09 17 2015 view summary notes final

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Partners Meeting SUMMARY NOTES September 17, 2015, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Attendees: Mario Orosco, City of Hanford Joseph Carlini, City of Tulare Rhonda Mann, County of Kings Tina Harmon, County of Tulare Action Items: Assigned Joe Dave Becky Becky Michael Samantha Mark

Roberta Janovick, County of Tulare Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO Dave Christensen, PG&E Michael DeSousa, SCE

Action Obtain approval for Mobile Home Direct Install letter Provide “true work hours” for DI projects to Tina Harmon Follow up with City of Porterville on pool cover opportunities Check on status of open rebate application at City of Lindsay Speak with Mark Okino on SCE self-generation rule and report back to partners at 10/15/2015 meeting Send municipal pool listing report to Michael and Mark to review for project opportunities Send Rhonda Mann 2003 energy use numbers

Jeff Lawler, SCG (phone) Colette Kincaid, SJVAPCD

Completed by 10/01/2015 10/01/2015 09/01/2015

Status Open Open Open









SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Welcome & Introductions Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO, welcomed the group and introductions were made. Action items from the July meeting were reviewed and discussed. Partnership Business LGC CenCal Save the Date, Oct. 8th SD reminded the group that the Central California LGC meeting is scheduled for October 8 th and will be held in Paso Robles again. She let the partners know that if they needed help with arrangements that the Partnership will help with that to make sure that they can attend. Mobile Home Direct Install Update SD let the group know that the Partnership is still working with Synergy on the outreach piece of the mobile home DI program. She stated that letters have been sent out to Visalia and Hanford residents and Synergy is getting a great response so far. The cities that are next in line are Tulare and Lindsay. SD also let the group know that Synergy has made the Partnership aware that funding will be scaled back on measures offered through SCE. Those measures will be assessed on a case by case basis per city. The Partnership will make those cities participating aware of those changes beforehand. SD also went over some of the numbers that Synergy provided from the completed cities of Visalia and Hanford. She stated that to date 166 homes were serviced in the City of Visalia scheduled with the results of 43 customers enrolled in SCG assistance program and 38 enrolled in the SCE energy savings assistance program. For the City of Hanford there were 62 homes serviced with the results of 2 customers enrolled in SCG assistance program and 1 enrolled in SCE ESA program. Congratulations Visalia! Reaching Gold Status Michael DeSousa, SCE, and the VIEW Partnership wanted to congratulate the City of Visalia on reaching Gold tier status.

Project Review and Updates PG&E Staples Report July and August 2015 Dave Christensen, PG&E, went over the August 2015 Staples report with the partners. He updated the group on energy savings collected to date for the Partnership. He also stated that the Partnership has $100,000 left in funds for projects for the end of the year. He let the group know that all fund and projects need to be committed by the end of November. SCE: Projects Pipeline and Current MD went over the project listing for the Partnership. He went down the project listing in order by city. Hanford:  All lift stations projects are completed.  Site stations 1-23, 24-47 and the multi are all completed. The updated project list will reflect it.  All wells that are shown have just been submitted and ready to move on once the City moves forward with the projects. Lindsay:  CK, MO, MD and city personnel need to discuss resubmission of rebate paperwork. Porterville  No updates on project listing. Tulare  Wells 21 has completed the addition of a VFD onto pump #21.  Well #11 was a broken motor that was just submitted and well #12 is completed. MD will look into well #12 completion submission.  JC and MD to check on well #1 to see what the project is.  Well #41 was just submitted and does not show on the project listing. JC and MD to check on this item. Tulare County  MD and MO need to address why the South County Detention Facility is still showing. Visalia  No Projects to discuss. SCG: Pipeline and Current Jeff Lawler, SCG, had no updates to give. Monthly Feature Charge Up! Incentive Program Colette Kincaid, SJVAPD, presented the Valley Air Pollution District’s newest EV incentive programs. CK started the presentation off by listing what the duties of the APCD and how they are implemented. She then continued on to cover the six EV programs and trainings that they have going on at this time. Some of the programs are for businesses and residents while others are for municipalities. The first program was the Charge Up! Program. This program provides incentives for municipalities to install EV chargers that they and the public are able access. There are two levels of incentives. The first being $5,000 for a single port charger and the second is $6,000 for a dual port charger. These incentives are capped at a maximum of $50,000 per applicant. Also, the funds given can go towards the charger, instillation costs and necessary signage. She also covered the requirements for the program as well as having the option of installing a level 3 charger. CK continued and covered the CalCAP EVCS Financing Program that finances EV chargers for small local businesses with 1,000 or less employees. After that she went on to cover the Drive Clean! Rebate Program which provides residents and businesses with a $3,000 rebate for the purchase or lease of a new clean air vehicle. She continued covering the Grants and incentives for EV’s, hybrids, CNG, LNG and LPG vehicles. She quickly went over each one, since much of the focus hinged on the Charge Up! Program for the municipalities.

CK can be reached at Colette.Kincaid@valleyair.org . Other Business Update on Energy Awareness Events SD covered the dates and locations of the upcoming energy awareness events. She stated that this years the Partnership is adding events and hopes to continue the trend. Next year the Partnership will be looking into doing energy awareness events in the spring. Water/Energy Nexus Placeholder SD also just mentioned that the Partnership will continue to have a water/energy nexus placeholder on each agenda that is to follow. That way the group is able to discuss items that relate to the program. Next Regular Meeting will be held on October 15th. Adjourn Meeting 11:30 a.m.

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