Partners Meeting SUMMARY NOTES October 15, 2015, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Attendees: Mario Orosco, City of Hanford Joseph Carlini, City of Tulare Lee Johnson, City of Visalia Tina Harmon, County of Tulare
Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO Erica Cabrera, PG&E Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO Dave Christensen, PG&E Michael DeSousa, SCE
Bill Delain, SCE Jeff Lawler, SCG Becky Estrella, SCG
Action Items: Assigned Courtney Samantha Becky E. Michael/ Jarred Michael Jarred Michael Jarred
Michael Michael Jeff/ Jarred Courtney/ Jarred Courtney Courtney
Action Email ‘save the date’ for VIEW the Success! luncheon Contact partners re: printed invitations for luncheon Follow up with City of Porterville on pool cover opportunities Follow up with Hanford on well 48 and 49
Complete by 10/22/2015 11/06/2015 09/01/2015
Status Complete Complete Open
Check CRM status for Tulare wells 1, 11, 12 and 37 File application for Tulare well #31 Check CRM for Tulare well #41, submitted but not showing on project listing. Schedule meeting with Joe Carlini, SCE and SCG to review upcoming projects that could be eligible for incentive/rebate through VIEW Research why Tulare County South County Detention Facility is showing on project reports. Update Visalia Water Conservation Plant ECD to 2017 Review gas opportunity sites for Hanford, Tulare and Visalia. Connect with city reps on project opportunities. Schedule calls with SCE/SCG to determine viability of “measure campaigns” Circulate 2016 meeting topics survey to partners Circulate new WWTP baseline study to partners
10/30/2015 ASAP 10/30/2015
Open Open Open
10/30/2015 11/19/2015
Open Open
11/19/2015 11/19/2015
Open Open
SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Welcome & Introductions Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO, welcomed the group and introductions were made. Action items from the September meeting were reviewed and discussed. Partnership Business Review Action Items and Summary Notes CK reviewed the action items from September’s Partnership meeting. The first items of Joe Carlini, City of Tulare, to obtain approval on Mobile Home DI letter is left open as the letter was being taken to City Council that evening for approval. The second item of providing true work hours to Tina Harmon, Tulare County, was marked as completed, since she and Dave are not familiar with what Gail Henry needed on the item. The following two items were for Becky Estrella, SCG. She stated that the Porterville pool cover opportunities are still open, since her team hasn’t had time to dive into that just yet. As for the City of Lindsay rebate application she stated that item was complete with the applications in the mail. Review of the LGC CenCal Meeting
CK shared the slide set from the 10/08/2015 workshop and stated that the set would be available on the VIEW archive webpage. She asked those that attended the event if they found the meeting valuable. IOU partners as well as city personnel thought that the meeting was full of useful information and the networking side of the meeting was priceless. Lee Johnson, City of Visalia, who attended thought that making connections was valuable and would highly recommend the meeting to other municipal partners. Congratulations Visalia! Reaching Gold Status Michael DeSousa, SCE, and the VIEW Partnership congratulated the City of Visalia on reaching Gold on the SCE Energy Leader Model. VIEW the Success! Luncheon (01/21/16) Planning CK announced that the annual VIEW the Success! luncheon is scheduled for January 21, 2016 at the Vintage Press in Visalia. Five printed invitations will be made available for each jurisdiction for board/council members. If a partner would like more than five please let the SJVCEO know. Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO will contact partners to obtain the names of those who should receive printed invitations. Project Review and Updates PG&E Staples Report September 2015 Dave Christensen, PG&E, reviewed the September 2015 Staples report for direct install activity. He pointed out that the Partnerships report stated that there are $168,000 left in funds for projects for the end of the year, but those funds are already committed for projects. DC also stated that this year the Partnership has collectively saved 1.1 million KWh which calculated out to a $150,000 annual savings. DC reminded the group that direct install was changing in 2016 and he will let them know of the changes once they are announced; the basic concept is changing from a pay per kWh to a pay per widget model. He did mention that there would be a hard to reach incentive that would be available in the new direct install program. Discussion ensued about what the “hard to reach” definition would be. CK and DC let the group know that as of now “hard to reach” is an area that is not in a metropolitan area, i.e. greater Los Angeles, Bay Area, or greater Sacramento. SCE: Projects Pipeline and Current CK shared she has assigned Jarred Olsen to work with the VIEW municipal partners and SCE in an effort to identify new project opportunities, financing options, and to help streamline to the rebate and incentive application process. MD reviewed the SCE project listing in alphabetical order. Hanford: JO, MD to follow up on Opterra paperwork for SCE rebate filing MD & JO to follow-up on wells 48 & 49 as they will most likely move in winter of this year. Lindsay: No updates on project listing. Porterville No updates on project listing. Tulare MD to check into Well 37 as Joe Carlini states that the work was completed a year ago. MD to check on CRM about wells 11, 37, 1 & 12 JC identified wells 31, 8 & 2 as opportunities that will be moved on soon. JO to file application for well 31 Well #41 was just submitted and does not show on the project listing. JC and MD to check on this item. Tulare County MD to address why the South County Detention Facility is still showing. Visalia MD to change the completion date of the water conservation plant upgrade to 2017. Project list to reflect that moving forward.
SCG: Pipeline and Current Becky Estrella and Jeff Lawler, SCG, mentioned that they have identified a few buildings that have a high consumption rate that would be eligible for an audit. The audits could be covered by the partnership’s technical assistance budget. JL let Hanford, Tulare and Visalia know of the addresses for service accounts that were identified. Each city was going to go back to JL as to what was at each address. BE and JL passed around the most up to date rebate packet from SCG for 2015. They stated that in the packet SCG has labeled certain measures that are also water saving measures. They stated that they have also worked with cities down south on putting free water saving kit inserts into the utility bills. They stated that if any of the cities/counties within the partnership would like to do something similar that SCG would be on board. Other Business Update on Energy Awareness Events SD went over the event reports for events that were held in Tulare County, Farmersville and Home Garden. She gave the background and outcome of each event. SD also went over the dates and locations of the upcoming energy awareness events. Water/Energy Nexus Placeholder CK mentioned the upcoming November 6th Annual Water Conference that will be held at the SCE Tulare Energy Center. MD also wanted to mention that there is a water leak detection meeting on the October 22 nd. CK also stated that the Partnership will continue to have a water/energy nexus placeholder on each agenda that is to follow. 2016 Meeting Topics CK will be sending out a 2016 meeting schedule for feedback from the partners Next Regular Meeting will be held on November 19th. Doug O’Brien from The Energy Network will be the guest speaker. Adjourn Meeting 11:30 a.m.