Ee tips from sba gov

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Easy Energy Efficiency Improvements List fjfj

Lighting •

Turn off lights when not in use.

Remove or disconnect unnecessary light fixtures.

Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs or LED light bulbs.

Replace or retrofit non-energy efficient light fixtures.

Install "occupant sensors" to automatically turn lights off and on.

Use task lighting; focus light only where needed. This will eliminate the need for overhead lamps and reduce glare and eyestrain.

Take advantage of "day lighting".

Regularly dust lamps to maximize life expectancy and light output.

Lower light levels where appropriate such as around computer monitors.

Install timers or photocells on outside lights.

Water Heating •

Use hot water wisely. Use less water. Don’t let water run unnecessarily

Lower hot water temperature settings. Hotter water loses energy quicker. If you have an electric water heater just for hand washing, lowering the thermostat from 130 to 120 will annually save you at least $10.

Turn off water heater when not in use. Get a programmable thermostat for $30. A water heater timer will save you $10-$50 every year.

Insulate hot water holding tanks and hot and cold water pipes.

Use less. Install faucet aerators.

Find and fix leaks.

Refrigeration •

Perform routine maintenance, such as vacuuming, to remove dust.

Turn off the lights in walk-in refrigerators.

Add strip curtains to refrigerated spaces without doors.

Defrost regularly.

Retrofit or replace old refrigerators and freezers.

Equipment •

Turn off office equipment when not in use.

Maintain your equipment to ensure efficient performance.

Flat screen LCD monitors use much less energy than tube monitors; notebook computers use less than desktops; and inkjet printers use less than laser printers

Turn off all types of machines overnight and on weekends and turn monitors off over lunch breaks or during meetings

Use energy efficient computers and office equipment.

Make sure your motors and motor systems are running at optimum efficiency.

Buy Energy Star Qualified Products: Locate a Store; Find Special Offers.

Heating and Cooling (HVAC) Systems •

Install ceiling fans. In summer, they’ll allow AC to work less at higher, more efficient temperatures and they’ll circulate cool air; in winter, the fans will help pull warm air down and the heating system will be able to operate well at lower temperatures

Inspect and clean or replace air filters on a regular basis.

Repair leaks in system components such as pipes, steam traps or couplings.

Use “auto” setting instead of “on” setting.

Change your temperature settings. Lower thermostat to 68 degrees in winter; raise thermostat to 78 or higher in the summer. Each degree of a higher temperature setting can save about 3% on cooling costs.

Make sure radiators, air intake vents, etc., are not obstructed so that air can flow freely.

Use the Energy Star Building Checklist to cut down on winter heating costs and summer cooling costs.

Buildings •

Block direct sunlight shining through windows in the summer.

Let the sun in during the day in the winter, but cover the windows at night.

Keep external doors closed.

Use fans to help delay or reduce the need for air-conditioning in the summer.

Use fans to pull warm air down from the ceiling in the winter.

Improve the insulation in the climate-controlled portions of your facility.

Plug leaks around windows, doors, outlets, etc., with weather-stripping or caulk.

Produced in partnership with the U.S. Small Business Administration, Business Gateway and ENERGY STAR® Energy Saving Tips from the US Small Business Administration:

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