San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW)
PARTNERS MEETING SUMMARY NOTES July 16, 2015 | 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Attendees: Joseph Carlini, City of Tulare Dave Christensen, PG&E Bob Decker, SCG Michael DeSousa, SCE Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO Becky Estrella, SCG Moses Gastelum, PG&E Tina Harmon, County of Tulare
Gail Henry, County of Tulare Lee Johnson, City of Visalia Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO Jeff Lawler, SCG Rhonda Mann, County of Kings Mario Orosco, City of Hanford Mark Okino, SCE
ACTION ITEMS: 1. Gail Henry, SCE and SJVCEO to meeting via call re: Permanent Load Shift for South County Detention Facility. 2. Samantha Dodero from SJVCEO to send past endorsement letter to Joe Carlini for approval re: Mobile Home DI 3. SJVCEO to follow up on County of Kings mobile home outreach letters 4. SJVCEO look into working with the water energy nexus programs and to keep water energy nexus on meeting agenda for following months 5. Jeff Lawler to give SJVCEO shower head kit for outreach event display 6. Dave Christensen to ask Staples to provide “true work hours” to Gail Henry for upcoming projects 7. Mario Orosco to get more information for Courtney on City of Hanford projects 8. Becky Estrella to follow up with Porterville on pool opportunities as well as Lindsay rebate application 9. Mark Okino to check on self-generation rule for SCE and report back to partners 10. Gail Henry to make contact with Mike from County to Tulare to get together with Becky and Jeff from SCG regarding boiler incentives 11. Courtney Kalashian to send pool listing opportunities to Becky Estrella of SCG SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Welcome & Introductions Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO welcomed the group and introductions were made. She introduced the newest members to the Partnership and meeting Becky Estrella and Jeff Lawler from SCG. She explained the Bob Decker has moved within the company and the Jeff and Becky would be helping with the Partnership work until staff items at SCG are figured out. Partnership Business SEEC Feedback & LGC CenCal Save the Date CK gave a break down to the partners regarding the SEEC conference that happened in June. She stated there was a lot of information, but wished it was more detailed than just high level topics and discussions. She thanked Lee Johnson, Visalia, for making the trip and asked him what his thought were on the event. LJ stated that the event was great since he was able to network with others in the same field. He thought that the main focus of the event was around big picture items as well as policy changes. CK asked any of the other IOU’s attendees if they would like to add any more information regarding SEEC. BE thought that this year’s SEEC was not one of the best and it
was lacking best practices between peers. Since she sits on the planning committee for the conference she stated that they are looking into new ideas for next year and would encourage all to attend if possible. Dave Christensen, PG&E, did not have anything to add regarding the SEEC Conference, but wanted to mention the upcoming Central California LGC meeting in Paso Robles. He stated that this meeting will be more applicable to the Cities and Counties within the VIEW Partnership. They are looking to have the event on October 8th in Paso Robles. CK also reminded the group that there are sponsorships available to those partners that would like to attend the meeting. Mobile Home Direct Install Update Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO, let the group know that the Partnership is still working with Synergy on the outreach piece of the mobile home DI program. She stated that letters have been sent out to Visalia and Hanford residents and Synergy is getting a great response so far. The cities that are next in line are Tulare and Lindsay. SD will continue to work with Joe Carlini on getting a letter from the City of Tulare endorsed and in the mail. CK also wanted to let the group know that the Partnership has had some issues with Synergy on the calendar of scheduled cities. Synergy has changed around the calendar to where some of our cities are not on the “hit” list as stated before. SD and CK will make sure to keep the group up to date on items regarding the mobile home DI program. Congratulations Farmersville! EAP Adopted CK wanted to also congratulate City of Farmersville for adopting their EAP. Sarah Farell, SJVCEO, worked very hard on putting together an EAP with the City. SF will now be working on getting a three (3) utility EAP together for the County of Kings. This EAP will be the first of its kind to have all three (3) utilities included. Sustainable Energy Roadmap LJ presented the newest program that the City is participating in. SER is a statewide grant that helps local governments become more sustainable and complete sustainability projects. He wanted to share with the group the Cities experience and progress to date. LJ stated that the City was provided with an upfront $5,000 stipend for participating in the program and received technical assistance all the way from cradle to grave of a project. The program consists of four (4) steps to complete the SER project. Number 1 was that they must complete a baseline survey of all energy and sustainability actions completed to date. From there the SER team helps the City to pinpoint where there is project opportunity. The 3rd step is figure out where the City would like to go with projects and to find the funding and financing for those projects. The 4th and final step to the program is to complete those projects that were listed out as opportunities. CK ask LJ if he and his staff have found SER of value to them. LJ stated that they haven’t had much interaction with those from SER so he can’t really say. CK asked if anyone else from the group would find this program of use to them. JC from the City of Tulare stated that he and the City may be interested. CK then asked LJ to give a quarterly update on where Visalia stands within the SER program. Project Review and Updates PG&E Staples Report May and June 2015 DC went over May and June reports from Staples. Since there wasn’t much going on in the month of May DC skipped over May. He went on and covered Junes report for DI work. There were a lot of projects within the Kings County area for the month. DC stated that was most likely the fire department buildings that have been on the books. He also let the group know that the Partnership was able to add $200,000 to the DI budget for the year bringing the budget to $480,000. Right now Staples is at 35% of their 100% goal for the year. GH from the County of Tulare asked DC to clarify what and how the copay works for projects. DC stated that the copay is the incentive that is taken from the overall total cost of the project. GH was glad to get clarification on
that item, since she presented it differently to the County. Even with that being said she said that the County would still like to move forward with a few projects. SCE: Projects Pipeline and Current Mark Okino from SCE let the group know that Edison’s streetlight program will be ending on August 15th. If Cities or Counties would like to participate they would need to submit the application as well as the $10,000 fee associated with enrolling. CK from SJVCEO let the group know that if they are in need of assistance with the streetlight program she can put them in touch with the SoCal REN. She asked the group if anyone would be interested. JC from the City of Tulare said he would be interested in sitting down with Doug from the SoCal REN to discuss things. MO then went over the project list for the Partnership. Hanford: All lift stations projects are completed. Mark Okino, SCE to get final number from Michael once paid out. All wells that are shown have just been submitted and ready to move on once the City moves forward with the projects. Site projects need clarification on status of project. Lindsay: MO and Michael DeSousa put together a plan for pre-submission of pump paperwork on projects on Lindsay’s radar. Porterville Public safety Building is going through savings by design. MO reported that VFD pool pump has been installed and completed after receiving the needed extension. Tulare Wells 13 & 21 are already completed and JC is looking into adding a VFD onto pump #21. But MO will need to connect with the City to have a pre-inspection done before adding that on. Wells 23 &11 are in process and JC will check on pump #1 to see what the project is. Tulare County South County Detention Facility has a changed completion date of 12/31/2018. Visalia Lee Johnson to check on Convention Center project as he is not aware of any projects through SCE. LJ will check on the Corp yard and M&O transit projects and let MO know if those are active projects. The water conservation plant upgrades are in the works and making progress. SCG: Pipeline and Current BE and JL introduced themselves and how they would like help the Partnership with gas projects. BE was very interested to see what opportunities may be out in projects that have already been completed. CK and BE will look into how they could possibly use technical assistance funds for such items. Monthly Feature Energy Awareness Events Samantha, SJVCEO, spoke about the upcoming events that will held during the months of September and October. Many of the community events dates are TBD and she will let the Partners know as soon as dates and times are decided. She also stated that they have room for one more event and if the City of Tulare had any ideas to let her know. Next Regular Meeting will be held on September 17th. Adjourn Meeting 11:30 a.m.