09 18 2014 view summary notes

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San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW)

PARTNERS MEETING SUMMARY NOTES September 18, 2014 | 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Attendees: Dave Christensen, PG&E Chris Coronel, SCE Bob Decker, SCG Michael DeSousa, SCE Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO Gail Henry, County of Tulare

Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO Christopher Malotte, SCE Rhonda Mann, County of Kings Michelle Myers, SCE Jenna , OCED/CivicSpark Joseph Oldham, LGC

Location: Tulare County Government Plaza, RMA Conference Room Time: 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Next Meeting: October 16th at 9:30 a.m. SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Welcome & Introductions Courtney welcomed the group and introductions were made. Partnership Business Mark Update Mark is doing well and challenging the word of his doctors. He is making trips around town to visit others. We hope for a speedy recovery for him. Central California LGC Meeting This year’s LGC meeting will be held on October 10th in Paso Robles and they’re hoping for another great turn out. The last meeting was held in Paso Robles in January and there was a great turn out. Joseph Oldham of the LGC spoke for a few moments on what the meeting will be covering. He stated that topics will include municipal upgrades and retrofits, on bill financing, how to engage elected officials and printed documents of how to get projects moving forward within your municipalities. Joseph would like to encourage public works and utility personnel from cities and counties to attend. VIEW the Success! Save the Date This year’s event will be held on January 15, 2015 at the Vintage Press. VIEW will be sending out the initial save the dates at the end of October. Those save the dates will be in

email format so that everyone can put the date on their calendars. Formal paper invitations are to follow after all of the holidays. Gail reminded Courtney that Tulare will need to be honored from 2013 still. Discussion ensued over what should be added or subtracted from previous events in the past. Dave stated that we should scrap the power point presentations and go with testimonials from cities representatives. Dave brought up the point of having someone from the LGC come and do a 10 minute presentation on how energy efficiency helps local governments and what it all means. Gail stated that her government officials do not have a good understanding of what energy efficiency is and how it works. She proposed setting up an education meeting for those officials so that they come away with a better understanding. Courtney proposed setting up an EEDR 101 meeting that VIEW has used in the past. She would like to have the meeting before December 15th. CivicSpark Opportunity Joseph and Jenna were in attendance to give an overview of what the CivicSpark program is and how you can put it to use. The program is designed to help with leveraging resources at a very low cost to governments and non-profits. A breakdown of how the program works is the LGC is employing the interns and the interns are then distributed to non-profits/governments in groups of 4-6 individuals. The number of interns that a program receives depends on the scope and hours the project requires. The program is set to begin in October and have a 200 hour minimum for projects. This program opportunity may lend itself useful to water grants and cap in trade in the coming time with the drought. Time of Use Updates Michelle Myers from SCE was in attendance to speak about the update to the time of use rates. These rates will be changing as of January 2015. SCE will be holding a luncheon on September 25, 2014 for local residence and small businesses. Michelle is wondering what more she may be able to do within the area to promote the topic. Joseph Oldham recommended that Michelle reach out to HERO Pace in the area and see if they would tie in the incentives to the programs that they offer. Also Courtney stated that it would be great if the city/county partners could share the incentive information to those within their area. Project Updates PG&E Staples Report for July and August 2014 Dave spoke on the budget decision from the CPUC that came down last week. It is official that the budget will not carry over from the previous year. PG&E is happy to take referrals for Mitty and ESA but muni has priority in assessments and installs. PG&E is happy to report that there has been over 2 million Kw saved over a two year span in the participating areas. Dave wanted to reiterate that there is a co-pay for the projects that PG&E does. The customer is responsible for only 10-20% of the project cost. He wanted to make sure that everyone was aware before scheduling an assessment. PG&E will also stay with the same goes as 2013-2013 when going into 2015. Those goals will be to start will 200,000 to 250,000 and then bumping it up 150,000 once things start moving. . SCE Direct Install Report Back The Visalia fire station still has not been completed to date. CRI is now in crunch time with all of its installs, since they were unaware of the September 30th deadline with SCE.

There were issues with communication from SCE to CRI on this deadline and things got mixed up in the translation. CRI is doing its best to complete all of the projects that are in the pipeline so that everyone is happy. Michael reiterated that Kim still has stated that there are no updated on bay lighting. SCE Projects: Pipeline and Current SCE is happy to report that there has been over $202,864 of funds put into direct install in the participating jurisdictions. Courtney brought up the topic of the County of Tulare detention facility and asked about the incentive status on the project. Michael stated that the facility would only be able to put the permanent load shift program into place and that would have zero savings. They would only be to receive time of use incentives on the load shift and that would very little to nothing in savings for the facility. SCG Projects: Pipeline and Current Bob spoke about the CPUC decision and what that means for SCG and its partners. SCG will be dealing with a small decrease in funding compared to other utilizes when it comes to 2015. Prop 39 will be helping to get things rolling for SCG which will be a good thing. SCG is starting a pilot program for combined heating and power. This program will have a lower up front cost to those who are interested. EE opportunities can tie back to pumping if anyone is thinking of substantial gas projects. Partners should start talking about this as soon as possible because it’s ever-changing and nothing good has come out of a discussion about incentives and the paperwork process is getting bigger. Municipal Project ID Service This topic was tabled until next meeting due to time constraints. Marketing & Outreach October “Energy Awareness Month� Events The Kettleman event planning is going well all promotional items are out in circulation. VIEW still has 6 spots available for small community outreach events in October. Partners should think of an underserved neighborhood that would greatly benefit from a similar event (identify an area and time that will be best as soon as possible).Please let us know when you would like to schedule an event so we can get things moving. For the Alpaugh energy event we are still waiting on an answer from Vanderpool on when and where he would like this event to take place. Gail has stated that she would like to do an event out in Enis, Porterville, for community outreach. We will need to follow up on flu shots to see if they can be offered at the event. Website Update and Toolkits VIEW is working with an outside contractor on putting together a new website. Stay tuned for more information as this project comes along. Other Business Scheduling Assessment Meetings for November SJVCEO and the utilities will be meeting with all VIEW Partners individually to have a needs assessment meeting. Please let us know what time works best for all of our partners.

Next Regular Meeting will be held on October 16th. Adjourn Meeting ACTION ITEMS 1. PG&E to send a list of facilities that qualify for its DI program to Gail 2. SJVCEO coordinate lifts to Visalia fire stations so DI light installation can take place 3. Courtney to help Rhonda with submission of community item 4. Courtney to send Gail and Rhonda the agenda for the meeting 5. Courtney to pull all of the fire station accounts for Gail 6. Courtney to introduce Doug Verboon to CivicSpark 7. Michael to let Gail and Rhonda know final numbers for their counties 8. Courtney to reach out health clinic for flu shots for the Alpaugh event in October

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