Peer-to-Peer Q3 In-Person Meeting AGENDA October 2, 2017 3:00pm – 6:00pm SCE Energy Education Center 6090 N. Irwindale Avenue, Irwindale, CA 91702 Call Number: +1-408-638-0968 Meeting ID: 906 919 0071 Invitees: Eastern Sierra Energy Initiative Pam Bold (Phone) North Orange County ELP & Westside ELP Jake Anderson Ivana Dorin Laurel Rothschild San Bernardino Regional EP Nicole Soto Malisa Lieng
San Gabriel Valley ELP Marissa Creter Katie Ward Valley Innovative Energy Watch & High Desert Regional ELP Samantha Dodero Courtney Kalashian South Bay ELP Marilyn Lyon Kim Fuentes
Western Riverside ELP Barbara Spoonhour Tyler Masters Anthony Segura Ventura County REA Alejandra Tellez Kelly Cattanach Heather Allen
SCE Robert Carbajal Michael Ellison Scot Mann Irfan Parekh Kimberly Rodriguez SCG Becky Estrella Paulo Morais
Agenda: Topic Welcome Kim Rodriguez introduced the Energy Education Center and provided information on safety/general housekeeping items. KR mentioned that Robert Carbajal will be taking over for the Daphne Ng for the interim. All Partners Roundtable discussion about the SCE/SCG All Partners Meeting All partners felt like they Missed engaging dialogue from today’s meeting. They would’ve like to see a group activity. Partners did appreciate how SCE/SCG covered many topics and provided a well-rounded meeting. OPERATIONS Partner Requested Updates Reflection on the SCE Budgeting Process With this being the first time for partners they it to be beneficial. KR, SCE, stated the budgets were decided upon by going over historical data process and data from previous partnership years. Partners brought up the concern that the data was not clean. KR, SCE, stated that it could’ve been human error on the input side. Moving forward they will be scrubbing the data better. Partners would like to see & understand how thirdparty programs/pricing is applied into this budgeting process. KR, SCE, state that data would change due to reconciliation. She can provide the data, but it will not be very accurate. Partners wanted to know if there will be another exercise like this for the upcoming year(s) budget? KR, SCE, stated there will be. They will be working on refining the process on their end going into 2018. Partners were interested in how SCE decided on the metrics used to determine budgets. KR, SCE, stated that budgets were decided on metrics that they asked partners to weigh on importance. They did not receive much feedback, so they weighted metrics as they saw fit. If partners did not agree with how items were weighted she advised the group to get an ad-hoc together to come up with a consistent voice for budgeting purposes. Strategic Planning SCE continues to streamline their process of applying for SP funds. All kinks have been worked through and 2018 should be much easier/quicker on approval. For SCG Becky Estrella, SCG, stated that their SP processes’ will be business as usual. If anything changes they will make sure to let everyone know. Partners wanted to see if there was an update on the benchmarking boondoggle. KR, SCE, stated that she was unaware of what the issue is and if the group could give her background it would be much appreciated. Jake Anderson, TEC, who has been leading the charge for the working group proceeded to give details. Changes to SCE Benchmarking process will cause duplication of efforts and make benchmarking more time intensive. Certain account types are not compatible with SCE's Benchmarking Portal. Current Customer Authorization (CISR) Forms would need to be resubmitted through new system upon expiration, causing a lapse in flow of data IOU Portals are intended to support data requests for building accounts and present barriers for requesting data for other types of accounts, which may represent a majority of the customer’s energy usage. Some IOUs have committed to maintain legacy programs however some have not:
PG&E - Legacy system and IOU Portal; Plans to sunset legacy system in future. SDG&E - Legacy system and IOU Portal. SCG - Legacy system and IOU Portal. SCE - IOU Portal exclusively. SCE to look at viable solutions to reinstate legacy system for accounts not required to comply with AB02 regulations. KR, SCE, stated that she would consider the issue and circle back with all partners. Action: Jake (NOCC) to provide call notes to Scot Mann. Action: Scot Mann to review formal guideline for Partnership implementation for Benchmarking NEW BUSINESS 1. Retired Measure Waiver for Public Sector Kim Fuentes, SBELP, has cities incentives expired doing energy efficiency project(s). The City is worried that they will not be able to receive incentive due to expired measure. She is wondering if the decisions on measures comes from SCE or CPUC. K.F. asked if there was a way for the LGP’s, P2P, and utilities to work together to see if they can get this to the energy commission so that the City and other cities implementing similar projects will be eligible to receive their incentive(s). KR, CSE, stated that there is a waiver process used to help interested parties with expiring measures at the CPUC level. Ivana Dorin, TEC, mentioned that they and the City of Santa Monica had run into the same issue with incentives expiring. She would be interested to jump on board with a support letter. Action: Kim F. to create a document expressing the concern and support of the project. Tom to assist with the waiver process. Courtney to connect Tom with Kim. Action: To identify support from members in the P2P group. BEST PRACTICE SHARING 1. Climate Action Plans & GHG Inventories lessons learned and tips for partners just starting out in their journey. Ways IOUs can support the effort (other than funding). Other Business 1. 2017 P2P meeting schedule • No October implementer only call • November 29, 2017 call from 3PM to 4PM CONCLUDED at 5:30 p.m.