P2p summary notes 08 24 2016

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P2P Implementing Partner Call SUMMARY NOTES August 24th, 2016 11:00am – 12:00pm Conference Call – (949) 732-1097 Attendees: Community Energy Partnership Laurel Rothschild Robin Squier San Gabriel Valley ELP Marissa Creter

VIEW & High Desert Regional EP Samantha Dodero Courtney Kalashian South Bay ELP Kim Fuentes Western Riverside ELP Tyler Masters Anthony Segura

SUMMARY NOTES Topic Welcome & Updates 1. Admin changes SJVCEO to coordinate P2P agendas and facilitate calls Courtney and Samantha will take over the agenda and meeting facilitating duties for the P2P group. WRCOG will continue to take notes at P2P meeting. Open Issues for Discussion 1. LGP’s and CE PO structure Update on SCE move to PO structure; report back from SJVCEO/TEC/SCE call CEP/NOC/High Desert Regional EP have begun the PO transition process, below are some challenges identified by TEC:  Michael Ellison replaced Melody Black, SCE, to develop the Partnership PO transition process.  Transition Timeline is unknown, but transitioning all partnership to PO process is still in the works.  SCE and SoCalGas use different PO processes. It is important for partnerships to think about how this could possibly affect the invoice process(es) moving forward San Gabriel Valley – Marisa has encountered issues regarding contractual rate changes in 2016. Additionally, Utilities are requiring extraneous procedural requirements: specific old/new rates, title, etc  WRCOG was curious about the PO rate flexibility. Utilities originally mentioned the PO process was intended to allow for flexibility for future rate changes. This item will be clarified at future P2P IOU meeting. New Issues for Discussion 1. 2015 to 2016 budget rollover SCE is not allowing budget rollover from 2015 to 2016 San Gabriel received a 50% DI budget reduction in the 2016 budget. Originally told 2015 budget would roll over, however told 6 months later that a budget rollover will not occur. Other Partnerships have been informed, similarly, that rollover funds will not occur. After inquiries, SCE states that LGPs should meet Operational Excellence – “Doing more [work] with less [funding]” 2. Green Button data Robin participated in a call with Utility Staff to discuss Green Button Data. She identified 2 implementation options: 1) Use of outside, certified, vendor 2) bring in-house person, set-up internal system (this option would be costly and not an eligible LGP expense) Security clearance is an important Utility requirement for Green Button. Kourtney mentioned that VIEW began working on a greenbutton-similar program and would be happy to share with Robin. Robin will follow-up with Courtney on a beta data platform VIEW began creating a few years ago.

Robin proposed to set up a webinar/conference regarding to understand the Green Button requirements, and LGP data implications.

Other Business 1. Regular Schedule for P2P call Can everyone commit to a monthly call? Is 30 minutes or one hour appropriate? The group is open to participating in regular monthly calls, with addition of standing agenda item for “best practices” sharing. Courtney will send out a doodle poll to identify times for a regularly schedule P2P Meeting, 2. Next in person meeting? All Partners meeting is Monday, October 24, location TBD. Should we try to schedule a P2P with IOU’s the morning of? Yes. After? The group decided that the morning of the All-partners meeting would be the best time for a P2P meeting with IOU staff.


If the items identified above have not been resolved, they will be rolled over onto this agenda and be brought up to IOU attention during this meeting. Do we need a greater purpose? For your consideration: should we spend some time identifying what we want to accomplish through this group? Or are we happy with things as they stand? The above question has been asked of the group, Courtney requests that Partnerships think it over, and the item will be added to a future agenda for further discussion. Tyler mentioned he would like more participation in outreach programs (ESA/MIDI/DI, CMHP, etc) to support greater penetration rates. Samantha, VIEW, will set-up a meeting to discuss in greater detail how these program vary from IOU to IOU. Generally there is interest from the group to take a more active role in collaboration, program shaping conversations.

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