Viewpoints Spring 2017 issue No. 14 May 25, 2017

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viewpoints An Associated Collegiate Press two-time national Pacemaker award-winning newspaper, serving as the voice of the students since 1922.


















MAY 25, 2017

RCC adopts College Promise Initiative

College establishes program to assist in student success through academic and financial assistance


Riverside Marching Tigers perform at the 2012 Tournament of Roses Parade. SAMANTHA BARTHOLOMEW

Marching Tigers head to the Big Apple


The College Promise Initiative will give students an opportunity to earn their degree with less debt starting Fall 2017. After a study done by Complete College America, an Indianapolisbased nonprofit, showed that the average student takes up to five years to earn a degree. “The reality is that our system of higher education costs too much, takes too long and graduates too few,” the report said. The College Promise Initiative plans to assist students in their educational journeys. “Our main goal is figure out what the best path for you is,” spokesperson and RCC student Ashley Martinez said. Those accepted into the program will gain free tuition, priority registration for up to 15 units and grants awarded up to $250 to cover book expenses. Priority will be given to contracts


signed by May 24. The program will also provide a tablet to participating students due to the program’s plan to create digital books for

student use. However, in order to be considered eligible for the program, students must have

See PROMISE on Page 2

Job and Career fair arrives at RCC KIMBERLY MARTINEZ @RCCviewpoints

Students and community members dressed in formal attire to attend Riverside City College’s Job and Career Fair May 19. Companies ranging from FedEx to Grid Alternative set up tables on campus with logoclad banners and handed out business cards. H o s t e d b y R C C ’s Counseling Department and Transfer Center, companies set up in the quad and provided students with the opportunity to meet potential employers. “It’s amazing, it’s great!” nursing major Sandra Fanous said. “I’ve applied to Amazon and Target ... any job would be good.” Marlene Becerra, a social and behavioral studies

major, talked about goals and future plans in applying for a position at the Riverside Police Department. “This job and career event is very helpful because I applied for the probation department,” Becerra said. “I want to work with juveniles. From the probation department, I would like to work my way up. After that, get my bachelors and see where I can head from there.” Victoria Chen, a human resources specialist with Starcrest Products, presented her company’s catalogs next to a stack of applications. “ We ’ v e b e e n a r o u n d since 1971, so students can definitely expect to see a steady workflow,” Chen said. Jeremy Sanchez, a talent acquisition coordinator with FedEx, was there to promote their warehouse positions. “The biggest thing I try to get across to students is that we have various shifts that

Riverside City College Marching Tigers were selected May 18 to perform in the 2018 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, representing the state of California. “I am extremely honored that we were chosen for the 2018 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade,” James Rocillo said, band director. The Riverside City College Marching Tigers will join the parade to the call of “Let’s Have a Parade,” the iconic phrase that has signaled the start of every Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade since 1924. “This will be the third appearance for the Marching Tigers and I am thrilled to have our students perform in what is in my opinion one of the greatest pageantry events of all time,” Rocillo said. According to the Marching Tiger’s website, they had the opportunity to showcase their skilled musicians in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade first, in 1990 and then for it’s second time in 2006. Band members and staff begin their 18 month planning in order to prepare the group for the renowned parade in New York City next Fall. “I’m looking forward to making memories with my friends in a place that I have never been,” RCC trombone player Tremain Muhammad said.


RCC students participate in the annual Job and Career Fair on May 19 in the Paul A.G. Quadrangle. work with their schedules,” Sanchez said. “ Try not to think of it as ‘I’m getting hired as a warehouse worker.’ Think of it as ‘I’m getting hired at FedEx.’” Representatives from universities were also seeking a chance to meet prospective students. Schools such as

Azusa Pacific University, Vanguard University and University of Hawaii were just a few of the colleges that came to RCC. The job fair was an open opportunity for students to network and connect with representatives of potential jobs and future educational endeavors.

ySPORTS Everett Najera earns Orange Empire Conference Player of the Year honors.


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