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Peer-to-Peer Q3 In-Person Meeting AGENDA October 2, 2017 3:00pm – 6:00pm SCE Energy Education Center 6090 N. Irwindale Avenue, Irwindale, CA 91702 Call Number: +1-408-638-0968 Meeting ID: 906 919 0071 Invitees: Eastern Sierra Energy Initiative Pam Bold North Orange County ELP & Westside ELP Jake Anderson Ivana Dorin Laurel Rothschild San Bernardino Regional EP Nicole Soto Malisa Lieng Agenda: Time 3:00 p.m. 3:05 p.m. 3:30 p.m.

4:30 p.m.

5:00 p.m.

5:30 p.m.

6:00 p.m.

San Gabriel Valley ELP Marissa Creter Katie Ward Valley Innovative Energy Watch & High Desert Regional ELP Samantha Dodero Courtney Kalashian South Bay ELP Marilyn Lyon Kim Fuentes

Western Riverside ELP Barbara Spoonhour Tyler Masters Anthony Segura Ventura County REA Alejandra Tellez Kelly Cattanach Heather Allen

Topic Welcome Introductions, safety message, general housekeeping All Partners Roundtable discussion about the SCE/SCG All Partners Meeting OPERATIONS Partner Requested Updates 1. Reflection on the SCE Budgeting Process (45 minutes) • What worked, what didn’t • Ways to improve the process in 2019 (implementer perspective) • Role of EM&V in ability to change future metrics 2. Strategic Planning • SCE process improvements for 2018? • SCG changes or business as usual? • BENCHMARKING BOONDOGGLE o Recap of current problem (IOU web portals, SCE esp.) o Ways to advocate against the decommissioning of LGP style use of ESPM—open conversation o Waiver for 2017 Benchmarking Applications to extend into 2018. What’s the process—is it uniform? NEW BUSINESS 1. Retired Measure Waiver for Public Sector • Brief overview of problem • SBCOG issues letter • Other partners in the process • Formal collaboration with IOU partners to take issue to the CPUC BEST PRACTICE SHARING 1. Climate Action Plans & GHG Inventories lessons learned and tips for partners just starting out in their journey. Ways IOUs can support the effort (other than funding). Other Business 1. 2017 P2P meeting schedule • No October implementer only call • November 29, 2017 call from 3PM to 4PM 2. Action Items 3. Anything else? CONCLUDE

SCE Robert Carbajal Michael Ellison Scot Mann Irfan Parekh Kimberly Rodriguez SCG Becky Estrella Paulo Morais

Lead Kim Rodriguez All

Ivana Dorin

Courtney Kalashian

Kim Fuentes Courtney Kalashian

Kim Fuentes

Samantha Dodero

Kim Rodriguez

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