11 17 2016 view summary notes

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Partners Meeting SUMMARY NOTES November 17th, 2016 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Attendees: Victor Calderon, County of Tulare Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO

Mike Foster, PG&E Omar Faris, SCE Holly Merrihew, SCE

Gustavo Sevilla, SCG Joseph Carlini, City of Tulare Rochelle Thomas, SJVCEO

Action Items: Assigned Holly Joe Carlini Gustavo, Frank & SCE Engineer Gustavo VIEW Holly Courtney Holly Omar

Action To share new SCE ELP tier status to all partners after refresh To send the City of Tulare’s 10 year WWTP energy plan to Courtney To meet with Joe Carlini from the City of Tulare regarding WWTP upgrades and changes To check on biogas program parameters for the City of Tulare Help Kings County show their energy savings To find SCE green rate calculator tool & send to partners To connect SBD with the City of Tulare for water tank project To check on DI requirements & send out to partners To connect with the “Life of a well” speaker from SCE water conference

Complete by 11/22/16 11/30/16 11/30/16

Status Open Open Open

11/30/16 12/31/16 11/30/16 11/30/16 11/17/16 12/30/16

Open Open Open Open Open Open

SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Welcome & Introductions Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO, welcomed the group and introductions followed. She introduced the newest member of the SJVCEO team Rochelle Thomas as well as the new PG&E program administrator Steve Newvine. Partnership Business Review any partnership updates CK thanked everyone who is in attendance for making it to the last VIEW meeting of the year. She stated that summary notes were attached to the meeting agenda for review. CK briefly ran through the action items. Gustavo Sevilla, SCG, stated he completed his action item of inquiring if SCG could use SP funds for the tree canopy project. GS stated that SCG will not be able to held with funds as it only results in electric savings. CK then asked if there was anything else for the good of the group. Holly Merrihew, SCE, stated that she will have updated ELP tier levels by Friday. She stated once they are out the rep’s will touch base with the partners. She also stated that all project paperwork needs to be submitted by 12/31/16 to be counted in 2016. CK also informed the group that the City of Hanford will not be progressing to gold until 2017 as they have new council members that will not pass the EAP. Mario Orosco, Hanford, stated that the new council members would like the EAP to mirror the general plan that will cover the next two years. Also, the City of Hanford will be participating in the SCE Charge Ready program. They will be installing three to four EV charges in the cities corporate yard. CK stated that she would like to document the progress and include it in the Charge Ready best practices video in 2017. Joseph Carlini, City of Tulare, stated that the city now has a 10-year energy plan for the WWTP. They are now looking to do EE upgrades and get the fuel cell contract in the works. He stated that the city is looking to eventually take the plant offline and have all the energy produced cover all the cost of the streetlights in the city. CK stated that SCE and SCE should be connecting with JC to see what can come out of the project(s) as well as put him in touch with the WISE program. JC also stated that he would like to present the well tests to Board of Public Utilities as it is great information and would help push along energy projects with SCE.

SAVE THE DATE: VIEW the Success! Luncheon Jan. 19 CK also announced the save the date for the 2016 recognition luncheon for the partners. She stated that she hopes all can make it to the Vintage Press on January 19th to enjoy great food and company. VIEW is very excited to award a few cities with ELP awards as well as recognize those that have done a lot of good for the partnership. The save the date calendar invite has been sent to all energy champions. Printed invitations for staff and elected officials will be mailed out once they are complete. Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO, will be in contact with the partners to collect names for mailed invitations. SCE Water Conference Overview Omar Faris, SCE, wanted to give the group a breakdown on the water conference that happened in early November. OF stated that though the conference was very SCE focused there were a few great topics and presenters. One of the best talks was “the life of a well.” OF stated that it dove into the life cycle of a well and how EE can play a role in the cycle. CK was very interested in the talk and asked if she can get the PPT and or have the presenter come to one of the new year’s VIEW meetings. OF stated that he will check and connect with the presenter. Working in the Partnership: PG&E Solar Choice & Renewable Choice Programs Kerynn Gianotti, PG&E, presented on the renewable energy options from PG&E and how the partners can participate. KG started off the presentation by going over the numbers of GHG emissions from business as usual electricity and participating in Solar Choice. Business as usual is 58.2% GHG free while Solar Choice is 100% GHG free. Benefits of partners participating in the program are no instillation of solar with all the benefits. KG presented on two renewable options for PG&E customers and covered the differences. Solar Choice is a pool of solar projects that can cover 50 or 100% of a customer’s usage with no contract and the charge shows up on the customer’s PG&E bill. While the Regional Renewable Choice option is a single standalone renewable project that customers can purchase kWh production of customers subscribed portion of the project and it is through a customer-developer agreement that will show the charges on the PG&E customers bill. Both programs combined have a limit of a 272 MW cap. 45 MW are for residential and another 45 MW for procurement in disadvantage communities. Each customer is capped at 2 MW as well. Both are programs Green-e Energy certified as well. KG went on to cover other benefits of participating in Solar Choice 1.) meet sustainability goals, 2.) demonstrate environmental leadership, 3.) immediate solar, 4.) no contract, 5.) make an overall difference. PG&E also allows partners to market that they are receiving solar energy in cobranded marketing materials such as business posts, web tout, email signature, press releases, pay stub caption, window cling, poster as well as certificate of participation. Presenter Q &A After the presentation was over KG could take questions regarding the program. Mike Foster, PG&E, asked if the solar credits would count toward LEED certification as well as GHG reductions. KG stated that the participant can claim the solar credits with LEED as well as GHG reductions. CK asked why would a municipality be interested in this type of program. KG stated that easy, no worry of development on land as well as a no maintenance cost. KG also stated that it might be a good idea to approach the sell of the program by including that deferred maintenance cost factor. Other Business Water/Energy Nexus Placeholder Nothing to report.

2017 Meeting Schedule CK informed the partners of the change to next year’s meeting schedule. Currently the partnership meets on a monthly schedule, but in 2017 it will be moved to a quarterly meeting. Larger partner meetings will take place in May, August and November. The topic as of now for the May meeting looks to be ZNE. She asked the group if there is interest in the topic. Everyone agreed this item is something on horizon and should be discussed. She also asked that the partners send her ideas for topics for the August and November meetings. During the other months, the partnership will be conducting two lunch and learns with individual city staff. The goal is to have two meetings a month. CK asked if the partners were on board with the change and all agreed. CK stated she and her staff will be in touch for scheduling of those meetings. Next Meeting will be on January 19th from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Vintage Press. Adjourn Meeting 11:20 a.m.

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