San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW)
PARTNERS MEETING AGENDA August 4, 2011 | 10:00 a.m. County of Tulare RMA, RMA Main Conference Room| 5961 South Mooney Blvd., Visalia, CA 93277 Attendees: Barbara Marty, City of Hanford Kim Loeb, City of Visalia Rhonda Mann, County of Kings Gail Henry, County of Tulare Jim Claybaugh, Tulare County WIB
Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO Maureen Hoff, SJVCEO Hammad Chaudhry, SCE Mark Okino, SCE Cal Rossi, SCE
Paulo Morais, So Cal Gas Jeannie Harrell, SCE Jason Wang, SCE John King, SCE Joseph Oldham, City of Fresno
Location: County of Tulare RMA, Conference Room E, 5961 South Mooney Boulevard, Visalia, CA 93277 Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Next Meeting: Thursday, September 1, 2011 Location: County of Tulare RMA, RMA Main Conference Room, 5961 South Mooney Boulevard, Visalia, CA 93277
Agenda Topics on August 4, 2011 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Welcome and Introductions Energy Savings Goals Marketing and Outreach Report Regional Comprehensive Residential Retrofit Cool Centers SEEC Best Practices Forum Report Strategic Planning – Portfolio Manager Demo Other Business Adjourn Meeting
Welcome and Introductions Barbara Marty called the meeting to order and introductions were made. Energy Savings Goals Mark Okino presented the spreadsheet with SCE projects, potential projects, and estimated savings. Kim Loeb’s question regarding the City of Visalia’s LED street light project and wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) were answered and the issue was resolved. Paulo Morais said he had nothing to add from Frank Lauro’s spreadsheet for SCG projects at this point. He also noted that he was checking on Visalia’s WWTP for potential gas savings. Courtney Kalashian and Mark Okino added that there could be potential gas savings with the wastewater treatment plant projects in the cities of Porterville and Woodlake. Paulo will check on this.
2011 Meeting Schedule: September 1, 2011; October 6, 2011; November 3, 2011; December 1, 2011
San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW) Gail Henry had a question about power strips and incentives and Hammad Chaudhry clarified that while the savings are counted, there is not an incentive directly paid to county or city. Hammad will be in touch with Kim regarding submission of an application for Visalia’s lighting project of two parking garages and the convention center. He will also follow up with Gail Henry regarding the application for Tulare County’s project with Fluoresco. Courtney Kalashian updated the group on EECBG projects. She informed everyone that there would be a Department of Energy auditor coming through the SJVCEO office to review projects. There shouldn’t be any problems but Courtney wanted to give everyone a heads up that they might be contacted if the auditors have any questions. Hammad took the time to recognize the City of Porterville for all of their work – to date about $70,000 in incentives has been paid to the city. Marketing and Outreach Report Courtney and Maureen brought keyboard calendars for jurisdictions that ordered plug load power strips. A number for Tulare County will have to be determined since they ordered more power strips than there are calendars. Maureen Hoff reported on the July 22nd Lindsay Friday Night Market. According to the Mobile Education Unit report most event attendees were interested in low income programs. Kim also noticed that the MEU staff seemed frustrated with the number of brochures available for giveaway. Hammad will check to see what materials are provided when the MEU is sent out to events. Upcoming events include the August 11th Hanford Market and Employee Appreciation Night and the September 29th Tulare County Health and Wellness Fair. Maureen encouraged Hammad and Paulo to attend the Tulare County event as we were understaffed last year with only three volunteers for the whole 8 hour day. Courtney noted that the partnership is getting ready to reprint the VIEW brochures and this could be an opportunity to print details about utility programs, including web addresses, to better direct customers. Mark Okino asked Hammad if the LED holiday light program would occur again this year. Hammad said there are about 4,000 strands in total available for all of the partnership cities, amounting to only 100 or so strands per jurisdiction. Hammad will keep everyone posted on what happens with the program. Paulo Morais suggested keying in on Energy Upgrade California for promotion at community events. Hammad added that SCE has developed Carl and Eddie animation videos specifically for local government partnerships. He should be able to bring a showcase of these videos to the next monthly meeting and will provide each jurisdiction with a couple DVDs. Details are still be 2011 Meeting Schedule: September 1, 2011; October 6, 2011; November 3, 2011; December 1, 2011
San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW) worked out. Gail thought these could be fun to play at the Tulare County Health and Wellness Fair. Regional Comprehensive Residential Retrofit Joseph Oldham, Sustainability Manager for the City of Fresno, presented on the Regional Comprehensive Residential Retrofit program that has been developed over the past couple of years through grant funds for Kern and Fresno counties. After his same presentation at the SEEC Forum in San Jose he was approached with the possibility of more funding to expand the program into Tulare County. He also hopes to expand into Kings County. Joseph explained that he has been granted access to PG&E data that shows community wide energy use levels in great detail. Using this particular software with a heat map, energy use data can be pinpointed at the level of clusters of three or four homes, allowing for specifically targeted marketing and outreach. Comprehensive energy surveys were developed to include HERS II raters with the goal of finding out where the biggest energy users live, in hopes that through educating the public energy efficiency solutions could be implemented. If people can save money on their utility bills they could then turn around and put that money back into the economy. Since the start of the program earlier in the year, about 1,300 home surveys have been performed. SCE representatives expressed concern over being able to drill down that far to see customers’ houses. Paulo also was concerned that the approach to work with Energy Upgrade California needs to be better coordinated. He felt that it is difficult to provide results to programs when getting conflicting instructions from higher up the chain. Joseph agreed that there has been conflicting instructions on how to carry out the program; however, his main concern is to educate customers about energy efficiency and to give customers the option to choose the upgrade path that works best for them, whether that is Energy Upgrade California or not. Joseph clarified that the program provides the comprehensive home survey and options for energy upgrades and financing. Specific contractors are not recommended and no actual upgrade work is completed through the program. If a customer chooses to go the route of Energy Upgrade California, another survey will be required with the cost falling on the customer. Joseph emphasized that this is not necessarily a bad thing and that it gives the customer peace of mind that the original audit was performed correctly. Should approval come through for the program to enter into Tulare County, rollout would begin in September. Courtney will provide the VIEW partnership utility program managers with their PG&E counterpart’s contact information to further discuss the program, privacy issues, and any other questions that came up during Joseph’s presentation. Cool Centers Jeannie Harrell and Jason Wang from SCE attended the meeting to thank VIEW partners for their help in getting six Cool Centers in Tulare County for this year. They also announced a new pilot program in which one existing Cool Center in Tulare County will be selected to have an 2011 Meeting Schedule: September 1, 2011; October 6, 2011; November 3, 2011; December 1, 2011
San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW) ‘Edison Day’ where customers can ask SCE representatives questions about their bills or specific programs. After they visit all of the centers they will decide which one is a best fit for the pilot. In their visits they will also be delivering Spanish language banners and materials to the existing Cool Centers after Courtney and Maureen found a need for them in their own spot-check site visits. SEEC Best Practices Forum Report Courtney Kalashian reported on the recent Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative (SEEC) Best Practices Forum that took place in San Jose. Courtney and Maureen attended on behalf of all the jurisdictions, except for the City of Visalia which was represented by Kim Loeb. Courtney attended a session on codes and ordinances getting ideas for how this region could consider adopting codes without the issues of dealing with the BIA. Other sessions attended were for best practices within small community partnerships, marketing to commercial and industrial sectors, and Energy Upgrade California. Kim Loeb said that it was worthwhile for jurisdictions to attend next year’s forum which will be somewhere in the Los Angeles area. Paulo complimented Courtney on her presentation about benchmarking that highlighted her efforts to create the ‘Benchmarking Made Easy’ guide and the benefits of Portfolio Manager. Strategic Planning – Portfolio Manager Demo In the interest of time, the Portfolio Manager demonstration was skipped and will be put on the agenda for the next partnership meeting. There was some discussion about the year to be used as a baseline. Gail Henry was concerned that if they didn’t go back as far as 2002 Tulare County’s efforts toward energy efficiency would not be included. It was clarified that while these projects might not be noted in Portfolio Manager, they would be discussed within the Energy Action Plan. Other Business Courtney suggested the facilitator for next meeting be Lew Nelson. Adjourn VIEW Partnership Meeting The partnership meeting was adjourned. ACTION ITEMS: Paulo Morais will look into the WWTPs in Visalia, Porterville and Woodlake for potential gas savings. Hammad Chaudhry will be in touch with Kim Loeb regarding the submission of an application for Visalia’s lighting project of two parking garages and convention center. He will also contact Gail Henry regarding Tulare County’s application for the lighting project with Fluoresco. 2011 Meeting Schedule: September 1, 2011; October 6, 2011; November 3, 2011; December 1, 2011
San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW) Courtney will provide the VIEW partnership utility program managers with their PG&E counterpart’s contact information to further discuss the Regional Comprehensive Residential Retrofit program, privacy issues, and any other questions that came up during Joseph Oldham’s presentation. Courtney and Maureen will follow up with SCE’s Jeannie Harrell to find out which Tulare County Cool Center was selected for the ‘Edison Day’ pilot program. A Portfolio Manager demonstration will be included in the September Partnership meeting. Hammad will bring a showcase of Carl and Eddie videos to the next Partnership meeting.
2011 Meeting Schedule: September 1, 2011; October 6, 2011; November 3, 2011; December 1, 2011