Partners Meeting SUMMARY NOTES November 19, 2015, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Attendees: Mario Orosco, City of Hanford Mario Kristic, City of Farmersville Lee Johnson, City of Visalia Roberta Janovick, County of Tulare
Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO Jarred Olsen, SJVCEO Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO Omar Faris, SCE Michael DeSousa, SCE
Frank Yanes, SCE Jeff Lawler, SCG Doug O’Brien, TEN Porsche White, TEN Denise Johnson, SCE
Action Items: Assigned
Complete by
Michael Tina Jeff Becky E.
Follow-up on baseline year change for the SCE ELP model Invite Mike from Tulare County to attend 11/19/15 Meeting Follow-up with Sarah on Porterville and Woodlake benchmarking Follow up with City of Porterville on pool cover opportunities
11/19/15 11/19/15 11/19/15 09/01/2015
Completed Completed Open Completed
Michael/ Jarred Michael Jarred Michael
Follow up with Hanford on well 48 and 49
Check CRM status for Tulare wells 1, 11 and 12 File application for Tulare well #31 Check CRM for Tulare well #41, submitted but not showing on project listing. Schedule meeting with Joe Carlini, SCE and SCG to review upcoming projects that could be eligible for incentive/rebate through VIEW Research why Tulare County South County Detention Facility is showing on project reports. Update Visalia Water Conservation Plant ECD to 2017 Review gas opportunity sites for Hanford, Tulare and Visalia. Connect with city reps on project opportunities. Schedule calls with SCE/SCG to determine viability of “measure campaigns” Circulate 2016 meeting topics survey to partners Circulate new WWTP baseline study to partners
10/30/2015 ASAP 10/30/2015
Open Open Open
10/30/2015 11/19/2015
Completed Open
11/19/2015 11/19/2015
Open Open
Jarred Michael Michael Jeff/ Jarred Courtney/ Jarred Courtney Courtney
SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Welcome & Introductions Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO, welcomed the group and introductions were made. CK introduced the newest of the VIEW Partnership additions from the Edison side representatives Omar Faris and Frank Yanes. Action items from the October meeting were reviewed and discussed. Partnership Business Review Action Items and Summary Notes CK reviewed the action items from October’s Partnership meeting. The first items, Michael DeSousa, SCE, reported back to the group that the baseline year will not be changing. The next item was MD and Jarred Olsen, SJVCEO, to follow up on Hanford wells 48 and 49. They were happy to report back that both wells are getting ready to undergo their pump testing. Some of the other action items that were listed were not discussed due to the fact that they were project related and the Partnership needs to bring the new SCE reps. OF and FY up to date. CK stated that the WWTP baseline study will be provided by PG&E and she will circulate that information once it is received. She also stated that the last two items will be carried over into 2016 and will stay open on the agenda. SAVE the DATE: VIEW the Success! Luncheon (01/21/16) CK announced that the annual VIEW the Success! Luncheon is scheduled for January 21, 2016 at the Vintage Press in Visalia. Five printed invitations will be made available for each jurisdiction for board/council members. If a partner would like more than five please let the SJVCEO know. Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO will contact partners to obtain the names of those who should receive printed invitations.
Project Review and Updates PG&E Staples Report September 2015 CK reviewed the October Staples report in the absence of Dave Christensen, PG&E. She pointed out that a lot of projects are going on in Allensworth and Alpaugh for the end of the year. Staples is very engaged and pushing forward to complete the work. CK also stated that the partnership used all of its funding for the 2015 year. SCE Project Roundtable CK stated that at this month’s meeting there would not be a review of the current project listing. With the addition of OF and FY, SCE, she would like to dive in more one on one with them and then present the listing at the February meeting. CK did however want to go around the room and have the cities and counties go over any current projects that are in the works or in the near future in 2016. She also asked Jarred Olsen, SJVCEO, to list off a few projects that are listed in capital budgets for 2016. Farmersville Only the WWTP that will be breaking ground in April to May. Hanford: Projects will start coming through after the budget time. JO found storm drains #23,56 lift stations #52, 33 water supply well repairs as well as fire station one expansion. Lindsay: No updates on project listing. Porterville No updates on project listing. Tulare No updates or project listing. Tulare County No updates or project listing. Visalia No projects in the pipeline except the emergency communications building that will be starting in 2016. JO found a few lift stations, Sports Park LED lighting and a multi-generation site with opportunities. Monthly Feature: Project Management Doug O’Brien from the Energy Network presented to the group on how TEN would be able to assist the cities and counties in the VIEW Partnership in project management. DO started off the presentation going over how and why the Energy Network is and came to be. He also covered what TEN is offering to public agencies as well as what projects have been accomplished through the organization. He stated that one of the most utilized offerings that TEN has would be the project assistance/management component. TEN will manage a project from design all the way through construction. During that timeline TEN also will help with financing options and utilizing the national Joint Powers Authority (NJPA) for bidding. He stated that a lot of cities get nervous when the NJPA is brought up since it can become a sticky situation without going to bid. He stated that if city councils or board of supervisors are uncomfortable they can always use wording from 4217 that clearly outlines sole sourcing of a project or 6500 that has the city or county become a formal member of the NJPA. To date DO stated that TEN has ID 386 projects and completed 233 of those projects. One of their main focuses is on streetlights. Many of the cities are buying back their streetlights from SCE and are in the valuation process and have a deadline coming up pretty soon. DO stated that TEN would be very interested in helping those cities move forward with the process if they are comfortable. He also covered how the City of Santa Paula redid their downtown decorative with LED streetlights and the town cannot thank them enough. DO stated the option of the project since many of the cities within the VIEW territory have the same type of smaller downtown areas. One other larger opportunity that TEN is finding is savings in waste water treatment plants (WWTP). TEN has found that many of the savings can even just come from improvement in processes. Once all functional items are accessed they can then move onto equipment improvements and upgrades.
DO let the group know that TEN is here to help them with the future needs and project assistance. If any of the cities or counties in attendance are interested in the services they would just need to fill out the paperwork including their TEN packets. He also clarified that signing the paperwork does not bind the city or county into any type of contract with TEN. Other Business Update on Energy Awareness Events Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO, went over the event reports for events that were held in Hardwick, Monson-Sultana and Allensworth. She gave the background and outcome of each event. SD also stated that the Partnership is open to holding more events in our cities. She told partners to notify her if they are interested so she can include those cities in her marketing plan for 2016. Water/Energy Nexus Placeholder CK also stated that the Partnership will continue to have a water/energy nexus placeholder on each agenda that follows. Next Regular Meeting will be held on February 18th. Adjourn Meeting 11:30 a.m.