Partners Meeting SUMMARY NOTES September 15th, 2016 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Attendees: Victor Calderon, County of Tulare Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO
Dave Christensen, PG&E Frank Yanes, SCE Omar Faris, SCE Holly Merrihew, SCE
Isaias Franco, PG&E Cody Coeckelenbergh, LINCUS Rhonda Mann, Kings County Lee Johnson, City of Visalia
Action Items: Assigned Holly Merrihew Cody & Gustavo
Action To check if added incentives count for third party programs Check to see if the City of Hanford’s WWTP can benefit from Lincus
Complete by 10/20/16 10/20/16
Status Complete Open
SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Welcome & Introductions Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO, welcomed the group and introduced the presenter for the month’s meeting, Cody Coeckelenbergh from Lincus. Then attendee introductions followed. Partnership Business Review Action Items and Summary Notes Review of action items and summary notes did not happen due to time constraints. Public Sector Business Plan Update CK, SJVCEO, stated that business plans will begin to roll out in November. She encourages all of those that are interested to take an active role in the process. If any partner is interested in involvement they are to contact CK at SAVE THE DATE: CenCal LGP Meeting 10/6/16 CK, SJVCEO, informed the group that the Central California Local Government Partners Meeting will be held on October 6th in San Luis Obispo from 9:00am to 2:30pm. Topics to be covered are leveraging partnerships for a successful program as well as EE best practices. She encourages partners to attend so that they can get an idea of what other cities/counties are working on. IOU’s will also be covering partial costs for those partners who would like to attend. Working in the Partnership Lincus Wise Presentation Cody Coeckelenbergh, Lincus, gave an insightful presentation on how his company is working with IOU’s and municipal customers for water/energy savings. CC went over the organizational structure of Lincus and how they work with all of the CA IOU’s. The main focus of the presentation was on the Water Infrastructure System Efficiency (WISE) Program. The program focuses on major electric consumers (source water pumping, water treatment plant, water distribution systems, wastewater treatment plant). CC went over how Lincus finds water and energy savings and system optimizations for each of the major electric consumers. Source Water & Water Distribution Systems (WSO) Holistic approach Combine pump test and hydraulic modeling to evaluate how a pumping system can be optimized. Water (WTP) & Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) WWTP- Focus on aeration systems and controls to minimize a facilities’ electric consumption. WTP- Same holistic approach as source water with a primary focus on pump efficiency.
During the presentation CC also went over why an LGP should leverage WISE. They go as follows; thorough understanding of all IOU’s measures and EE opportunities, management of IOU incentive paperwork, develop energy savings calculations, maximize IOU incentive, process OBF loan applications and last but not least is that the WISE program is of NO COST. After highlighting the benefits of the program CC went on to cover optimizations that can be made in a water processing system. He touched on how water conservation goes hand in hand with energy conservation. In a 2010 CPUC study it was found that energy use needed to support the water sector was around 7.7%. He highlighted a few ways to gain an understanding of energy use in a water system. 1.) test the pump efficiency 2.) track the efficiency of the pumps 3.) establish energy intensity and embedded energy system metrics 4.) develop and maintain a hydraulic model. Once you have an understanding of how energy is being used in the system you need to understand the EE potential. 1.) benchmark pumps and systems 2.) develop an economic analysis of your efficiency opportunities. CC also went over some other opportunities Lincus sees in water optimization systems. 1.) leak detection and repair 2.) distributed water storage 3.) distributed generation 4.) end-use water conservation programs 5.) ZNE wastewater plants. Once the presentation wrapped up there was time for open Q&A. Many questions centered around incentive additives as well as the funding cap to be eligible for the program. For LGP partners they do receive an added incentive if they are an SCE partner. As for the funding cap, there is not one. Lincus will move forward with benchmarking accounts and then access if the partner has opportunity before moving forward. Project Review and Updates PG&E Staples Report July & August Not covered. SCE Project Updates and Reviews Not covered. SCG Project Updates Not covered. Other Business Water Energy Nexus Placeholder Not covered. Next Regular Meeting will be held on October 20th at 9:30am. Adjourn Meeting 11:30 a.m.