San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW)
PARTNERS MEETING SUMMARY NOTES June 1, 2011 | 10:00 a.m. County of Tulare RMA, Conference Room E| 5961 South Mooney Blvd., Visalia, CA 93277 Attendees: Lou Camara, City of Hanford Kim Loeb, City of Visalia Troy Robinson, City of Visalia George Cowett, County of Kings Gail Henry, County of Tulare
Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO Maureen Hoff, SJVCEO Hammad Chaudhry, SCE Mark Okino, SCE Bill DeLain, SCE
Brian Thoburn, SCE Frank Lauro, So Cal Gas Tara Becnel, SCE (call in) Drew Butler, Diesel 2 Gas Solutions
Location: County of Tulare RMA, Conference Room E, 5961 South Mooney Boulevard, Visalia, CA 93277 Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Next Meeting: Thursday, July 7, 2011 Location: County of Tulare RMA, RMA Main Conference Room, 5961 South Mooney Boulevard, Visalia, CA 93277 Agenda Topics on June 1, 2011 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Housekeeping 3. Strategic Plan Update 4. Energy Savings Goals 5. Demand Response 6. Bi-fuel Systems 7. Marketing and Outreach Report 8. Other Business 9. Adjourn Meeting
Summary of Discussion: Welcome and Introductions In the absence of Barbara Marty, Lou Camara served as facilitator and the meeting began with a round of introductions. Housekeeping The City of Hanford did not have a chance to test the plug load power strips since the last partnership meeting. Lou will hold on to the power strips and will talk with Mark Okino about placing an order. Courtney Kalashian noted that 2011 CISR forms are being collected and she will be in touch with those who have yet to return them. Mark thought that there was a new CISR form so he will check and get back to Courtney. Strategic Plan Update Courtney gave an update on Strategic Planning efforts noting that the City of Hanford and County of Tulare are taking the lead for benchmarking. Both have been able to provide Maureen Hoff with additional details needed for the data upload into Portfolio Manager. Kim Loeb with the City of Visalia 2011 Meeting Schedule: July 7, 2011; August 4, 2011; September 1, 2011; October 6, 2011; November 3, 2011; December 1, 2011
San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW) said he would like to discuss offline because they are using EECBG funds to help with the process by having a third party do some of the work. Rhonda Mann said she will begin to look at the County of Kings’ data this month. Courtney also mentioned that she and Maureen will be meeting with the City of Lindsay Friday, June 3rd to discuss benchmarking and bring their new VIEW representative, Becky Murphy, up to speed on the partnership. Energy Savings Goals Mark Okino presented the SCE projects which included projected savings from power strip orders. It was requested that all orders be in by June 1st but Mark said he would make the exception for Hanford. Gail Henry noted that Tulare County’s Tcera property office addition is being postponed until next spring or summer. Kim said the City of Visalia was just awarded lighting retrofits for three buildings and will soon be sending applications to SCE. Courtney passed around a list of EECBG projects, not including those going the direct fund route, which spelled out when original audits were performed, status of MOUs, and next steps needed. The City of Lindsay still needs to sign and send in their MOU. The City of Woodlake’s MOU has been sent in and fully executed by the Air District and now they need to figure out the procurement process to move forward. The County of Kings has yet to submit their MOU and funds need to be reallocated so Hammad Chaudhry said he could get someone out there to do audits. Gail said that Floresco would be in town Thursday and Friday to revisit sites/projects to possibly make changes since the last audit was performed in 2009. It looks like project is set to begin mid-July. Frank Lauro said that the gas company has about $9k in the technical assistance budget to perform some audits and he has a list of about nine facilities where he’d like to start. It costs about $3,400 to do one audit. Gail said she has yet to speak with someone in capital projects regarding the boiler projects. Demand Response SCE’s Tara Becnel, joining the meeting via telephone, reviewed with the group where each city and county stood in terms of tier level and the actions needed to advance. The City of Tulare has met all silver requirements and is currently moving towards gold. One of the last things to implement is a demand response measure. There have already been audits in three facilities and Tara said she already has recommendations for them (e.g. raise temperature settings on thermostat). Tara outlined the steps needed for the rest of the cities and counties as a whole in order to advance tier levels: At least one facility in a Demand Response program (e.g. summer discount plan, ag rate) At least one facility to develop Peak Reduction Action Plan – If the city or county already has an account enrolled in a program there is a simple template to fill in the blanks to outline strategy. Distribute Energy Solutions brochure to partner employees – There is a PDF version available which can be distributed via an internal email blast. It was noted that the City of Visalia has already done this. Tara will send the draft email to Courtney and she will forward it along to partners. Hammad also noted that this is one of the action items for the County of Tulare to complete.
2011 Meeting Schedule: July 7, 2011; August 4, 2011; September 1, 2011; October 6, 2011; November 3, 2011; December 1, 2011
San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW) Complete an Integrated Demand Side Management audit at all eligible facilities greater than 200kW – Cities and counties can work with account rep to get this completed. Hammad will get the audit information to Gail. Bill DeLain mentioned that the Cool Centers opened June 1st for the summer season with half a dozen in Tulare County (Boys & Girls Club of Tulare in Visalia, Claude Meitzenheimer Community Center in Tulare, Farmersville Cool Center, Lindsay Refresh, St. Thomas Catholic Church in Goshen, and Tulare Senior Center). Frank Lauro asked if SCE was making any rate structure changes like PG&E. Bill said no but that looking into a summer discount program would be a good option and it is also part of demand response Bi-fuel Systems Frank Lauro introduced Drew Butler from Diesel 2 Gas Solutions. Drew spoke about the bi-fuel systems, a combination of diesel fuel and a natural gas supplement of up to 70 percent. Bi-fuel systems can bring into compliance for emissions standards. The systems are designed for use on conventional heavy duty diesel engines with no engine modification required as these are bolt on systems. Installation typically takes about a day to install. In case the natural gas supply gets cut off the system will revert back to 100 percent diesel. Payback for the system is very quick and in one case payback was seen within 11 days for a system that runs 24 hours a day. The systems can run off of pipeline natural gas, liquid natural gas, and compressed natural gas as well as wellhead gas, biogas, and coal-bed gas with proper pre-treatment. Lou Camara asked how this would affect a warranty and Drew said it would not because it isn’t changing any physical parameters of the existing equipment. Frank noted that the gas company has incentives that can help with the costs of the bi-fuel systems. Marketing and Outreach Report Maureen Hoff reported on the two most recent events where the partnership had a presence – the Porterville Prospect Education Center Earth Day and the Kings-Tulare Senior Day. The new magnetic chip clips were a big hit with the seniors and the elementary school children enjoyed coloring EnergyStar energy-efficiency themed pages. Maureen will follow up with Hammad to get the MEU reports. The Cool Centers were also promoted at Senior Day and contact information was taken so individuals could be called with center details. Courtney and Maureen will work with SCE Public Affairs to put out a press release and will look into doing a Public Service Announcement. They will also contact Jeannie Harrell to get a web badge to put on the VIEW website to link back to SCE. In upcoming events, the Partnership will have a booth at the June 17th Lindsay Farmers’ Market with the 2nd Mobile Education Unit. Courtney explained plans to update the VIEW website to promote the core programs. She also explained how she and Maureen identified three target markets for the keyboard calendars that will be printed for outreach giveaways. For each market (active, technical, and compassionate) there will be a different message about energy efficiency. Kim Loeb asked about getting copies of the SCE Whole House flyer. Hammad will follow up.
2011 Meeting Schedule: July 7, 2011; August 4, 2011; September 1, 2011; October 6, 2011; November 3, 2011; December 1, 2011
San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW) Other Business Hammad Chaudhry reported that the Small Business Direct Install program was too popular and they were just finishing up as funds had completely dried out! Results for the program, as well as for the Comprehensive Mobile Home program, are expected by the end of July. Frank Lauro announced that he will be transferring jobs at the gas company and Paulo Morais will return as the partnership’s program manager. Facilitator for next meeting will be Lew Nelson and Eugene Sedeno, a SCE Engineer, will be presenting on solar. Hammad noted that power strip installation will begin with the City of Visalia. Hammad and Kim will discuss offline to coordinate. The next partnership meeting will resume the regular first Thursday of the month schedule making it July 7th from 10am to 12noon. A Marketing Taskforce meeting will take place in the same room from 9am to 10am and all are welcomed and encouraged to join. Adjourn VIEW Partnership Meeting As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
ACTION ITEMS: Lou Camara will hold on to the plug load power strips and will talk with Mark Okino about placing an order. Mark Okino will be in touch with Courtney Kalashian about new CISR forms. Tara Becnel will provide Courtney with the PDF version of the Energy Solutions brochure to distribute to partners. Hammad Chaudhry will provide Gail Henry with audit information related to Demand Response. Maureen Hoff will work with Hammad Chaudhry to get MEU reports for Senior Day. Maureen Hoff and Courtney Kalashian will coordinate promotions for Cool Centers with Public Affairs and Jeannie Harrell. Maureen and Courtney will coordinate order of keyboard calendars. Hammad will check on availability of Whole House flyers. Hammad and Kim Loeb will discuss offline to coordinate installation of plug load power strips in the City of Visalia.
2011 Meeting Schedule: July 7, 2011; August 4, 2011; September 1, 2011; October 6, 2011; November 3, 2011; December 1, 2011