04 21 2016 view summary notes final

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Partners Meeting SUMMARY NOTES April 21st, 2016, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Attendees: Lee Johnson, City of Visalia Victor Calderon, County of Tulare Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO Jarred Olsen, SJVCEO Action Items: Assigned Frank Courtney Courtney Jarred Courtney Jarred Holly Holly Holly, Omar, Frank Holly Sarah Courtney & Dave Dave

Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO Dave Christensen, PG&E Omar Faris, SCE Holly Merrihew, SCE Cal Rossi, SCE

Frank Yanes, SCE Thomas Tseng, SCE Gustavo Sevilla, SCG

Action To email Charge Ready Information to County of Tulare Circulate new WWTP baseline study to partners – when it is available Set-up meeting with Kim, Frank and public works director in Visalia To keep checking up on capital improvement listings for VIEW partners To set-up a lunch and learn for the City of Tulare managers To connect with Frank on option R rate for City of Visalia To find out if funding restrictions on funding for solicitations To confirm with the City of Visalia on EAP implementation To pull accounts that are on Summer Discount Plan & evaluate participation of those sites To check on baseline movement To reach out to Victor from the County of Tulare to finish benchmarking To reevaluate to the REEL Award name To connect with Thomas Tseng from SCE Energy Center for ZNE training

Complete by 05/19/2016 TBD 08/18/2016 Ongoing 08/18/2016 04/19/2016 05/19/2016 05/19/2016 05/19/2016

Status Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open

05/19/2016 05/19/2016 05/19/2016 05/19/2016

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SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Welcome & Introductions Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO, welcomed the group and introductions followed. She introduced Holly Merrihew as the program manager for SCE to the partners. She stated that Holly is a great addition to the Partnership with her working knowledge of the different departments within SCE. CK gave HW a few minutes to give the group her background and to share her excitement of working with the group. CK also welcomed and introduced Victor Calderon from Tulare County. CK stated that VC will be our fulltime energy champion for the county. Partnership Business Review Action Items and Summary Notes The group reviewed the list of action items from the March partnership meeting. The only action item that needs follow up on would be Jarred Olsen, SJVCEO, needing to connect with Frank Yanes, SCE, in regards to the option R rate for the City of Visalia. All other items have been completed or held over for a later date. Public Sector Business Plan Update CK serves as the Public Sector subcommittee co-chair and shared updates. She stated that the next meeting would be held on May 2nd in San Diego with alternate locations available in both LA and SF. At that meeting PA’s will be presenting their problem statements that were formed after their GAP analysis. Each problem statement will evaluate how to strategically eliminate the problem over the five year business plan. CK stated that if there are any interested parties they should visit CAEECC.org to sign up for the email listserv. Once you are registered on that you will be sent emails with updates and meeting information from Constant Contact. Save the Date: SEEC Conference June 15th & 16th in Riverside The seventh annual Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative (SEEC) forum will occur June 15 th and 16th in Riverside at the Riverside Convention Center. The Riverside Marriott will serve as the host hotel and the forum room rate is available through May 23rd.

The Partnership will sponsor local government partners to attend. VIEW can cover travel related expenses (mileage, airfare, lodging and meals) but cannot pay for staff time. If you are interested in attending please contact Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO at sdodero@pesc.com. More information will be sent to partners as it is available. Working in the Partnership Changes to the SCE Energy Leader Model Criteria HM from SCE went over some of the updates that have happened with the energy leader model over the last few months. The biggest change in the model will be that there will be allotments of funding for tasks. Meaning that there will be more embedded funds for the menu items for the partnership. She also stated that there will be more of a logical progression within the tiers. HM also stated that SCE is looking into creating a more stream lined process for purchase orders and other backend items. SCE is looking at going out and collecting a pool of vendors that they would certify and they would be eligible to go in on any RFP’s that partners put out for projects. The reason for this item being that it helps customers spend less time on finding the right fit for the project. Changes to SCE Strategic Plan HM updated the group on the strategic plan changes that are happening. With the changes in procedures with the CPUC SCE will not be issuing any more additional strategic plan dollars. If strategic plan dollars were previously committed to a project that is ongoing those funds are fine and will stay in place. For our partners completing work on EAP’s and benchmarking will continue with those strategic plan dollars in place. CK mentioned to the group that activities that take place after benchmarking and EAP’s are completed are being billed under DI funds. The way the partnership has previously billed for SP and DI have been approved by Jeremy Battis at the CPUC so we will continue billing the same way. Also CK mentioned that she has Sarah Farell, SJVCEO, working on a logic model for strategic planning. She mentioned that SF will be putting together a matrix of once items are completed which items should partners pursue as well as what is available to those partners when moving on and up. SF will also include in what capacity the partnership will be able to assist in each category. She stressed that she wants to make sure that partners use the partnership to the fullest as that what it is for. Working towards wrapping up ongoing SP efforts CK discussed the ongoing efforts that are underway that will be wrapped up within the 2016 program cycle. The first item was the City of Visalia’s EAP. With the change in the ELP model Visalia just initiating its EAP will satisfy its EAP item and will then need to focus on DR items. HM stated that to satisfy platinum Visalia will need to have 50% of facilities enrolled in DR programs as well as an auto DR item. HM also stated that if the city does not want to move forward with auto DR then they would need to complete a community menu item. In the midst of discussing DR CK stated that the partnership may want to look at what buildings are enlisted in the summer discount plan through SCE. We want to make sure that with more talks of event days this year we have the right buildings responding to a DR event. CK also stated with benchmarking wrapping up in 2016 the partnership is looking at what should follow behind. Some items mentioned were benchmarking education and training with partners as well as benchmarking policy/ordinances. PG&E VIEW Recognition Award Dave Christensen, PG&E, went over the newly created VIEW recognition award. The award will launch 7/1/16 and all partners are eligible for the award. Creation of the award was to recognize those cities that may not have been recognized with the SCE ELP model at the annual luncheon. DC went over the criteria for the award. 1.) Must complete an EE project through an IOU program. 2.) Must complete a gas EE project through a SCG program 3.) Must promote EE annually as well as the 811 program 4.) Must attend 3 partnership meetings in person (i.e. SEEC, CenCal Meeting, Monthly Meetings) 5.) Must attend a partnership sponsored training program. CK stated that the driver behind the award was to drive PG&E and SCG partners to implement projects and have a given structure for recognition. Also it helps to push partners into looking at projects holistically for both gas and electric savings. She also stated that with the award there will be required EE savings. The requirements will be stated on the collateral that will be created and distributed before the launch in July.

Project Review and Updates PG&E Staples Report March 2016 Dave Christensen, PG&E, shared there was one new project in Corcoran for the month of March. DC stated that a batch of projects were submitted at the end of March and were not processed until April so they do not show on the current Staples report. He stated that in April you will see a lot of headway toward the partnership energy savings goals of 1,525,842 kWh. DC also stated that the partnership needs to meet 35% of goal by the month of June and he does not see that as being a hard goal to attain. SCE Project Updates and Reviews CK asked that HM take on the discussion of SCE projects for the month. HM turned over city/county updates to the account managers Frank Yanes and Omar Faris, SCE. Farmersville  WWTP is on track for the 2017 completion date. Hanford  All of the wells listed on the project listing were granted an extension until May of 2016.  Thinking is that Lou Camara and Mario Orosco will not be moving on any of the well projects. Lindsay  Well #15 is in the que and awaiting project approval to move forward.  OF stated that he is very engaged with Mike Camarena so things will be coming in.  CK brought up the topic of lighting, since it is in trouble for the city. OF stated that currently the City doesn’t have the funding. But a way around that issue would be showing what they are saving in the rate changes that happened after the rate analysis in Jan. and use those funds for lighting. Porterville  The public safety building is in the que with Savings by Design. Tulare  Well #23 and #33 are in the works and now just waiting IR.  There is discussion of the fuel cells that are at the WWTP. Frank to connect with Joe Carlini on item.  Rebate for block heaters was denied since block heaters are now standard items for new gas fired generators. Visalia  911 communication center just broke ground.  The WWTP is coming along and looking like it will be completed in 4/17. Frank is connecting with the WWTP manager Jim Ross for items. SCG Project Updates Gustavo Sevilla, SCG, did not have any project related updates for the partners. Other Business Upcoming Events Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO, shared the upcoming 2016 events for the partnership. Calendared events include Visalia Earth Day, Kings County employee appreciation BBQ, Tulare County employee health fair and the fall community outreach events that happen in October. VC from Tulare County stated that there might be an opportunity to table at an event that happens in May in general services. Lee Johnson from the City of Visalia also stated that they have a City employee health fair that we might be interested in. Both stated that they will collect the information and get back to SD with details. Next Regular Meeting will be held on May 19th at 9:30am. Adjourn Meeting 11:30 a.m.

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