02 20 2014 view partnership summary notes

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San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW)

PARTNERS MEETING SUMMARY NOTES February 20, 2014 | 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Attendees: Rhonda Mann, County of Kings Gail Henry, County of Tulare Sarah Farell, SJVCEO Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO Dave Christensen, PG&E

Cam Malloy, PG&E Michael DeSousa, SCE Mark Okino, SCE Bob Decker, SCG

Location: Tulare County RMA, Main Conference Room Time: 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Next Meeting: March Partnership Meeting – March 20, 2013 – Tulare County RMA, Main Conf. Room

SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Welcome & Introductions Rhonda Mann welcomed the group and turned the discussion over to Courtney Kalashian to discuss Partnership Business. Partnership Business New Meeting Format***  Partners Meeting will continue to be monthly, but only 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.  SJVCEO will meet during the 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. block with the IOU Program Managers before the Partners Meeting.  The first month of each quarter will be a longer meeting (9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.) with a presentation beneficial to those in all three utility service territories. A meal will be provided during these meetings. The first of these will be in April.  Courtney will send out new calendar notices. SJVCEO Staff Updates  Maureen Boese has left the organization as of December 30, 2013.

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Sarah Farell to assume position of Program Administrator. SJVCEO will hire a Marketing & Outreach Coordinator, two Analysts and an Engineer over the coming months. This will allow SJVCEO to offer a full suite of services to the VIEW Partners.

Public Affairs Update Mathew Park will be the new PG&E Government Relations person. He and/or Ann Kloose will attend a meeting soon. Colby Morrow from SCG will be more involved in the Partnership to replace Colby Wells. As an air quality person, she will be able to tell us about grant opportunities from the Air District. Energy Savings Updates and Opportunities 1. PG&E  Staples monthly report for January does not include savings because they stopped billing until February 1st.  CLEAResult, a third party program that provides retrocommissioning for schools, would like to present to the group. They have representatives in Visalia.  Devon Jones, originally from the Fresno EDC, has taken the position of Economic Development Manager for the City of Visalia.  PG&E to do community outreach events similar to the Stratford and Waukena events in October 2013. Will have events in Kettleman City and Alpaugh as well as a redo event in Stratford since it was so successful. 2. SCE  ELP Level Report o For Kings County to move to the Gold Level:  SJVCEO will work with Rhonda to get a link on their website to fulfill the EE Community Item. Rhonda presented to the board twice. If she can get the minutes or a transcript from these meetings, this will also fulfill the community menu item.  Kings County also needs to complete their EAP. Kings County Association of Governments (KCAG) is currently planning for this. An energy chapter from KCAG will serve the EAP. o Tulare County also needs to move to Gold:  The County has a Climate Action Plan (CAP), but its energy chapter addresses renewable and not energy efficiency. This chapter will need to be run by Jesse Langley at SCE to find out what needs to be amended in order to be adopted.  The County can have an article in their newsletter to fulfill the Community Menu Item.  DR will be hard to fulfill. There are no accounts to do DR because impacting employees is not an option here. SJVCEO to work with Gail to do a menu item for DR (may have been done already with Brian Thoburn). This ELP tier program is a curtailment program. Need to be

able to show SCE it’s effective or Tulare County will get cut off. Tulare is saving a lot of money through PG&E, but not through SCE.  Potential Savings by Design project in Porterville, but no letter of intent. Cam Maloy said that with the Title 24 changes, baselines will go up. If the County can approve a Savings by Design project before June 1st, the County can use the old Title 24 baselines.  Gail will send Pete Vander Poel the ELP report card and get him on board to try to mitigate the political issue in Tulare County. o Other jurisdictions were not present, but their ELP Level Report Cards are readily available. Direct Install Available for Municipalities o Need to find out where DI will be available ASAP because getting a signature for this will be hard for the Counties; will have to go through City Council to be approved. o Kings County is not on Attachment #4: Home Gardens, Armona and Hanford should all be on this DI list. o All cities that are a part of the Partnership or are unincorporated are covered. o SJVCEO to cross-reference small business in cities with poverty levels to understand where the greatest needs are. DI was exhausted last time it came to this area for SMB; program will concentrate on municipalities first and SMB after. o Work with local governments and Chambers of Commerce to circulate a letter that would allow customers to sign up immediately for DI; SJVCEO to identify targets for these mailings, but have letters come out of SCE office. o For smaller accounts (0-199 kW), the signature on the DI agreement must be from the owner of the building. However, note that while SCE only requires the bill holder’s signature, Cities and Counties will need to include the landlords’ signatures as well to minimize risk. Mark Okino to get this list of contacts so we can move forward. Rhonda Mann said Brian Thoburn would make an announcement at the beginning of the next board meetings since the newspaper attends and will make note of this. o Michael DeSousa said while there is a $10K cap for buildings with up to 99 kW and a $15K cap for 100-199 kW buildings, there is no cap for municipal facilities. o Courtney asked why the Partnership cannot get the savings for this service when the Partnership is paying for it. Michael said that local governments need some investment in each project, but there’s no monetary investment in this. Mark said that SCE pays whole tab for this. Courtney said a letter should be submitted that says governments have invested money and should get savings from this. It may be a challenge, but for the program to have real value in the eyes of the CPUC, the jurisdictions need to be able to claim some credit. This will

be an even bigger problem in the upcoming 10 year cycle if the CPUC can’t see value in the local government partnerships. 3. SCG 

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Bob to get incentive money for energy efficient stoves to Rhonda. Kings County sheriff should be kept in loop about potential gas incentives as he’s the County’s biggest spender. Jail, morgue, Court house, juvenile detention center in Kings County: can all get new construction credit from Edison SCG struggling internally to establish best practices to track projects. Would like to try to flag VIEW Partnership projects more efficiently to find rebates faster. SJVCEO can help with these if necessary. Savings by Design project for the South County Detention Facility in Tulare County. No letter of intent for this yet, but a third party architect is working with HOK to get a signature to approve Savings by Design for these facilities. An incentive application is all ready for this, but internal political issues may slow this process down. Gail to make moves to get this signed. She wondered if the county would be getting new boilers. Bob will follow up with Matt to see if there’s been movement on this. There was initial interest in new kitchen equipment, but there was little follow up and the movement fell flat. There have been issues with benchmarking accounts. Will need to make some tweaks with some of the account names to fix this and get the accounts in the right place. SJVCEO to send all SCG CISR forms to Bob and Bob can provide the modified account lists to Courtney. Kings County has the cleanest of all since Rhonda has scrubbed all the data herself, but Bob may be able to go through account lists using each jurisdiction’s Tax ID number. This is a work in progress. Everyone should expect to see a few emails concerning this.

2014 Partnership Initiatives and Goals  Continue to do rural outreach events in unincorporated areas. SJVCEO to work with Gail and Rhonda to identify areas. Already have an event model for 2014 from PG&E’s Stratford and Waukena events and would like to try something similar for SCE territories and label it under the Partnership. See attachment #7 for community populations and poverty levels.  For incorporated areas, community outreach events will be focused on neighborhoods with the biggest CARE users. Contact city council members and find a place where there is a school or Boys and Girls Club and have the event resemble a neighborhood party. Could have an assembly at the school for the students and have parents pick their kids up and continue the event somewhere nearby. With rate increases for CARE customers on the horizon, this will be a good way to bring goodwill from the IOUs. o SCE needs to confirm where they have customers on Attachment #7.


Hopefully these events will carry into the 2016 and beyond 10 year cycle. Knowing the poverty levels in these areas is a good starting place as CPUC will be looking at cost effectiveness. o With Pete Vander Poel on board with these types of events, can get Tulare County on the right track. Kill-A-Watt Krackdown: SMBs in any IOU territory enroll themselves in Energy Star Portfolio Manager (ESPM) for a friendly competition across both counties. Could turn into a tri-county competition because SLO and Kings touch boundaries and eventually bring Kern into this program too since SLO and Kern touch. Eventually want to include gas in the Krackdown, but will wait until all advanced meters have been installed. Battle of the Buildings: would like to try to implement this in other jurisdictions. Courtney to meet with Betsy about how she developed Visalia’s Battle of the Buildings. She used SCE’s My Account for daily and weekly usage. Would like to figure out how to do this with ESPM, but may need to have someone checking PG&E’s My Energy and SCE’s My Account for the weekly usage data. For Tulare County, may need to have all Fire Stations do it to start. Would like to coordinate this with Energy Awareness Month (October), but will figure out when by individual jurisdiction. o Cam suggested having a best offer incentive instead of a pizza party prize. Rhonda agreed; the winner should receive something energy efficient that would help the Fire Station or whichever facilities are competing. Access VIEW: database for project tracking. The CPUC says they don’t have a good feel for a building portfolio for our region. If we merge ESPM with this database and have building characteristics as well as a complete building history (what the building was used for when it was built, past projects, current projects, technologies installed, etc.), we can more easily flag where we can do an energy project. It will be a tool that will help identify programs and specific projects. It can identify the lifespan of a technology and when it needs to be replaced at a certain facility. This will be a long term project and jurisdictions will work with the two new SJVCEO analysts on this.

Other Business  Tulare County still does not have their Silver Level Plaque. Working on tracking it or will print new one.  SEEC Conference June 18th and 19th in San Diego. Direct flights available from Fresno. SCE can cover travel for a limited number of jurisdiction partners but not staff time. If partners would like to go, contact Courtney immediately, as she and SCE will reserve space on a first-come-firstserve basis. Partners should reserve travel and bill directly to SJVCEO and SJVCEO can bill to SCE. No details about the events on each day, yet, but the 18th will most likely be more beneficial for jurisdiction partners as it’s a smaller group.  Holly Merrihew from SCE to put on a half day DR refresher course at Ag Tech in mid-March or mid-April for city and county partners. May want to push this back as all jurisdictions are in the


middle of budgets right now. Or this event could be opened up to the general public or targeted to farmers. Betsy McGovern-Garcia to be the next meeting facilitator.

Adjourn Meeting ACTION ITEMS 1. Courtney to send new calendar invites reflecting the new monthly meeting format. 2. Michael to add Kings County to the DI list (Attachment #4). 3. Sarah and Courtney to send SCG CISR forms for all jurisdiction accounts to Bob. 4. SCE and PG&E to confirm where they have customers on the list of population and poverty (Attachment #7). 5. Courtney and Betsy to discuss implementation of Battle of the Buildings in other jurisdictions.

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