Partners Meeting SUMMARY NOTES March 17th, 2016, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Attendees: Joseph Carlini, City of Visalia Lee Johnson, City of Visalia Diane Hull, County of Tulare Rhonda Mann, Kings County Action Items: Assigned Frank Courtney Courtney Courtney Courtney Courtney Courtney Courtney Frank Samantha Samantha Jarred & Isaias Dave Intner Jarred Joe Carlini Courtney Jarred Samantha, Dave, Courtney
Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO Jarred Olsen, SJVCEO Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO Dave Christensen, PG&E Isaias Franco, PG&E
Frank Yanes, SCE Gustavo Sevilla, SCG Dave Intner, Savings by Design
Action Tulare well #31& #41 check-in with Joe Carlini Circulate new WWTP baseline study to partners Send summary of AB 802 to Lee Johnson Check with Jeremy Battes for IOU survey information To email information on Public Sector business plan as it becomes available To email all Porterville contacts regarding projects Set-up meeting with Kim, Frank and public works director in Visalia To email out ideas to ALL VIEW partners for planning purposes To get Charge Ready Program information to the City of Visalia To send out SCE DI measures listing To send out Savings by Design power point to partners To follow-up on the Tulare County Sequoia Fields projects
Complete by 03/17/2016 03/17/2016 03/17/2016 03/17/2016 Continuous
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To connect with Rhonda at Kings County on potential SBD project To keep checking up on capital improvement listings for VIEW partners To check on the well generators for engine block heaters To set-up a lunch and learn for the City of Tulare managers To connect with Frank on option R rate for City of Visalia To find a new location in Kings County for outreach event
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SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Welcome & Introductions Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO, welcomed the group and introductions were made. CK let the group know of the changes that have gone on within Edison. She mentioned that the partnership has a new addition Holly Merrihew from Edison. HW is taking over for Michael DeSousa as program manager. CK stated that HM will be a welcome addition to the partnership. Action items from the February meeting were reviewed and discussed. Partnership Business Review Action Items and Summary Notes CK ran down the list of action items from the last partnership meeting. The first action item will remain open as Joe Carlini and Frank Yanes have yet to meet and discuss items. CK then stated that she has spoken with Jeremy Battes in regards to the schedule of IOU surveys. She stated that JB will be checking into the item and send over the schedule that he currently has when he is back in the office. CK also stated that all of the other action items assigned to her will stay open and she will be working on those items in the next week or so. Public Sector Business Plan Update With CK being the Co-Chair of the committee she is keeping everyone up to date on the latest information as it happens. She stated that this week they had their first meeting and it went over the GAP analysis from the program administrators. CK also stated that she was happy to hear that the PA’s are noticing that the rural areas are being left behind in some of the programs and they are making strides to fix that. She stated that she will be continuing to update the group as things progress.
Save the Date: SEEC Conference June 15th & 16th in Riverside CK reminded the partners of the upcoming SEEC conference that takes place every year. This year it will be taking place in Riverside on June 15th and 16th and sponsored by Western Riverside COG. This year’s conference will be split between two days as well as having the local government meeting on the day prior. Ck really recommends that partners take the time to make the trip. She believes that there is a lot of good information that comes out of the meeting. CK also wanted to remind the group that the IOU’s will sponsor their travel to this meeting. The sponsorship will cover all travel arrangements, but will not cover staff time. Direct Install Calendar The Partnership was provided with the SCE DI calendar for 2016. Partner cities will have DI in their areas during the month of December. CK mentioned that she would like to do a co-branded outreach effort with those that will be served this year. She thinks that it would make most sense to have DI items handed out during the outreach events that will be held in October. The partners were in agreement with the idea. Diane Hull, County of Tulare, stated that she will pass along the dates and locations to Victor who will be taking over the counties seat in the partnership. CK said that would be great, since there is a lot of opportunity for the county during this year’s DI. Monthly Feature: SCE Savings by Design Dave Intner, Savings by Design, presented to the partners regarding municipal project opportunities within the Savings by Design program. The program is a California utility administered program so it covers all three (3) of the IOU’s in the Partnership. DI started with stating he wanted to demystify the program for partners. He stated that the program covers design assistance, owners incentive, design team incentives and energy design resources. DI stated that most projects that go through the program are buildings that are being built, but the program can be a retrofit as well. He stated that there are two approaches to the program a whole building approach and a systems approach. A whole building approach is the best way to get the most EE savings. When you go with this approach you are allowing the SBD design team to consider integrated EE solutions as well as balancing energy and gas use. Many of the incentives included in this section are based upon Title 24 standards. With systems approach you are optimizing EE choices for less complex buildings. Incentives in the systems approach are flat rate incentives. He reminded the partners that since they are in the partnership they can also get their SCE ELP partnership kickers on top of the incentive. DI stated that the cap of the $500,000 went away after 2015 and now the cap is put at $150,000. DI also stated that some other cities have started using a green building checklist in lieu of REACH codes in the private development sector. He threw the idea out there since those types of checklists would need to come from the building compliance sector of the municipalities. He also gave the group a few references that are helpful in the building process or the EE process as well. Project Review and Updates PG&E Staples Report February 2016 DC reviewed the February Staples report and noted that there were no projects to report. He mentioned that he is aware of a few projects that are in the pipeline now for Kings County. DC also introduced the new institutional PG&E manager for the VIEW partnership, Isaias Franco. She stated that he will be a great resource for the partnership. IF stated that he is excited to be working with the partners and he is already eyeing a few opportunities that Jarred Olsen, SJVCEO, has identified from city/county meeting agendas. SCE Project Updates and Reviews CK went around the table to talk about current or future SCE projects, since there was no SCE project listing for this month’s meeting. Farmersville Partner not in attendance for discussion.
Hanford Partner not in attendance for discussion. Kings County HSA has a new building and will connect with SBD. Three old court buildings will be retrofitted with a 10 yr. timeline. To connect with SBD. The county is going into phase 3 of the jail expansion. To connect with Gustavo on opportunities with the kitchen items. Lindsay Partner not in attendance for discussion. Porterville Partner not in attendance for discussion. Tulare Joe Carlini stated the city purchased new well generators. JO stated JC should check to see if they include engine block heaters. JC to send JO information to see about rebates. CK and VIEW to set-up a lunch and learn for city managers that work with JC. Tulare County No knowledge of new projects outside of the detention facility. Visalia Using TEN to do minor EE retrofit. Mostly occupancy sensors as well as exterior lighting. The city is looking into getting its transit building Energy Star Certified. SCG Project Updates Gustavo Sevilla, SCG, did not have any project related updates for the partners. Other Business Upcoming Events Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO, updated the group on what the partnership is looking at doing for 2016. She went over the attached list with the partners that included: Visalia Earth Day, Spring County outreach events, Kings County employee appreciation BBQ, Tulare County employee health fair and the fall community outreach events that happen in October. SD and DC stated that the spring outreach events will be scrapped since we are already getting into spring without any plans. Rhonda Mann, Kings County, stated that she would like to go back to Kettleman City as well as Hardwick. CK stated that she is good with going back to Kettleman City, but she would like to pass on Hardwick this year and focus on a location that will be in DI territory. RM agreed as well as the other IOU partners. CK stated that SJVCEO will look into the demographics of Armona and see if we can do something out in that area for 2016. Water/Energy Nexus Placeholder CK stated that the Partnership will continue to have a water/energy nexus placeholder on each agenda that follows. Next Regular Meeting will be held on April 19th at 9:30am. Adjourn Meeting 11:30 a.m.