Viewpoints fall 2021 vol. 100 issue no. 3, Oct. 7, 2021

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The student newspaper went through various name changes

VOL. 100, NO. 3

throughout the mid-40s. It


was renamed to the Tiger Rag


and then quickly changed to the Tiger Times.


Drought threatens local agriculture JOYCE NUGENT STAFF REPORTER


ater shortages threatening California’s agricultural productivity could have a direct impact on the food supply and security in Riverside County and nationally. Joe Del Bosque is leaving a third of his 2,000acre farm unplanted this year due to extreme drought. “We’re taking a big risk in planting crops and hoping the water gets here in time,” Del Bosque said. California has 25.5 million acres of farm and ranch land, and the average farm size is 329 acres. California’s 77,500 farms produce more

than 400 commodities, and two-thirds of the nation’s fruits and nuts. About one-quarter of what California produces is exported around the world. Largely due to the soil, temperate climate and irrigation, California leads the nation in farm income. About 73% of the state’s agriculture revenues are derived from crops, while the other 27% of revenues are generated by livestock. California agriculture generates roughly $49.9 billion annually. Because California is experiencing an extreme drought, hundreds of domestic wells are running dry and levels in major reservoirs have dropped below historic averages.

RCC Tigers lose first game since 2018 JAIR RAMIREZ ASST. SPORTS EDITOR

The 2021 Tigers looked nothing like the 2019 version of themselves during their second home game as they got beat handily on both sides of the ball. The Riverside City College f ootball team lost for the first time on its home turf since Nov. 24, 2018, in the California Community College Athletic Association Southern California Football Association Championship game against Ventura College. “We’re not the 2019, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10 team, we’re the 21 team,” RCC football coach Tom Craft said after tonight’s loss. “We have to understand that this is how we’re going to do things and we have to own it as players.” G o l d e n We s t C o l l e g e beat RCC 37-20, snapping the Tigers’ 16-game winning streak and The Rustler’s fivegame losing streak versus RCC. The Tigers’ lack of intensity on both sides of the ball was a big factor in their defeat.

See LOSS on page 15

See WATER on page 3




Lowrider car


show cruises

recall election

onto RCC


wastes resources


2 4 8 11 13 15


October 7, 2021


NEWS BRIEFS 2022 -202 3


Th e FAFSA application window opened Oct. 1 and will close June 30, 2023. For more information visit Eight-week Late Start Classes Begin Oct. 18. The final day to add classes is Oct. 27. The final day to drop with a “W’’ is Nov. 2 and the final day to drop without a “W’’ is Nov. 4. The final day to drop with a refund is Oct. 24. Applications Open University of California (UC) for Fall ‘22 Application will open from Nov. 1-30. CSUs began accepting applications for Fall ‘22 Oct. 1. CalFresh Application Workshop For those who face food insecurity due to income barriers, grocery gift cards and grab-and-go lunches will be provided for the first 100 students who submit an online application during each event. When: Tuesday, Oct. 12 from 3-6 p.m. Where: Charles A. Kane Building in the Welcome Center. For more information vis it tinyu r l. c o m / CalFreshEvent. ASRCC Student Senate Election The Student Senate election has been postponed to Oct. 19-20. The Senate Application deadline has been extended to Oct. 15 at 5 p.m. For applications or more information email asrcc., visit or the Bradshaw Building Room 207. All of these dates are subject to change due to possible regulations to come involving the containment of the coronavirus. To stay up to date on upcoming campus events, visit the Viewpoints calendar listed at I f you h ave even ts happening on campus that you want featured on the calendar, send information about the event to viewpoints.



A photo taken from Riverside City College’s website shows students sitting inside of the A.G. Paul Quadrangle circa 1950s.

history of viewpoints

Paper falters, starts new chapter DANIEL HERNANDEZ MANAGING EDITOR

The Arroyo, a previous version of Riverside City College’s student newspaper, would not see the same success in the 1940s as it did in the previous decade. According to “A 65 Year History,” the historical book about RCC that a majority of this research is based off of, the Arroyo began to publish infrequently and only had small sheets of paper instead of the information-filled newspapers they had become known for between the years of 1943-1945. This was a major change from

the student publication’s success it achieved throughout the 1930s. T h e Te q u e s q u i t e , t h e college’s student-run yearbook that was closely affiliated with the Arroyo, also struggled to produce content during this time period. The majority of the 1944 and 1945 issues of the annual contained bound copies of that year’s Arroyo. However, during that time, the annual did contain a similar trend where they would showcase students who served in the military. They had a full page within the 1943 issue where they honored nine servicemen who died in World War II. The Tequesquite also had a few pages

dedicated to news stories about the soldiers and a section showing group photos of those involved in the Reserve Corps. The end of the Arroyo’s golden age was cemented when the publication was renamed to the short-lived Tiger Rag. The name did not last long as it was changed to the Tiger Times soon after. This new name would stick around for years to come. Although the paper did suffer a decline of quality during the ‘40s, the publication still managed to cover some important moments of the college’s growth. Nearing the end of the war, the college created a formal guidance

program. An Arroyo journalist reported on the new college service and noted that it was to “help the individual choose a vocational career best suited to his individual taste and ability.” The publication also featured an article about Senator Dilworth’s speech to the college students in favor of creating a four-year university. He asked the students to sign petitions advocating for the need of a university which would strengthen the case he was building. The senator spoke directly to a Tiger Times reporter where he pointed out how the junior college would continue to be pivotal to the public.

Senate cancels study abroad program After vote loses 0-4, college officials plan to revisit at later time JENNIPHER VASQUEZ NEWS EDITOR

The Riverside Community College District Academic Senate voted against reinstating the study abroad program Sept. 27. Chancellor Wolde-Ab Isaac initiated the meeting by giving his report and initiatives that he agreed should be implemented moving into the winter and spring 2022 academic sessions. “I would like the senate to look at the assessment and the design of study abroad,” he said. “In its role of helping and improving the quality of education it is supposed to

contribute to the global awareness of our students.” Isaac said the current design of the program only moves the classroom from one country to another with an identical curriculum, which defeats the purpose of a program that costs $8,000 per student. “I think it’s very important for us to look at the content and design of it so that it meaningfully contributes to our students’ experience, allowing them to be immersed into other cultures and other systems,” Isaac said. Mark Sellick, RCCD academic senate president, said he is concerned about where funding stands for the study abroad program. “We have struggled with simply having representatives to sit on the committee to make determinations about who is going to be going on study abroad programs,” Sellick said. “If the district is committed to funding it, unless we balk at its integrity in terms of the academic programs, or it’s not ensuring student success, it is not our job to make determinations about the best use

of scarce resources.” Sellick also brought up the lack of communication between the study abroad program coordinator and the academic senate. “Perhaps he doesn’t understand that the academic senate oversees academic programs,” he said. “We should have a discussion and then schedule a clear, transparent way that we’re going to go forward, which has not been done in the last two years.” The motion to approve reinstating the study abroad program lost 0-4. The senate also voted on the curriculum plans for the upcoming winter and spring sessions. Sellick motioned for the curriculum to move forward with the DX plan for winter, and DE for spring session. The DE plan outlines that some courses may be scheduled for an online format with the same quality standards in distance education that apply to regular classroom courses. “For the spring, as Dr. Isaac mentioned, we are trying to

move more towards face-toface and having at least 40% of all teaching loads be face-toface,” said Jeannie Kim, interim vice chancellor of educational services and strategic planning. “I believe that the way the spring schedule is being developed right now is already in alignment to be able to provide for that face-to-face engagement and so, I think we should be in good standing.” Kim added that the vaccination rate amongst students is continually increasing and they are encouraging students to get fully vaccinated to avoid any registration holds for the upcoming semester. The academic senate voted in favor of the curriculum committee’s proposal for DX in the winter session and regular scheduling and addendum for the spring 2022 semester, also in agreement with Sellick’s motion. The final voting item the senate approved was for the definition of Low Textbook Cost, and the matter of LTC and Zero Textbook Cost symbols and process.

October 7, 2021



A Coachella Valley cattle rancher uses irrigation water to control dust in a feedlot Oct. 1.

‘Canary in the coal mine’ WATER from page 1

Farmland in Thermal is prepared to receive irrigation water from the Coachella Canal.


From left: An irrigation ditch delivers water to the farmland in Thermal. A farm worker at the Empire Polo Fields in Indio systematically mows and irrigates the turf to preserve water during the water shortage caused by the latest drought in California.

The demand for water from rivers and streams has outpaced supply during 2021, the warmest and driest year on record since 1896. “The challenge is there is no water,” said Karla Nemeth, director of the California Department of Water Resources. Wa t e r f o r a g r i c u l t u r a l irrigation in Riverside County primarily comes from the Colorado River. It is delivered to local farms via the 123-mile Coachella Canal. Only onequarter to one-third of farm irrigation water is groundwater, pumped from privately owned wells. The Colorado River provides water for cities, tribal nations and about 4.5 million acres of farmland from Wyoming to the U.S.-Mexico border. About 70% of the water diverted from the river in the U.S. is used for agriculture. But as extreme heat and drought have persisted, the levels of the Colorado River’s largest reservoir, Lake Mead, have decreased faster than had been expected. “The Colorado River Basin is the ‘canary in the mine’ for the future of water in the American West,” said Will Sarni, Executive Council of NOAA’s National Integrated Drought Information System. “If we don’t fix what is broken for the Colorado, we will feel the bite of climate change and resultant economic, business, social and ecosystem impacts at a scale exceeding the American dust bowl of the 1930s.” In August 2021, the U.S. Secretary of the Interior declared the first ever Tier 1 shortage for the Colorado River, which means reduced water deliveries to Arizona, California and Nevada for 2022 and 2023. The Tier 1 shortage declaration followed the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s forecast that the water level in Lake Mead – the largest reservoir in the U.S. located on the Arizona-Nevada

border – will continue to drop to less than 40% of its capacity by the end of 2021. In response, farmers who control the Palo Verde Irrigation District (PVID) voted unanimously this month to agree to cancel planting some of their crops for three years. They will be paid about $925 per acre via federal drought response funds and water ratepayers in Arizona, Nevada and Southern California, with 2% increases each year after that. Bart Fisher, a PVID trustee whose family owns the 11,500acre Fisher Ranch in Blythe, said the payments would just cover costs. “We’d rather be farming, but right now we feel an obligation to our fellow agencies along the river,” Fisher said. “We are all connected by the Colorado River, and making it more sustainable is in the long-term best interest of all of us.” The partnership between PVID, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, the Central Arizona Project and the Southern Nevada Water Authority is expected to conserve up to 180,000 acre-feet of water over the next three years, equal to about three feet of Lake Mead’s water level. An acre-foot of water is enough to supply about two households for a year. Natural Resources Secretary, Wade Crowfoot, said California is better prepared than before the last drought, but climate change is quickly moving the finish line. “We are in a race against time and the changing climate. All that we’ve done is important, but we need to do more,” Crowfoot said. “California farmers will see sharp cuts in water supplies this year,” said Jamie Johansson, president of the California Farm Bureau.“That means hundreds of thousands of acres of land will lie idle. It means thousands of people will lose jobs, in both rural and urban areas. It means Californians will have less locally grown food available.”


October 7, 2021


In a 1947 issue of the Tiger Times, the student publication’s name at the time, a pin-up of Goergia Nichols was featured to promote a college event.


Kylie Lowe @kyliegetlowe

Jamir Fletcher @___Corvo




When you first walk through the door of Tukes Studios, past the main room and office space, you’re greeted by a scholarly yet bohemian themed set, a black bricked wall with hanging color-shifting bulbs, lights cloaked with diffusers and camera equipment scattered everywhere. Then there is my personal favorite piece: a segment of the wall covered in old newspaper and magazine clippings posed perfectly behind old closed circuit

televisions emitting static. The high ceiling studio is quite small but it’s easy to see the amount of time and work that was put into making each set feel unique and lively. Sept. 30 marked Tukes Studios’ third “Shoot Your Shot” photographer meetup. Photographers of all skill levels were invited to a brief introduction workshop to using studio strobe lights and different lighting techniques, such as using fog for manipulating light within backgrounds. F o l l o w i n g t h e demonstration, the atmosphere promptly shifted into a more personable

exchange of ideas, camera gear recommendations, compliments and portfolio showcases. Near the end of it all, the next “Shoot Yo u r S h o t ” m e e t u p w a s announced, hinted to be Halloween themed. Tu k e s S t u d i o s c a n b e found @tukesstudios on Instagram. The next “Shoot Your Shot” photography workshop will be held at 2025 Chicago Ave Unit A6, Riverside, CA 92507. Dates and times are yet to be announced. Arron Neri @niiero


October 7, 2021





October 7, 2021





In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, the Associated Students of Riverside City College hosted a car show that exhibited authentic lowrider culture on Sept. 23. Lowriders have long been associated with gang activity revolving around Hispanic and Latino communities. As a response, ASRCC brought them onto campus to educate

students, staff and faculty on how lowriders have been falsely stigmatized and should be perceived as pieces of Chicano culture instead. The show featured around a dozen classic models all ranging from the mid-50s to the mid80s, showing how lowriders have diversified over the years. Each one had unique paint jobs, modifications and other common customizations that reflected the owners’ personal style.



Dune Oct. 22 It has been 36 years since David Lynch’s film adaptation of Frank Herbert’s classic sci-fi novel “Dune” was released. Although Lynch’s adaptation has gained a cult following, fans of the novel have only wondered what could have been. “Dune” 2021 covers the first half of Herbert’s novel as Paul Atreides, played by Timothée Chalamet, and his family, House Atreides, are thrown into a war for the planet Arrakis between the Fremen people and House Harkonne. The cast joining Chalamet are no strangers to action as Jason Momoa (“Aquaman”), Josh Brolin (“The Avengers”) and Dave Bautista (“Guardians of the Galaxy”) will be entering the battlefield. On Oct. 22, we will find out what director Denis Villeneuve and his star-studded cast are capable of bringing to the table. It’ll be interesting to see if “Dune” is a cut and paste of “Blade Runner 2049,” another one of his films that was surprisingly good, but was not well received. House of Gucci Nov. 24






“House of Gucci” is based on the true story of Patrizia Reggiani, who was tried and convicted of orchestrating the assassination of her exhusband and former head of the Gucci fashion house, Maurizio Gucci. Lady Gaga, who was nominated for an Oscar for her performance in “A Star Is Born,” plays Reggiani. Adam D r i v e r, w h o w a s last nominated for his performance in “Marriage Story,” will be portraying Maurizio. The cast also includes Oscar winners Jared Leto, Al Pacino and Jeremy Irons as Gucci family members. Nightmare Alley Dec. 17 “Nightmare Alley” is an u p c o m i n g Guillermo del To r o f i l m ,

and the second adaptation of the 1946 novel by William Lindsay Gresham. Del Toro is the Academy Award-winning director and producer behind “Pan’s Labyrinth” and “The Shape of Water.” “Nightmare Alley” features Oscar nominee Bradley Cooper and Oscar winner Cate Blanchett. The supporting cast includes Toni Collette, Wi l l e m D a f o e , R i c h a r d Jenkins, Rooney Mara and Ron Perlman. Perlman portrayed the titular character in del Toro’s “Hellboy” series. Licorice Pizza Nov. 26, Wide release: Dec. 25 “Licorice Pizza,” originally given the working title “Soggy Bottom,” marks the return of writer and director Paul Thomas Anderson, eight-time Oscar nominated filmmaker, who last helmed “Phantom Thread” in 2017. All that’s known about the plot is that it follows a high school student becoming an actor in the 1970s. The film introduces Cooper Hoffman, the son of late actor and frequent collaborator of Anderson, Philip Seymour Hoffman. “Licorice Pizza” also stars Bradley Cooper, Maya Rudolph, Ben Stiller, John C. Reilly, Tom Waits, Sean Penn and Christopher Walken. The Matrix Resurrections Dec. 22 “The Matrix Resurrections” is another film getting a dual release in theaters and on HBO Max. Keanu Reeves and CarrieAnne Moss will be reprising their roles as Neo and Trinity, respectively, in the fourth installment of “The Matrix” franchise. By the looks of the film’s trailer, which features a well-placed “White Rabbit” by Jefferson Airplane, it appears as though Neo and Trinity are both suffering from amnesia. Once again, Neo is offered the choice of taking the blue or red pill. As disappointing as it is that Laurence Fishburne wasn’t asked to reprise his role as Morpheus, I am excited to see Yahya Abdul-Mateen II stepping in his shoes. “The Matrix” redefined the action genre and CGI in 1999. Let’s see how Lana Wachowski can up the stakes two decades later.


October 7, 2021


anticipated movies



No Time to Die Oct. 8. Director Cary Joji Fukunaga, who previously directed the romance “Jane Eyre” and Netflix drama “Maniac,” takes on the challenge of creating a film with the character James Bond. Actor Daniel Craig, who will reprise his role as Bond, has been in numerous action and drama screenplays like “Casino Royale,” “Skyfall” and “Cowboys and Aliens.” Co-stars Léa Seydoux and Rami Malik will play as the main character’s love interest and antagonist, respectively. In this classic spy movie, Bond’s mission will be to save a scientist who has been taken hostage. As this actionpacked adventure unfolds, Bond confronts Lyutsifer Safin (Malik) in an off the charts plot with a present day twist you won’t want to miss. West Side Story Dec. 10 Te e n a g e r s o f a l l backgrounds in 1950s New York City fall in love and take the audience on a melodic ride in this reimagined, ambitious revival of “West Side Story.” Ansel Elgort, Rachel Ziegler, Rita Moreno, Brian d’Arcy James

and “Dance Moms” star Maddie Ziegler perform in this spinoff of the Broadway musical. Steven Spielberg, accomplished director of classics like “Jurassic Park,” “E.T.” and “Jaws,” will be bringing a musical to life for the first time in his career and there’s no doubt he’ll step up to the plate and hit a home run.

journey for justice. Director and producer Edgar Wright, this horror film is brought to life with his trademark techniques like scene transitions, steadicam tracking shots, whip pans and wipes. Wright is also responsible for directing “Baby Driver,” “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World” and “Shaun of the Dead.”

Last Night in Soho Oct. 29

Eternals Nov. 5

The psychological horror “Last Night in Soho” stars rising actress Anya TaylorJoy, who got her film industry jump-start in the Netflix original series “The Queen’s Gambit.” Co-star Thomasin McKenzie portrays a young woman in England who seems to have a special ability to see the past, specifically 1960s London. As she dreams, she experiences the life of a young woman named Sandy (Taylor-Joy) who was killed by her love interest, Jack (Matt Smith). Solving the murder is completely up to McKenzie’s character as she takes the audience on a thrilling

The Marvel Studios movie, “Eternals,” stars Angelina Jolie, Kit Harington, Kumail Nanjiani and Salma Hayek among others. Earth’s first immortals take on the battle to fight evil deviants, leading them on an action-packed adventure in which Marvel Entertainment never comes up short. Filmmaker Chloé Zhao, known for her independent film work, puts her skills to t h e

test in this superhuman adventure. Don’t Look Up Dec. 10 The newest Netflix original comedy “Don’t Look Up,” features a star-studded cast, including Meryl Streep, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Jonah Hill and many more. The teaser trailer showcases the main character’s thoughts about a comet heading toward Earth. Adam McKay, the director of this Netflix original is no stranger to the comedy genre. McKay gained popularity after he became a sketch writer for “Saturday Night

Live” and has collaborated with Will Ferrell. He is also behind the movies “Talladega Nights,” “Step Brothers,” “Get Hard” and “The Other Guys.”


October 7, 2021



“Eastward” is an indie action-adventure role-playing video game.

Game Review ‘Eastward’ pretty game, boring combat DIEGO LOMELI PHOTO EDITOR

Upon starting up the application, followed by the opening credits and the typical health advisory found in every modern video game ever made, a fantastically well animated two-minute film shows us everything that “Eastward” has in store. A man and his adopted daughter make their way through a post-apocalyptic world after being exiled from their home deep underground. The protagonists are a silent, bushy-bearded man named John and Sam, a silver haired, cheerful and spontaneous young girl with a habit of getting the two into trouble. To call this game’s aesthetic pretty or gorgeous or anything of the sort would be a severe understatement. Often enough I found myself stopping at various stages throughout the game just to stare at and appreciate the sprite art. “Eastward” is a very unique game no doubt, but while the visuals, writing and lore were enough to carry me through the 30 hour campaign, the gameplay itself leaves much to be desired. While John takes on the majority of the enemy and boss encounters with a mix of melee, ranged and explosive weapons, Sam relies on her energy blasts to interact with the world. She is able to remove obstacles, stun enemies and brighten up dark areas of the map. Nearly every level is designed similar to that of a Zelda game: acquiring heart containers to increase health,

finding keys to open doors and switching between characters on the fly to defeat enemies and solve puzzles. The puzzles are simple enough, and there are only a few memorable instances where switching between characters is genuinely fun and fast paced. The same could be said about the lackluster combat. It would have been nice to see more varied enemy design. It’s also painfully notable how certain enemies and bosses rely on forcing the player to wait before finding a weak spot and attacking. The boss fights are not inherently difficult, but the dull, overused pattern of having to wait, then attack and repeat until the boss is defeated gets old quickly. Game mechanics aside, “Eastward” manages to take everything great about scifi and fantasy and merges it seamlessly into a world full of charming characters and pixel-pretty landscapes. Each location and the characters residing within them are all memorable. Not to mention the amazing soundtrack by Joel Corelitz, the composer and sound designer behind Hideo Kojima’s “Death Stranding” and 343 Industries’ “Halo Infinite.” Each stage, area, character archetype, boss fight and cutscene has its own tune accompanying it. While the game mechanics are a bit outdated and repetitive, Shanghai-based indie developers Pixpil have created a game overflowing with personality. The story, music and characters all blend together into a fun and engaging campaign.


‘The Voice’ worth it Ariana Grande improves popular show MELINA LAM COPY EDITOR

To say that NBC’s season 21 of “The Voice” is wildly entertaining is quite the understatement. Ariana Grande becoming a judge this season has caused an uproar. It has brought in many first-time viewers, including myself, just to catch a glimpse of the tiny-but-mighty Pop/ R&B singer as a mentor. Grande has become the biggest popstar in the world in less than a decade, amassing more than 260 million followers globally. She has been singing since she was two years old, and was even on Broadway at the ripe age of eight; she has an immense amount of experience with songwriting and producing her own music, making her more than qualified to be a judge this season. One of my favorite aspects

of the show is the banter between Grande and the other judges: Kelly Clarkson, John Legend and Blake Shelton. The judges are silly and playful as they bicker with each other when trying to convince the contestants why Team Ariana, Team Legend, Team Kelly or Team Blake is the best choice. It’s bizarre to watch these talented celebrities try to sell themselves, as if they aren’t in those chairs for being amazing at what they do. With Grande being the most popular celebrity amongst the judges, it’s quite the shocker when she turns for someone and the contestant picks a different judge as their mentor. She brings a new fierceness to the competition that has viewers rooting for her on every episode. It is refreshing to see someone with an enormous career like Grande i n a c o m p l e t e l y d i ff e r e n t light, where she is nothing but humble and kind.

The show can also be a tearjerker when contestants from all walks of life share moments of vulnerability and how music may have saved them. From nurses who sing to their patients to mothers who put their careers on hold for their families, “The Voice” is a testament to the fact that it is never too late to pursue your dream career no matter the circumstances. Seeing people’s genuine love for singing and their drive to make it onto the show is inspiring. Although Grande is a major reason I considered watching, the show is astounding on its own. Grande acts as the cherry on top, simply adding an element of excitement to the show. I would recommend “The Voice” to anyone who enjoys music; you don’t have to be a music connoisseur to immerse yourself into the heartfelt nature and pure entertainment it offers.

An editorial in the Tiger Times, a previous version of Viewpoints, called for students to lobby for a proposed $400,000 bond.


October 7, 2021


Gubernatorial recall election a farce GOP wastes time and money in a power grab attempt


The California gubernatorial recall of Gavin Newsom, which took place Sept. 14, ended with a whimper as the “no” votes won in a landslide at a ratio of 62.7%-37.3%. As predictable as the entire gubernatorial recall election of Newsom was, it was a complete waste of resources, time and money. At least $300 million was spent from Republicans to fund the recall election. The sudden GOP demand for the governor’s recall gained momentum as a reaction to Newsom’s ha nd li ng of t he COVID-19 pandemic, which led to frequent shutdowns, lack of guidance to small businesses and unpredictable mask mandates, which upset some Californians who hoped for a swift return to a sense of normalcy. However, it was the notorious French Landry birthday party t h a t Ne w s o m a t t e n d e d i n November 2020 that inspired Republicans, some Democrats and Independents to obtain over 1.7 million signatures. Those millions of signatures would give hope to conservative radio host and TV personality Larry Elder, Caitlyn Jenner and former San Diego mayor Kevin Faulconer to defeat Newsom. However, that hope of being victorious over Newsom fell abruptly short on election night as Republicans were defeated in a landslide. With all registered voters in consideration, 13 million Californians cast their ballots for the recall election, with seven million voting “no” to


the opposing four million votes “yes” to remove Newsom. The limited impact from Republican counties is attempting to overcome California’s overall left-leaning political ideology. California is predominantly Democratic in most counties. The minority side of California, which led the entirety of the recall election, makes up almost the same population of all residents in Los Angeles. With the lack of leverage, due to size, the attempt for a successful recall was less likely to occur as California is not a swing state like Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia or Wisconsin — those of which boosted Joe Biden to surpass 270 votes in the 2020 presidential election. The most recent success

from Republicans, in holding the governor title, was in the 20 03 g u b e r n at or ia l r e c a l l of G r ay Dav is for A r nold Schwarzenegger. Since then, California has not seen a Republican or a celebrity as governor. Another hurdle that Republicans faced during the recall election was that they did not benefit from mail-in ballots compared to Democrats who habitually vote by mail. Republicans primarily vote in person due to the lack of trust in election integrity. It was similar to the 2020 presidential election, in which millions of Californians cast their ballots. According to Associated Press, “about 17.8 million ballots were cast overall,

with nearly 87%, or about 15.4 million coming through the mail.” The history with mail-inballots and in-person voting, which once benefited Biden, has helped Newsom retain his title as governor and has left Republicans waiting until the Nov. 8, 2022, gubernatorial election to regain position in the office. During this time, Republicans should reflect on ways to rebuild their influence and trust in Californians because the time, resources and funds for this recall election were truly wasteful. All of the funds could have been redirected to education, health care systems or infrastructure, things that could

support Californians in the longterm. Unfor t unately, the longter m goals for Califor nians always seem to be the first to be neglected through shortterm goals, such as the effort t o r e c a l l Ne w s o m , w h ic h accomplished absolutely nothing for Republicans as their plan, which started as a petition in 2019, failed short on election night due to the majority voting “no.” The attempt to recall Newsom is a definite reminder of how an election, that most Californians never wanted, can still occur due to the discontent of a small fraction of California’s population that has not won a gubernatorial election since 2003 or a primary election since 1988.



October 7, 2021



Gabrielle Petito coverage exposes racial biases The mainstream media’s focus should be more diverse


It feels like an individual’s race determines who deserves acknowledgement and advocacy based on past media coverage of missing persons. Most recently, mainstream news outlets like CNN, MSNBC and Fox News have extensively covered the disappea ra nce and eventual discovery of the remains of 22-year-old Gabrielle Petito, a travel lifestyle social media influencer. The release of the chilling police body camera footage of an emotionally distraught Petito and her nonchalant fiance, Brian Laundrie, has sparked outrage nationwide. Then, a

search began to find Laundrie, who had become a person of interest in the disappearance and homicide of the influencer. When first hearing about Petito’s disappearance, I was not initially informed of her “toxic” relationship with Laundrie until mainstream media began to vigorously develop the case. News outlets constantly informing millions nationwide about Petito’s disappearance has en lig htened me to t he mainstream media’s, most likely intentional, neglect in covering minorities who also are missing. Compare that coverage to that of individuals like Lauren Cho, 30, missing since June 28, Maya Millete, 39, last seen on Jan. 7, and missing graduate student Jelani Day, whose body was identified after a month, Sept. 23. Anger has grown toward news outlet s ove r Pet it o’s coverage when juxtaposed with the lack of coverage on the innumerable cases regarding the disappearance of Black, Indigenous, Latinos and many other individuals of color. Underserved communities

of color are not promised an enormous search team or given any clarity, let alone assistance from the FBI. Petito’s family, however, has been provided with every resource and the publicity many families are fighting for. “ My he a r t go e s out t o everyone that’s missing, I don’t want any parent to go through what I’ve gone through,” Toni Jacobs told CNN, mother of m issi ng d aug hter Keeshae Jacobs, last seen Sept. 26, 2016. “But at the same time, it does frustrate me because Keeshae didn’t get that attention. What made the FBI think (Petitio’s) case was more important than Keeshae’s?” News outlets now seem to want to downplay the missing White woman syndrome — the overuse of media coverage orchestrated by media outlets toward White, young and upperclass women who have gone missing while their Black, Asian and Hispanic counterparts across genders do not receive the same fairness in media coverage — a phenomenon they created after being called out for the lack of

fair representation. Day’s story, for example, instantly got acknowledgment after numerous outcries from his family. “To them, Jelani didn’t mean anything,” Carmen Bolden Day told CN N, Jelani’s mother. “There is no effort. There is no push. There was nothing being done about my son.” The utter despair that mothers like Bolden face is the exact feeling that countless families are facing, hoping to see their loved ones again. The tragedies surrounding Native American women have also been neglected for the entirety of Petito’s case. The Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, also known as MMIW, is a human rights group whose ultimate purpose is to bring awareness of the brutalities towards Canadian Indigenous and Native American women. Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, where Petito was found, is the exact geographical location in which at least 710 indigenous people have vanished between the years 2011 to 2020.

The ever-growing awareness of t he 70 0 -plu s m issi ng indigenous people further reveals how the media blatantly ignored the abductions, disappearances and mu rders that occu r i n oppressed com munities for years. However, Petito’s family is not to blame for the frustrations that neglected communities experience. Due to the predominantly White newsrooms and disproportionate coverage for their missing relatives, it is the mainstream media’s handling of Petito’s disappearance that needs to be held accountable. T he appa rent la ck of representation in acknowledging the same unfortunate events Black, Asian, Hispanic and Native American communities face compared to W hite Americans invigorates a cry for fair media coverage of their relatives. In this day and age, we’re still living in a society that gives more or less attention to individuals based on multiple factors: their age, gender, sexual orientation, mental health, religion and most importantly, race.

“Very understanding. I feel like every resource I need and will ever need is available to me. I notice that I always get emails reaching out to students about mental health, and I feel like it is always there for me if I need it. I feel that the faculty here genuinely care about student health.” - Paul Ingram

“It seems that if you need help right now, you won’t be able to access it. I looked into the free counseling a little bit, and it seems full a lot of the time. Sometimes the policies the school has are good, but I don’t think they have been able to implement them in a way that is truly useful for the students a lot of the time.” - Mar Pencall

“I was actually kind of surprised that every single teacher I’ve had has put in the syllabus and said in class on the first day the disability thing. Flexible deadlines are very helpful when it comes to mental health issues, so I really appreciate that. My teacher has been very understanding and has extended deadlines for me a couple of times. They don’t overwhelm you with tons of homework.”

“It varies from teacher to teacher. A lot of professors are lenient with certain mental health aspects and give extensions. Other professors are stricter and want things done in a timely manner, which is understandable most of the time. However, when things are out of your control, it can get a little bit irritating and just adds to the stress when you know you only have a certain amount of time to get so much done.” - Savannah Messenger

Campus Conversations “How understanding and supportive is Riverside City College’s faculty of students’ mental health?”

Interviews by Kelsey Olarte Photos by Natasha Morrison Campus Conversations is an open forum for Riverside City College students to voice their own opinions, views and ideas.

- Peyton Cooney

October 7, 2021



College ignores student newspaper’s needs


Viewpoints continues work despite high temperatures


Viewpoints students and staff work on the most recent issue of the paper while box fans blow air in an attempt to cool the room on Oct. 6. floor uninstalled. Work orders for whiteboards and cork boards have been sent yet our walls remain barren. However, none of this compares to the most pressing matter at hand: our air conditioning, which is supposed to keep our room properly ventilated during the COVID-19 pandemic, does not work. The only sign that this is a classroom, and not a storage space, is the work station in the middle of the room. Our Journalism adviser has been requesting all of these repairs and installations for months, essentially playing email tag trying to get these services up and running. With every email, he is met with the same response from the help desk that essentially states “someone will get to it.” Our adviser went through all of the proper

Sub-optimal conditions have been the norm for our staff in the newsroom. Over the summer, the Viewpoints newsroom was moved to Digital Library Room 106 from the old Assessment Center, just in time for the implementation of in-person and hybrid courses across the Riverside Community College District. It is a substantial improvement from our previous cramped and dark newsroom — an improvement for which we are grateful for — but the moving process has been left unfinished. There is a gaping hole in the ceiling above student work spaces which has been declared unsafe by classified staff who have visited. Our projector, which we need to hold staff meetings more effectively, sits in a box on the

channels to request these services. Our staff have been working in the newsroom since mid August producing a newspaper when Riverside was experiencing some of its highest summer temperatures. It was so hot in DL 106 producing the Sept. 23 issue that the computers were overheating and hampering our work. Some even left the newsroom feeling unwell from the prolonged heat exposure. Although the Journalism program has managed to publish a paper entirely remotely, the program is now hybrid which means the newsroom is a crucial tool and learning space for all student journalists. The comfort and safety of students should be a priority for which the Viewpoints editorial board feels is not the case to the college.

Viewpoints’ editorials represent the majority opinion of and are written by the Viewpoints’ student editorial board.


STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Leo Cabral (951) 222-8488

NEWS EDITOR Jennipher Vasquez ASSISTANT NEWS EDITORS Andrea Mendez Liv Pearson

MANAGING EDITOR Daniel E. Hernandez

SPORTS EDITOR Daniel Hernadez





FACULTY ADVISERS Matt Schoenmann Angela Burrell






Associated Collegiate Press

Journalism Association of Community Colleges

California Newspaper Publishers Association

Brian Calderon Mya Castro John Michael Guerrero Julianna Hernandez

Sigifredo Macias Natasha Morrison Joyce Nugent Cheetara Piry

Kristyna Ramirez Sean Ryan Isabel Whitsett

EDITOR Letters to the editor should be kept to 250 words or less and include contact information. Email letters to Viewpoints reserves the right to edit letters for space and to reject libelous or obscene letters. Letters to the editor and columns represent the opinions of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect those of the entire Viewpoints staff, Viewpoints faculty advisers, student faculty, administration or the Board of Trustees.




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Viewpoints is a public forum, First Amendment newspaper. Student editors have authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval. © 2021 by the Viewpoints staff, Riverside City College, 4800 Magnolia Avenue, Riverside, CA. 92506-0528. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission of the Viewpoints editor-in-chief.

A 1943 issue of the Arroyo, a previous version of the college newspaper, wrote an article claiming that many schools were playing 6-man football.


Tigers lose first game since 2018 LOSS from page 1

“The other team was a lot more intense than we were, they outcoached us, they outplayed us in every area,” Craft said. “We underestimated their ability and over-estimated ours.” RCC’s slow offensive start let Golden West take over the game. The Rustlers took a 17-0 lead into the second quarter. The defending national

champs shortened the gap to 17-10, entering halftime with a 12-yard rushing touchdown by freshman running back Dean Connors and a record-breaking 56-yard field goal by freshman kicker Ricardo Chavez. “We got to come together as a team better,” Connors said. “We have so much potential, we just need to buy in completely.” “We got to bounce back and play a really tough Canyons team,” Craft said.

October 7, 2021


SPORTS BRIEFS Back-to-Back Losses The Riverside City College football team lost 24-41 against Santiago Canyon College. This is the teams first time with two back-toback losses since 2018.

Women’s Volleyball T h e R C C w o m e n ’s volleyball team plays a g a i n s t G o l d e n We s t College at Wheelock Gymnasium on Oct. 15 at 6:00 p.m. Masks will be required to spectate the game.

Athletes of the Month Maggie Aburto and Ricardo Chavez have been named the StudentAthlete Advisory Council Athletes of the month. Chavez kicked a college-record 56 yard field goal and Aburto has accrued 103 kills this month. Men’s Cross Country



Jammal Houston, RCC wide receiver, is tackled by defensive back Dane Despars (43) and Eman Lawoye on Sept. 25.

Dean Conners rushes 12 yards and walks into the endzone to put RCC’s first points on the board on Sept. 25.

Healthy mind and body key to athletic success RCC athletic community shares their tips on how to maintain physical and mental health after returning to competitive sports MYA CASTRO STAFF REPORTER

As Riverside City College’s athletic department jumps back into training and competition, the athletes, trainers and coaches understand that a healthy mind and body are the key to success. Coaches and athletic trainers know that athletes must do their best to keep their bodies healthy outside of just attending practice in order to prevent injuries. “If somebody is always injured, they’re never playing at their full potential,” Nate Swift, RCC’s athletic trainer, said. “If they take care of themselves and stay healthy, they just perform better.” Along with Swift, many coaches also agree that pyschical care positively affects an athlete’s performance. “In general it’s important to

prevent injury,” Clara Lowden, the women’s head volleyball coach and nutritionist, said. “If they (athletes) want to be at the top of their game, they have to stretch, eat right, sleep and do all the things they need to do to prepare for their sport.” One of the best ways to prevent injuries is by conditioning. Most athletes are not the biggest fans of conditioning, but Swift believes that the more fit an athlete is, the better they play and healthier they stay. “The better shape you’re in, the less likely you are to get hurt,” Swift said. “Now injuries still happen, but if you’re very healthy and fit, you are less likely to get hurt and you’ll be able to compete longer than say somebody who is a little out of shape.” Conditioning doesn’t have to be full on cardio like many athletes believe. “The best athletes train their small muscles just like they train their big muscles,” Swift said. “If they work on their balance,

shoulder strength and their core stability that pays off long term.” For many athletes, learning how to take care of their mind and bodies properly can be a struggle when they don’t know where to start. However, with an insight of the daily routine of Lauren Loffelmacher, a women’s water polo player, athletes may be able to take away some key ideas on how to keep their bodies in check. “My team did yoga for the first time and it helped us stretch out after playing games for the past three weeks nonstop,” Loffelmacher said. Stretching is one of the many tips Swift suggests for athletes to do in order to help their bodies recover. “(Stretching) takes pressure off the lower back,” Swift said. “It takes pressure off of your hips, and it allows your body to move and be aware of it’s space when you’re more flexible and for most athletes it keeps injuries to a minimum.” Along with using yoga as a

The better shape you’re in, the less likely you are to get hurt. - Nate Swift

way to recover, Loffelmacher also tries to fuel her body properly with food and water. “I try to eat healthy which means I bring my own food to school to have between practices,” Loffelmacher said. “I drink lots of water to make sure I am hydrated.” Lowden also believes that it’s important for athletes to have proper nutrition because it gives them energy. “If an athlete were to eat McDonalds every day, their performance wouldn’t be as strong because they wouldn’t have the right type of energy,” Lowden said. “If they eat proper nutrition, they’re going to get that energy, they’ll feel good, and their muscles and bones are going to be stronger.” Sleep is another key piece of advice an athlete can get about taking care of themselves. “I try to go to bed between eight and nine every night to make sure I am getting enough sleep,” Loffelmacher said. Swift believes that sleep greatly affects an athlete’s performance and how their bodies recover. “Fatigue plays a huge factor in injury, so sleep is the most important,” Swift said.

The men’s cross country team missed out on a spot on the podium at the San Diego Mesa Invitational but managed to finish in fourth place Oct. 1. The team’s freshman runner Raen Reyes placed within the top 15 at 21:11.83. Women’s Cross Country The RCC women’s cross country team placed third overall in the San Diego Mesa Invitational on Oct. 1. The Tigers next race is the Vanguard Invitational Oct. 8 at 9 a.m. All of these dates are subject to change due to possible regulations to come involving the co n t a in m en t o f t h e coronavirus.

To s t a y u p t o date on upcoming campus events, visit the Viewpoints calendar listed at If you have events happening on campus that you want featured on the calendar, send information about the event to viewpoints.


October 7, 2021



Kayla Brown (left) and Miranda Gates block an incoming attack from Summer Hanks, Orange Coast College’s outside hitter Oct. 1.


Keeley Hober jumps to spike the ball after receiving a pass from her teammates.

Jessica Lepe (9), RCC’s outside hitter, spikes the ball in between the hands of Ellie Winter (right) and Rachael Street.

Tigers battle No.11 Pirates JAIR RAMIREZ ASST. SPORTS EDITOR

The Riverside City College indoor volleyball team took the 11th ranked Orange Coast College Pirates to the limit in the first set Oct. 1. The Tigers were blocking the net constantly and covering a lot of floor while leading most of the way before falling 24-26. “The first set was good, we played real hard,” RCC coach Clara Lowden said. Freshman Maggie Aburto was leading the way with seven kills until she had to leave the match due to possible injury. RCC never regained its composure and eventually fell in straight sets, losing its fourth straight game. “We just fully lost our energy, our momentum,” freshman

Ashley Elias-Romero said. “We started off super strong and I think the loss hit us a little harder than we expected.” The Tigers lost the next two sets 16-25 and 15-25 as the Pirates offense overwhelmed RCC. “We fought in the beginning pretty hard, we tried to carry that out the rest of the game,” sophomore Keeley Hober said. “But unfortunately we lost our momentum a little bit, but we’ll get it back for our next game.” Hober was the leading scorer with 8.5 points and six kills. RCC is 1-4 in the Orange Empire Conference and 4-7 overall. “We’re showing we can hang with anybody in this league and that we just got to go out and play like this,” Lowden said.

Miranda Gates (right) hits the ball toward Orange Coast College players Summer Hanks and Rachael Street.

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