Peer-to-Peer Implementers Only Meeting SUMMARY NOTES April 25, 2018 3:00pm – 4:00pm Conference Call Invitees: E. Sierra Energy Initiative Pam Bold North Orange County ELP & Westside ELP Jake Anderson Ivana Dorin Laurel Rothschild San Bernardino Regional EP Nicole Soto Malisa Lieng
San Gabriel Valley ELP Marissa Creter Katie Ward Valley Innovative Energy Watch & High Desert Regional ELP Samantha Dodero Courtney Kalashian South Bay ELP Marilyn Lyon Kim Fuentes
So. Co. Partnership April Price Western Riverside ELP Barbara Spoonhour Tyler Masters Anthony Segura Ventura County REA Alejandra Tellez Kelly Cattanach Heather Allen
Agenda: Topic Welcome Report Back from partners on past topics To ensure all partners feel an issue is resolved and all of us are on the same page we’ll have a standing agenda item for reporting and follow up. 1. Benchmarking Progress CK sent off the memo and since then Mike Ellison I don’t have an approved solution yet. SCE has a meeting set for Tuesday where they should have a better idea of what we can do and what it will take. Jake stated the SoCal Ren is aiding with Benchmarking to enrolled members. Jake has a 2-page document that has additional information and will gladly share to the P2P team Ivana stated that the Municipal green building conference was this past week in LA and the covered the following topics: AB 802 information CA Building Energy Benchmark Program City of LA Ordinance Ivana also mentioned that TEC is contracted with the CEC to provide outreach for AB 802 as well as create education materials. *Feel free to get in touch with Ivanna on additional items for any Benchmarking material 2.
Measure Waiver Form Marilyn is working with SCE right now to put together a list of measures & how it affects the cities. Kim is putting the final piece together. Possible update on this item in next in person meeting, June.
Peer to Peer Group Expansion Item came up at last in person meeting and is still up in the air as it was left to the IOU’s to discuss.
Improving the partnerships 1. Budgeting Exercise by IOU’s Ivanna and Jake asked the group if they had any question or hurdles during this second time of the budgeting process. The group stated it has been seamless except the fact that some of the numbers were wrong. Pam was the only one that had not yet received her information yet. 2.
Strategic Planning Invoicing Process Recap: Partners can no longer combine Strategic Plan related expenses with Partnership program related expenses on one single invoice. Going forward, partners shall submit an invoice for monthly partnership expenses and separate invoices for expenses related to each strategic plan application. The strategic plan invoice will need to be broken down by task. As applicable, invoicing for Strategic Plan expenses shall be submitted monthly.
The timeline for change will be effective immediately IOU Split Costs: Split cost will be kept at the same percentage as established by SCE & SoCal Gas. Exception for split costs: Benchmarking Partners will need to provide justification for IOU costs on benchmarking for various sources (e.g.: 100 gas meters, 1,000 electric meters). Program Managers, at their sole discretion, can approve or reject requests for exception if sufficient justification is not provided. 3.
IOU Gift Allowance Survey Email distributed to Partners about SCE & SoCal Gas Gift Reporting Policy. Effective immediately, SoCal Gas and SCE will begin reporting these expenses to their political compliance teams monthly. Partners/Implementers/COGs shall have a template to track meeting attendees. A completed template must be provided to the applicable program manager after each meeting/event. Impact to Partners? Per the California Fair Political Practices Commission, the IOU’s are limited to providing $470 in gifts annually per person. Gifts include but are not limited to: Merchandise giveaways (including Utility-branded merchandise), conference attendance (e.g.: SEEC), transportation costs, hotel costs, all food & beverage. This item is of concern to P2P members as this reporting might hinder city participation. Energy Coalition created a survey that will be shared to P2P members for Partnership input/assistance.
Other Business 1. Measures & Influence Webinar Webinar to be hosted by the Energy Coalition on May 24th. Time and speakers to be determined. Action: Ivanna to send out information to P2P Group 2. 3.
Next Implementers Call: May 23, 2018 at 3PM Next In-Person Meeting: June 27, 2018 at 11AM
Concluded at 3:35 p.m.