Viewpoints fall 2021 Vol. 100 Issue No. 1, Aug. 19, 2021

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The first advertisements on The Junior Colleger were accepted in

VOL. 100, NO. 1

the fall of 1925. Some ads included clothing stores, florists and other


small businesses. Regular issues


usually carried 25 or more ads.


RCCD implements mandate All within district to show proof of vaccination with exceptions LEO CABRAL & DANIEL HERNANDEZ EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & INTERIM MANAGING EDITOR

All students, staff and faculty will be required to provide proof of vaccination before returning to any Riverside Community College District campuses. The Riverside Community College District Board of Trustees passed a resolution Aug. 10 stating all students

and employees must “provide evidence of partially vaccinated status no later than Aug.19” and “of fully vaccinated status no later than Sept. 30.” Partially vaccinated students will need to take weekly COVID-19 tests, with proof of a negative result, before being able to access all facilities. It also requires the use of masks both indoors and outdoors and social distancing practices with exemptions to

those who are alone, eating and drinking or when wearing a face covering creates a hazard during instructional activities. Unvaccinated students will only be able to enroll in online classes and can only access online support services. The verdict was made after a three-hour-long special board meeting where members listened to public comments, discussed their opinions about the resolution and

watched a presentation from a company that provides vaccine verification services. Public commenters’ concerns ranged from the vaccine and mask mandate infringing on personal freedoms, calling it “borderline authoritarian,” to others feeling as though they are facing discrimination as unvaccinated individuals. A handful stated that the mandate

See VACCINE on page 4

again in the upcoming semester. “I haven’t learned anything while being online,” she said. “I do not think it’s fair to even have unvaccinated students taking online courses when (for) most of the courses you need to go into labs. I’m not going to be doing all of this online again.” Others who agree with Danial

See PROTEST on page 3

See SHOP on page 7

Protestors line the corner of Ramona Drive and Magnolia Avenue to show their dissatisfaction toward RCCD’s mandates.

Students dissatisfied with Trustees’ decision Many protest new resolution, call for Board to reconsider Many Riverside Community College District students are voicing opposition after the Board of Trustees voted on a vaccine and mask mandate on Aug. 10. “Fully or partially vaccinated, you can take classes on-site, in hybrid mode and/or online,”


I n t e r i m Vi c e C h a n c e l l o r of Educational Services and Strategic Planning Jeannie Kim said during the meeting. “Students choosing to not be vaccinated may take courses online.” Chancellor Wolde-Ab Issac spoke on behalf of the Board regarding the reasons behind their decision, saying that it is “adhering to the highest of safety

standards.” What quickly followed were complaints from numerous people who were furious with the Board’s decision. The students stated that they felt as if the Board did not take RCCD students’ opinions into consideration. Nursing student Rosemary Danial, who said that she does not plan to get vaccinated, had many concerns about learning online



New series:


The history of

movie review:




Two former Riverside City College students took advantage of its vast catalog and affordability, consequently becoming successful entrepreneurs who built an oasis in the heart of downtown Riverside. The latest addition to downtown’s growing number of small businesses, Meraki Plants is a female-owned indoor plant nursery that showcases thousands of lush and unique variations from jungle plants to succulents. Savannah Leon, 21, and sister-in-law Ally Ramos, 28, opened the doors to their storefront June 19. “We’ve been so blessed to be supported by our community,” Leon said. Their seemingly overnight success happened almost one year ago via social media and community outreach. Using their knowledge and passion for plants, they began an educational platform through Instagram that peaked in the explosion of new plant parents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Leon and Ramos’ intentions at RCC were not necessarily to pursue business or this specific entrepreneurial venture. However, the ladies accredited their leap of faith to the opportunities the community college granted them. “It gave me the freedom to be able to venture out because of how affordable it was,” Leon said about the college. Leon was a nursing student who would take small business administration courses on the side. Growing up, however,



Former students create thriving plant shop

Suicide Squad


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August 19, 2021



Important Dates

Classes are scheduled to begin Aug. 23. The last day to drop without a “W” is Sept. 5. The last day to drop a course with a “W” is Nov. 12. COVID-19 Safety It is important that, when returning to campus, students continue practicing wearing masks, handwashing and minimizing contact with others. Stay informed about changes w i t hin the community. To see the latest updates regarding COVID-19, visit 2021 California Recall Election Beginning Aug.16, mailin ballots were scheduled to be sent out to every voter in California. The official election will be held Sept. 14. Find out more information at https:// upcoming-elections/2021ca-gov-recall. Parking is Free RCCD students and employees do not have to pay for a 2021 fall semester parking permit. Starting Aug. 18, students and faculty should use Web Advisor and follow the normal process to receive a fall semester parking permit. LGBTQ+ Association for Student Success and Equality Mentor Program RCC’s LASSE Program will be accepting applications for the upcoming fall and spring semesters starting Sept. 6. Students of all genders and sexualities are welcome. For more information about the program, contact Sharice. All of these dates are subject to change due to possible regulations to come involving the containment of the coronavirus. To s t a y u p - t o date on upcoming campus events, visit the Viewpoints calendar listed at If you have events happening on campus that you want featured on the calendar, send information about the event to viewpoints.


Various Viewpoints articles and photos that showcase the publication’s many iterations across the years laid out across a counter.

Viewpoints celebrates its 100th volume DANIEL HERNANDEZ INTERIM MANAGING EDITOR

This ‘Back to School’ issue officially marks the beginning of our 100th volume. Viewpoints is honored to have informed our readers of the crucial events happening in and around our college, from the construction of the campus to the many accolades that Riverside City College has received or to the unprecedented events that have affected our community. Our reporters have been at the forefront of it all. Our program would not be where it is today if it wasn’t for the hard work and passion that our journalists have shown throughout its existence. That is why we wanted to celebrate this momentous occasion by showcasing some of our program’s highlights throughout our 100 volumes at the college. Most of our research about the program can be found in a book titled “A 65 Year History,” which details the events of Riverside City College from 1916 to 1981. The author attributes the college’s many publications as one of the primary sources he used while researching for the book. For this article, we will focus on journalism’s humble beginnings at the college until the early 1930s and will continue this series throughout the fall and spring semesters. Although Riverside Junior College first opened its doors in September of 1916, the first

student-run publication didn’t get published until 1918. The 65-page annual, or yearbook, named Kollej-Koed was made out of three sections: the literary section, which contained original works from students, a calendar giving a chronological order of the year’s events and an alumni section meant to keep track of the lives of recent graduates. Then, in 1920, the name was changed to Tequesquite (pronounced Ta-kees-kees-ta) where students continued to produce the annual but increased production to 100 pages. According to “A 65 Year History,” the name Tesquesquite is derived from the arroyo which was a prominent feature of the campus at the time. For context, an arroyo is “a steep-sided gully formed by the

action of fast-flowing water in an arid or semi-arid region, found chiefly in the southwestern US.” Tequesquite is “a natural mineral containing compounds of sodium chloride, sodium carbonate, and sodium sulphate, used in Mexico since preHispanic times mainly as a food seasoning.” During this time period, there still was not an official college newspaper. However, students were provided a column in the Press Enterprise aptly named Junior College Notes. Student journalists like Florence Stone, Dorothy Dunbar and Robert Patton were regular contributors to this column. In 1922, another studentrun publication named XYZ was started. However, this publication ran bi-weekly instead

of annually and thus created RCC’s first newspaper. Later that same year, the publication changed its name to Jay See and then once again to The Junior Colleger in the fall of 1923. The name “The Junior Colleger” would stick around for five more years until the publication changed its name once more to “The Arroyo” on January of 1928. Throughout this time, journalism at RCC remained as an extracurricular club until an alumnus of the college, named Robert Patton, returned as a faculty member in 1931. A year after his arrival, a practical newspaper class was added and thus inspired a new era of journalism within the college.


The book “A 65 Year History” details the events of Riverside City College’s beginning. It elaborates on both the hardwork that previous faculty did to make the college run and the life of its students.

August 19, 2021




Riverside City College will resume in-person education for partially or fully vaccinated individuals on Aug. 23. Online classes will be available for students who are unvaccinated.

Students’ opinions on returning to campus In-person is a weight lifted off the shoulders of some and disrespectful for others JENNIPHER VASQUEZ INTERIM ASSISTANT LIFE EDITOR

As students prepare for the return to campus on Aug. 23, some are reluctant to follow the recently implemented mandates by the Riverside Community College District. The RCCD Board of Trustees passed a resolution Aug. 10 requiring all students, staff and faculty to provide proof of partial vaccination no later than Aug. 19, and proof of full vaccination by Sept. 30. The resolution also requires the use of face coverings indoors and outdoors with minor exceptions. Riverside City College

student Sophia, who wished to be identified only by first name, has opted not to return to inperson classes due to the Board’s decision. “I’m not going because of the mandates,” she said. “I decided last month because they previously said they were going to mandate the vaccine and then they retracted their statement in July.” Sophia stated that she is not willing to wear a mask and decided to drop from the biology class she had already registered for. She said she will only be taking online courses this semester. “The way RCCD announced the mandates is very

unprofessional and is honestly very disrespectful,” she said. “A lot of people are unhappy and we will be showing our concerns, we’re going to be showing that we’re unhappy, all of this is just wrong.” Sophia and other students from RCCD formed the group Students Against Tyranny as a response to the vaccine and mask mandates and argues that the timing of the resolution doesn’t allow students enough time to consider transferring to another college if they choose not to continue their enrollment at the district. “This is not about being pro or anti-vaxx, it’s about freedom of choice,” she said. “We feel that

our freedom of choice is being taken away as students and that’s not fair to us.” Other students are eager to return to campus after more than a year of distance learning. Second year student Nancy Hillig, 19, said the opportunity to return to in-person classes should be seen as a privilege. Hillig acknowledged that she was able to get through the year of virtual learning with support from close friends and family. “Being online made me really underestimate how much I appreciate interacting with students, staff members,” Hillig said. “Being online for an entire year and not having that interaction took a toll on my

mental health and my overall effort into working on my classes.” Hillig disclosed that she lost her grandfather earlier this year due to COVID-19. She feels getting vaccinated and wearing a mask on campus is the least she could do in order to return to campus and take in the full college experience that she wanted from the beginning. “It’s not something I’m going to take for granted. Despite everything that’s happened, I’m glad that we can all go back,” Hillig said. “We have to really appreciate being able to physically be there because I know for some this took a more drastic effect on them.”

PROTEST from page 1

Mandate makes students furious have generated speculation behind COVID-19 and the intentions behind the mask and vaccine mandate. “The FDA’s approval is 100% a red herring and completely irrelevant,” student Marcus Villa Lobos said. “I don’t really wanna hear about the FDA’s approval. The FDA approves so many things that even the European Union and European countries find unacceptable.” Frustrated students decided to voice their opinions on social media, which led to a group named Students Against Tyranny to plan a protest outside of Riverside City College Aug. 16. “We immediately started reaching out and asking them, ‘are you interested in a protest


Students and community members protest near RCC after being rallied by an Instagram page on Aug. 16. against these mandates? Will you be willing to join a group chat,’” the event organizer, who wished to only go by Sophia, said. “Some of them said ‘yes’ and a lot of people are here.” At the protest, many students shared similar skepticism about the legitimacy of the vaccine and the governing bodies that are recommending it. “There’s no part of this since the initial news reports that were not suspicious up until RCC getting funding to do what they’re doing right now,” Andy Garcia, a film major, said. “It’s almost like forcing people

to get it. They didn’t give us time to go to schools that aren’t mandating it. Maybe announcing that mandate a month ahead would’ve been better but even then announcing that mandate is messed up.” Student trustee Jack Harris says these strong disagreements and protests could have been avoided entirely. “I think that the 80% inperson classes and 20% online classes were not enough from the get-go,” he said. “And that by, adding more online classes would have avoided a lot of the strife.”

Although he expressed that his opinions may differ from those protesting, he doesn’t think others’ opinions should not be considered. “We are a college, we are a critical thinking institution, people here come here to improve their thinking and to improve their life skills,” he stated. “And to improve your life skills you need opposition and you need to be able to make a choice for yourself.” The Board expressed their reasoning behind this rapid change for the mandate in the meeting on Aug. 10.

“ We w e r e c o n s i d e r i n g to have both vaccinated and unvaccinated attend together with the unvaccinated going through weekly testing, as also a standard means, as is done in many of the universities today,” Chancellor Wolde-Ab Isaac said. “But with the advent of the rapid spread of the delta virus, we felt that that is not doable.” To stay updated on future Board meetings, as well as to make public comments in them, please visit the Board of Trustees page at or watch the live streams from the Riverside City College youtube channel.


August 19, 2021



The RCCD Board of Trustees listen to the community’s public comments that were left from the previous meeting as well as the ones that were sent in before the meeting on Aug. 10.

VACCINE from page 1

District wide vaccine mandate was illegal. University of California and California State University systems have implemented mandatory COVID-19 vaccination programs for the fall term. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved an Emergency Use Authorization for the PfizerB i o N Te c h , M o d e r n a a n d

“My best friend died on New Year’s Eve because of this virus and I strongly believe if there had been a vaccine, maybe she would have had a little bit better of a chance of not passing away.”


Janssen COVID-19 vaccines. According to an Aug. 9 email from the California School Employees Association (CSEA) Negotiations Team “the district has the authority to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine – even under emergency only authorization.” Also, on July 27, the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s office urged all local districts to exercise their authority to adopt vaccination mandates. The Board discussed their concerns after the public comment ended. T r a c e y Va c k a r g r e w

concerned after seeing the number of cases resurge and urged the Board to work more closely with legislators. Student trustee Jack Harris said he cannot support the resolution until there is a viable step-by-step procedure for implementing the resolution policies. “ We w e r e c o n s i d e r i n g (having) both vaccinated and unvaccinated attend together, with the unvaccinated going through weekly testing ... as is done in many of the universities today,” Chancellor Wolde-Ab Isaac said. “But with the advent of the rapid

spread of (the) delta virus, we felt that is not doable.” A s h l e y H e a t h e r, c h i e f operating officer of CLEARED4, presented their vaccine verification system. According to Heather, the t e c h n o l o g y i s H I PA A a n d FERPA compliant and will allow the college to implement health surveys, vaccine verification, COVID-19 test integration, contact trace reporting and provide clearance passes. The service is internet-based and a phone is not required for access. “Our platform is very easy

to use,” Heather said. “Your team has already been trained on it so I think we’re at as good a place as we can be given the circumstances.” Heather also said CLEARED4 will begin running tests of their program Aug. 11 and hope to have the system operational by Aug. 12. The Board then moved to approve the resolution while taking into consideration variables due to the COVID-19 delta variant. “I’ve lost a lot of family, I’ve lost a lot of friends,” trustee president Mary Figueroa said. “My best friend died on New Year’s Eve because of this virus and I strongly believe if there had been a vaccine, maybe she would have had a little bit better of a chance of not passing away.” Stay updated on district COVID-19 updates at www.



The CLEARED4 program has five “critical components” that RCC can use to enforce the mandate. With the website, students staff and faculty can answer symptom questions, upload a photo of their vaccine card, receive warnings about potential COVID contact and receive clearance passes.

According to Ashley Heathers, chief operating officer of CLEARED4, the website can be used with any internet device. This means that a cell-phone is not required to sign-up for the program. However, in order to enter many sections of the campus, a device to show the clearance pass will be necessary.

Scan for Zoom link


Special issues, under the name The Gutter, highlighting fictitious scandals were created in the late 1920s. There were also special Christmas issues made from time to time.

6 August 19, 2021 Gunn gives ‘The Suicide Squad’ second chance

A gory revival of a sequel packed with twists and turns throughout TIM NACEY INTERIM MULTIMEDIA EDITOR

“The Suicide Squad” is a strange experience. Partially because it contains things like feral weasel-men, starfish kaiju and a man with extreme mommy issues that can melt things with the polka dots he shoots from his fingers — but also because of the limbo between sequel and reboot in which it exists. 2016’s “Suicide Squad” is widely considered one of the worst superhero films of all time. It, like this film, is centered around an eclectic group of incarcerated supervillains that were sent on an extremely dangerous mission, essentially at gunpoint. If they succeed, they get time off of their considerable sentences. If they fail, one way or another, they die. The first film was originally meant to tell a much darker story that reflected the bleak reality that these supervillains were facing, but the project seemed to be taken away from its director David Ayer. The tone pivoted away from Ayer’s original vision, opting for something that was more evocative of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s surprise hit: “Guardians of the Galaxy.”. Warner Bros. wisely brought James Gunn (the director of both of the Guardians films) on board to direct the sequel “The Suicide Squad” and, while I was a bit disappointed that we seem to be leaving Ayer’s original vision further and further behind, this


Polka-Dot Man (David Dastmalchian) (left), Peacemaker (John Cena), Bloodsport (Idris Elba) and Ratcatcher 2 (Daniela Mechior) prepare to save Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman) from danger. film is an undeniably good time. Gunn is most widely known for his work with Marvel, but he originally made a name for himself with the work he did for the studio Troma (known for its frankly off-puttingly disgusting and kitschy horror comedies) as well as his own indie movies like “Slither” and “Super”. With its hard-R rating, that horror influence is very much on display in this film: heads explode, faces are blown off, an anthropomorphic shark casually carries a man’s head around and eats it like an apple.

It’s gleefully disgusting in a way that brings to mind this year’s “Mortal Kombat” reboot. The tone of the film is very much in line with the “Guardians of the Galaxy” films: a group of quirky but broken people search for meaning and worth in a society that’s cast them off. While this film is quite a bit darker than Marvel’s space opera series, the same heart is still there and that’s due in no small part to this films absolutely killer cast: Idris Elba, John Cena, Joel Kinnaman, Viola Davis,

Sylvester Stallone and Margot Robbie (who continues to be the DC Cinematic Universe’s MVP, following 2020’s “Birds of Prey”) all bring a little something extra to these characters that could have easily been flat and onedimensional. The true standout of this film, though, is Daniela Mechior’s Ratcatcher 2 (she’s the daughter of the original Ratcatcher) who acts as the group’s moral compass. She, and her rat sidekick Sebastian, bring an absolutely astounding and unexpected amount of

humanity and vulnerability to her character that plays a key role in adding a lot of weight to a film that mostly functions as a goofy, violent action-comedy. Even if the first film put as bitter a taste in your mouth as it did mine, I highly recommend this movie. DC has been doing an absolutely fantastic job lately at making movies that are just as fun as Marvel’s films while managing to make themselves tonally distinct. They’re on a really good path right now and I, for one, can’t wait to see what’s next.

August 19, 2021



RCC students share successful business story SHOP from Page 1 she had always wanted to do something in business. Yet, she continued her education in nursing. Her interest in biology and science ultimately led to her growing curiosity in her leisure interest, plants. “A lot of my science professors are the ones who got me more intrigued with the whole background of plants,” Leon said. Ramos, on the other hand, was in and out of the college for at least three years. “I just did a little bit of everything,” Ramos said. “I never really knew what I wanted to do — I really wanted to do something that I loved.” Ramos applied her curiosity as she participated in different classes. She’d actively looked for practical information to take with her from each experience. For example, she tried cosmetology and recognized her instructors were also small business owners. Through them she was able to learn how to conduct herself professionally. She took sociology but realized she had no interest in it. Then she pursued horticulture and gained an abundance of scientific knowledge that’s transferable to

her now-thriving plant business. Ramos commended the amount of resources RCC provided and wished she had asked for help sooner, after personal tragedies she almost gave up on pursuing college altogether. “If you really want something in life, go for it,” she said. “I let a lot of things limit me — Leave that all behind. Ask questions and make friends, people are willing to help if you tell them.” The co-owners put a pause on their education at the community college, but they used the journey of ticking off interests that did, or did not, resonate with them to take the necessary steps forward to pursue their current business venture. “RCC is still somewhere where I want to continue my education,” Leon said, however, their business is on a positive upward momentum so they’ve decided to prioritize scaling. Reasonably, plants have always been in these womens’ lives. Although in-laws, they originally bonded over plants. Ramos’ parents are growers while Leon’s comprehension and love of science serves well in her role as a plant nursery co-owner. Starting a plant business may have seemed like a sure thing for


Savannah Leon (left) and Ally Ramos stand between their vast array of plants within their section of the small store in downtown Riverside Aug. 12. them but the two toggled between the idea of beginning a plant or flower shop and in a spark of spontaneity they decided to move forward with Meraki. “Meraki means to do everything with your soul, love and creativity, leaving a piece of yourself in everything you do,” Leon shared the meaning behind their store. According to Leon, business is just a formula. She noticed people were generally held back by the fear of taking

risks. The young entrepreneur implores individuals to pursue and explore their passions. She also emphasized the importance of surrounding yourself with supportive people. “There’s so much that we want to pursue in life,” Leon said. “Don’t hesitate to do what your mind is telling you to do if you feel it’s right.” On the road to opening their first storefront, they knocked on several business doors to allow them to showcase some of their

plants in their shops. After being turned down a handful of times, by the fifth store, Kraemer’s Coffee allowed them to display their plants. “You have to project an ambition of what you want to do,” Ramos said. “I am glad for those doors that didn’t open — don’t be discouraged by the no’s. Just keep on knocking.” The storefront is located on Main Street behind the Mission Inn and in front of the Convention Center.

‘Nine Days’ an existential journey Meaningful moments leaves audiences reflecting on personal lives TIM NACEY INTERIM MULTIMEDIA EDITOR

We all know that life can be challenging and sometimes existing in itself can feel like work. But what if it was actually like a job? What if, before we were born into this world, we had to sit across a desk from a stonefaced interviewer and answer complex questions to prove that we deserve to live? It’s a strange premise for a film and not one that leads to much octane-action, but director Edson Oda’s debut film “Nine Days” does a lot with it. Winston Duke plays one of

many interviewers named Will. He lives in a small house in a purgatorial desert somewhere parallel to our world. He spends his days sitting in front of a wall covered in old television sets, and each one depicts the first-person perspective of each of the souls he chose to move on to life. Now and then, his partner Kyo (Benedict Wong) comes by to keep him company and, eventually, helps Will in choosing from a batch of “applicants” that wander to his house. These wandering souls are played by Zazie Beetz, Tony Hale and Bill Skarsgård. What’s most interesting about “Nine Days” is how it manages to exist on a small and large scale

simultaneously. The entire movie takes place in either Will’s house or the empty expansive desert outside. Still, we take several detours to the television sets that show us snippets of different people’s walks of life. A concert violinist, a bullied teenager and a young woman preparing for her wedding, to name a few. It’s these journeys, however brief they may be, into the lives of this eclectic group of people that make this movie something special. I’ve focused mainly on the premise and setup but not much on the plot, and that’s intentional. A deeper story is told in “Nine Days,” a good one, but when I

left the theater I wasn’t thinking about the mystery that Will was trying to unravel. I was thinking about the little moments. Kyo telling the group a disgusting story about vomit, Emma (Beetz) trying to offer Will a peach, Kane (Skarsgård) grappling with the concept of pride and Alex (Hale) becoming obsessed with parties and barbecues. These moments add up to more than the sum of their parts and make you feel like you’re living alongside these characters throughout their nineday interview process. This movie makes a strong case for life being about the journey, not the destination.

As I mentioned before, there’s a bit of a mystery that makes up a big part of the plot, but I found myself caring less and less as I fell in love with these richly drawn and amazingly acted characters. Winston Duke, in particular, is fantastic in this movie as a stoic who must eventually reckon with and acknowledge the deep well of emotion he’s been ignoring. I’m often afraid to consume existential movies or stories that deal with what comes before and after our time on Earth. However, “Nine Days” is a sad, funny, scary but mostly beautiful reminder that none of that matters as long as you can teach yourself to enjoy the ride.


Will (Winston Duke) searches the expansive purgatory while searching for a soul. The movie premiered July 30.



August 19, 2021

Students wrote editorials showing frustration with the lack of college spirit year after year during the 1920’s.


A doctor showing a patient a syringe used to inject testosterone and pointing at the recommended injection site.

Healthcare lacks trans education Many face discrimination when seeking medical help


A trip to the hospital can induce anxiety in some and total horror in others. I’m not talking about the fear of needles. I’m talking about being queer in the healthcare system. There are many reasons why transgender people express trepidation when the time comes to see a doctor — this can include misgendering, dead-naming, anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and transphobia. Trans and nonbinary people have to convince their doctors of their trans identity, endure u ncom for t able quest ions unrelated to health care about their genitals, educate medical professionals about basic terms

and more. They feel the necessity to choose between their mental health and their transition. There have been cases where sharing a history of mental illness while being trans has led to doctors withholding gender-affirming care because they deem that our transness is the source. The 2015 report of the U.S. Transgender Survey revealed one-third of survey respondents had at least one bad experience related to being transgender when seeking treatment. Another 23% of respondents did not seek any health care due to fear of being mistreated. Our gender identity is not the source of our distress. It is navigating one’s queerness in a world that often violently rejects our authenticity and pleas for equal healthcare that creates the mental illnesses. According to the American Psychiatric Association, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)

didn’t mention gender identity before 1980. Additionally, the manual only recently replaced the outd ated ter m “gender identity disorder (GID)” with “gender dysphoria” in the 2013 DSM-5. As a trans-masculine nonbinary person, I loathe the entire healthcare experience. Every aspect fills me with dread, from finding new providers to mental health. I have had hormone treatment delayed by my endocrinologist because he didn’t believe my lived experience as a nonbinary person. I have been told to exaggerate my case so I would be more likely to receive care. I have educated several therapists and nurses about my identity and sexuality. And I have avoided getting help out of fear of discrimination. On the other hand, a cisgender ma n ca n have t e st o st e r one p r e s c r ib e d i f he is ex p e r ie nci ng sex u a l d y sf u n c t io n . A c i sg e n d e r

wom a n ca n re ceive bre a st augmentation without letters of recommendation from mental health professionals. The lack of knowledge on the LGBTQ+ community across medical fields is preposterous. Many queer people are left with the burden of finding inclusive, unbiased and affordable care themselves, frequently having to create the spaces they desperately need. Due to lack of representation and proper education, I have had to self-educate and unlearn toxic narratives that have been instilled throughout my youth. So when a healthcare professional doubts my gender identity, gate-keeps or needs me to educate them on LGBTQ+ experiences outside of inaccurate media por t rayals, I feel exhausted, angry and let down. The picture I have painted isn’t eve r y t r a n s p e r son’s experience with health care because the trans experience isn’t a monolithic one. Trans people

Transgender people deserve the same respect and access to care as our cisgender counterparts.

- leo cabral

have friends, family, jobs and complex lives outside of their gender identity. Transgender people deserve the same respect and access t o c a r e a s o u r c i sg e n d e r counterparts. We are human and are deserving of dignity and autonomy. Actions need to go further than a simple recommendation from the American Medical Association to remove the sex marker from the public side of birth certificates. It must go further than a brief educational chapter inserted in a care manual. If medical professionals listened to queer folk, viewed it as an educational experience, and saw us as human, we would have fewer premature trans deaths in the community. Hospitals, providers and me nt al he alt h i n st it ut ion s must do bet ter. There’s no lack of information, resources, educational workshops and reading material. What I ask is to be met half way. Do not burden an a l r e a dy m a rg i n a l i z e d a nd oppressed group to hold you accountable. Refusing to listen and make an effort is perpetuating violence against the trans community.

August 19, 2021





District mandates a good start The Riverside Community College District campuses will finally be open to the students, staff and faculty after three semesters of distance education. However, this return does not come without its restrictions. The RCCD Board of Trustees have passed a resolution that mandates vaccinations and face-coverings in order to step foot on the campuses. The Viewpoints Editorial Board supports these mandates that will be in effect throughout the three campuses. Though the mandates are a good start, we urge the district to improve their communications with everyone enrolled and employed across campuses. Enforcing mandates a couple weeks before the term begins has caused a frenzy and panic amongst students, staff, employees and the community alike. We also implore that all in-person classes and indoor spaces be properly socially-distanced and sanitized often. Like many others, we are concerned about the health and safety of the student body and community, which is why we believe this is the best solution to ensure that goal.

This pandemic has taken its toll on our entire college community, including our newsroom, both mentally and physically. The newsroom has a strong familiarity with the struggles that virtual learning has brought, and quickly operating under the safest guidelines possible has not been easy for any staff involved. The severe damage this virus has caused only makes us more motivated to follow the guidelines to stop the spread the fastest way we can. However, we do understand that many students disagree with the idea of mandating vaccinations for a myriad of reasons. It is understandable that many distrust vaccines due incidents of medical racism and discrimination in the American healthcare system. In a global state of emergency where over 620,000 Americans have died, though, we must consider if there is a plausible motive for scientists or the government to maliciously experiment on the global population rather than make it healthier against a new deadly virus. According to the California State of Public Health about 63% of Californians age 12 and older are fully vaccinated with 10% partially vaccinated, and “most current hospitalizations and deaths are

among unvaccinated persons.” Many are skeptical of how quickly the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) was processed. In a state of global emergency it should be a top priority to find a viable and efficacious solution immediately, and EUAs are rigorous in that aspect, not nefarious. Yes, the EUA is not a full FDA approval, but Pfizer and Moderna have applied for full approval of their vaccines. Still, it is a timely process. Every individual has had a different experience with COVID due to a plethora of reasons that are not limited to race, class, mental health, gender and sexuality. The weight of the pandemic’s impact on everyone has taken its toll physically and mentally, including the Viewpoints staff. If you can find no reason to care about curbing the virus, do it for those who you know will be disproportionately impacted by your actions. We encourage anyone who desires to get COVID-19 under control to stay informed and follow public health guidance so everyone can return to in-person livelihoods sooner rather than later.

Viewpoints’ editorials represent the majority opinion of and are written by the Viewpoints’ student editorial board.













JOURNALISM SPECIALIST Matt Schoenmann FACULTY ADVISERS Matt Schoenmann Angela Burrell

Letters to the editor should be kept to 250 words or less and include contact information. Deliver letters to the Viewpoints office in the room behind the Assessment Building. An electronic copy is required. Viewpoints reserves the right to edit letters for space and to reject libelous or obscene letters. Letters to the editor and columns represent the opinions of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect those of the entire Viewpoints staff, Viewpoints faculty advisers, student government, faculty, administration nor the Board of Trustees.

PRINTING SCHEDULE REPORTERS Brian Calderon John Guerrero Julianna Hernandez

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© 2021 by the Viewpoints staff, Riverside City College, 4800 Magnolia Avenue, Riverside, CA. 92506-0528. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission of the Viewpoints Editor-in-Chief.


August 19, 2021


The first issue of The Junior Colleger was printed on orange paper. The editorial explained that they did this to showcase pride for the college’s colors.

Sports season starts once again Athletes return to regular schedule but with some restrictions JESUS CORONEL STAFF REPORTER

Riverside City College sports are returning to a normal schedule starting Aug. 26. Athletes will be pleased to know that they can finally play sports in-person once again, enjoy their love for the game and work toward an opportunity to play at a fouryear university. RCC Athletic Director Payton Williams, in an email, said that he is “extremely excited for the opportunity to have our student athletes back to doing what they do best, competing with passion and transferring to the institutions of their choice.” Hailey Gray, a sophomore volleyball player, is “very excited and ready” to compete once again. “I have missed playing volleyball so much,” she said. “I will feel like myself again.” Gabriel Hill, a freshman football player, expresses equal confidence on getting back on the field. “I think we’re taking the right steps in order to be safe,” he said. “We continue to be in pods or groups in order to avoid a spread in case there is a positive case.” With the rise of the delta variant, many major sports leagues, such as the National


The Riverside City College football field and stadium remain empty throughout the pandemic, but most RCC sports are expected to return to regular schedules on campus this coming fall 2021 semester. Football League and Major League Baseball, are mandating players to get the vaccine to ensure safety. Other guidelines such as wearing masks at the venues are also to be followed. The Riverside Community College District has enacted similar guidelines to ensure the safety of their student athletes and fans after the Board of

Trustees passed a vaccine and mask mandate Aug. 10. “Based on District policy, fans may only attend in person if they provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination and they must wear a mask at all times,” Williams states. “Home football games will be live streamed via Riverside TV on YouTube.” Hill elaborated that, due to his heart condition, he feels

uncomfortable with the vaccine mandate. “I wouldn’t be allowed to play for the team if I don’t get the vaccine,” he said. “It’s not recommended if you have food or medical allergies, which I have both. My heart condition makes it complicated on my part as well.” For Gray, she knows that she has to follow the vaccine mandate

in order to keep her season running smoothly. “We plan on following it to the best of our ability to keep our season,” Gray said. “It’s been very hard for us because we haven’t played in a year and a half, so we are just wanting to be back on the court.” The first event in the fall semester will be a football game at San Diego Mesa on Aug. 26.


Map Key 1. Alumni House – 3564 Ramona Drive • RCCD Foundation 2. Art 3. Automotive Technology 4. Business Education (Alan D. Pauw) • Mailroom/Admin Service Center 5. Ceramics 6. Cosmetology 7. Digital Library & Learning Resource Center (Salvador G. Rotella) • City Grill Express Food Services • Dean, Student Success & Support • Glenn Hunt Center for Teaching Excellence • Guardian Scholars Engagement Center • Journalism/Viewpoints • LHSS Academic Engagement Center • Study Abroad Office • Technology Support Services • World Languages Lab 8. Early Childhood Education 9. Facilities, Maintenance & Operations 10. Gymnasium (Arthur N. Wheelock) • Athletics • Student Athlete Engagement Center • Fitness Room 11. Gymnasium (Catherine S. Huntley) 13. Kane Student Services & Administration Building (Dr. Charles A Kane) • Academic Affairs • Admissions & Records • Auxiliary Business Services/Cashier • Business Services • CalWORKs • Career & Transfer Center • Counseling • Disability Resource Center

Extended Opportunities Programs & Services (EOPS)/CARE • Financial Aid • President’s Office • Student Employment Services • Student Financial Services • Student Services • Transcripts • TRIO – Student Support Services • Veterans’ Resource Center • Welcome Center 14. Landis Performing Arts Center 15. Lovekin Complex • College Safety & Police (L1-3) • Gateway to College (L4-9) • Tennis (L10) • Tennis Courts • • Photo Lab & Studio (L12-14) 16. Martin Luther King Jr. High Tech Center • Center for Communication Excellence • Math Center • STEM/Fine & Performing Arts Academic Engagement Center • Tutorial Services • Writing & Reading Center 17. Math & Science Building • Dean, STEM 18. Music 19. Music Annex 20. Music Hall (Richard M. Stover) • Dean, Fine and Performing Arts • Marching Tigers 21. Nature Trail (Arlene & Robert F. Richard) 22. Quadrangle (Arthur G. Paul) • Art Gallery • Dean, Languages, Humanities & Social Sciences (LHSS)

• Honors Study Center 23. Parking Structure 24. Pilates Studio (Eleanor H. Crabtree) 25. Planetarium (Robert T. Dixon) 26. Practice Field 27. RCC Coil School for the Arts – 3890 University Avenue 28. RCC Culinary Arts Academy – 3801 Market Street 29. Riverside Aquatics Complex 30. School of Nursing 31. Sports Complex (Samuel C. Evans) • Baseball Field • Softball Field (Ab Brown) 32. Stadium (Arthur N. Wheelock) • Weight Room 33. Student Center (Ralph H. Bradshaw) • ASRCC Student Government • Bookstore • City Grill Food Services • Dean, Student Life • Food Pantry • Hall of Fame • Student Health and Psychological Services • Heritage Room • La Casa Cultural Engagement Center • Student Activities • Umoja Cultural Engagement Center 34. Technology A • CTE Academic Engagement Center • Dean, Career & Technical Education 35. Technology B • International Students and Programs Center • Printing & Graphics Center 36. Warehouse 37. Outdoor Plant Laboratory • Greenhouse

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