Peer-to-Peer Q4 In Person Partners Meeting SUMMARY NOTES December 8th, 2016 11:00am – 12:30pm Joanne Darcy Library, 18601 Soledad Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA 91351 Attendees: Community Energy Partnership, North Orange County ELP, & Westside ELP Ivana Dorin Laurel Rothschild Robin Squier Eastern Sierra Energy Initiative Rick Phelps (Phone) Pam Bold (Phone) San Bernardino Regional EP Nicole Soto
Valley Innovative Energy Watch &High Desert Regional ELP Samantha Dodero Courtney Kalashian South Bay ELP Marilyn Lyon (Phone) Kim Fuentes (Phone) Western Riverside ELP Tyler Masters Ventura County REA Heather Allen
SCE Michael Ellison Kimberly Rodriguez Daphne Ng SCG Becky Estrella Paulo Morias
SUMMARY NOTES Welcome The Energy Coalition – Host Building is a savings by design library. Library grand opening was a strategic planning item; and met a LGP community outreach item. Heather with the City has been with the CEP partnership since the beginning of time. Report Back from partners on past topics To ensure all partners feel an issue is resolved and all of us are on the same page we’ll have a standing agenda item for reporting and follow up. 1. 2017 meeting schedule Group Discussed movement to a monthly implementer schedule starting 2017; 1 hour per meeting (in person meeting). Second Wednesday of every month. SANBAG, WRCOG. VIEW will re-send 2. Purchase Order v. Agreement, what does the future look like? SCE – PO was the original direction but in the end the Agreement order was decided upon. Vendor implementers are a bit different and will go to purchase order. COGs as JPA have historically been included under Agreements; this is not anticipated to change. For those implementers on other structure, SCE will need to work with SCE supply department to address. VIEW and TEC offered to be part of the process to work with SCE on the PO/Agreement issue. TEC would like to work to improve the process of change order. LGP side is responsive, but the procurement departments are not necessarily as responsive. TEC submitted change order in June. TEC is still waiting for a response. ACTION: Michael Ellison will follow-up with SCE supply chain, and will respond back to TEC and cc Scott Mann. 3. Budget Carryover Call: was anything resolved? Will there be carryover allowed from 2016 into 2017? 4. ELP Refresh SCE - All past and present Direct Install (DI) credit will go towards City’s tier level.
Action: SCE January tier updates will reflect DI changes. Improving the partnerships 1. Collaborative Community Outreach How can the IOUs (and internal departments) work with implementers to deliver consistent and comprehensive community outreach programs? LGPs are interested in getting back to the promotion of EE in the community. In 2015, WRCOG conducted a pilot outreach program to three cities in WRCOG. Outreach was reflective of other core programs (i.e. Comprehensive Mobile Home Program) and included: letter outreach to eligible zip codes, and one cobranded community outreach initiative at each City. Over 200+ household showed interested and were signed up as willing to participate. There is interest in reevaluating LGPS abilities to co-promote such initiatives in their communities, however, would like to be able to better track the results of their inclusion, to ensure efforts are cost-effective. Action: Samantha Dodero to participate on an ad hoc working group. 2. SoCalGas – Aliso Canyon gas leak drew out one staff that was instrumental on SoCal Gas community outreach programs. SoCal Gas is also beginning to roll our energy efficiency starter kits to LGPs for distribution at some of these community events. WRCOG and SBCOG have received a number of these to hand out in conjunction with Holiday Light events each Partnership put on. Action: Becky will provide an update on roll-out in March 2017. Action: LGPs develop work plan, list of community events these EE kits could be used for. What is our greater purpose? A guided group conversation on what each partner wants to gain from participation and how those individual goals align for a greater purpose. All partners should come prepared to share at minimum, bullet point goals for their individual agency. 1. What do we want to accomplish through this group? Generally, the P2P meeting was generated to solve various operational issues LGPs were encountering. Many of those original issues have been mitigated or solved, the group discussed how they could continue to support furthering LGP goals in the following ways: Interest in splitting P2P meeting to discuss operation challenges and second half of the meeting to discuss future greater purpose initiatives, best practices, etc. Getting back to the basics: how to best “promote EE in facilities and leading by example in the community”. Best practices sharing Promote partnership and future of programs Replicating successful partnership initiatives across City, Partnership, even IOU boundaries. No need to recreate the wheel, share best practices Use P2P as idea incubator Focus agenda on specific items, issues, concerns. SoCalGas-original focus on to address serious concerns operationally. In person meetings should be at least 3 hour+ long meetings if we are
looking at talking about the operational but also a focus on the best practice sharing. Information exchange. SCE - Dialogue between partners. Leverage team’s expertise to better penetrate the markets. Sometimes Quarterly communications may occur too far apart, if any actions items are needed between quarter’s, do not hesitate to reach out to Utilities. Historically monthly meeting have not occurred at this level, nor have the minutes been provided to the utilities. ACTION: VIEW will create and share archive site for historical documentation of P2P efforts prior to March in person meeting. ACTION: Implementers will use monthly call time to refine and work out what the greater purpose is. Other Business Current opportunities for engagement: a. CAEECC is accepting members. b. SEEC 2017 planning committee: Survey that went out months prior to SEEC is very helpful. Samantha (VIEW) will be participating on the Planning committee. Open for Comment a. Technical assistance fund – NOCC – Ivana. Difficulty tracking against TA budget. SoCal Gas partnership are all a little different between partnerships. SCE – can request from your PM any TA budget. Implementers are looking to develop efficiencies in performing audits. b. ASHRAE 2 level audit conference in SLO in February. Conclude Spend more time solving problem. TEC best practices, CMHP best practices, focus on positives.