10 16 2014 view summary notes

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San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW)

PARTNERS MEETING SUMMARY NOTES October 16, 2014 | 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Attendees: Dave Christensen, PG&E Chris Coronel, SCE (Phone) Kuyler Crocker, PG&E Bob Decker, SCG Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO Gail Henry, County of Tulare

Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO Kimball Loeb, City of Visalia Rhonda Mann, County of Kings Zandrea Rox, SJVCEO

Location: Tulare County Government Plaza, RMA Conference Room Time: 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Next Meeting: November 20th at 9:30 a.m. SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Welcome & Introductions Kimball welcomed the group and introductions were made. Partnership Business Central CA LGP Meeting Report Courtney started off the conversation about the meeting stating that there was a great turn out and seemed that everyone enjoyed themselves. Discussion ensued about the likes and dislikes of this year’s meeting. Gail stated that she enjoyed herself and walked away with some good information. She also stated that having the partnership pay for her expenses helped immensely with persuading her board and bosses to let her go. Dave from PG&E stated that he wished more municipalities had attended, since the meetings focus was based more on municipal projects. Everyone agreed that for next year it should stay that way and should be marketed to the cities and counties that way. Courtney from SJVCEO stated that she wished one of the presenters had brought the papers that were asked of her to the meeting. They had great information on how to get OBF, on bill financing, passed through the city councils. Courtney also asked the group what ideas would work for next year to keep the crowd interested after lunch. Much of the group stated that having an enthusiastic speaker would really bring the tempo up in the group.

VIEW the Success! 01/15/15 Save the Date! Courtney wanted to remind the partners of the upcoming event in January. She also stated that the emailed save the dates would be out at the end of October. The paper hard copy invitations would be sent out about two weeks prior to the event. Gail mentioned that she would like the mailed save the dates earlier than the two week marker. She thinks that if she gets the date on the council members calendars sooner then more will show. Gail will double check and let SJVCEO and the VIEW partnership know by the next meeting. Bob from SCG asked that the partnership send an invitation to the PR team, Colby, at SCG as well. Rhonda from Kings County as that the partnership present the past projects to the board, since they will not be covered at the luncheon this year. Project Updates PG&E Staples Report for September 2014 Dave spoke on where the partnership stands on the year to date. He stated that funds were added to account for the leads that would come from the October events. Dave reported that there are still businesses with opportunities in Alpaugh. So we will see after Monday’s event where we stand. Courtney also stated that Bob and Dave receive this lead information from a tableau database system at PG&E. This system will allow you to see which buildings are qualified and can be targeted for certain programs. SCE Direct Install Report Back Chris Coronel from SCE called in to give the report. The Visalia fire station and air hangers still have not been completed to date. Chris stated that he will email Michael and follow up with why they are still having issues. Chris stated that all direct install has been completed for Kings County. Chris will look into allow two more fire stations to be completed in the Kings County area. SCE Projects: Pipeline and Current Gail from the County of Tulare brought up the Tulare detention facility and wanted to know where that still stands as it shows on the project tracking sheet. Chris stated that he will need to check with Michael and the Savings by Design group, since there has been some confusion on what is being done. Gail also stated that a few places in Strathmore had not been completed due to the auditing deadline and wanted to know if they could still be done. Chris stated that he would check on that and then connect with Gail. Kimball from Visalia stated that all of his projects will be invoiced at the end of the month. He is just waiting to finish up the instillation reports at this time. Gail from Tulare brought up her benchmarking issue and Courtney and Michael stated that they are working with Gary Suzuki from SCE to see how things can get resolved. SCG Projects: Pipeline and Current Bob stated that he is not aware of any big projects coming down the line at this time. Bob wanted to bring up a big idea that the City of Tulare is doing right now. The City is working on a 10 year energy program plan at their waste water treatment plant that will recycle its biogas. He brought this up to show how SCG opportunities can work with future planning ideas that cities and counties may have. Bob also wanted to let the partners know that SCG does offer new options to them such as cleaning the gas that is produced.

Access VIEW Database Zandrea Rox from SJVCEO debuted her beta version of the VIEW database to the partners. She also brought along a “monopoly sheet” to show what the actual read out would be for cities. She also opened the discussion up to feedback from the partners on what they would like to see and not see. She received a few tips from Gail regarding seeing the meter numbers and service account numbers as well. Marketing & Outreach October “Energy Awareness Month” Events Samantha from SJVCEO reported on the Farmersville Fall Festival. This event took place on a Saturday and was a 5 hour event. She estimated that she made about 150 connections with people stopping by. She gave her future do’s and don’ts for next year. She continued on and covered the Kettleman City event that took place on October 7th. She stated this was a very success event and had around 400 attendees. She also reported that 182 people took advantage of the free flu shots. She finished with stating what efforts have been done for the upcoming event in Alpaugh on October 20th from 5:30 to 6:30. Other Business Scheduling Assessment Meetings for November SJVCEO and the utilities will be meeting with all VIEW Partners individually to have a needs assessment meeting. Please let us know what time works best for all of our partners. Next Regular Meeting will be held on November 20th. Adjourn Meeting ACTION ITEMS 1. VIEW to send invitation to Colby at SCG 2. Chris to follow up on Kings County fire DI and see if they can be completed 3. Chris to follow up on Tulare Detention Facility and let Bob Decker, SCG, and Gail know where that stands. 4. Chris will also check on the Strathmore location DI’s and if they can be completed 5. Samantha from VIEW to email picture of giveaway items to Rhonda 6. Kimball to send emails from Michael and Heidi to Chris 7. Courtney to forward emails with Gary from SCE to Chris

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