love and rekindled love. Thankfully, the film wasn’t just about a love story and showed the dynamics of two very culturally different families. Another odd casting pick, if you have not already read previews for this movie, was Regina King who was surprisingly not cast as the groom’s mother,instead King was cast as the friend of the father of the groom who later turns into a love interest for Whitaker. From what’s seen in the previews of this movie, one would assume the main plot makes for an important topic to talk about in society. Whoever made the trailers, made this film seem like a “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” sequel, which is untrue; this film was not about the problems of an interracial couple getting married. Instead, the film was more about older traditions versus unorthodox traditions and in this plot, the film was a disappointment. When there finally was mention of differentiated cultures and race, it was displayed as a joke. Because this film was a comedy, jokes were indeed

expected, however; the previews still suggested something more. One thing the film fails to do is have serious moments. One might like to see traditions compared for the topic of race. Perhaps the writers thought it wasn’t a serious enough topic since we are in the age of Obama. If so, the writers should really take a look outside the movie set and if that’s what they did attempt to do, they should try again. ”My Big Fat Greek Wedding” and “Jungle Fever” are just a couple of films which acurately demonstrated the concept of two culturally different families coming together in the face of stereotypes and prejudice. Who knows, maybe this was just a stepping stone for someone else to do this type of movie justice again by using the same concept and doing a much better job at it. Until then do not waste a single dime on this movie as it could wait to be seen on DVD.

fox searchlight

Cold Feet: America Ferrara and Lance Gross star in “Our Family Wedding” playing a couple

that prepare for their wedding day while surviving the drama their families create. However, the usually impressive Ferrara failed to impress when it came to her comedic chops.

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